Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-28 Thread W0MU Mike Fatchett
This being made is that anyone could improperly, illegally, whatever use 
their own call...Ie a USA call from an Italy remote to work some rare 
DX.  It certainly can and it probably happens.  Cheaters will cheat.

I don't compare my DXCC to anyone else.  I have no clue how they did it 
and don't care.

The integrity of the program is irrelevant.  We are not selling our 
awards to anyone.  There is no pot of gold for working them all. The 
integrity of the award is individual.  I hope that the vast majority 
have done it within the rules only you know if you cheated.

Mike W0MU

On 2/28/2015 6:32 PM, Michael Tope wrote:


I don't think using remotes in different countries would be permitted 
even under the most liberal interpretation of the new ARRL DXCC rules. 
As far as I know, for example, using the RHR site in Sicily would 
require me to sign IT9/W4EF. If I were to simply sign W4EF, I would 
likely not be in compliance with Sicilian telecommunications law. If I 
tried to submit a QSL made out to IT9/W4EF, for my US DXCC, it would 
not count since clearly the contact was not made from a transmitter 
located in the continental United States. Thus, to make use of a 
remote in a different country to gain an advantage in the ARRL awards 
program, requires more than an ethical breach. It requires breaking 
the law since I would have to sign W4EF when using the IT9 remote to 
pull it off. .

73 Mike W4EF...

On 2/27/2015 1:07 PM, Doug Renwick wrote:
-*** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings 
that I
personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the 
vicinity of

their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their

As to this specific thing; If someone is in another country close to
rare DX, visits a ham and uses their station and then uses their own
home call when making the easy Q, that's cheating. This kind of
cheating has been possible all along, it may make it easier with
today's technology.

I never worked Don Miller but I did work Romeo, both DXers were
notorious for supposedly claiming to be where they weren't  slews of
people worked them feeling they worked a legit operation. I worked
Romeo in 91 as XY0RR and got his QSL  it counted for DXCC. Once I
heard the flap about his operation, I didn't feel I fairly worked
Myanmar until I got confirmation from XZ1J for a Q in 2013.

People have been claiming DXCC credit unfairly and giving it for
years. RHR will not make anything new happen. I just sent something
offlist to one of us and I agree with what I said... As to people
not doing the right thing with a tool, that's been happening since
those apes hit each other with femurs in the opening scene in the
movie 2001.

Or as the Who said in We won't get fooled again: Meet the new Boss,
same as the old Boss.

People have been cooking the books for years  someone always will
be; hasn't stopped me from having fun for 35+ years.



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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-28 Thread Michael Tope


I don't think using remotes in different countries would be permitted 
even under the most liberal interpretation of the new ARRL DXCC rules. 
As far as I know, for example, using the RHR site in Sicily would 
require me to sign IT9/W4EF. If I were to simply sign W4EF, I would 
likely not be in compliance with Sicilian telecommunications law. If I 
tried to submit a QSL made out to IT9/W4EF, for my US DXCC, it would not 
count since clearly the contact was not made from a transmitter located 
in the continental United States. Thus, to make use of a remote in a 
different country to gain an advantage in the ARRL awards program, 
requires more than an ethical breach. It requires breaking the law since 
I would have to sign W4EF when using the IT9 remote to pull it off. .

73 Mike W4EF...

On 2/27/2015 1:07 PM, Doug Renwick wrote:

-*** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings that I
personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the vicinity of
their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their

As to this specific thing; If someone is in another country close to
rare DX, visits a ham and uses their station and then uses their own
home call when making the easy Q, that's cheating. This kind of
cheating has been possible all along, it may make it easier with
today's technology.

I never worked Don Miller but I did work Romeo, both DXers were
notorious for supposedly claiming to be where they weren't  slews of
people worked them feeling they worked a legit operation. I worked
Romeo in 91 as XY0RR and got his QSL  it counted for DXCC. Once I
heard the flap about his operation, I didn't feel I fairly worked
Myanmar until I got confirmation from XZ1J for a Q in 2013.

People have been claiming DXCC credit unfairly and giving it for
years. RHR will not make anything new happen. I just sent something
offlist to one of us and I agree with what I said... As to people
not doing the right thing with a tool, that's been happening since
those apes hit each other with femurs in the opening scene in the
movie 2001.

Or as the Who said in We won't get fooled again: Meet the new Boss,
same as the old Boss.

People have been cooking the books for years  someone always will
be; hasn't stopped me from having fun for 35+ years.



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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Michael Adams
The way I look at the recent rule tweak is that the ARRL is trying to recognize 
evolving technology and trends in a manner harmonious to what's already been 
acceptable under the DXCC rules.

Hasn't it been acceptable for a while now to go to the opposite side of the 
country, work DX, and have it count?  Hasn't it been tolerated to go to 
someone's better-equipped station, work a rare one, and get credit?

As long as there's no deception of where RF is being emitted and received, the 
rule tweak seems plausible.

I've got DXCC and DXCC Challenge plaques hanging on my shack wall.  They bring 
a smile to my face, and I'd rather not let any frustration I could feel about 
cheaters spoil the fun I had in qualifying for them, or the incentive they give 
in guiding some further play on HF and topband.

But, if there are many people upset by the perceived unfairness of remote 
controlled stations, intra-country travel, and/or station sharing...perhaps the 
answer would be to call for the introduction of a new award.  Call it DX2CC, 
operating with the same general principles as DXCC, but requiring all contacts 
to be made on stations built/maintained by or specifically for the ham, with 
contacts occurring within a given entity and within a certain radius.  It'd be 
unfair to impose such rules on a go-forward basis on DXCC, but you could start 
fresh with a new award and more challenging rules.

I'd chase such awards.

(But who am I kidding;  I chase just about everything anyway.)

Michael Adams | N1EN |

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of W0MU Mike 
Sent: Friday, 27 February, 2015 11:01
Subject: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

Why are we centered on remote operations dirtying up the DXCC program?  
DXCC is far from clean now and from the limited amount of reading available 
people have been scamming DXCC long before I was licensed in 1978.

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Doug Renwick
Yes the DXCC award you have earned is yours.
But the problem is the publishing of the standings.  The cheaters,
commercial RHR users, ethical types are all grouped together.  If the
standings were not published, highlighted, promoted then it would be a
personal award.  But when ALL are grouped together in the standings by call
sign and totals, then it becomes an issue.

No, the ARRL recognizes they can't/don't want to control the cheaters and so
have abdicated their responsibility in setting ethical standards. 


I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.

-Original Message-

Why are we centered on remote operations dirtying up the DXCC program?  
DXCC is far from clean now and from the limited amount of reading 
available people have been scamming DXCC long before I was licensed in 1978.

The ARRL recognizes that this is a new and upcoming technology and the 
more and more people will be using it.

The DXCC program is based on YOUR moral and ethical fiber not to cheat.  
We through some card checking in there and catch a few problems here and 

I was doing an audit of my award and found and number of typos that gave 
me credit for countries I never worked on certain bands.  I alerted the 
DXCC desk and they fixed them.  How many other people are going to take 
the time to do what I did and then willingly remove a confirmation.  I 
would hope most, but many don't care.

We know people have been using excessive and illegal power for years and 

People have submitted QSL cards that have been altered or submitted 
cards that for countries they have never worked.

We know people said they want to places they did not.  How many did we 
catch vs how many that were not.  How many of you know things have never 
been reported.

Remote receivers.  Remote Xmitters.

The DXCC award that you earn is yours.   How you get there is up to you 
and your integrity, morals, ethics, etc.  The cheating has been going on 
for years and years and years.  Remote is just another avenue for  a 
cheater to use.

The issuing of a DXCC award to someone else has no bearing on your 
award.  Nothing changed.  You didn't drop a spot or gain a spot. Your 
standing is based on the number of countries you have worked and claimed.

If the ARRL did not make money selling plaques and certificates and LOTW 
credits do you really think they would be pushing it?  The Centennial 
QSO party was marketing genius.  They sold tons of LOTW credits and 
awards.  They are not making any money from my Life Membership that I 
paid for 30 years ago.

Ham radio is centered around the vast majority of people doing it right 
and they do.  For the most part we are a self policing group.

Just like packet, remote radio is here, has been here for a while and it 
is never going away.  Remote radio is not going affect your awards and 
you will probably never know if and when you work remote stations.

The only problems I see are perceived problems that might happen or that 
have been happening for years that most just never knew about. Running 
remote from W7 and not telling people that your Xmitter is in Virginia 
is just one bad apple.  He should do what is right.  How many slims have 
we all worked?  Plenty.  What was the result of that?  Go work the 
station again.

Mike W0MU

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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread W0MU Mike Fatchett
Why does publishing the results change anything.  Is there a prize for 
being Honor Roll number 1?

How do you account for all the other dirty contacts on the DXCC rolls?  
Those are just ignored and only remote contacts are the problem?

Once again they publish where you stand.  If guess if you need to 
compare yourself to other people on the list so be it.  I have been 
working on and off for DXCC honor roll since 1978.  It is not a race for 
me.  Obtaining Honor Role takes time, skill and patience.  The more time 
people have to spend in front of their radio the more dx they work.

The guy that has 10 more countries than me is not necessarily any better 
at dxing than I am.  He might just have been on the radio more and was 
in an area that had better propagation.

You are trying to find reasons to discredit remote operations by filling 
holes in a DXCC program that is far from perfect.

Mike W0MU

On 2/27/2015 11:02 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:

Yes the DXCC award you have earned is yours.
But the problem is the publishing of the standings.  The cheaters,
commercial RHR users, ethical types are all grouped together.  If the
standings were not published, highlighted, promoted then it would be a
personal award.  But when ALL are grouped together in the standings by call
sign and totals, then it becomes an issue.

No, the ARRL recognizes they can't/don't want to control the cheaters and so
have abdicated their responsibility in setting ethical standards.


I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.

-Original Message-

Why are we centered on remote operations dirtying up the DXCC program?
DXCC is far from clean now and from the limited amount of reading
available people have been scamming DXCC long before I was licensed in 1978.

The ARRL recognizes that this is a new and upcoming technology and the
more and more people will be using it.

The DXCC program is based on YOUR moral and ethical fiber not to cheat.
We through some card checking in there and catch a few problems here and

I was doing an audit of my award and found and number of typos that gave
me credit for countries I never worked on certain bands.  I alerted the
DXCC desk and they fixed them.  How many other people are going to take
the time to do what I did and then willingly remove a confirmation.  I
would hope most, but many don't care.

We know people have been using excessive and illegal power for years and

People have submitted QSL cards that have been altered or submitted
cards that for countries they have never worked.

We know people said they want to places they did not.  How many did we
catch vs how many that were not.  How many of you know things have never
been reported.

Remote receivers.  Remote Xmitters.

The DXCC award that you earn is yours.   How you get there is up to you
and your integrity, morals, ethics, etc.  The cheating has been going on
for years and years and years.  Remote is just another avenue for  a
cheater to use.

The issuing of a DXCC award to someone else has no bearing on your
award.  Nothing changed.  You didn't drop a spot or gain a spot. Your
standing is based on the number of countries you have worked and claimed.

If the ARRL did not make money selling plaques and certificates and LOTW
credits do you really think they would be pushing it?  The Centennial
QSO party was marketing genius.  They sold tons of LOTW credits and
awards.  They are not making any money from my Life Membership that I
paid for 30 years ago.

Ham radio is centered around the vast majority of people doing it right
and they do.  For the most part we are a self policing group.

Just like packet, remote radio is here, has been here for a while and it
is never going away.  Remote radio is not going affect your awards and
you will probably never know if and when you work remote stations.

The only problems I see are perceived problems that might happen or that
have been happening for years that most just never knew about. Running
remote from W7 and not telling people that your Xmitter is in Virginia
is just one bad apple.  He should do what is right.  How many slims have
we all worked?  Plenty.  What was the result of that?  Go work the
station again.

Mike W0MU

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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Larry
You are suggesting something like WAS where all QSO have to be made within a 
25 mile radius (something close to that).

73, Larry  W6NWS
-Original Message- 
From: Michael Adams

Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

The way I look at the recent rule tweak is that the ARRL is trying to 
recognize evolving technology and trends in a manner harmonious to what's 
already been acceptable under the DXCC rules.

Hasn't it been acceptable for a while now to go to the opposite side of the 
country, work DX, and have it count?  Hasn't it been tolerated to go to 
someone's better-equipped station, work a rare one, and get credit?

As long as there's no deception of where RF is being emitted and received, 
the rule tweak seems plausible.

I've got DXCC and DXCC Challenge plaques hanging on my shack wall.  They 
bring a smile to my face, and I'd rather not let any frustration I could 
feel about cheaters spoil the fun I had in qualifying for them, or the 
incentive they give in guiding some further play on HF and topband.

But, if there are many people upset by the perceived unfairness of remote 
controlled stations, intra-country travel, and/or station sharing...perhaps 
the answer would be to call for the introduction of a new award.  Call it 
DX2CC, operating with the same general principles as DXCC, but requiring all 
contacts to be made on stations built/maintained by or specifically for the 
ham, with contacts occurring within a given entity and within a certain 
radius.  It'd be unfair to impose such rules on a go-forward basis on DXCC, 
but you could start fresh with a new award and more challenging rules.

I'd chase such awards.

(But who am I kidding;  I chase just about everything anyway.)

Michael Adams | N1EN |

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of W0MU Mike 

Sent: Friday, 27 February, 2015 11:01
Subject: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

Why are we centered on remote operations dirtying up the DXCC program?
DXCC is far from clean now and from the limited amount of reading available 
people have been scamming DXCC long before I was licensed in 1978.

Topband Reflector Archives - 

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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Doug Renwick
Response below ***

-Original Message-

Why does publishing the results change anything.  Is there a prize for 
being Honor Roll number 1?

*** yes

How do you account for all the other dirty contacts on the DXCC rolls?  
Those are just ignored and only remote contacts are the problem?

*** Read my post again: The cheaters, commercial RHR users, ethical types
are all grouped together.  You mention 'dirty contacts' ... care to explain?

Once again they publish where you stand.  If guess if you need to 
compare yourself to other people on the list so be it.  I have been 
working on and off for DXCC honor roll since 1978.  It is not a race for 
me.  Obtaining Honor Role takes time, skill and patience.  The more time 
people have to spend in front of their radio the more dx they work.

*** Fine, not a race for you but a race for others.

The guy that has 10 more countries than me is not necessarily any better 
at dxing than I am.  He might just have been on the radio more and was 
in an area that had better propagation.

You are trying to find reasons to discredit remote operations by filling 
holes in a DXCC program that is far from perfect.

*** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings that I
personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the vicinity of
their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their


Mike W0MU

On 2/27/2015 11:02 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:
 Yes the DXCC award you have earned is yours.
 But the problem is the publishing of the standings.  The cheaters,
 commercial RHR users, ethical types are all grouped together.  If the
 standings were not published, highlighted, promoted then it would be a
 personal award.  But when ALL are grouped together in the standings by
 sign and totals, then it becomes an issue.

 No, the ARRL recognizes they can't/don't want to control the cheaters and
 have abdicated their responsibility in setting ethical standards.


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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Gary Smith

 *** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings that I
 personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the vicinity of
 their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
 countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their

As to this specific thing; If someone is in another country close to 
rare DX, visits a ham and uses their station and then uses their own 
home call when making the easy Q, that's cheating. This kind of 
cheating has been possible all along, it may make it easier with 
today's technology. 

I never worked Don Miller but I did work Romeo, both DXers were 
notorious for supposedly claiming to be where they weren't  slews of 
people worked them feeling they worked a legit operation. I worked 
Romeo in 91 as XY0RR and got his QSL  it counted for DXCC. Once I 
heard the flap about his operation, I didn't feel I fairly worked 
Myanmar until I got confirmation from XZ1J for a Q in 2013.

People have been claiming DXCC credit unfairly and giving it for 
years. RHR will not make anything new happen. I just sent something 
offlist to one of us and I agree with what I said... As to people 
not doing the right thing with a tool, that's been happening since 
those apes hit each other with femurs in the opening scene in the 
movie 2001.

Or as the Who said in We won't get fooled again: Meet the new Boss, 
same as the old Boss.

People have been cooking the books for years  someone always will 
be; hasn't stopped me from having fun for 35+ years.



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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Doug Renwick
Yes you are probably right that protesting won't change a thing.  But should
that mean that when something negative like this happens, that voicing an
objection is not considered?  Should we just shrug and say 'whatever'.  Some
do say whatever.  Yes cheating has been around for some time.  The question
is where do you set your standards?  High or low.  Yes it is just a hobby,
but how it plays affects us in other ways.

-Original Message-

 *** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings that I
 personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the vicinity of
 their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
 countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their

As to this specific thing; If someone is in another country close to 
rare DX, visits a ham and uses their station and then uses their own 
home call when making the easy Q, that's cheating. This kind of 
cheating has been possible all along, it may make it easier with 
today's technology. 

I never worked Don Miller but I did work Romeo, both DXers were 
notorious for supposedly claiming to be where they weren't  slews of 
people worked them feeling they worked a legit operation. I worked 
Romeo in 91 as XY0RR and got his QSL  it counted for DXCC. Once I 
heard the flap about his operation, I didn't feel I fairly worked 
Myanmar until I got confirmation from XZ1J for a Q in 2013.

People have been claiming DXCC credit unfairly and giving it for 
years. RHR will not make anything new happen. I just sent something 
offlist to one of us and I agree with what I said... As to people 
not doing the right thing with a tool, that's been happening since 
those apes hit each other with femurs in the opening scene in the 
movie 2001.

Or as the Who said in We won't get fooled again: Meet the new Boss, 
same as the old Boss.

People have been cooking the books for years  someone always will 
be; hasn't stopped me from having fun for 35+ years.



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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Mark Langenfeld

The irony of setting out to win at all costs is that it cheapens the victories. 
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread Gary Smith
It's not that my opinion really matters to anyone but me. I was 
thinking more that right or wrong, somebody somewhere will do wrong. 
I wasn't thinking as much along the lines of the complaining not 
helping (which it doesn't).

For instance: In my garage I have a tool, a 9 pound sledge hammer 
that belonged to my grandfather. One solid whack with it and a lot of 
force is imparted to a very tiny area and things always either break 
or move. I suppose there's all kinds of bad things I could do with it 
but I use it to break up the rocks the glacier left on what is now my 
yard so I can mow over rather than around them.

The analogy to me is if a person has a tool they either use it 
properly or improperly and that's up to the person holding the 

RHR doesn't make an operation immoral any more than making an ATNO 
DXCC contact while mobile in a different state than you live is 
immoral to claim for DXCC credit. To me and apparently to many, it's 
not where the operator sits, its where the transmitter sits. As to 
people breaking the rules; cops give out tickets every day. A tool 
does not a problem make.



 Yes you are probably right that protesting won't change a thing.  But should
 that mean that when something negative like this happens, that voicing an
 objection is not considered?  Should we just shrug and say 'whatever'.  Some
 do say whatever.  Yes cheating has been around for some time.  The question
 is where do you set your standards?  High or low.  Yes it is just a hobby,
 but how it plays affects us in other ways.
 -Original Message-
  *** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings that I
  personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the vicinity of
  their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
  countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their
 As to this specific thing; If someone is in another country close to 
 rare DX, visits a ham and uses their station and then uses their own 
 home call when making the easy Q, that's cheating. This kind of 
 cheating has been possible all along, it may make it easier with 
 today's technology. 
 I never worked Don Miller but I did work Romeo, both DXers were 
 notorious for supposedly claiming to be where they weren't  slews of 
 people worked them feeling they worked a legit operation. I worked 
 Romeo in 91 as XY0RR and got his QSL  it counted for DXCC. Once I 
 heard the flap about his operation, I didn't feel I fairly worked 
 Myanmar until I got confirmation from XZ1J for a Q in 2013.
 People have been claiming DXCC credit unfairly and giving it for 
 years. RHR will not make anything new happen. I just sent something 
 offlist to one of us and I agree with what I said... As to people 
 not doing the right thing with a tool, that's been happening since 
 those apes hit each other with femurs in the opening scene in the 
 movie 2001.
 Or as the Who said in We won't get fooled again: Meet the new Boss, 
 same as the old Boss.
 People have been cooking the books for years  someone always will 
 be; hasn't stopped me from having fun for 35+ years.
 This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
 Topband Reflector Archives -

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Re: Topband: Remote now DXCC??

2015-02-27 Thread W0MU Mike Fatchett
What bad thing happened?  A bunch of guys made contacts.  Nothing bad 

A sick station owner gets to build a station and have people operate it.

In this case nothing bad happened.  Why turn this into a witch hunt?  
Everything was LEGAL!

Mike W0MU

On 2/27/2015 2:07 PM, Doug Renwick wrote:

Yes you are probably right that protesting won't change a thing.  But should
that mean that when something negative like this happens, that voicing an
objection is not considered?  Should we just shrug and say 'whatever'.  Some
do say whatever.  Yes cheating has been around for some time.  The question
is where do you set your standards?  High or low.  Yes it is just a hobby,
but how it plays affects us in other ways.

-Original Message-

*** Let me help out here.  I have gone on record in past postings that I
personally do NOT have a problem with remote operations in the vicinity of
their home station.  The problem is people using remotes in different
countries and on different sides of the continent to inflate their


As to this specific thing; If someone is in another country close to
rare DX, visits a ham and uses their station and then uses their own
home call when making the easy Q, that's cheating. This kind of
cheating has been possible all along, it may make it easier with
today's technology.

I never worked Don Miller but I did work Romeo, both DXers were
notorious for supposedly claiming to be where they weren't  slews of
people worked them feeling they worked a legit operation. I worked
Romeo in 91 as XY0RR and got his QSL  it counted for DXCC. Once I
heard the flap about his operation, I didn't feel I fairly worked
Myanmar until I got confirmation from XZ1J for a Q in 2013.

People have been claiming DXCC credit unfairly and giving it for
years. RHR will not make anything new happen. I just sent something
offlist to one of us and I agree with what I said... As to people
not doing the right thing with a tool, that's been happening since
those apes hit each other with femurs in the opening scene in the
movie 2001.

Or as the Who said in We won't get fooled again: Meet the new Boss,
same as the old Boss.

People have been cooking the books for years  someone always will
be; hasn't stopped me from having fun for 35+ years.



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