The 2013 CQ 160 Meter Contest is fast approaching.
Conditions have been great, and the contest should be a good one.

For information on this year's event and prior results check out the web
site at:

There are some trophies available for sponsorship. If you are interested in
helping out, send us a note.
You can create your own if it's not on the list.

Remember, the log deadline for submission for all CQ contests has been
changed to 5 days.
If you have any problem meeting this deadline, send a note to with an explanation. We will try to accommodate you.

The records page is in the process of being updated.
If you think you have a new record for 2012, let us know. It will help us
to prevent errors.

73, Andy N2NT
Director CQ160 Contest
Topband Reflector

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