Just a quick note......last night around 0100 Jun 12 I worked RI1ANF using the 
K2AV  Inv L / FCP combo!

He came back to me on first call but I was not 100% sure due to deep QSB.   
Being unsure about the first QSO ...17 mins later I called again and likewise a 
reply on first call.  I see I am in the log twice for a new one #181

I am completely amazed....I was running 400watts to try and keep the 3800 from 
crashing as my wife was watching TV!

His log is available at .....not searchable ....just scan the listings.

Theses are early days for me using the K2AV FCP on my L and never have I worked 
a new country on Topband in June!......This thing really works.!   Thank you 

73 Frank VO1HP
Pictures at vo1hp.ca
Sent from an iPad2

Sent from an iPad2
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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