Re: Topband: Antennas down at VE3CV - Ice Storm!

2013-12-25 Thread Eddy Swynar

On 2013-12-25, at 9:40 AM, Jeff Wilson wrote:

 Well the ice storm did a job here. 

Hi Guys,

Well, the truth be known, I haven't uttered so much as a single peep on Topband 
at all this season: the dual knee replacements of last July here have left me 
in constant pain in both legs,  while the spirit may well have been willing, 
the flesh was not---certainly not at the prospect of unrolling 72 ground 
radials beneath the seasonal 3-element phased inverted L array

No matter: the power outage here started late Saturday night,  didn't ease-up 
until 9:50 PM on Monday. In the interim, ice-laden trees  branches took down 
the end supporting tree of my northern L, as well as the end supporting tree 
of my eastern L. The coup de grace was a massive bunch of tree branches that 
came crashing down upon my two K9AY loops in the back yard.

We lost a LOT of nature's antenna supports with the 1 coating of ice that we 
received here---and the temperatures have been so cold as to keep the ice 
exactly where it has been since the past weekend. One good spell of high winds, 
 I can see even MORE fallen trees  outages of hydro electric power.

Ain't wintertime just a grand  glorious thing...?! (NOT!). Oh well, from what 
I've been hearing, 160-meters hasn't been any great shakes this season, 
anyway...small consolation maybe, I know, but I'll take any  every bit that I 
can take!

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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Re: Topband: Antennas down at VE3CV - Ice Storm!

2013-12-25 Thread Bruce
No power here yet. Yesterday 75 % of Belfast residents without power, today 
50%. Large number of power line-men from all over now here to give up their 
Christmas to help those with out heat.

Antenna condx here lot of unknown.

A modified song title for all the family guys.  The WX outside is 
frightful, but the WX inside is FB,  I got my XYL, es 88's to keep me warm

OK, We'll just have to Grin and bear it.


Ain't wintertime just a grand  glorious thing...?! (NOT!). Oh well, from 
what I've been hearing, 160-meters hasn't been any great shakes this 
season, anyway...small consolation maybe, I know, but I'll take any  
every bit that I can take!

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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Re: Topband: Antennas down at VE3CV - Ice Storm!

2013-12-25 Thread Mike Waters
I had ice here in SW MO, but not that bad. One wire on one 2-wire Beverage
broke (at a weak spot), and the Inverted-L wires got stretched, but that's
apparently all. Still have to fix it.

73, Mike
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Re: Topband: Antennas down at VE3CV - Ice Storm!

2013-12-25 Thread Russ Tobolic
Same bad news here in West Michigan.  3/4   ice toppled the 60' mast holding 
my inv V that had been up for the last 12 years, and also brought down one leg 
of the T xmit antenna with other leg drooping badly.  I still have 1/2 ice 
coating the vertical section and it won't tune.  It may get up to 33° on 
Saturday and it is unlikely that will melt any ice and allow any repair.  So 
for the first time in over 10 years I'll probably miss the Stew.  Have fun and 
maybe I'll get back for next year.   HNY TO ALL.  Russ, N3CO

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