Topband: Wednesday 160m Activity Night

2018-11-15 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well good to hear lots of activity last night! 

I managed to work 16 NA stations, including across to Arizona, Colorado and
Washington state.

Hope there will be lots of stations on again nest Wednesday !

Oh and Bill W3WH - sorry I couldn't work you. There were a few stations
calling me that were only just coming out of the noise. (that's the trouble
with living in a city - even with my Receiving Loop it can be difficult

Roger G3YRO

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Topband: Wednesday 160m Activity Night

2018-11-13 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well DX propagation has certainly been up and down the past few weeks . . .
one day it can be rubbish . . . the next day really good.

But here's the thing . . . sometimes the band is wide open (as shown by
getting really strong RBN reports) . . . but there's only one or two
stations on!

So I'm going to suggest again what I suggested last season . . . one night
in the week where as many people as possible make an effort to come on the
band and have lots of QSOs.

This certainly worked last season . . . on many Wednesdays I had over 30
North American contacts, it was great !

So I'll be on the band from around 23.30Z tonight . . . and then popping on
a few times during the night too (although I'm still noticing no peak these
days at my Sunrise - if anything signals drop off as dawn approaches!)

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Wednesday 160m Activity Night

2018-02-01 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well, great to hear lots of stations on 160 last night!

I came on around Z for an hour . . . and again at 0600Z  (meant to come
on at 0330Z, but went back to sleep!)

However, I managed to work 36 North American stations.

There seemed to be quite a few Europeans on too.

Thanks to everyone who made an effort to come on the band.

Let's make this a regular thing EVERY Wednesday!

73 Roger G3YRO
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