Re: [tor-dev] Metrics: Estimating fraction of reported directory-request statistics

2022-04-18 Thread David Fifield
On Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 06:16:23PM -0600, David Fifield wrote:
> I am trying to reproduce the "frac" computation from the Reproducible
> Metrics instructions:
> Which is also Section 3 in the tech report on counting bridge users:
>h(R^H) * n(H) + h(H) * n(R\H)
> frac = -
> h(H) * n(N)
> My minor goal is to reproduce the "frac" column from the Metrics web
> site (which I assume is the same as the frac above, expressed as a
> percentage):
> date,country,users,lower,upper,frac
> 2022-04-01,,2262557,,,92
> 2022-04-02,,2181639,,,92
> 2022-04-03,,2179544,,,93
> 2022-04-04,,2350360,,,93
> 2022-04-05,,2388772,,,93
> 2022-04-06,,2356170,,,93
> 2022-04-07,,2323184,,,93
> 2022-04-08,,2310170,,,91
> I'm having trouble with the computation of n(R\H) and h(R∧H). I
> understand that R is the subset of relays that report directory request
> counts (i.e. that have dirreq-stats-end in their extra-info descriptors)
> and H is the subset of relays that report directory request byte counts
> (i.e. that have dirreq-write-history in their extra-info descriptors).
> R and H partially overlap: there are relays that are in R but not H,
> others that are in H but not R, and others that are in both.
> The computations depend on some values that are directly from
> descriptors:
> n(R) = sum of hours, for relays with directory request counts
> n(H) = sum of hours, for relays with directory write histories
> h(H) = sum of written bytes, for relays with directory write histories
> ...
> Using the formulas and assumptions above, here's my attempt at computing
> recent "frac" values:
> date   `n(N)`  `n(H)`   `h(H)`  `n(R)` `n(R\H)` `h(R∧H)` frac
> 2022-04-01 166584 177638.  2.24e13 125491.   0   1.59e13 0.753
> 2022-04-02 166951 177466.  2.18e13 125686.   0   1.54e13 0.753
> 2022-04-03 167100 177718.  2.27e13 127008.   0   1.62e13 0.760
> 2022-04-04 166970 177559.  2.43e13 126412.   0   1.73e13 0.757
> 2022-04-05 166729 177585.  2.44e13 125389.   0   1.72e13 0.752
> 2022-04-06 166832 177470.  2.39e13 127077.   0   1.71e13 0.762
> 2022-04-07 166532 177210.  2.48e13 127815.   0   1.79e13 0.768
> 2022-04-08 167695 176879.  2.52e13 127697.   0   1.82e13 0.761

I tried computing n(R\H) and h(R∧H) from the definitions, rather than by
using the formulas in the Reproducible Metrics guide. This achieves an
almost matching "frac" column, though it is still about 1% too high.

date   `n(N)`  `n(H)`   `h(H)`  `n(R)` `n(R\H)` `h(R∧H)` frac
2022-04-01 166584 177638.  2.24e13 125491. 90.9  1.96e13 0.930
2022-04-02 166951 177466.  2.18e13 125686.181.   1.92e13 0.937
2022-04-03 167100 177718.  2.27e13 127008.154.   2.00e13 0.942
2022-04-04 166970 177559.  2.43e13 126412.134.   2.14e13 0.936
2022-04-05 166729 177585.  2.44e13 125389. 94.6  2.15e13 0.938
2022-04-06 166832 177470.  2.39e13 127077.162.   2.11e13 0.940
2022-04-07 166532 177210.  2.48e13 127815.102.   2.18e13 0.938
2022-04-08 167695 176879.  2.52e13 127697.158.   2.21e13 0.926

I got this by taking an explicit set intersection between the R and H
time intervals. So, for example, if the intervals making up n(R) and
n(H) are (with their lengths):

n(R)[---10---]  [12]  [---9---]
n(H) [12][--16--]  [--7--]

Then the intersection n(R∧H) is:

n(R∧H)   [-5-]  [-5-][3]  [3]

h(R∧H) comes pro-rating the n(H) intervals, each of which is associated
with an h(H) byte count). Suppose the [12] interval represents
1000 bytes. Then each of the [-5-] intervals that result from it in the
intersection are worth 5/12 × 1000 = 417 bytes.

We get n(R\H) from n(R) − n(R∧H):

n(R\H)  [-5-][4-][-6--]

This seems overall more correct, though it required a more elaborate
computation than the Reproducible Metrics guide prescribes. I'm still
not sure why it does not match exactly, and I would still appreciate a
pointer to where Tor Metrics does the "frac" computation.

I was initially interested in this for the purpose of better estimating
the number of Snowflake users. But now I've decided "frac" is not useful
for that purpose: since there is only one bridge we care about, it does
not make sense to adjust the numbers to account for other bridges that
may not report the same set of statistics. I don't plan to take this
investigation any further for the time being, but here is source code to
reproduce the above tables. You will need:

Re: [tor-dev] Metrics: Estimating fraction of reported directory-request statistics

2022-04-18 Thread David Fifield
On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 03:45:29PM -0600, David Fifield wrote:
> I was initially interested in this for the purpose of better estimating
> the number of Snowflake users. But now I've decided "frac" is not useful
> for that purpose: since there is only one bridge we care about, it does
> not make sense to adjust the numbers to account for other bridges that
> may not report the same set of statistics. I don't plan to take this
> investigation any further for the time being, but here is source code to
> reproduce the above tables. You will need:
> ./ consensuses-2022-04.tar.xz > relay_uptime.csv
> ./ extra-infos-2022-04.tar.xz > relay_dir.csv
> ./ relay_uptime.csv relay_dir.csv

Missed one of the source files.
import datetime


# "If the contained statistics end time is more than 1 week older than the
# descriptor publication time in the "published" line, skip this line..."
END_THRESHOLD = datetime.timedelta(days = 7)

# "Also skip statistics with an interval length other than 1 day."
# We set the threshold higher, because some descriptors have an interval a few
# seconds larger than 86400.
INTERVAL_THRESHOLD = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 9)

def datetime_floor(d):
return d.replace(hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0)

TIMEDELTA_1DAY = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 86400)
def segment_datetime_interval(begin, end):
cur = begin
while cur < end:
next = min(datetime_floor(cur + TIMEDELTA_1DAY), end)
delta = next - cur
yield (, delta / (end - begin), delta / TIMEDELTA_1DAY)
cur = next
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