Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread Jim Brown

On Sat,12/6/2014 11:25 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:

The band didn't open to the east coast until many hours after sunset.

I rolled out at 3 am hoping to pick up the six eastern states I need for 
QRP WAS, and found conditions quite poor. Could get as far east only as 
WD5R and N0NI. Couldn't even make it with NO3M, who has great ears. 
OTOH, KH6LC came back right away with one call.

Let's hope tonight is better.

73, Jim K9YC
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread Richard (Rick) Karlquist

On 12/6/2014 11:36 AM, Jim Brown wrote:

I rolled out at 3 am hoping to pick up the six eastern states I need for
QRP WAS, and found conditions quite poor. Could get as far east only as
WD5R and N0NI. Couldn't even make it with NO3M, who has great ears.

73, Jim K9YC

N03M and WD5R were among the handful of eastern stations I was able
to work early in the night.  I don't know what magic they had.
N0NI (normally a beacon station) was missing in action until the band 
got back in shape.  The early conditions were so bad I actually was

afraid I would miss Iowa.  I filled out my multiplier list mainly from
10 PM until midnight local.  There were still a fair number of eastern
stations on at 3AM local, although I had already worked nearly all
of them.  Thank you night owls.

Rick N6RK
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread JC

Hi guys


We have a new class of station this year, few but some European stations
running contest from remote station in US using European call sign, not
W4/ or W7/xxx not even xxx/W4.


Today with the RBN it is easy to confirm where the station is transmitting,
you just need to search the call sign r down load the report with all
reports and filter it using Excel. 


First of all , it is illegal to operate in US without a US license not
mention the ethic that does not exist and the Ham radio contest aspect of
the event. Forget about DCXX program the issue is real treat for all of us
that love what we do in 160m.


Check that small report from RBN from EA7PP yesterday night, you can verify
reports up to 52db signal in Virginia RBN station and several over 40 db in
US at the same time 5-15 db in Europe and sometimes up to 24 db in Europe.


just unbelievable!!






show/hide my last filters

rows to show:   showing spots for DX call: EA7PP 

search spot by callsign

de  dx   freq   cq/dxsnr speed   time

EA1FAQ EA7PP 1819.8   CW CQ  40 dB 26 wpm   0414z 06 Dec


DL8LAS EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  19 dB 25 wpm   0414z 06 Dec

DF7GB  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  15 dB 26 wpm   0414z 06 Dec

LA6TPA EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  2 dB   27 wpm   0414z 06 Dec


K8ND EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   38 dB 25 wpm 0413z 06 Dec

KM3T EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   39 dB 26 wpm 0413z 06 Dec


DF4UE  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  38 dB 27 wpm   0413z 06 Dec


ON5KQ EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  25 dB 27 wpm   0413z 06 Dec

NZ1UEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  39 dB 26 wpm   0412z 06 Dec

EI6IZ  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  27 dB 26 wpm   0411z 06

HA6M   EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  14 dB 27 wpm   0411z 06 Dec


F6IIT  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  35 dB 27 wpm   0411z 06


OH6BG EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  22 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

DQ8Z EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  12 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

G0KTN  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  18 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

IK3STG   EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   8 dB26 wpm 0410z 06 Dec

W4KKN  EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   44 dB 29 wpm 0410z 06 Dec

G4HSO   EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   15 dB 26 wpm 0410z 06 Dec

DK9IPEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  26 dB 27 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

SE0X  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  13 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

DL1EMYEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  26 dB 27 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

OE6TZE EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  16 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

S50ARX EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  24 dB 27 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

HA1VHFEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  32 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

GW8IZREA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  28 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec

DL9GTBEA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ  28 dB 26 wpm   0410z 06 Dec


NY3A EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   39 dB 26 wpm 0408z 06 Dec

W8WTSEA7PP 1819.7   CW CQ   36 dB 26 wpm 0408z 06 Dec


K1TTTEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  18 dB 27 wpm   0408z 06 Dec

W8WWV EA7PP1819.7 CW CQ 36 dB 27 wpm   0408z 06 Dec

DL1AMQ EA7PP1819.7  CW CQ  27 dB 27 wpm   0407z 06 Dec


SK3WEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  36 dB 26 wpm   0406z 06 Dec

PY1NB  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  4 dB   26 wpm   0403z 06 Dec

ON5KQ EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  24 dB 26 wpm   0403z 06 Dec

IK3STG EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  10 dB 27 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

K8AZ  EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   28 dB 26 wpm 0400z 06 Dec

WZ7I  EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   27 dB 26 wpm 0400z 06 Dec

DQ8Z EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   8 dB26 wpm 0400z 06 Dec


G4HSO   EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   15 dB 27 wpm 0400z 06 Dec

KM3T EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   28 dB 26 wpm 0400z 06 Dec

DK9IP EA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ   17 dB 26 wpm 0400z 06 Dec


F6IIT  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  35 dB 26 wpm   0400z 06

SE0X  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  13 dB 26 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

DL1EMYEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  29 dB 26 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

DL8LAS EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  16 dB 26 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

OE6TZE EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  11 dB 26 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

HA1VHFEA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  20 dB 27 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

GW8IZREA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  29 dB 27 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

DF4UE  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  25 dB 27 wpm   0400z 06 Dec

EI6IZ  EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  31 dB 27 wpm   0359z 06

DL9GTBEA7PP   1819.7   CW CQ  16 dB 26 wpm   0359z 06 Dec

OH6BG EA7PP  1819.7   CW CQ  14 dB 26 

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread JC
   CW CQ [LoTW]  10 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

WZ7I IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  12 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

DF7GB  IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  13 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

EA1FAQIQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  15 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec


KM3TIQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  12 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 


G0KTN  IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  12 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

SE0X  IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  12 dB 24 wpm   0556z 
06 Dec

SK3WIQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  25 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

IK3STG IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  27 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

DL1EMY IQ9UI  1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  25 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec


W8WWV IQ9UI 1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  5 dB   24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec


DL1REMIQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  32 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec

F6IIT  IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  26 dB 24 wpm   0556z 
06 Dec

GW8IZR IQ9UI  1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  20 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec

OE6TZE IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  24 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

DF4UE  IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  34 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

EI6IZ  IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  29 dB 24 wpm   0556z 
06 Dec

ON5KQ IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  23 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec

DL9GTB IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  14 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

OH6BG IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  3 dB   24 wpm   0556z 06 

HA6M   IQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  19 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 

DL1AMQ IQ9UI 1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  27 dB 24 wpm   0556z 06 Dec

HA1VHFIQ9UI   1830.7   CW CQ [LoTW]  29 dB 24 wpm   0555z 06 Dec


NY3A IQ9UI   1830.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  11 dB 24 wpm   0555z 06 


GW8IZRIQ9UI   1858.1   CW CQ [LoTW]  10 dB 25 wpm   0551z 06 Dec


AA4VV IQ9UI   1840.1   CW CQ [LoTW]  2 dB   24 wpm   0548z 06 

NY3A IQ9UI   1840.1   CW CQ [LoTW]  7 dB   24 wpm   0547z 
06 Dec


OH6BG IQ9UI   1840.1   CW CQ [LoTW]  5 dB   24 wpm   0546z 06 

S50ARX IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  1 dB   25 wpm   0545z 06 

G4HSO IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  6 dB   24 wpm   0545z 06 

DQ8Z IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  6 dB   24 wpm   0544z 
06 Dec

WZ7I IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  7 dB   24 wpm   0544z 
06 Dec

PJ2T   IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  3 dB   24 wpm   0544z 
06 Dec

GW8IZRIQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  14 dB 24 wpm   0543z 06 Dec

SK3WIQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  20 dB 23 wpm   0542z 06 

F6IIT  IQ9UI   3680.1   CW CQ [LoTW]  7 dB   24 wpm   0542z 
06 Dec

ON5KQ IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  14 dB 23 wpm   0542z 06 Dec

DL9GTBIQ9UI1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  15 dB 24 wpm   0542z 06 

HA6M   IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  22 dB 24 wpm   0542z 06 


K1TTTIQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  9 dB   24 wpm   0542z 
06 Dec


EA1FAQIQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  12 dB 24 wpm   0542z 06 Dec

DF4UE  IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  32 dB 24 wpm   0542z 06 

DL8LAS IQ9UI   1840.0   CW CQ [LoTW]  17 dB 24 wpm   0542z 06 

LY2XW  IQ9UI   1847.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  2 dB   24 wpm   0529z 06 


W4AX   IQ9UI   1847.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  2 dB   24 wpm   0527z 06 


ES5PC   IQ9UI   1847.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  2 dB   23 wpm   0526z 06 


WZ7I IQ9UI   1847.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  6 dB   24 wpm   0525z 
06 Dec


DJ3AK   IQ9UI   1847.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  2 dB   24 wpm   0524z 06 

S50ARX IQ9UI   1847.5   CW CQ [LoTW]  1 dB   24 wpm   0524z 06 


From: Saulius Zalnerauskas [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 4:06 PM
To: JC
Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions


Look to my dB.
I am in Sicily not USA.

Sam IT9/LY5W

On Dec 6, 2014 9:51 PM, JC  

Hi guys

We have a new class of station this year, few but some European stations
running contest from remote station in US using European call sign, not
W4/ or W7/xxx not even xxx/W4.

Today with the RBN it is easy to confirm where the station is transmitting,
you just need to search the call sign r down load the report with all
reports and filter it using Excel.

First of all , it is illegal to operate in US without a US license not
mention the ethic that does not exist and the Ham radio contest aspect of
the event. Forget

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread Jim Brown

On Sat,12/6/2014 11:56 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:

N03M and WD5R were among the handful of eastern stations I was able
to work early in the night.  I don't know what magic they had.

All three of these stations have SERIOUS RX antennas that point this 
way.  google to find NO3M's RX system. Quite impressive.

73, Jim K9YC

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread Jim Brown

On Sat,12/6/2014 12:30 PM, Bro Bill wrote:

What 6 states do you need?

Thanks for asking. CT, VT, WV, KY, SC, and MS

73, Jim K9YC
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread Eric NO3M
Not sure what happened on your end, but I had you in the log, Jim. Sure, 
it was a struggle, but got your call and exchange fine after plenty of 
repeats.  Guess we'll try again this morning!

Back to it.

73 Eric NO3M

On 12/06/2014 02:36 PM, Jim Brown wrote:

On Sat,12/6/2014 11:25 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:

The band didn't open to the east coast until many hours after sunset.

I rolled out at 3 am hoping to pick up the six eastern states I need 
for QRP WAS, and found conditions quite poor. Could get as far east 
only as WD5R and N0NI. Couldn't even make it with NO3M, who has great 
ears. OTOH, KH6LC came back right away with one call.

Let's hope tonight is better.

73, Jim K9YC
Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: ARRL160 Test conditions

2014-12-06 Thread Richard Karlquist

On 2014-12-06 13:57, Jim Brown wrote:

On Sat,12/6/2014 11:56 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:

N03M and WD5R were among the handful of eastern stations I was able
to work early in the night.  I don't know what magic they had.

All three of these stations have SERIOUS RX antennas that point this
way.  google to find NO3M's RX system. Quite impressive.

73, Jim K9YC

I'm sure that helped, but these were among the few stations that
could even be heard on the coast.  The other stations were simply
not audible here early on.

Rick N6RK

Topband Reflector Archives -