Re: [tor-dev] Proposal idea: Stop assigning (and eventually supporting) the Named flag

2014-04-18 Thread Karsten Loesing
On 10/04/14 09:45, Sebastian Hahn wrote:
 Filename: xxx-kill-named-flag.txt 
 Title: Stop assigning (and eventually supporting) the Named flag
 Authors: Sebastian Hahnn
 Created: 10 April 2014
 Target: 0.2.5
 Status: Draft
 1. Intro and motivation
Currently, Tor supports the concept of linking a Tor relay's nickname
to its identity key. This happens automatically as a new relay joins
the network with a unique nickname, and keeps it for a while. To
indicate that a nickname is linked to the presented identity, the
directory authorities vote on a Named flag for all relays where they
have such a link. Not all directory authorities are currently doing
this - in fact, there are only two, gabelmoo and tor26.
For a long time, we've been telling everyone to not rely on relay
nicknames, even if the Named flag is assigned. This has two reasons:
First off, it adds another trust requirement on the directory
authorities, and secondly naming may change over time as relays go
offline for substantial amounts of time.
Now that a significant portion of the network is required to rotate
their identity keys, few relays will keep their Named flag. We should
use this chance to stop assigning Named flags.

If I understand the proposal correctly, operators will still be able to
name their relay or bridge, and people can still find it in Atlas or
Globe by this nickname.  If so, great!

 2. Design
None. Tor clients already support consensuses without Named flags,
and testing in private Tor networks has never revealed any issues in
this regard.
 3. Implementation
The gabelmoo and tor26 directory authorities can simply remove the
NamingAuthoritativeDirectory configuration option to stop giving out
Named flags. This will mean the consensus won't include Named and
Unnamed flags any longer. The code collecting naming statistics is
independent of Tor, so it can run a while longer to ensure Naming can
be switched on if unforeseen issues arise.

What's the process here?

Ask on tor-dev@ if anybody sees a problem if the Named and Unnamed
flags go away, wait for a week, and then just do it?

All the best,

Once this has been shown to not cause any issues, support for the
Named flag can be removed from the Tor client implementation, and
support for the NamingAuthoritativeDirectory can be removed from the
Tor directory authority implementation.
 4. Open questions
 tor-dev mailing list

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] [Flashproxy] Some sites filtering users?

2014-04-18 Thread Griffin Boyce

Hey all,

  Got a report from a friend* who noticed that stops letting 
him watch broadcasts while flashproxy is in an active state.  He uses 
Cupcake, which shows flashproxy's status in the icon bar, and he only 
has an issue when the cupcake icon has a mustache.

  Has anyone noticed similar behavior when using flashproxy?


* who is a hacker
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Proposal idea: Stop assigning (and eventually supporting) the Named flag

2014-04-18 Thread Sebastian Hahn

On 18 Apr 2014, at 15:02, Karsten Loesing wrote:
 If I understand the proposal correctly, operators will still be able to
 name their relay or bridge, and people can still find it in Atlas or
 Globe by this nickname.  If so, great!

Yes, this is in no way related to the nickname field.

   The gabelmoo and tor26 directory authorities can simply remove the
   NamingAuthoritativeDirectory configuration option to stop giving out
   Named flags. This will mean the consensus won't include Named and
   Unnamed flags any longer. The code collecting naming statistics is
   independent of Tor, so it can run a while longer to ensure Naming can
   be switched on if unforeseen issues arise.
 What's the process here?
 Ask on tor-dev@ if anybody sees a problem if the Named and Unnamed
 flags go away, wait for a week, and then just do it?

I don't know, I want to move gabelmoo to a new machine and don't really
want to set up the naming system. So I guess the above process as soon
as possible :)

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Please try 3.5.4-meek-1 bundles (covert HTTPS pluggable transport)

2014-04-18 Thread David Fifield
A while back I wrote about a pluggable transport called meek that routes
your traffic through a third-party web service in a way that should be
difficult to block. There are now experimental bundles featuring this
transport, ready for somewhat wider testing. Please try:

The files are signed with my key 0xC11F6276 from:

You don't have to do anything in the configuration. Just click
Connect. What you'll see, if you look at your network traffic, is a
lot of HTTPS requests to (And no connections to any Tor
bridge, nor anything speaking the Tor protocol.) Behind the scenes,
Google is passing the requests on to our web app, which then forwards
them to a Tor bridge. More on how the whole system works is at

Another thing to know is that starting the browser will run a second,
headless instance of Firefox. The second browser is used as a tool for
making HTTPS requests. It's the same Firefox binary used by Tor Browser
(so it doesn't increase the size of the bundles), but it has a special
configuration and an extension that allows it to access the network
directly. When you're using meek, this browser extension is in fact the
only thing that touches the network, but you never interact with it
directly--it only takes orders from the client transport plugin. We do
it this way so that the HTTPS requests look like they come from a
browser, and are not fingerprintable as coming from some custom SSL
program. The second browser should be completely invisible to
you--except on OS X, where it creates a second dock icon (this is bug

These bundles are experimental and you shouldn't use them to replace
your main browser just yet. We're most interested in hearing about what
didn't work for you or what was surprising. I'll write another post
about code review and other things that need to happen before you'll see
meek in a mainline bundle.

David Fifield
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Code review for meek

2014-04-18 Thread David Fifield
There are a lot of components that make up the meek transport. There is
the client and server, and then there is the middle part that runs on
App Engine, and the browser extension that ensures we are speaking HTTPS
the right way. I'm working towards deploying the transport, and to that
end I'd like to encourage code review. This is your chance to get in on
the ground floor of a new transport!

The purpose of review is to find bugs. Yawning found one already in the
server component (the server didn't put a time limit on handling
requests). Even comments such as it's not clear what this part of the
code is doing are useful, because those parts of the code can hide

The following are, in my opinion, the files most in need of review. Most
of them are under 350 lines, so they shouldn't be too hard to get into.
The languages used are JavaScript for the browser extensions and Go for
everything else. The overall information flow is
tor ↔ meek-client ↔ extension ↔ reflector ↔ meek-server ↔ tor
Also look at
to get a feel for precisely what packets get sent.

Client plugin (meek-client)

Server plugin (meek-server)

Reflector (the part that runs on App Engine)

Firefox extension (#11183)

Chrome extension (#11393) (Not currently part of the bundle, but you can run it 

Browser bundle packaging (#10935)

David Fifield
tor-dev mailing list


2014-04-18 Thread Michael Wolf
I think I can make some improvements to the consensus-health page
(mostly removing redundant formatting code in the HTML), but I can't
seem to find the git repo for the project listed at

Could someone point me in the right direction?

I another pertinent question would be: is anyone using any scripts that
scrape this page, which might be broken if things are changed?

An example of a change could be: since the flags in the Consensus
column seem to always be blue, remove all the font color=blue tags,
(and closing tags) in the consensus column, and replace them with one
class per td in that column. I estimate that this change alone would
save about 575KiB in the uncompressed HTML.  That's about 10% of the
document's uncompressed size, without even using any CSS3 trickery.

-- Mike Wolf
tor-dev mailing list