Topband: Looking back 11 years ago on 160

2023-11-03 Thread Roger Kennedy

I know what you're saying JC . . . we should make the best of things as they
are NOW . . .

But my talking about signals being stronger on Top Band years ago is not
"rose tinted spectacles" . . . I'm talking about actual signal strength (and
not just signal relative to the noise, which of course is much worse these

I've spoken to several people about this, and they agree.

Anyway . . . thanks for the report - did you call me? (if so, didn't hear

There were loads of us Europeans on last night on CW, all calling CQ DX . .
. I didn't hear anybody have any QSOs while I was on. (RBN reports were
reasonable . . . not good, but at least there)

I saw KH8/AA7JV was spotted before I went back to bed . . . but couldn't
hear anything here.

73 Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Looking back 11 years ago on 160

2023-11-02 Thread n4is
Fellow top-banders

Propagation on 160m is always good. The MUF is always well above 1.8 MHz, so
the signal always get into your antenna. The key on 160 is how low is your
noise! The attenuation is the main factor, if the arriving signal is above
noise you can copy it. So,.. you really have work to do at your side.

Perception is a dangerous thing! We only remember the good things, the good
times. If you don't take notes every week about propagation you just don't
have the complete picture to remember it.

Last night, OK1CF was 579. 20 dB above noise floor, Roger you too very
strong. Low attenuation equal great conditions.

However people don't turn on the radio if some web "podcast it"

Conditions is what it is today, now, when you turn on the radio. You can not
work DX on the bast, it does not matter.

The most important equipment I have in my station is a very comfortable arm


Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Looking back 11 years ago on 160

2023-11-02 Thread Roger Kennedy

Well when I complain on here that DX Propagation on 160m isn't nearly as
good as it was years ago, people say things like "it's the Sunspot Cycle . .

Mark, clearly you agree that it's not that simple !

Roger G3YRO

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Looking back 11 years ago on 160

2023-11-01 Thread Mark Lunday
The band was on fire from here in central NC.

Logbook shows lots of EU, C5, KH6, 5T, PY0S, RI1ANF, V5, ZS, ZL, even UY0ZG!

Something is different, maybe it's not just me.

Mark Lunday, WD4ELG
Greensboro, NC  FM06be
SKCC #16439  FISTS #17972  QRP ARCI #16497
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