Tree - delete this please - sent it to the wrong reflector!
73, Tom G3OLB

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tom Boucher 
To: 160 reflector 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 10:17 AM
Subject: RSGB 1st 1.8 MHz Contest

Nice to work some old friends last night although G activity seemed low and the 
last couple of hours were a little painful. 160 QSOs with at least one dupe 
which was my logging error (sorry Terry!) Nice quiet channel for almost all of 
the contest and noticeably few keying clicks on the band - perhaps all those 
FT1000s have now been modified. The K3 once again showed its superb close-in 
performance and is just great in split Rx or diversity modes. My 85 ft high 
inverted 'L' is probably not the best transmitting antenna for a UK contest and 
I would probably do better with a horizontal dipole - next time perhaps.

Shack was minus 2 degrees C so as well as the amp, had the fan fire running 
full belt. Unfortunately tripped the mains breaker part way through so had to 
reduce power somewhat (the fire, not the amp!)

Conditions for DX were not particularly good although the band was open to 
North America with some weak signals. VE1ZZ called me 5 minutes into the 
contest - Jack must have been in full daylight at that time. K2ZM, N2FQ and 
N4RJ were the others with WD5R as my last Q. To the east UA9XF was a good 
signal but no JAs heard.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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