[tor-dev] Summer of Privacy applicant, Multi-threading

2015-04-15 Thread Kim Reece

I see several folks doing brief intros here so I'll do so as well.
Most of my application is in already, just finishing up the patch. I'm
a Mathematics undergrad, 3rd year come Fall. I've used multi-threading
in coursework and in an internship I did at JPL/NASA. I want to expand
the multi-threading in Tor this summer.

For my patch I'm working on #3569 (Refactor socks parsing). It won't
be a complete implementation of that bug this week, but I aim to
complete the first part of it, ie. the refactoring internal to the
function to expose the state model clearly in code structure. To that
end I have one quick code style question:

Is clarity preferred over the (very short) body of a conditional only
occurring in one place? I'm encountering at least once instance where
the choice is between repeating a (very short) code block, thereby
introducing the potential that one section of it may in the future be
edited without the other receiving the same edit (even though they're
right next to each other), or retaining a gnarly conditional that took
a truth table for me to be sure I had the right end of. If code
occurring exactly once is a priority, the gnarliness can be repaired
with an explanatory comment, but I'd like to know which is preferred.

-- Kim
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] TOR SoP proposal: extending and improving TOR network anomaly detection

2015-04-15 Thread Philipp Winter
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 01:38:54AM -0400, Kibo Schaffer wrote:
 I want to improve TOR's ability to detect anomalies such as sybil
 attacks, and make it easy to include other heuristics for other
 potential attacks. When a potential attack is detected, users and
 maintainers are notified (as necessary). There has been research and
 development with this field with TorDoctor, exitmap, and
 HoneyConnector. However, as far as I am aware, these projects could use
 some help being solidified and integrated into TOR.

What do you mean by solidified and integrated into TOR?  Tor, the
network or tor, the C program?  exitmap (and I think Doctor and
HoneyConnector too) is meant to be a stand-alone tool that only uses the
Tor network as a client.

And do you already have some concrete ideas about detecting anomalies?
It's an interesting topic, but also a theory-heavy one.  If we don't
have good ideas about concrete things to work on, we can easily spend
all three months researching, which is not quite what TSoC is about.

While I'm currently working on Sybil attack detection [0], and more
broadly anomaly detection, we are still mostly in the process of working
out the theory.

There might be, however, ways to extend exitmap and add new modules to
it, which is mostly programming.  The GitHub issue tracker lists two of
them [1].

[0] http://notebooks.nymity.ch/detecting_sybils.html
[1] https://github.com/NullHypothesis/exitmap/issues

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] TSOP proposal

2015-04-15 Thread Alden Page
Hey Remi,

It's great to see someone else interested in adversarial stylometry! I have
been working on a project quite similar to your proposal since January as
my undergraduate thesis. I am considering applying for TSoP in order to
fund the continued development of the project, but I think the mentor issue
is a strong indication that we should focus our efforts on something more
related to Tor. Since I have made considerable progress implementing the
tool you described, perhaps we should instead combine our efforts? Rachel
Greenstadt, whose work I am sure you are familiar with, also expressed
interest in collaboration when I announced this project in December.

You will find that I have implemented many of your proposed features in my
project on GitHub. Near-term work involves making the project easier to
install and implementing Writeprint feature set extractors. If you manage
to get it running (for now, you will have to install dependencies
manually), I would love to hear some feedback from you! Until then, see my

Contribute at: www.github.com/pagea/unstyle

A preliminary version of my thesis can be found below. I will provide a
more permanent URL on GitHub in the future.

Full disclosure: I am applying to TSoP this year, and I am still strongly
considering proposing the continued development of Unstyle, in addition to
a few other potential applications.

Alden Page
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Summer of Privacy application, Censorship Analyzer

2015-04-15 Thread Philipp Winter
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 11:56:12AM +0200, Miquel Llobet wrote:
 As far as coding goes, I played a bit with OONI (did a scan, turns out I'm
 clean :-) ). and built it from source. What bugs to you recommend to work
 on as a start? Ideally I can write a patch before the submission is due to
 attest my skills.
 Let me know if you have any suggestion or advice on pursuing this project.

Hi Miquel,

Cool, thanks for your interest!

You could find an interesting bug under the OONI component [0].  I'm
also copying Arturo, OONI's maintainer, who might have a better tip.

Also, do you have some experience with asynchronous programming in
general, and Twisted in particular?  I'm asking because several students
have tried to work on this project in the past and nobody has delivered
much code so far.  I think that many had issues with learning
asynchronous programming and getting familiar with OONI's code base.


tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Tor Summer of Privacy deadline is soon!

2015-04-15 Thread Damian Johnson
Hi all, just a quick friendly heads up that the deadline is coming up
soon. If you've been thinking of making an application then now is the

Application deadline for students is April 17th (end-of-day everywhere
needing to be strict on this, but we have a really tight deadline for
making selection decisions. Late applications make the process harder,
so the only fair thing is to not allow any exceptions.

Cheers! -Damian

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anywhere_on_Earth
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] onionoo: historic details.json data

2015-04-15 Thread nusenu
Hash: SHA512

 By the way, are you aware of Philipp Winter's work on a better
 Sybil attack detector?

If you mean
then yes, I've seen it.

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Relay Database: Existing Schemas?

2015-04-15 Thread nusenu
Hash: SHA512


I'm planing to store relay data in a database for analysis.
I assume others have done so as well, so before going ahead and
designing a db schema I'd like to make sure I didn't miss pre-existing
db schemas one could build on.

Data to be stored:
- - (most) descriptor fields
- - everything that onionoo provides in a details record (geoip, asn,
rdns, tordnsel, cw, ...)
- - historic records

I didn't find something matching so far, so I'll go ahead, but if you
know of other existing relay db schemas I'd like to hear about it.


GSoC2013: Searchable Tor descriptor archive (Kostas Jakeliunas)
(btw, someone knows the license of this?)

 This is true: the summary/details documents (just like in Onionoo 
 proper) deal with the *last* known info about relays.

(didn't find db/tordir.sql mentioned in the pdf)

Instructions for setting up relay descriptor database

Set up descriptor database for other researchers


tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Summer of Privacy application, Censorship Analyzer

2015-04-15 Thread Miquel Llobet
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Philipp Winter p...@nymity.ch wrote:

 You could find an interesting bug under the OONI component [0].  I'm
 also copying Arturo, OONI's maintainer, who might have a better tip.

Great thanks, I'll pick something from the list, hopefully Arturo can offer
some guidance.

Also, do you have some experience with asynchronous programming in
 general, and Twisted in particular?

I have learned the fundamentals at school and done a bit of work with
node.js so I'm familiar with the principles. As far as Twisted goes I did
part of this [0] tutorial before and learned a lot, I was looking for some
project to put it in practice, that's also why OONI caught my attention.

[0] http://krondo.com/?page_id=1327

Miquel Llobet
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Draft of proposal Direct Onion Services: Fast-but-not-hidden services

2015-04-15 Thread Tom Ritter
On 10 April 2015 at 07:58, George Kadianakis desnac...@riseup.net wrote:
 One negative aspect of the above suggestions, is that if hidden
 services only listen for connections, then they lose their
 NAT-punching abilities. But I bet that this is not a problem for some
 use cases that would appreciate the corresponding performance boost.
 Theoretically, the above optimizations could also be optional.

 We should think more.

I wobble back and forth on NAT-Punching for DOS (Direct Onion Services ;) ).

On one hand it's awesome to not have to worry about NAT. On the other,
if you're doing to run a DOS, presumably you are capable enough to
either traverse it or not have to worry about it?

Ultimately, I think I fall onto the side of wanting to keep the
NAT-punching present. As we support more use cases for OSes (Onion
Services ;) ) we will probably want to support people behind NATs but
willing to compromise anonymity for performance. For example, I could
easily envision someone being the DOS in an audio or video chat and
being behind a NAT. The DOS end helps boost the performance, the
client gets anonymity, everyone gets end-to-end protection.

The difference between a DOS connecting to an IP and a DOS _being_ the
IP seems small, as it's only used for connection setup.  Obviously
being the IP would be faster... perhaps the DOS could choose IPs that
(it believes) it has a low latency connection to? (If that would be
feasible with the information the daemon has available to it?)

On 9 April 2015 at 22:33, Jacob H. Haven ja...@jhaven.me wrote:
 Removing rendezvous nodes is a bigger change to the protocol, but would be
 very useful. Why not enable the client to just directly establish circuit(s)
 directly to the onion service? As David pointed out, this would probably be
 implemented most cleanly with a tag in the HSDir descriptor (this would
 conveniently identify the service as non-hidden, whether that's a good or
 bad thing...)

|direct onion service| - RP - client middle - client guard - 

If the RP is removed and the client makes a direct connection to the
DOS, the client is using a two-hop circuit, not a three-hop, right?
If it's a three-hop circuit, it's no different (performance-wise) than
using a RP, right?

Another thought. If the DOS makes a direct connection to the HSDir for
descriptor publishing the HSDir will be able to (passively) enumerate
which HSes are DOSes, right?  This seems like it would be something we
would want to prevent. (Well, at least require the HSDir to go perform
an active fingerprint to learn this information.) The use of three-hop
circuits to publish this information is not strenuous either.

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Should popularity-hiding be a security property of hidden services?

2015-04-15 Thread Paul Syverson
Hi George,

Thanks for taking up the challenge I raised to you of coming up with
use cases where leaking popularity is a threat.

Perhaps others have suggested that we don't worry about popularity at
all, but for the arguments I had been trying to make these are straw
men. I don't suggest that we completely ignore popularity.  As one
simple example, if you monitored and published the popularity of onion
services at the level of seconds or minutes (maybe even courser)
adversaries could almost certainly construct practical intersection
attacks on users of some onion services whose client-side traffic was
being monitored. 

You noted anonymity is not binary, but you have only addressed
popularity at a binary level: protect it or ignore it. We have an
unfortunate tendency to sometimes do this in the Tor design
community. For example, any design choice that partitions (or more
generally statistically separates in any way) clients by the portions
of the network about which they've been given information is not even
worthy of consideration because partitioning is just bad. On the other
hand, some pseudonymous profiling by exits is simply acceptable
because of practicality considerations (and indeed, time to keep
opening new connections on existing circuits has recently been
significantly increased in Tor Browser Bundle for usability
reasons---with a bit of discussion, but no significant analysis and no
Tor Proposal). These are just single examples on each side for
contrast, but others are easy to produce. I don't want to get into
addressing the problem of this tendency in general here, I just want
to make sure that we avoid specifically doing that for this problem.

I think I mentioned to you previously the sorts of popularity
statistics I would like to gather. But perhaps I was unclear. I'll set
it out here publicly for others to comment on. Details might change,
and of course we'd have to worry about particular protocols. That's no
different than anything else in Torland.  But I want to assume that
something like the following is basically feasible.  As an argument
from authority, I talked to Aaron a bit about how you might do this
and we were both convinced it should be feasible to do this securely.

So, assume we have an onion service statistics gathering protocol that
outputs say weekly the number of connections and bandwidth carried by
the highest 5 percent, then 10 percent, then 20 percent, then 40
percent, then bottom 60 percent of onion services.  I take it as given
that these would be useful for many reasons, some of which you
cited. We can revisit usefulness as needed.

The question I would like to have answered is what sort of practical
threat could be posed by leaks from this. One could imagine an active
attacker that hugely fluctuates the volume of a given onion service to
determine which bin it had been in assuming very generously that this
isn't covered by noise of other onion services or a very long attack
on a service whose volume does not otherwise change.

These statistics are not a threat in the parkour example. They do
not reveal historical volumes of individual onion sites.

In the dystopian future scenario, the authorities know which hidden
services are run by the rebels but not which ones are popular, and
they want to take down the popular ones quickly since the revolution
is imminent. If they happen to guess the right few they could inflate
the activity (if they can access the onion site) and learn in a week
that they were popular (assuming that they are lucky enough to be sure
that, e.g., noise doesn't obscure that). This is a pretty iffy and low
bang for the buck attack. As a contrasting example, authorities could
easily locate the the guard(s) of targeted onion sites (we're assuming
they can access targeted onionsites) via congestion attacks and then
just monitor the network activity from the guard or its ISP to see the
popularity of targeted onionsites in realtime. Not to mention
deanonymizing anyone they are watching on the client side. This could
be done faster, easier, and more productively than using the

Tor is full of security vs. performance and/or efficiency and/or usability
trade-offs. If we're going to rule out any onion service popularity
statistics, I'd like some indication of a realistic potential threat.
So far I don't feel I've heard that.

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] TOR SoP proposal: extending and improving TOR network anomaly detection

2015-04-15 Thread Kibo Schaffer
Hi Philipp,

Thanks for your reply. I mean Tor the network. Not integrated into the
protocol itself. Sorry for the poor wording. So it would work as
exitmap, HonerConnector, and TorDoctor.

 And do you already have some concrete ideas about detecting
 anomalies? It's an interesting topic, but also a theory-heavy one.
 If we don't have good ideas about concrete things to work on, we
 can easily spend all three months researching, which is not quite
 what TSoC is about.

Agreed. I underestimated how much research it would take, and I haven't
had the time this week to look more in-depth into pre-existing projects
and research to really gauge this.

Since the scale / shape of the project is currently incompatible with
TSoP, I won't submit it (I could, but it doesn't make much sense).

*However* I still want to contribute to this field, and I think I can
look into getting my university to fund me for the summer instead, so I
can work towards financial independence.

I'll get back in touch soon once things settle down here.


On Wed, 15 Apr 2015 17:28:32 +0200
Philipp Winter p...@nymity.ch wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 01:38:54AM -0400, Kibo Schaffer wrote:
  I want to improve TOR's ability to detect anomalies such as sybil
  attacks, and make it easy to include other heuristics for other
  potential attacks. When a potential attack is detected, users and
  maintainers are notified (as necessary). There has been research and
  development with this field with TorDoctor, exitmap, and
  HoneyConnector. However, as far as I am aware, these projects could
  use some help being solidified and integrated into TOR.
 What do you mean by solidified and integrated into TOR?  Tor, the
 network or tor, the C program?  exitmap (and I think Doctor and
 HoneyConnector too) is meant to be a stand-alone tool that only uses
 the Tor network as a client.
 And do you already have some concrete ideas about detecting anomalies?
 It's an interesting topic, but also a theory-heavy one.  If we don't
 have good ideas about concrete things to work on, we can easily spend
 all three months researching, which is not quite what TSoC is about.
 While I'm currently working on Sybil attack detection [0], and more
 broadly anomaly detection, we are still mostly in the process of
 working out the theory.
 There might be, however, ways to extend exitmap and add new modules to
 it, which is mostly programming.  The GitHub issue tracker lists two
 of them [1].
 [0] http://notebooks.nymity.ch/detecting_sybils.html
 [1] https://github.com/NullHypothesis/exitmap/issues
 tor-dev mailing list

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Release: obfs4proxy-0.0.5

2015-04-15 Thread Yawning Angel
Hello all,

I just tagged obfs4proxy-0.0.5, this time with improvements for both
clients and servers.  All users are recommended to upgrade.  Special
thanks to mvdan for various code cleanups.


Changes in version 0.0.5 - 2015-04-15:

 - Go vet/fmt fixes, and misc. code cleanups.  Patches by mvdan.

 - Changed the go.net import path to the new location

 - Added limited support for detecting if the parent process crashes.

 - Support for tor feature #15335 (stdin based termination

 - Moved the leveled logging wrappers into common/log so they are usable
   in transport implementations.

 - Added a DEBUG log level.

 - Use a bundled SOCKS 5 server instead of goptlib's SocksListener.

The big features are:

 - obfs4proxy now tries really hard to detect if the parent process
   has crashed, using various system specific hacks (and the new and
   improved tor assisted mechanism in #15335).  This should
   reduce defunct obfs4proxy processes when tor happens to crash
   without tearing down the obfs4proxy instance.

 - Instead of using goptlib's SOCKS4a server, obfs4proxy now includes a
   SOCKS5 implementation, bringing IPv6 support to clients.  Note that
   running IPv6 bridges has always worked (though dual stack configs
   are currently somewhat broken due to a tor PT configuration protocol

Notes for packagers:

 - Like in obfs4proxy-0.0.5, one of the upstream dependency locations
   has changed.  (code.google.com/p/go.net - golang.org/x/net).

   As far as I am aware, migrating to the new package immediately is
   not required though, should be done sooner rather than later due to
   the impending deprecation of code.google.com.

   To temporarily continue to build against the old go.net dependency,
   please revert: aed4b723891db1be34eb866a03c62806b58ac148

 - It is *strongly* recommended that packages be built against
   goptlib-0.4 or newer to work around tor bug #15240.  Without this
   workaround, certain bridges will fail to operate correctly when the
   ExtORPort is enabled (the Tor side fix is in tor- and

Questions, comments, feedback appreciated,

Yawning Angel

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