Re: Topband: Radial wire

2018-09-06 Thread VK3HJ
You in America have no idea how cheap and easy it is there to buy stuff, all 
sorts of stuff for our hobby.

I used 2.5 mm galvanised high-tensile steel wire for my beverages. 1500 
metres cost me $170.

For my buried ground radials, my cheapest option is 2.5 mm Building Wire, at 
$29/100 metre roll. I am looking forward to removing my elevated 
counterpoise as it is just too much work to keep in the air. I have a couple 
of very large hairy people living in the home paddock, who insist on 
scratching themselves on the support poles and with the wet winter we've 
had, there are poles being pushed over and wires are breaking. On ground 
radials are not an option, as I have cattle in the paddock sometimes, and 
they will just eat PVC insulated wire on the ground.

Looking forward to hearing more of you on Top Band over the next few months 
as we go through the Spring equinox. I had a decent opening a few evenings 
ago to NA, plus one JA.


Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: Kenneth Grimm

Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 4:21 AM
To: Herbert Schoenbohm
Cc: ; TopBand List ; ; Richard (Rick) 
Karlquist ; Grant Saviers

Subject: Re: Topband: Radial wire

If you have a Tractor Supply store near you, the price for 1/4 mile of 17
ga. galvanized electric fence wire is $14.99.  You can get 1/2 mile roll
for $29.99.  Just how long it will last will vary depending on your soil.
However, at that price it is worth a try.

Ken - K4XL 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Air wound coil

2018-09-02 Thread VK3HJ
-Original Message- 
From: Eugene Colton

Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 12:25 PM
Cc: ; MU 4CX250B
Subject: Re: Topband: Air wound coil


@ say, 1.83 MHz, the electrical length of your vertical is about 47.4 deg,
necessitating a top hat of about 42.6 deg.  I followed the prescription of
John, ON4UN and calculated out a surge impedance of 377 ohms based on an
average radiator diameter of 2.25 inches; the hat capacitance would be
about 212 pf.  If you did a disc cap hat, it would need to be maybe 6m
diameter, pretty big.  If you just used T-wire loading you need maybe 35m
of top hat.

Not sure how you would use this antenna on 80m.<<<


Install a trap below the top hat wires.

I have an approximately 21 m tall radiator with three top hat wires to 
resonate on 1825 kHz.

Just below the top hat wires is a trap consisting of a coil of aluminium 
tubing and doorknob capacitors resonated around 3600 kHz.

On 160 m I use an L-match network.

On 80 CW I switch out the capacitor and use the series inductance of the 

On the DX Window, I bypass the network and feed the radiator directly. It is 
resonant above 3800 kHz, where I cannot transmit, but it is quite ok for 
just below 3800 kHz.

It is all controlled by a toggle switch at the operating position, with two 
relays in the feed point matching box.

Later this spring, this is coming down, as the telescopic aluminium mast 
joints are causing me grief with corrosion and intermittent conductivity. Up 
will go a wind up telescopic mast supporting continuous wires from feed to 
top hat.

I am enjoying the exchange of information on this thread. Keep it up!


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Air Wound Coil

2018-08-30 Thread VK3HJ
I wind my air wound coils using 4 mm copper tubing on a form such as a baked 
bean can. It holds its shape when the form is removed and I then stretch out 
the coil longitudinally to achieve the pitch required. Inductance can be 
easily calculated.

The copper tubing is very easy to solder and taps can be made where 

Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160 sloper readings

2018-08-19 Thread VK3HJ

What wire have you used for the radiator? Could it have stretched?

Luke VK3HJ
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: WD8DSB & LU5OM 160 meter year long test complete

2018-08-02 Thread VK3HJ
I have heard Manuel a couple of times, just, but VK3 to anywhere east of the 
west coast of South America is difficult.

Thankfully, I do have one QSO confirmed with him from two years ago.

As far as regulars heard, I would have to mention AA1K, N0FW and K4IQJ, 
amongst others. At the very least, I can hear them pretty well every evening 

One particularly notable station worked here many times was HC1PF. Luis was 
a beacon every evening here a few years ago, until he moved back to Italy.

I have six 268 m Beverage antennas, on a quiet rural property, so I do year 
very well.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Baker Island DXpedition on 160

2018-06-14 Thread VK3HJ

In the Southern Hemisphere, we work MOST of our DX during the Summertime!

However, this DXpedition is on during our Winter, so for a change we have an 
advantage of reduced QRN and long openings.

73 es GL,

Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: Guy Olinger K2AV

Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 4:39 AM
To: Bruce
Cc: TopBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: Fwd: Re: Baker Island DXpedition on 160

Methinks hamdom underestimates 160 propagation in the summertime.

Working DX through QRN and having reduced opening time during summer, these
make working the DX irritating to the ears and inconvenient, but not

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Laying ground radials

2018-06-07 Thread VK3HJ

Thanks all.

I have located a supplier of 1.5 mm building wire for a similar price as 
mentioned. This will save me a couple hundred bucks and give me more robust 

I have been looking at the various sources for details of a suitable radial 
plow and will consider my options.

Close in to the base of the mast I will have to work out something to fill 
in the first metre or so radius, as the density of the radials will be too 
great to plow them in. Maybe I'll build a fence to exclude the stock and lay 
the first metre or so on top of the ground. I have a quantity of scrap earth 
wire that I may use for this purpose and solder the radial wires to this.

This will be a job for later in the winter, when I have time and resources 
to do this.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Laying ground radials

2018-06-06 Thread VK3HJ
Later this year, I plan to lay down an in-ground radial field. I have 
sourced a copper wire supplier and have costed approximately 2000 m of 1.2 
mm bare copper at around $800.

Presently, I use an elevated counterpoise of 4 x quarterwave radials each 
for 180 and 80 m.

I need to lay the wire just under the turf as I have livestock in the 

The radial field will be mostly in shallow mountain soil, with a couple of 
surface granite rocks to negotiate, as well as a large gum tree on one edge 
with many surface roots.

I have a tractor, but feel that this will churn up the ground too much with 
the density of the work to be done. I have a ride-on mower that may be more 

I will need to lay in the radials by hand around the rocks and tree roots, 
but would like to do it more easily for the rest of the job!

What sort of implement can I obtain or create for this job?


Luke VK3HJ

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 Observations

2018-04-25 Thread VK3HJ
Having no interest in FT8 or JT modes (for now), I don't have much to 
comment on that, but do have a few comments on the subsequent discussion.

My feeling is that, as mentioned already, many stations haven't made a 
decent job of improving their receiving capability, or are unable to do so. 
These stations may be 20 - 30 dB or more behind those who have, and 
therefore much of the receiving gain of FT8 is lost. In many cases, it's 
much easier to put out a decent signal, than to reciprocate by being able to 
receive decently.

I have three two-wire Beverages out of 280 m each in a quiet rural location. 
The nearest neighbour is several hundred metres away, and the nearest town 
is around 10 km away. I have used the design on Mike W0BTU's website, and am 
switching directions with 12 Vdc down each of the three feedlines giving me 
six switchable directions in the shack. I am pleased with the results, but 
haven't used the reverse directions much yet.

In the control box, I am just using a rotary switch, with mini coax carrying 
the RF. It would be interesting to devise a switching arrangement to allow 
diversity reception between any two Beverages. I currently can use diversity 
with by transmitting vertical in one receiver and one Beverage in the other.

We are well into Autumn here, but are still getting many evenings with 
thunderstorms in the region. Some call this an "Indian Summer". I was still 
able to work Dave K1WHS last evening despite a thunderstorm off our east 

See you on Top Band, on CW.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: DXCC

2018-04-14 Thread VK3HJ

Congratulations Rick!

Who was your 100th country worked? Mine was SV3RF.

In Victoria and New South Wales, a 10 m tower may be put up without Planning 
Permit, Building Permit, etc from local municipality. Even then, there's the 
likelihood of neigbours' objection.
I live in the country, so at least I don't have neighbours who will make a 

I'm guessing it's easier to put in an oil well in Yorba Linda than a decent 
tower. I visited there in 1997.


Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: rick darwicki via Topband

Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 7:04 AM
Subject: Topband: DXCC

Well it has only taken 20 years but I finally made DXCC on Topband so my 
super powerful station will not be knocking you out of the pile ups anymore 
hi hi
You have to love Yorba Linda's 35 foot tower limit :-) Thanks to all that 
dug me out of the noise. 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-04-05 Thread VK3HJ
The past few evenings all I've been noticed by are RBN, apart from a few 
die-hard Top Banders like AA1K, K4IQJ and DU7ET.

These are some of the blokes who don't let a few summer atmospherics deter 


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!

2018-03-30 Thread VK3HJ
Having gone from 100% phone operations to more than 90% CW in the past ten 
years, I have my opinions on mode use, but I'll attempt to keep them 

I have played a bit with RTTY and PSK, and have made a few Hellschreiber and 
Olivia contacts. Digital modes are technically interesting, but not 
attractive to me, at this time. I'll never say never! The above modes can be 
used to converse, compared with the very technically clever JT modes which 
are so pared-down, that only the very bare essentials are passed. That 
appeals to some, even many amateur operators, for various reasons already 
discussed. I will not criticise those who enjoy operating that way.

After an unproductive session on Top Band last night, I went to 40 m for an 
"easy" DX CW QSO before retiring to bed. I don't feel the need to field 
pileups of "short QSO" every time I transmit, and really do enjoy a few or 
several minutes of exchanges with the other operator. Nor do I feel the need 
to log "x" number of QSO every time I light my station.

On most, if not all of our DX bands, there is adequate, if not plenty of 
spectrum to separate the various modes and type of digital modes into their 
sub-bands to reduce or hopefully eliminate conflict. One good thing about 
the new very narrow-band digital modes is that one can fit a bunch of 
activity into a few kilohertz of spectrum.

My point is, how about we keep mode sub-bands harmonised internationally, so 
each can co-exist without upsetting the neighbours? We don't need an IARU 
Conference every time a new mode is invented. There are plenty of interest 
groups that can coordinate internationally, given the almost universal 
common medium of the Internet.

This year, I resolve to become proficient in the use of my Vibroplex Bug!


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160m polarization and elevation angles

2018-03-29 Thread VK3HJ

-Original Message- 

"160 meter long distance propagation is much more efficient to the south "

Do you mean "between higher latitudes and lower latitudes"?

To my south there are only penguins, and Tasmanians.

Luke VK3HJ
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-03-29 Thread VK3HJ

It must have been "your turn" again Adrian!

I worked DU7ET (more or less local), JA5BIN, and heard VE3MGY. N0FW reported 
my signal as "loud". There are very few folks on lately, even with an open 
band to many areas.

I only lit up the local RBN.

Finished with a QSO with Steve VK7CW, enjoying his very nice bug sending.

Our storm static generally subsides as we come away from Summer. I am active 
year-round on Top Band. Most of my interesting DX is worked over Summer.


Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: Adrian Van Der Byl

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 10:00 AM
To: 'VK3HJ' ;
Subject: Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

Hi Steve

This evening (29 March) was much better, a number of RBN responses from 
AA4VV, VE7CC-7 and W4KKN.

It  opened up around 10:45z. Thanks for the QSOs with VE3MGY, N0FW and N7UA.


Adrian VK2WF 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-03-29 Thread VK3HJ

You are about 600 km north of me. That is certainly a sufficient distance to 
make a difference. Steve VK7CW is about 550 km south of me.

I forgot to mention, Wednesday morning around 2030z I tried for Europe, and as 
per Wednesday evening, absolutely nothing in the log, nor any signals above the 

Let’s see if this evening is any good!


Luke VK3HJ
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-03-28 Thread VK3HJ
Wednesday night was positively awful from VK3. I called CQ for nearly an 
hour and gave up with no calls, and only local RBN reporting.

By contrast, Tuesday night was quite good to NA, with a number of USA and a 
handful of Canadian stations, and one Japanese station calling!


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Tuesday evening DX

2018-03-13 Thread VK3HJ
This evening I was pleased to be hearing North America again at last. I 
worked one here, one there, then a pileup started. About two dozen stations 
across 14 states was a most enjoyable bounty!

There was even a 100 watt station who worked me for his first VK on TB!

Also heard was DU7ET in the Philippines, a few JAs, and I heard XX9B calling 
CQ but not working anyone.

I will attempt to rise early and see if the band is open to Europe! My 
sunrise is 2014z and I find Europe starts to come in best in the twenty 
minutes after sunrise.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160m DX Activity Night

2018-02-23 Thread VK3HJ
This morning around 2000z I worked several European stations. The band 
seemed quite lively today.

Stations were worked from Russia to England and Italy, with others heard 
from the north.

Conditions seemed reasonable again, although it seems that many operators 
are occupied doing other things. The digital sub-band appeared busy.

I will be back on calling CQ again Monday around 2000z, as there is the SSB 
Contest on this weekend. As George mentioned elsewhere, a contest doesn't do 
much for DX!


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160m DX Activity Night

2018-02-22 Thread VK3HJ
I am happy to work anyone again, as many times as they choose to answer my 

Just about every signal on Top Band is DX from this part of the world.


Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: Mark K3MSB

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12:20 PM
To: Roger Kennedy
Cc: topBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: 160m DX Activity Night

So what's the accepted practice of working stations again and again on 160M? 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX Activity Night

2018-02-21 Thread VK3HJ
You will have to excuse me, as 2330z is 1030l and the sun will have been up 
for 3.5 hours.

I will be trying around my sunrise from now until the end of summer, around 
2000z for Europe, except on contest weekends.

Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160m DX Activity Night

2018-02-13 Thread VK3HJ
Top Band has been quite dismal on my sunrise lately (1950z) to the point of 
me wondering why I should even bother getting out of bed early.

I have heard Z60A and the pileup, but there is no point in even trying to 
call them, as they are only working Europe.

Our evenings have been mostly good to Asia, but very poor to NA, as is 
typical over summer time.

Our local noon is 0100z.

I did have a few highlights over the past week in working two new ones in 
P29VXG (first time I have ever heard any TB activity from PNG) and OA4TT.

"DX" from my QTH is anything over about 5000 km. There is very little TB 
activity inside this radius, apart from a few "locals".


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: E31A on Topband

2018-01-16 Thread VK3HJ
E31A was quite good copy here this morning when I was on around my sunrise 
1915z and still audible 20 minutes later.

I'm sure a QSO will be quite impossible with their proximity to Europe. Some 
quite good signals in the pileup too.

73 es GL,

Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Supporting Ladder line

2018-01-07 Thread VK3HJ

I'm in the process of setting up three switched two-direction Beverages.

Since September, I have had a standard Beverage up with good results.

These are all 268 metres and use a pair of 2.5 mm diameter galvanised high 
tensile steel wires. This cost me about $170 for a 1500 metre coil.

Supports are 40 - 60 metres apart and use a pair of screw-in electric fence 
insulators, which let the wire slide. Wires are spaced about 40 mm, but so 
far I haven't bothered with intermediate spacers, as the wires seem to 
remain at that spacing even in the wind. I have mainly used treated pine 
poles to support the wires, but some places I have supported on trees. In 
the case of tree support, I have used a long coach screw with a pair of 
round porcelain electric fence insulators side-by-side. These give the 
required spacing, and the wire remains in place with a tie wire.

I tensioned the wires using a fencing strainer.

Wires are mostly at about 3 metres so the horses and I can walk under them, 
and are raised to 4-5 metres over laneways in case a fire truck needs to 
pass under.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Capacity Hat Wire Size

2018-01-02 Thread VK3HJ
In my station for the past several years I have run a top loaded vertical of 
similar dimension to what you propose.

A Spider pole is something I would only use in a portable application, not a 
permanent home station antenna.

My antenna uses telescopic aluminium tubing tapering from about 65 mm to 25 
mm and is around 19 m in length. I originally used six top loading wires of 
around 6 m each of Flexweave wire. This turned out to be too heavy and 
unwieldy and made the antenna unstable, especially when erecting it. I 
changed the top hat to three wires of about 9 m each using medium duty 
hookup wire (14x0.32, 1.13 sq mm). Now what I did, I think is rather 
ingenious if I may say so, in that I used 4 mm poly rope to guy the top (and 
three levels below) and wove the top loading wire into the top guy rope, so 
that the rope did the supporting as a guy, and also carried the top loading 
wire. This has the advantage of holding up the top loading wires, which are 
terminated in a lug onto a small stainless bolt at the top of the aluminium, 
and also does not seem to attract the cockies with their bolt-cutter beaks. 
The wire is light, and does not cause excessive sag. I secure the top guys 
out about 20 m from the centre.

This has survived some decent storms, and bird attack.

Current at the top of the antenna should not be an issue. The main concerns 
would be mechanical.

When I have used a Spider pole on DXpedition, medium duty hookup wire as 
described above seems ok, even to the feed point, but I've only used a low 
duty cycle mode like CW.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Big 160m openings just before K index spikes

2017-12-08 Thread VK3HJ
I also have experienced the same as Tim, with all bands, and particularly 
the higher bands opening just as the geomagnetic storm builds. Then it is 
rubbish for a few or several days after.

On the evening of the 4th, I could barely hear Ken XW4ZW. The next evening 
6th, he was S9 and I worked him with one call. I also worked a few other 
Asian stations with big signals - not that unusual here, but a nice change 
from poor signals lately. BD4WN was also booming in, but was not workable. 
He was working locals and a few NA stations. Thankfully I have China 
confirmed with a QSO about a year ago with Dale BA4TB.

I haven't been on air since that evening, as I came home from a visit to 
Melbourne the next day ill with the flu. Feeling better today. This morning 
will be running the remaining five wires for my Beverage constellation, and 
will have a listen on air tonight.


Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: Tim Shoppa

Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2017 2:19 AM
To: Bob Lawson N6RW
Cc: topBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: Big 160m openings just before K index spikes

I don't think it's just topband. I've observed exceptionally good
conditions right before a solar disturbance hits earth, on any and all

Tim N3QE 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 discussion

2017-12-01 Thread VK3HJ

Many people on Top Band want to work DX. Some use digital modes.

Remember there are countries outside the USA (that have different band 
plans). Not everyone has the full 1800 - 2000 kHz to use. For example, inn 
VK we have 1800 - 1875 kHz only.


Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 
From: Chuck Dietz

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 12:09 PM
To: Mike Waters ; Tree
Cc: topband
Subject: Re: Topband: FT8 discussion

I know this has been “Discussed Out,” but I just want to ask why the window 
is in the 1840 area instead of the 1990 area? 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: FT8 qrm & Bandplanning History on 160m

2017-12-01 Thread VK3HJ
The 160 m Band Plan was only fairly recently formalised in Australia, a 
decade or so ago.

We have 1800 - 1875 kHz, with the CW sub-band 1810 - 1840 kHz.

The digital narrow band modes seem to have established themselves on 1838 
here with no great problems, but there are few users of the band here.

At their recent meeting, IARU Region III directors agreed to consider how to 
bring the Region III band plans into closer alignment with the Region I and 
II band plans. It will be revisited at the next Region III Conference next 
year. (From TAC Notes by John VK3KM, in December AR).

So this is being looked at in IARU. It would be worthwhile contacting your 
IARU rep with constructive direction regarding Band Plans for 160 m.

From time to time I am irritated by someone testing their AM transmitter in 
the evening on 1825 kHz. There is an AM net in Melbourne at 11 am local on 
that frequency. Had there been any DX of interest around that frequency, I 
may have cause for complaint, but there generally isn't!

I turned off the radio and disconnected antennas here last weekend, due to 
thunderstorms. I will be doing the same this weekend for the same reason. We 
have a major weather event forecast for the east coast over the next three 
days. I have asked my local sawmill about Gopher Wood.


Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: CQ WW CW 160m observations

2017-11-27 Thread VK3HJ
East Coast of Australia was smashed by thunderstorms all weekend, and I 
disconnected my antennas.

My usual experience of Top Band on contest weekends, is that it just becomes 
very difficult to work any DX.

Luke VK3HJ 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: 160m Vertical matching Help

2017-11-02 Thread VK3HJ

I also concur with JC's recommendation.

Antenna analysers are useful, but you change the circuit when you remove the 
feed line and connect the analyser. What your analyser sees is different to 
what your transmitter sees.

Luke VK3HJ

-Original Message- 

Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 1:46 AM
To: Russ Tobolic
Cc: 'Wes Attaway (N5WA)' ; JC ; 'topband List' ; 'Ronald Gorski'
Subject: Re: Topband: 160m Vertical matching Help

I Don't think we even have any AM stations in the country never mind close 
enough to bother my MFJ but thanks for the info,


Topband Reflector Archives -