Re: Topband: DXCC Program Integrity

2015-03-01 Thread Herbert Schoenbohm
Maybe so Anthony but I distinctly recall attending a a IARU Region 2 
conference some years ago in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and I was amazed at how 
many people from HQ along with their wives or partners that were booked 
in the 5 Star hotel where the conference was being held.  It was almost 
like HQ was left with just the clerical staff. Some members of the ARRL 
travel often and to "far away places with strange sounding names." 
Considering that there is an ARRL booth at every major and many minor 
ham-fests and that there is one every couple of weeks, there can be 
little doubt that league personnel do very well in frequent flyer miles 
and don't lodge at a Motel "6" during the event.  Since the ARRL has a 
"DXCC Desk" as they call it, I wonder if they have a "travel desk" as well.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 3/1/2015 2:07 PM, Anthony Scandurra wrote:

I don't see ARRL staff pulling down six figure salaries, driving expensive
cars, or living in mansions.

Why do we always assume there is an ulterior and possibly malicious
motive?  The inescapable fact is that the ARRL needs funds to fight for us
in Washington.

The ARRL is not perfect, but no organization is.  If you don't want to
participate in DXCC because you think it is corrupt, then don't!  No one is
holding a gun to your head.

73, Tony K4QE
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Re: Topband: DXCC Program Integrity

2015-03-01 Thread Doug Renwick
Yes you are right don't participate when it is corrupt.  But I have been in
the DXCC program for a long time ... it would be hard to leave.  I guess a
main reason for participating is it serves as a back-up to my QSL cards.  If
I should ever loose my cards, my records are in what I hope is a safe place.
I also don't think we should accept mediocrity.  I believe we should try and
make the world a BETTER place rather than accepting how things are.  High
standards are like a sand castle ... one has to constantly build otherwise
they disappear.


I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.

-Original Message-

The ARRL is not perfect, but no organization is.  If you don't want to
participate in DXCC because you think it is corrupt, then don't!  No one is
holding a gun to your head.

73, Tony K4QE

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Re: Topband: DXCC Program Integrity

2015-03-01 Thread Anthony Scandurra
I don't see ARRL staff pulling down six figure salaries, driving expensive
cars, or living in mansions.

Why do we always assume there is an ulterior and possibly malicious
motive?  The inescapable fact is that the ARRL needs funds to fight for us
in Washington.

The ARRL is not perfect, but no organization is.  If you don't want to
participate in DXCC because you think it is corrupt, then don't!  No one is
holding a gun to your head.

73, Tony K4QE
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Re: Topband: DXCC Program Integrity

2015-03-01 Thread W0MU Mike Fatchett
I think the ARRL does many good things for Amateur Radio.  They are also 
involved in things that are good for them and not so much for us.  Their 
latest call for comments is directly related to the RM11708 issue.

The DXCC program history is certainly not a beacon of purity and 
transparency is it?

Some guy operating a remote station to work people is nothing compared 
to some of the things that have gone on in the program.

The Centennial Award last year got people on the air and working other 
people which is a good thing.  They also "sold" a boat load of LOTW 
credits and awards.

The challenge Award   Sells lots of LOTW credits and more plaques.  
I have no problem with it.  The plaque is nice and it is fun to chase 
all the band mode combos and it has promoted more activity.

Was the primary goal to get more people on the air or sell more stuff?

Mike W0MU

On 3/1/2015 10:27 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:

Larry I admire your ability to see past the 'smoke and mirrors' and expose
the hypocrisy of the ARRL DXCC program.  What you have said is true.  The
ARRL speaks out of both corners of their mouth.  There will be others who
will object to you exposing the DXCC program and there will be others who
wish to change the subject.  Some will find the truth unacceptable.


-Original Message-

The integrity of the program is irrelevant

This one interesting sentence, made in another thread, may be at the root of
much of the disagreement expressed in the last few days with regards to
DXCC. It does cause one to wonder why the award exists at all. If DXCC only
matters to the recipient, why wouldn't their logbook serve the same purpose?
For some, it does. What added gratification does that extra piece of paper
provide? It's not exactly free. What makes the DXCC countries list so
special -- why not use some other list? Why did ARRL go to great pains to
make LoTW more challenging than online banking? Why are individuals
disqualified from the program if the award only affects *them*? Why do we
have card checkers that look for that dot between the "1" and the "8" like
the guy looking for a "hanging chad" with a magnifying glass? Finally, what
does it mean for the League to call DXCC the "premier operating award" then
turn up their hands and basically say "we can't enforce any of this it's
up to you guys"?

Larry K5RK

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Re: Topband: DXCC Program Integrity

2015-03-01 Thread Doug Renwick
Larry I admire your ability to see past the 'smoke and mirrors' and expose
the hypocrisy of the ARRL DXCC program.  What you have said is true.  The
ARRL speaks out of both corners of their mouth.  There will be others who
will object to you exposing the DXCC program and there will be others who
wish to change the subject.  Some will find the truth unacceptable.


-Original Message-

> The integrity of the program is irrelevant

This one interesting sentence, made in another thread, may be at the root of
much of the disagreement expressed in the last few days with regards to
DXCC. It does cause one to wonder why the award exists at all. If DXCC only
matters to the recipient, why wouldn't their logbook serve the same purpose?
For some, it does. What added gratification does that extra piece of paper
provide? It's not exactly free. What makes the DXCC countries list so
special -- why not use some other list? Why did ARRL go to great pains to
make LoTW more challenging than online banking? Why are individuals
disqualified from the program if the award only affects *them*? Why do we
have card checkers that look for that dot between the "1" and the "8" like
the guy looking for a "hanging chad" with a magnifying glass? Finally, what
does it mean for the League to call DXCC the "premier operating award" then
turn up their hands and basically say "we can't enforce any of this it's
up to you guys"?

Larry K5RK

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Re: Topband: DXCC Program Integrity

2015-03-01 Thread Tom W8JI
This one interesting sentence, made in another thread, may be at the root 

much of the disagreement expressed in the last few days with regards to
DXCC. It does cause one to wonder why the award exists at all. If DXCC 
matters to the recipient, why wouldn't their logbook serve the same 

For some, it does. What added gratification does that extra piece of paper
provide? It's not exactly free. What makes the DXCC countries list so
special -- why not use some other list? Why did ARRL go to great pains to
make LoTW more challenging than online banking? Why are individuals
disqualified from the program if the award only affects *them*? Why do we
have card checkers that look for that dot between the "1" and the "8" like
the guy looking for a "hanging chad" with a magnifying glass? Finally, 
does it mean for the League to call DXCC the "premier operating award" 
turn up their hands and basically say "we can't enforce any of this 

up to you guys"?

Larry K5RK


This all just life no matter what we do. If we base our self-worth, or 
determine the worth of others by what **we** like or what we think they 
should do, we are destined to be grouchy unhappy people who spend a lot of 
time making ourselves and others unhappy.

It is this way in car shows, it is this way in automotive racing. It is this 
way in gaming and in sculpture and art.

The DXCC is the DXCC as the rule written for DXCC apply. If someone does not 
like the rules as written, they can try to change the rules or go find 
something else they like better.

In my opinion, and what makes me uncomfortable and ruins the spirit, is 
trying to disparage others because we don't happen to like the way the rules 
are written.

As for cheating, which really means breaking a rule (not what we might 
personally WANT a rule to be), that will always go on. The best we can do is 
try to minimize it by careful thought.

We seem to be becoming an increasingly angry society who like to not see 
anyone else having fun. We make extreme statements, invent conspiracies, and 
intentionally take things out of context just to be whining "drama queens" 
or professional curmudgeons.

The weirdest part of it all is we worry about and get all dramatic about 
small meaningless stuff, while we do nothing to rationally work on real 
problems. I think maybe we are all getting old, and getting some of that 
infamous Brooklyn syndrome.

73 Tom 

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