2012-02-25 Thread James Rodenkirch

I'm with you, Bill - as a Top Band QRP operator with a limited (make LIMITED) 
antenna, in terms of efficiency - I'd sure like to see more SP activity as 
that's one contest where us QRPers can sorta enjoy it all...knowing that our 
weak signals might, just might, piqué the curiosity of other operators as we 
are worth more.  Hi Hi
72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV



 Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 16:01:50 -0500
 Subject: Topband: 160M CONTEST SCORING
 Hey you guys-while you come down hard on the east coasters for looking east 
 instead of west in the CQWW, don't forget to slam us Canookies-we get DX 
 points for working all you fine fellas just across the border. Talk about 
 skewed scoring! I'd love to see a lot more activity in the only level-playing 
 field contest there is: the SP.
 Bill VE3CSK
 UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK


2012-02-25 Thread Carl Clawson
Heard you CQing 5 x 5 here in Oregon last night, Herb. I didn't have time to
get into the test this weekend so I was just having a quick listen to see
what was up. Can't fathom why you didn't get any answers.
73, Carl WS7L

 -Original Message-
 Gentlemen,  I have been calling CQ tonight for two hours and never 
 received a single reply.This is with a 1/4 wave vertical, 
 and Alpha 
 87A and 12 Beverages in every directions.  Some nights on 160  the 
 propagation is just not there.  As Kenny Rodgers used to singyou 
 gotta know when to hold and when to fold  and it looks like 
 tonight I 
 am folding my tent and hoping for better days ahead on TB.  I just 
 finally got through to NG4C (first contact in 2.5 hours on the band)  
 and he spent 10 minutes repeatedly asking me for my stateunder 
 these circumstances it is time to fold.
 Herb Schoenobhm, KV4FZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK