Dear all,

I'm currently an undergraduate student double BSc Applied Mathematics/Computer 
Science. This year I'll be doing a small (~500 hour) research project as part 
of my Honor track. I'm looking for a suitable research question I can try to 
answer, preferrably by using mathematical modeling. To give you an idea what 
kind of research I was planning to do, I briefly described my current idea 

I was considering researching path selection, specifically the probability of 
selecting only faulty/malicious nodes and how this might be improved by 
including an extra reputation metric. This hypothetical reputation metric would 
be a "social" like reputation, based on for example real-world connections 
between people. In the most extreme case, one could choose a path of which all 
nodes are ran by real-world trusted people.

As there might be a more usefull research question out there, I was wondering 
whether there are any questions that the Tor Project has that might be answered 
by using mathematical modelling. I could then consider to try and answer this 
question in my research project.

Thanks in advance.
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