Re: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

2014-08-24 Thread Don Kirk
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the clarification, and I don't disagree with your most recent
posting except I consider a well regulated supply to be one that has low
ripple, but that might be where you and I went astray on this posting
(sorry about that).  My posting was not to tell folks that they should
repeat my same test since my antenna analyzer has diodes that likely have a
higher voltage rating than some of the antenna analyzers commercially
sold.  I was just trying to follow up on the postings earlier this year
regarding Petes Bias Tee problems in an attempt to shed some light on the

P.S. another ham thought it would be a good idea if I repeated my test
using a battery, so here are the results (same feedline with 200 ohm RF
load and 100 ohm DC load), and the battery yielded the same results as my
well regulated DC supply (well regulated meaning low ripple and stable
average voltage).

Freq : 1.505 Mhz
Bias Tee (+12 Vdc regulated supply) : R = 30, X = 32
Bias Tee (-12 Vdc regulated supply) : R = 30, X = 32
Bias Tee (0 Vdc regulated supply) : R = 30, X = 32
Bias Tee (no power supply, no battery) : R = 30, X = 32
Bias Tee (+13.06 Vdc SLA battery) : R = 30, X = 32
Bias Tee (-13.06 Vdc SLA battery) : R = 30, X = 32
No Bias Tee : R = 26, X = 27

73, and thanks for the lively discussion.

On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Tom W8JI  wrote:

> Tom, you said "Any test is meaningless", and I don't understand where you
>> are coming from on that statement.  If you look at my test, I tested with
>> and without the bias Tee, and I tested with a well regulated bench top
>> linear power supply, and the results are similar so I don't see how you
>> can
>> say you can't do that.  I then went and tested with a wall wart power
>> supply that produced 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple when under my 100 ohm
>> load on the Bias Tee DC port, and it did indeed produce noisy data as you
>> said would happen.  I believe my test shows that you can indeed make valid
>> measurements as long as you are using a well regulated supply.
> I understood your test to be an indictment of using an unregulated supply,
> and that a well regulated supply cures issues. Of course what you intended
> to convey and what I thought you intended to convey might be two different
> things. If you only meant the filtered dc (unrelated to regulation or lack
> of regulation) allowed a reading in that case, I agree. It allows a reading
> in that case, BUT it is still dangerous to use a low voltage diode test
> device on that line to test things.
> Because it can damage test equipment, I do not think it is a valid public
> test protocol for the general population.
> The issue is not regulation. The issue is noise or ripple making it into
> the analyzer port. We can run well regulated dc with ripple, or even
> unfiltered unregulated dc into the line and just clean it up at the relay
> end so the relay does not chatter, and get a valid dc test as long as test
> equipment is not sensitive to low frequency noise.
> We could never test ac, irrespective of filtering, regulation, or
> waveform, without skewing measurements. This means testing a four-way
> system with a bias T and ac, or rippled + or - dc, or with cable ground
> loop ac voltage offsets on the shield, can result in false readings. It
> won't affect the receiver at all, but we might think the system has a
> problem or damage our test gear.
> The best way to improve the test method and increase reliability is to
> make the measurement device insensitive to offset on the output. It is
> better to remove ground loop low frequency bias or coupling through the
> capacitor by making it a highpass filter for low frequencies, although I
> probably still would not switch the relays with my test equipment connected
> unless I confirmed no transients first. :-)
> The problem actually comes from the reactance of the series coupling
> capacitor and the sensitivity of many cheap measuring devices to out of
> band voltages. A solution that reduces low frequency offset from external
> ground loops and allows ac or unfiltered dc operation, is adding a shunting
> choke on the RX port.
> So to clarify, I am saying:
> 1.)  the problem is not regulation, it is noise or ripple
> 2.) a filtered or regulated supply does not solve the ac mode test issue
> 3.) switching can result in a high voltage transient that can damage test
> gear
> 4.) low frequency ground loops might still inject ripple on long cable
> runs, or with poor shield connections
> 5.) regulation will still not allow an ac switch test
> There is a second caveat I have about switching high impedance lines. We
> have to be very careful about relay contact and wiring capacitance. Just 10
> pF of contact capacitance is 8k ohms on 160 meters. We only have a coupled
> load to leakage path ratio of 10 times if we switch an 800 ohm line. That
> same leakage path to load becomes a 100 ratio if we use a transformer to 80
> ohms at the switch point

Re: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

2014-08-24 Thread Tom W8JI

Tom, you said "Any test is meaningless", and I don't understand where you
are coming from on that statement.  If you look at my test, I tested with
and without the bias Tee, and I tested with a well regulated bench top
linear power supply, and the results are similar so I don't see how you 

say you can't do that.  I then went and tested with a wall wart power
supply that produced 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple when under my 100 ohm
load on the Bias Tee DC port, and it did indeed produce noisy data as you
said would happen.  I believe my test shows that you can indeed make valid
measurements as long as you are using a well regulated supply.

I understood your test to be an indictment of using an unregulated supply, 
and that a well regulated supply cures issues. Of course what you intended 
to convey and what I thought you intended to convey might be two different 
things. If you only meant the filtered dc (unrelated to regulation or lack 
of regulation) allowed a reading in that case, I agree. It allows a reading 
in that case, BUT it is still dangerous to use a low voltage diode test 
device on that line to test things.

Because it can damage test equipment, I do not think it is a valid public 
test protocol for the general population.

The issue is not regulation. The issue is noise or ripple making it into the 
analyzer port. We can run well regulated dc with ripple, or even unfiltered 
unregulated dc into the line and just clean it up at the relay end so the 
relay does not chatter, and get a valid dc test as long as test equipment is 
not sensitive to low frequency noise.

We could never test ac, irrespective of filtering, regulation, or waveform, 
without skewing measurements. This means testing a four-way system with a 
bias T and ac, or rippled + or - dc, or with cable ground loop ac voltage 
offsets on the shield, can result in false readings. It won't affect the 
receiver at all, but we might think the system has a problem or damage our 
test gear.

The best way to improve the test method and increase reliability is to make 
the measurement device insensitive to offset on the output. It is better to 
remove ground loop low frequency bias or coupling through the capacitor by 
making it a highpass filter for low frequencies, although I probably still 
would not switch the relays with my test equipment connected unless I 
confirmed no transients first. :-)

The problem actually comes from the reactance of the series coupling 
capacitor and the sensitivity of many cheap measuring devices to out of band 
voltages. A solution that reduces low frequency offset from external ground 
loops and allows ac or unfiltered dc operation, is adding a shunting choke 
on the RX port.

So to clarify, I am saying:

1.)  the problem is not regulation, it is noise or ripple
2.) a filtered or regulated supply does not solve the ac mode test issue
3.) switching can result in a high voltage transient that can damage test 
4.) low frequency ground loops might still inject ripple on long cable runs, 
or with poor shield connections

5.) regulation will still not allow an ac switch test

There is a second caveat I have about switching high impedance lines. We 
have to be very careful about relay contact and wiring capacitance. Just 10 
pF of contact capacitance is 8k ohms on 160 meters. We only have a coupled 
load to leakage path ratio of 10 times if we switch an 800 ohm line. That 
same leakage path to load becomes a 100 ratio if we use a transformer to 80 
ohms at the switch point.

Now I absolutely understand we will see an empirical "good F/B ratio" with 
some pretty dismal relay isolation, and of course it will not show as an SWR 
issue at all. I'm not disputing switching high Z lines will still make many 
people happy. When I build a system, I probably look at it differently. If I 
could have 15-20 dB of relay isolation when switching or 30-60 dB of relay 
isolation, and the difference only costs a couple dollars, I'd probably give 
up a cheeseburger and buy the piece of mind from switching low impedance 
points. If the transformers were $25 dollars each, I might not do that. My 
cheapness might take over. :-)

Simplicity is a wonderful thing as long as the saving a few pennies does not 
cost us dollars of joy over time.  When all the little mistakes we don't 
notice are added, we might be worse off than we assume. I'm simply offering 
a more reliable or accurate way to do things.

73 Tom 

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

2014-08-24 Thread Don Kirk
Hi Tom,

I also just went and changed the RF load resistor to 200 ohms and checked
readings at various frequencies where the impedance was part reactive.  I
also added a 3rd part to the test in which I physically removed
(disconnected) the DC power supply from the Bias Tee.  All tests done using
my well regulated powder supply set at 12 Vdc for the Bias Tee DC voltage
and 100 ohm load on the Bias Tee DC output port.  Impedance readings are
identical with the Bias Tee connected to the DC power supply versus not
connected to the DC power supply and slightly different when the Bias Tee
is removed from the circuit (all of which we should expect).

Freq : 5.672 Mhz
Without Bias Tee : R = 50, X = 45
With Bias Tee : R = 46, X = 39
With Bias Tee (but power supply connections removed from the circuit) : R =
46, X = 39

Freq : 1.501 Mhz
Without Bias Tee : R = 26, X = 27
With Bias Tee : R = 31, X = 32
With Bias Tee (but power supply connections removed from the circuit) : R =
31, X = 32

The Bias Tee has a slight impact on the impedance but it has nothing to do
with the DC power supply that powers the Bias Tee (as long as it's a well
regulated supply), and the slight change in impedance is what we would
expect with a well designed Bias Tee (the impedance change is real and due
to the component selection within the bias tee).

Therefore I say (based on my tests) that valid impedance measurements can
be made on a Bias Tee using an antenna analyzer as long as the DC power
supply feeding the Bias Tee is well regulated.  I understand your concerns
about the voltage ratings on the detector diodes used in the MFJ antenna
analyzer not being adequate for measuring Bias Tee impedance, but that's an
entirely different issue.

Just FYI, and hope you agree.
Don (wd8dsb)

On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 2:06 AM, Don Kirk  wrote:

> Tom, you said "Any test is meaningless", and I don't understand where you
> are coming from on that statement.  If you look at my test, I tested with
> and without the bias Tee, and I tested with a well regulated bench top
> linear power supply, and the results are similar so I don't see how you can
> say you can't do that.  I then went and tested with a wall wart power
> supply that produced 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple when under my 100 ohm
> load on the Bias Tee DC port, and it did indeed produce noisy data as you
> said would happen.  I believe my test shows that you can indeed make valid
> measurements as long as you are using a well regulated supply.
> Please explain in more detail why you said it can't be done?
> Thanks,
> Don (wd8dsb)
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

2014-08-23 Thread Don Kirk
Tom, you said "Any test is meaningless", and I don't understand where you
are coming from on that statement.  If you look at my test, I tested with
and without the bias Tee, and I tested with a well regulated bench top
linear power supply, and the results are similar so I don't see how you can
say you can't do that.  I then went and tested with a wall wart power
supply that produced 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple when under my 100 ohm
load on the Bias Tee DC port, and it did indeed produce noisy data as you
said would happen.  I believe my test shows that you can indeed make valid
measurements as long as you are using a well regulated supply.

Please explain in more detail why you said it can't be done?

Don (wd8dsb)

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 11:29 PM, Tom W8JI  wrote:

> We cannot test impedance that way with a DC coupled impedance meter and
> get good data with any noise in the supply. Any test is meaningless. The .1
> capacitor will just couple any distortion or ripple in the AC to the
> analyzer, where it would show as jitter or false readings.
> It would be a valid test if a moderately low resistance 200-500 uH RF
> choke shunted the analyzer (receiver) port.
> - Original Message - From: "Don Kirk" 
> To: "topband" 
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 10:48 PM
> Subject: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)
>  Late last year Pete (N4ZR) reported problems with his home brew Bias Tee
>> that included radical shifts in measured impedance when DC voltage was
>> applied to his Bias Tee.  Today I decided to make impedance measurements
>> on
>> a simple Bias Tee circuit I recently proposed for Dwight (NS9I) who was
>> looking for a method of switching pennants via the feedline.
>> I was not able to duplicate the problems that Pete reported, but I did
>> notice unstable (noisy) impedance measurements when using a DC power
>> supply
>> on the Bias Tee that had a lot of ripple when under load, and below is my
>> test data.  My proposed Bias Tee schematic for NS9I is on my Pennant
>> website at
>> --
>> *Test Data Using Resistor as the RF load *
>> 66 foot of RG58U coax (measured Zo = 56 ohms)
>> Test Frequency = 4.545 Mhz (frequency where the coax was an electrical 1/2
>> wavelength)
>> RF Load = 50 ohm resistor
>> No Bias Tee (Bias Tee bypassed) :
>> R = 49, X = 0
>> Bias Tee (with 100 ohm 10 watt resistor connected to the Bias Tee DC
>> output
>> port = 120mA load when 12 volts is applied), and well regulated DC supply
>> :
>> 0 Vdc R = 51, X = 0
>> +12 Vdc R = 51, X =0
>> -12 Vdc R = 51, X = 0
>> Note : when using a DC supply that had 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple the
>> measured R was jumping around between 46 and 53 ohms
>> -
>> *Test Data Using Transformer with the RF resistive load *66 foot of RG58U
>> coax (measured Zo = 56 ohms)
>> Test Frequency = 4.545 Mhz (frequency where the coax was an electrical 1/2
>> wavelength)
>> RF Load : Transformer BN-73-202 Binocular core (Primary = 3 turns,
>> Secondary = 12 turns) with 1K resistor connected to secondary
>> Bias Tee (with 100 ohm 10 watt resistor connected to the Bias Tee DC
>> output
>> port = 120mA load when 12 volts is applied), and well regulated DC supply
>> :
>> 0 Vdc R = 55, X = 0
>> +12 Vdc R = 55, X =0
>> -12 Vdc R = 55, X = 0
>> Note : when using a DC supply that had 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple the
>> measured R was jumping around between 49 and 58 ohms
>> Note : For the above tests I was using an antenna analyzer that I designed
>> and built last year, and the detector is based on the VK5JST antenna
>> analyzer.  The diodes used in the detector are germanium which have a high
>> enough voltage rating to allow impedance measurements on the Bias Tee
>> without the concern that W8JI had about detector diodes being damaged due
>> to high voltage exposure when measuring Bias Tees.
>> I repeated the 1st test shown above (Resistor as the RF load) between 1.4
>> and 12.5 Mhz and the results were similar (no change in measured impedance
>> between 0, -12, and + 12 Vdc applied Bias Tee voltage).
>> ---

Re: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

2014-08-23 Thread Tom W8JI
We cannot test impedance that way with a DC coupled impedance meter and get 
good data with any noise in the supply. Any test is meaningless. The .1 
capacitor will just couple any distortion or ripple in the AC to the 
analyzer, where it would show as jitter or false readings.

It would be a valid test if a moderately low resistance 200-500 uH RF choke 
shunted the analyzer (receiver) port.

- Original Message - 
From: "Don Kirk" 

To: "topband" 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 10:48 PM
Subject: Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

Late last year Pete (N4ZR) reported problems with his home brew Bias Tee
that included radical shifts in measured impedance when DC voltage was
applied to his Bias Tee.  Today I decided to make impedance measurements 

a simple Bias Tee circuit I recently proposed for Dwight (NS9I) who was
looking for a method of switching pennants via the feedline.

I was not able to duplicate the problems that Pete reported, but I did
notice unstable (noisy) impedance measurements when using a DC power 

on the Bias Tee that had a lot of ripple when under load, and below is my
test data.  My proposed Bias Tee schematic for NS9I is on my Pennant
website at

*Test Data Using Resistor as the RF load *
66 foot of RG58U coax (measured Zo = 56 ohms)
Test Frequency = 4.545 Mhz (frequency where the coax was an electrical 1/2
RF Load = 50 ohm resistor

No Bias Tee (Bias Tee bypassed) :
R = 49, X = 0

Bias Tee (with 100 ohm 10 watt resistor connected to the Bias Tee DC 
port = 120mA load when 12 volts is applied), and well regulated DC supply 

0 Vdc R = 51, X = 0
+12 Vdc R = 51, X =0
-12 Vdc R = 51, X = 0

Note : when using a DC supply that had 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple the
measured R was jumping around between 46 and 53 ohms

*Test Data Using Transformer with the RF resistive load *66 foot of RG58U
coax (measured Zo = 56 ohms)
Test Frequency = 4.545 Mhz (frequency where the coax was an electrical 1/2
RF Load : Transformer BN-73-202 Binocular core (Primary = 3 turns,
Secondary = 12 turns) with 1K resistor connected to secondary

Bias Tee (with 100 ohm 10 watt resistor connected to the Bias Tee DC 
port = 120mA load when 12 volts is applied), and well regulated DC supply 

0 Vdc R = 55, X = 0
+12 Vdc R = 55, X =0
-12 Vdc R = 55, X = 0

Note : when using a DC supply that had 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple the
measured R was jumping around between 49 and 58 ohms

Note : For the above tests I was using an antenna analyzer that I designed
and built last year, and the detector is based on the VK5JST antenna
analyzer.  The diodes used in the detector are germanium which have a high
enough voltage rating to allow impedance measurements on the Bias Tee
without the concern that W8JI had about detector diodes being damaged due
to high voltage exposure when measuring Bias Tees.

I repeated the 1st test shown above (Resistor as the RF load) between 1.4
and 12.5 Mhz and the results were similar (no change in measured impedance
between 0, -12, and + 12 Vdc applied Bias Tee voltage).

The Bias Tee (concept based on an AD5X Bias Tee design) measured impedance
does not change between an applied voltage of 0 and +/-12 volts DC when
using a well regulated supply (based on the 120 mA load used in my test)
when tested between 1.4 and 12.5 Mhz.

Just FYI,
Don (wd8dsb)
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Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Bias Tee Measurements (Test Data)

2014-08-23 Thread Don Kirk
Late last year Pete (N4ZR) reported problems with his home brew Bias Tee
that included radical shifts in measured impedance when DC voltage was
applied to his Bias Tee.  Today I decided to make impedance measurements on
a simple Bias Tee circuit I recently proposed for Dwight (NS9I) who was
looking for a method of switching pennants via the feedline.

I was not able to duplicate the problems that Pete reported, but I did
notice unstable (noisy) impedance measurements when using a DC power supply
on the Bias Tee that had a lot of ripple when under load, and below is my
test data.  My proposed Bias Tee schematic for NS9I is on my Pennant
website at

*Test Data Using Resistor as the RF load *
66 foot of RG58U coax (measured Zo = 56 ohms)
Test Frequency = 4.545 Mhz (frequency where the coax was an electrical 1/2
RF Load = 50 ohm resistor

No Bias Tee (Bias Tee bypassed) :
R = 49, X = 0

Bias Tee (with 100 ohm 10 watt resistor connected to the Bias Tee DC output
port = 120mA load when 12 volts is applied), and well regulated DC supply :
0 Vdc R = 51, X = 0
+12 Vdc R = 51, X =0
-12 Vdc R = 51, X = 0

Note : when using a DC supply that had 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple the
measured R was jumping around between 46 and 53 ohms

*Test Data Using Transformer with the RF resistive load *66 foot of RG58U
coax (measured Zo = 56 ohms)
Test Frequency = 4.545 Mhz (frequency where the coax was an electrical 1/2
RF Load : Transformer BN-73-202 Binocular core (Primary = 3 turns,
Secondary = 12 turns) with 1K resistor connected to secondary

Bias Tee (with 100 ohm 10 watt resistor connected to the Bias Tee DC output
port = 120mA load when 12 volts is applied), and well regulated DC supply :
0 Vdc R = 55, X = 0
+12 Vdc R = 55, X =0
-12 Vdc R = 55, X = 0

Note : when using a DC supply that had 1.5 volts peak to peak ripple the
measured R was jumping around between 49 and 58 ohms

Note : For the above tests I was using an antenna analyzer that I designed
and built last year, and the detector is based on the VK5JST antenna
analyzer.  The diodes used in the detector are germanium which have a high
enough voltage rating to allow impedance measurements on the Bias Tee
without the concern that W8JI had about detector diodes being damaged due
to high voltage exposure when measuring Bias Tees.

I repeated the 1st test shown above (Resistor as the RF load) between 1.4
and 12.5 Mhz and the results were similar (no change in measured impedance
between 0, -12, and + 12 Vdc applied Bias Tee voltage).

The Bias Tee (concept based on an AD5X Bias Tee design) measured impedance
does not change between an applied voltage of 0 and +/-12 volts DC when
using a well regulated supply (based on the 120 mA load used in my test)
when tested between 1.4 and 12.5 Mhz.

Just FYI,
Don (wd8dsb)
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: bias tee

2013-11-14 Thread Jeff Woods

If you're switching Beverages, the transformer can serve double-duty as the DC 
isolation as well as impedance transformation.  75 (or 50) ohm winding in 
series with the coax center and the relay.  RF bypass capacitor across the 
relay coil.  

The BN202-73 or -43 cores work well for this application. has a 
handy calculator for inductance.

-Jeff W0ODS

> From: "" 
>To: Pete Smith N4ZR ; 
>Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:11 AM
>Subject: Re: Topband: bias tee
>Hi Pete,
>You can use your MFJ 259 to measure loss through your bias-T setup.  
>100 microhenries should be adequate; however, a properly designed bias-T 
>should always have  two inductors at the injection and and two at the far end 
>of the coax cable.   The series inductor isolates the power injection port 
>from the RF path and and an inductor to ground protects the RF electronics 
>(preamps and transceivers) from damage if the series capacitor feeding that 
>port should short.
>My bias Ts use simple homebrew inductors, just a few turns of wire on a 
>ferrite core.  Use your MFJ-259 to optimize the inductors.
>- Original Message -
>From: Pete Smith N4ZR <>
>Sent: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 07:58:47 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Topband: bias tee
>I am using my coax to feed 12 VDC to my remote RX antenna locations, 
>using a traditional bias tee, but am having some trouble with 
>performance. I'm using 100 uH Radio Shack chokes in my bias tee, and am 
>wondering if perhaps that is insufficient inductance for 160 meter 
>operation. If so, what would be an appropriate value?
>73, Pete N4ZR
>Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at
>blog at
>For spots, please go to your favorite
>ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.
>Topband Reflector
>Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: bias tee

2013-11-14 Thread Tom W8JI
I am using my coax to feed 12 VDC to my remote RX antenna locations, using 
a traditional bias tee, but am having some trouble with performance.  I'm 
using 100 uH Radio Shack chokes in my bias tee, and am wondering if perhaps 
that is insufficient inductance for 160 meter operation.  If so, what would 
be an appropriate value?

100 uH should be more than enough inductance if bypassing is good and the 
choke has proper current rating headroom, and also have a properly 
constructed box for the bias T that allows good bypassing.

Of course we should remember chokes have more than an inductance. They have 
a series resistance that varies with frequency, and a current rating for 
heat, and a flux density characteristic that changes inductance or clips 
waveforms if they have an iron core.  The flux density is a function of dc 
and ac currents through the choke, or you could look at it RF voltage across 
the choke and DC or low frequency AC currents through the choke.

Any answer is meaningless unless we know:

The type of issues you have
The application in detail
The type of bypassing in the bias T
The physical layout, especially for ground paths
The bias current

73 Tom 

Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: bias tee

2013-11-14 Thread donovanf
Hi Pete,

You can use your MFJ 259 to measure loss through your bias-T setup.   

100 microhenries should be adequate; however, a properly designed bias-T should 
always have  two inductors at the injection and and two at the far end of the 
coax cable.   The series inductor isolates the power injection port from the RF 
path and and an inductor to ground protects the RF electronics (preamps and 
transceivers) from damage if the series capacitor feeding that port should 

My bias Ts use simple homebrew inductors, just a few turns of wire on a ferrite 
core.  Use your MFJ-259 to optimize the inductors.


- Original Message -
From: Pete Smith N4ZR <>
Sent: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 07:58:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Topband: bias tee

I am using my coax to feed 12 VDC to my remote RX antenna locations, 
using a traditional bias tee, but am having some trouble with 
performance. I'm using 100 uH Radio Shack chokes in my bias tee, and am 
wondering if perhaps that is insufficient inductance for 160 meter 
operation. If so, what would be an appropriate value?

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at,
blog at
For spots, please go to your favorite
ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.

Topband Reflector

Topband Reflector

Topband: bias tee

2013-11-14 Thread Pete Smith N4ZR
I am using my coax to feed 12 VDC to my remote RX antenna locations, 
using a traditional bias tee, but am having some trouble with 
performance.  I'm using 100 uH Radio Shack chokes in my bias tee, and am 
wondering if perhaps that is insufficient inductance for 160 meter 
operation.  If so, what would be an appropriate value?

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at,
blog at
For spots, please go to your favorite
ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.

Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Bias Tee question

2012-01-09 Thread John G3PQA
> So far this project has been lots of fun I used W7IUV preamp design with 
> my own pc boards they work great best amps I've used before I just need to 
> finish the rest of the package and see how the whole system works.
> 73 Dave
>> I’m designing a multi element receive array which
>> incorporates the usual 0 deg hybrid
>> combiner, 180 deg phase inverter, and 2:1 transformer.
> I've got chokes and caps every where in my design

0.01 uF has approx 10 ohms reactance on lower end of 160m.. OK with single 
xfmr but may cause a little more loss or imbalance if used in all ports of 
hybrid and matching xfmr. 0.047uF might be better .

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Bias Tee question

2012-01-08 Thread Dave Kirk
I must have put the wrong address in because non of my reply's to anyone  have 
shown up here oh well. Good ideas Frank I've got chokes and caps every where in 
my design hi hi, but I might  just toss the idea out for running  power cable's 
out to each preamp not as clean but easier.  I have 110v power real close to 
each antenna so getting power to each antenna isn't a real problem and voltage 
drop won't be a problem either.
  So far this project has been lots of fun I used W7IUV preamp design with my 
own pc boards they work great best amps I've used before I just need to finish 
the rest of the package and see how the whole system works.
 73 Dave

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2012 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Bias Tee question

Use a well over rated DC blocking capacitor, this is not an application to save 
a few pennies by using a marginally rated capacitor.

You should also use a choke to ground with a high current rating to protect 
your receiver if the capacitor shorts out.  A choke wound with #18 wire on a 
ferrite core will guarantee that your receiver won't be trashed if the 
capacitor fails.

Its a good idea to place capacitors in series with all three ports of a 
"magic-T" 3 dB splitter.  The ferrite cores in commercially made splitters are 
very small, if even a small amount of 60 Hz AC current flows through the core 
it will saturate causing intermod problems.  

In a multi-operator station, a bandpass filter should be installed to protect 
the splitter from strong signal saturation, also resulting in intermod problems.

You can avoid splitter intermod problems by building your own splitter with 
large ferrite cores, but you can usually avoid that by using bandpass filters 
and capacitors to protect the splitter from saturation.


 Original message 
>Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 15:08:48 -0500
>From: "ZR"   
>Subject: Re: Topband: Bias Tee question  
>To: "Dave Kirk" , 
>It never hurts to have a DC block when Murphy is around.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Dave Kirk" 
>Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 2:42 PM
>Subject: Topband: Bias Tee question
>> I’m designing a multi element receive array which
>> incorporates the usual 0 deg hybrid
>> combiner, 180 deg phase inverter, and 2:1 transformer. I’m going to use 
>> pre
>> amps on the antenna elements and need to supply 12 volts to them via the 
>> feed
>> lines through a bias tee. My question is do I need to worry about 12v 
>> being fed
>> back through the combiner, phase inverter, or 2:1 transformer to my 
>> receiver even
>> though their not physically connected or should I put .01 cap on the feed 
>> line going the my receiver for
>> safety.
>> Thanks Dave.
>> ___
>> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
>> -
>> No virus found in this message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 10.0.1416 / Virus Database: 2109/4128 - Release Date: 01/07/12
>UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Bias Tee question

2012-01-08 Thread donovanf

Use a well over rated DC blocking capacitor, this is not an application to save 
a few pennies by using a marginally rated capacitor.

You should also use a choke to ground with a high current rating to protect 
your receiver if the capacitor shorts out.  A choke wound with #18 wire on a 
ferrite core will guarantee that your receiver won't be trashed if the 
capacitor fails.

Its a good idea to place capacitors in series with all three ports of a 
"magic-T" 3 dB splitter.  The ferrite cores in commercially made splitters are 
very small, if even a small amount of 60 Hz AC current flows through the core 
it will saturate causing intermod problems.  

In a multi-operator station, a bandpass filter should be installed to protect 
the splitter from strong signal saturation, also resulting in intermod problems.

You can avoid splitter intermod problems by building your own splitter with 
large ferrite cores, but you can usually avoid that by using bandpass filters 
and capacitors to protect the splitter from saturation.


 Original message 
>Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 15:08:48 -0500
>From: "ZR"   
>Subject: Re: Topband: Bias Tee question  
>To: "Dave Kirk" , 
>It never hurts to have a DC block when Murphy is around.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Dave Kirk" 
>Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 2:42 PM
>Subject: Topband: Bias Tee question
>> I’m designing a multi element receive array which
>> incorporates the usual 0 deg hybrid
>> combiner, 180 deg phase inverter, and 2:1 transformer. I’m going to use 
>> pre
>> amps on the antenna elements and need to supply 12 volts to them via the 
>> feed
>> lines through a bias tee. My question is do I need to worry about 12v 
>> being fed
>> back through the combiner, phase inverter, or 2:1 transformer to my 
>> receiver even
>> though their not physically connected or should I put .01 cap on the feed 
>> line going the my receiver for
>> safety.
>> Thanks Dave.
>> ___
>> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
>> -
>> No virus found in this message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 10.0.1416 / Virus Database: 2109/4128 - Release Date: 01/07/12
>UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Re: Topband: Bias Tee question

2012-01-08 Thread ZR
It never hurts to have a DC block when Murphy is around.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Kirk" 
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 2:42 PM
Subject: Topband: Bias Tee question

> I’m designing a multi element receive array which
> incorporates the usual 0 deg hybrid
> combiner, 180 deg phase inverter, and 2:1 transformer. I’m going to use 
> pre
> amps on the antenna elements and need to supply 12 volts to them via the 
> feed
> lines through a bias tee. My question is do I need to worry about 12v 
> being fed
> back through the combiner, phase inverter, or 2:1 transformer to my 
> receiver even
> though their not physically connected or should I put .01 cap on the feed 
> line going the my receiver for
> safety.
> Thanks Dave.
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 10.0.1416 / Virus Database: 2109/4128 - Release Date: 01/07/12

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Bias Tee question

2012-01-07 Thread Dave Kirk
I’m designing a multi element receive array which
incorporates the usual  0 deg hybrid
combiner, 180 deg phase inverter, and 2:1 transformer. I’m going to use pre
amps on the antenna elements and need to supply 12 volts to them via the feed
lines through a bias tee. My question is do I need to worry about 12v being fed
back through the combiner, phase inverter, or 2:1 transformer to my receiver 
though their not physically connected or should I put .01  cap on the feed line 
going the my receiver for
Thanks Dave.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK