Re: [tor-dev] Call for help on testing core tor releases

2016-10-25 Thread isabela
On 10/25/16 5:03 PM, Conor Schaefer wrote:
> Isabela,
> Great idea, count me in. Most interested in testing Ubuntu Trusty, but
> Debian stable and testing also relevant to my interests.
> Regarding the Riseup Pad, could you toss in some links for reading up on
> Chutney? I'd like to reuse this Pad to as a catch-all resource for
> bootstrapping Tor tests.
> Conor

Thanks for the help! I added a link with some good tips on how to get
started with Chutney o/
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Call for help on testing core tor releases

2016-10-25 Thread isabela
Hi there!

First, thanks again for offering to help test our release!

This release came out actually last week but I was mostly offline and
could not send this note to you / sorry about that.

I organized the information related to what to test and how to report
bugs here:

A new thing you will find there is a link to download a nightly build of
Tor Browser with Tor -- this is actually the easiest way
to test it if you only have a few minutes.

There are some instructions on how to submit a bug to us as well.

This is the first time we are doing this (call for help testing) sorry
for the bumps along the way  We will continue to ask for help and
hopefully get better over time.

If you have some time this week, please do test our alpha release, this
will help us a lot!

Thanks again for the help o/


tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Call for help on testing core tor releases

2016-10-14 Thread isabela
On 10/14/16 5:10 AM, wrote:
> Heya
> I'd like to help too - able to test on debian stable and testing.

:) thanks! Added you to the list and will follow up again when the
release is out o/
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Call for help on testing core tor releases

2016-10-14 Thread isabela
On 10/13/16 4:53 PM, Matt Traudt wrote:
> Isabela / Core Tor
> I'd love to help. I use 99% Linux and will be able help with everything
> you listed.
> I'm pastly on trac and oftc.
> Matt

Thanks Matt! I will ping you again when the release is out o/
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Call for help on testing core tor releases

2016-10-13 Thread isabela
Hello Tor community!

The Core Tor Team would like to improve our release process by getting
it more tested so bugs are found earlier, so stable releases can get out
faster and without any big bugs.

During Tor's Meeting in Seattle a couple of weeks ago, we discussed this
topic and decided to organize a QA team (with the help of the community)
for core tor.

So we decided to make a call for volunteers to help us with testing our
0.2.9 release so we can catch bugs asap. We are planning on freezing our
alpha release this Monday, October 17th, the test period is from 17-31
of October. [release calendar:

But if you can test it on the week of the 17, please do so because the
sooner the better for us to be able to fix the bugs.  Also, please
understand that giving so many things we have on our plates, we will
have to triage and prioritize bugs reported. This means some might be
defer to another release.

Below you can read more about what we are asking from you ;) and what
our goals are. If you think you can help us, please reply to this email
letting us know.

What we are asking volunteers:

  * Validate release signature/checksum

  * Does it build with _no_ Warnings?

  * Does "make test" pass?

  * Does "make test-network-all" pass? (you'll need chutney for this -
chutney does not work on Windows)

  * Does it work as a client? As a relay?  As a hidden service ?

  * Does it work if you drop the binary into (eg) torpbrowser?

We are hoping to find enough people that we can test the releases on as
many OS's as possible.
Some OS-specific notes:

  * on Linux and BSD, Tor requires some dependencies (read INSTALL).

  * on OS X, you'll need to choose a package manager (HomeBrew,
MacPorts, Fink), or install dependencies from source,

  * either way, you will need to tell configure where the dependencies
are located.

  * on Windows, people sometimes have trouble building Tor. Help us
update our build instructions for Windows!

Our goals:

  * We hope to have tor alpha releases tested within a week of it going out

  * We hope to have people testing it on as many OS's as possible

  * Reduce the number of bugs found when we launch a release candidate
and/or stable release

  * We want operating systems and configurations other than the ones we
use in development to get tested BEFORE we declare the release stable.

If you read so far, like the idea but, this is just bad timing for you
to join us and help out with the project. No problem! luckily we will
have more core tor releases in the future :) so that means there will
always be an opportunity to help.

We will keep this list updated as we move forward with this project so
hopefully you can join us latter!

Please let us know if you have any questions about this - and thank you
in advance.


Isabela / on behalf of core tor

ps: email from Nick on 0.2.9 freeze dates if you miss it

tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Adding one more (optional) step to Trac's ticket work-flow

2016-03-29 Thread Isabela
Hello tor-dev!

tl;dr; we want to add one more step to Trac ticket work-flow called
'merge_ready' - if you don't want to use it you don't need to

During Tor's Dev Meeting in Valencia, the Network Team discussed a code
review process[1] for the team and we concluded that for us a two stage
review process would make things much better for the team.

In order to organize that on our ticket work-flow on Trac, we decided to
add the step 'merge_ready'[2] that would come after either
'needs_review' or 'needs_revision' steps.

For our team, what that will mean is that we have reviewed the code and
believe is ready for Nick to do a second review and merge. The first
review will remove load from Nick and we want to eventually have more
folks helping Nick on the second review as well. But this change alone
will be already a big step.

What does that means for someone working on a ticket that is not part of
Core Tor development flow? Well, if you don't want to use it in your
team or your project flow, you can just ignore it and keep using Trac as

We are sending this note to make sure folks knows about it before it
happens and of course, to hear any concerns or feedback.



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[tor-dev] Notes from network team meeting Wed 3/23/2016

2016-03-23 Thread Isabela
tl;dr; important updates related to triage process and important
discussion topics related to release guidelines draft. Also, help needed
to get 0.2.8 out. Pay attention to next meeting time! It's new!

== Notes from little t Tor team - Wed March 23rd @ #tor-dev

== Participants + updates:
* nickm - working on modularity documentation + reviewing, merging,
fixing bugs. Got coverity autobuilds to happen 3 times a week, we can
have others if desired (up to 8 a week). This link might be useful: - next week: more triage
and planning things. Finish up modularity ideas and v1 implementation
for most of them; release 0282rc

    * isabela - I migrated all the info  you added into the spreadsheet
back to trac (thanks for doing it); worked on the release guidelines
first draft with nick and y'all has it now; trying to organize the next
step on triagging (need some answers to help guide it / email I sent

* asn - did some guard research, also did some hackerone triaging.
Finally I also did some work on prop224 specifically on the cell
formats. i have a torspec branch with initial changes here: -
I also started a thread about more singificant changes to the cell, here
it is

* armadev - I actually wrote a tiny bit of Tor code lately (#18332).
I mostly have questions though (from thinking this morning): a) Where is
the 0.2.8 timeline posted? Maybe it should be on the network team trac
page? Or somewhere else? b) I see athena mentioning backporting the
#18570 patch. Do we (you) have consensus on what is worth backporting?
Should we (you)? (i would argue that the patch doesn't want a backport)
(i see the questions for me about prop224. i am being a bad person and
not being able to keep the 224 design in my head. that makes it hard to
usefully answer questions. :/ )

* dgoulet - code review and a bit of patches last week, got sucked
in LibrePlanet during friday/weekend/monday and I basically catched up
on things yesterday. I plan to continue prop224 implementation today as
I'm moving to do the cache work for HSDir. so I still need to answer
bunch of people on email including GsoC stuff for HS but hoping to jump
back in the coding arena
* athena - merged #18570 past week (but it needs code review for
backport to 0.2.7; on it); now digging into some code reviews (working
on #7478)

== Discussion topics and action items:

Backport strategy
Athena will take over 0.2.7 (and any other previous release if she can)
- this means doing the backports / merges / releases. Athena could start
by going over all the tickets in maint-0.2.7 and saying which should get
backported, which not?  armadev and weasel will have opinions.
About backport policy in general, here is a draft:
Isabela will look in the wiki for any old notes related to this topic
and create a new page for our policy on Network Team's wiki.
#idea: two-person approval to backport?
#commnet: a nice side effect of a good backport policy is that it saves
time and effort

0.2.8 timeline
Timeline was freeze-start-of-march, then rc mid-march, we did the freeze
ontime and now the rc is late. And we are concerned about when it will
be ready to go out.
Folks should prioritize 0.2.8 release and 0.2.9 *triage*. If everybody
else jumps into 0.2.9 without nick, and/or without triage, bad stuff
will happen.  Most obviously, 0.2.8 will be slow, and everything else
will get off track with 0.2.9.
Tickets that we are waiting on a decision are market with the tag:
'must-fix-before-028-rc', we will probably ignore those marked as
'needs-info'. During discussion people took tickets to review and we
will follow up in the next meeting.
About timelines in general we are trying to build guidelines (timeline)
for all releases. once is finalize we will add it to the wiki

Summarize promising gsoc students for network team topics?
We decided on the both actions items:
* get quick list of network-team-related projects
* somebody ask atagar if there are network team projects without
enough adequate associated possible mentors

Discuss draft plans for 029 release/triage/etc.
We reviewed priority list and capacity formula in the pad:
Most important thing to do from now till Friday is to make sure tickets
on 0.2.9.x-final milestone has the following information:
* points - small == <1 day (a task you can get done in a day)|
medium == <1 week | large == +1week
* owner (assign a ticket to yourself if you are the one doing the task)
* priority
* sponsor -must and -can information
If you want to suggest a ticket to be part of 0.2.9 now is the time to
add it to the milestone.
The above will give u

[tor-dev] Notes from network team meeting Wed 3/16/2016

2016-03-19 Thread Isabela
Hello there, this is something new we are trying out. The goal is to
improve communication between team members, since we are spread out
through many different time zones and is hard to get everyone together
at the same time for discussions and updates.

== Notes from little t Tor team - Wed March 16th 13:30 UTC @ #tor-dev

== Participants + updates:
* nickm - trying to get 028 done, getting ready to help with 029
triage, fixing that old 027-authorities bug, and trying to make sure
that all the sponsorS EOM items get done, special focus on module
isolation right now

* isabela - sent a few emails with exercise to start triaging for
029 / working on a proposal for our release process
* dgoulet - working on prop#224 (#17238, dev branch
ticket17238_029_01) / reviewed 028 tickets and cleaned up the "tor-hs"
ticket queue also / plan on triaging for 029 by Friday then PlanetLibre
* asn - worked mostly on prop224 - wrote a thread about design
/ working on GSoC preparations and review queue is empty so can help
review code if needed
* special - nothing much to report, been busy with travel and
auxiliary responsibilities :<
* Sebastian - helped implement 'sponsor' field on Trac / has ~8hrs
next week to work on something that needs help
* karsten - tried to find 028 tickets that need review, found one
that's actually mine and that needed work, worked on that (#18460)

== Discussion topics and action items:

Triage 029 - first triage exercise is to mark sponsor tickets as:
* 'sponsorY-must' means "We have promised this to sponsorY."
* 'sponsorY-can' means "We can bill this to sponsorY, but we haven't
promised this specifically."

We will be looking into sponsor S, U and R tickets. Isabela sent a
spreadsheet via email for people to use and mark the tickets. We should
get it done by Friday EOM so we can move on with another triage
exercise. If you have any questions, please reach out to isabela via irc
or email.

Meeting time discussion:
Is impossible to have something that will work perfectly for
everyone. We discussed a few possible solutions that Nick will compile
and email the list to continue the discussion with other members of the
team. We also decided on sharing meeting notes beyond the meet bot log.

Triagging 'must-fix-before-028-rc':
During this discussion we also ended up deciding on creating a new
state for the review process 'need-merge', so when a ticket is done with
the review process goes to this state. This is the equivalent to
'needs-nick-review' state we discussed during the Dev Meeting
discussion. Some of the action items from the discussion are listed
below. Mostly for folks to review tickets so we can close them and move
one with 028-rc.

Action Items

* everybody look at
* nickm and dgoulet see if they have time to hang out when dgoulet
is around for libreplanet
* isabela to write her thoughts on release-engineering this stuff,
and making broken things easier to revert
* somebody open a ticket for a network-team mailing list : #18563 [DONE]
* nickm will send an email about meeting times.
* if you think something is in must-fix-before-028-rc and we can let
it slip, please comment on the ticket. [people worked on it after the
* dgoulet, Sebastian, teor: please take another look at the ed25519
patch and see if I fixed the issues in #18318 and #17668 ?
* let's see if we can get weasel (or somebody else) to review or
test my fix for #18253
* nickm asks athena for ETA on bugfix.

== Next meeting and other updates:
* I guess next meeting will depend on the results of the meeting
time poll - we will keep the list updated.
* We are having a proposal discussion meeting tomorrow, Thursday
March 17th at 1500UTC - prop#267
* We had a proposal discussion meeting today as well, Wednesday
March 16yh, on prop#224. You can check the log here:

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Re: [tor-dev] Scheduling next proposal discussion meetings

2016-03-15 Thread Isabela
Hi there,

Quick reminder that tomorrow we will have prop 224 discussion:

Proposal 224: Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor

  * Wednesday, March 16th 1500 UTC
  * Must-have attendees: special, dgoulet, asn, teor
  * Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big bunch
of times when you COULD make it.) 
  o ???
  * Can-attend: dgoulet, special (jetlagged), asn (will be midnight;
best-effort), nickm


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Re: [tor-dev] Scheduling next proposal discussion meetings

2016-03-14 Thread Isabela
Sorry for the confusion, 1500 UTC works for Thursday. I am updating the

On 03/14/2016 03:05 AM, Linus Nordberg wrote:
> Isabela  wrote
> Fri, 11 Mar 2016 16:09:22 -0800:
> |  * Proposal 267: Tor Consensus Transparency
> |   **Thursday, March 17th 1600 UTC*
> |   * Must-have attendees: ln5, leif
> |   * Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big bunch
> | of times when you COULD make it.)
> | * ln5: no can do fri 1600 UTC but M,W,Th that week (Mar 14-18) seem
> | open 0900-1600 and 2000-2200 UTC
> | 
> | Please review it and update the wiki with your attendance info.
> | 
> | 
> As indicated on the wiki I'm available until 16:00 UTC M,W,Th so
> starting at 16:00 Thu will be problematic. Can I suggest 15:00 or 20:00
> instead?

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Re: [tor-dev] Scheduling next proposal discussion meetings

2016-03-11 Thread Isabela
Hello there,
I updated the date and time for both meetings based on people's feedback:

 * Proposal 224: Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor
   * *Wednesday, March 16th 1500 UTC*
   * Must-have attendees: special, dgoulet, asn, teor
   * Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big
bunch of times when you COULD make it.)
 * ???
   * Can-attend: dgoulet, special (jetlagged), asn (will be midnight;

 * Proposal 267: Tor Consensus Transparency
  **Thursday, March 17th 1600 UTC*
  * Must-have attendees: ln5, leif
  * Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big bunch
of times when you COULD make it.)
* ln5: no can do fri 1600 UTC but M,W,Th that week (Mar 14-18) seem
open 0900-1600 and 2000-2200 UTC

Please review it and update the wiki with your attendance info.


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[tor-dev] Scheduling next proposal discussion meetings

2016-03-09 Thread Isabela
Hello there,
on today's irc meeting we choose 2 proposals to discuss: #224 and #267.

I took a look at people's availability in the wiki and picked the
following date&time for both meetings:

  * Proposal 224: Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor
  o Wednesday, March 16th 2200 UTC (teor can join)
  o Must-have attendees: special, dgoulet, asn, teor
  o Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big
bunch of times when you COULD make it.) 
  + ???
  o Can-attend:

  * Proposal 267: Tor Consensus Transparency
  o Friday, March 18th 1600 UTC
  o Must-have attendees: ln5, leif
  o Conflicts: (If you are noting a conflict, please include a big
bunch of times when you COULD make it.)
  o Can-attend:

Please update in the wiki with your options for them. If this date and
time does not work, let me know what is a good one in the 'conflicts' notes.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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[tor-dev] Applications team prep for Valencia

2016-02-13 Thread Isabela
Hello there!

As we approach our 2016 Winter Tor's Dev Meeting in Valencia [1], I am
trying to help the different teams prep for discussions we will have there.

I hope the Applications team take some time to review your retrospective
notes[2] to see what the team have done from that list and what it
haven't. Also, to think about other points that could help improve the
team organization process. We hope to have another retrospective session
in Valencia and that will help prep for it.

Another exercise I would like each dev team that plans to be in Valencia
to do is to review the roadmaps they created in Berlin. We will be
planning another 6 months roadmap (from Winter Dev meeting till Summer
Dev meeting), it will be useful for the meeting to look at what you
planned, what got done, what you want to carry on for this next 6months
we will be planning and what you think its better to drop or leave for

I added Tor Browser and Tor Messenger roadmaps to the Applications wiki
page [3].

I plan on adding other Applications dev teams stuff there too, if you
need help finding the roadmap you did you let me know.

Or if you need help with anything else. I am available on IRC as well if
you have questions.






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Re: [tor-dev] 0.2.8 triage at dev meeting!

2015-09-25 Thread Isabela
Hi there!
>>   * Size field: an estimation of how long you think it will take to get
>> it done (not counting review time, just execution):
>> * small < 1 day
>> * medium < 1 week
>> * large > 1 week
> We have the "Points" and "Actual Points" fields for this. "Points" are
> meant to be any unit of time appropriate for a given trac component, and
> are the field for the estimate before work begins. "Actual Points"
> specify the units of time the ticket actually took after completion, for
> evaluation of estimate accuracy/drift/multiplier.
> Popular choices for units of time for Points are "minutes", "hours", and
> "days".

Yes, sorry for the mistake. Trac actually says points not size (used to
Jira) I would suggest to stick with one type of 'measurement' unit so
everyone can understand all the tickets. I don't mind following another

For 0.2.7 we did not go back to the tickets and updated the 'actual
points' of it. Which we should do, and we will get there :)

And yes, sponsor field is not there yet (another mistake on my side) but
you can add it as a keyword if you wish to. And we can fix that later :)

> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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[tor-dev] 0.2.8 triage at dev meeting!

2015-09-24 Thread Isabela
Hello everyone!

We are planing on doing a triage session for 0.2.8 release in Berlin!
Below is some guidance of what you can do to prepare for that, also what
you can do if you are planning on being there but want to help build the

Who should participate? Core Tor developers, obfuscation developers, Tor
Browser developers, Hidden Services developers, and of course anyone else 

To help with the triage we are asking everyone to add the following
information to tickets you think should be part of 0.2.8

  * keyword field: 0.2.8.x-triage

  * Size field: an estimation of how long you think it will take to get
it done (not counting review time, just execution):
* small < 1 day
* medium < 1 week
* large > 1 week

  * Priority field:
* blocker
* critical
* major
* normal
* minor
* trivial

  * Sponsor field: if it's related to a sponsor deliverable

For 0.2.7 triage we did a few rounds until we ended with a good chunk of
work for the release. The release is coming out this month and here is
some numbers related to it if you would like to use as a reference:

I will send more updates on how this first triage session will be done
in Berlin and how we will get remote folks to participate. Also, this
does not mean what we do in Berlin is final, things can be refined after


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Re: [tor-dev] [important] sponsors deliverables discussion point for Wed's meeting

2015-08-12 Thread Isabela
Alright, now sending the list to CC and directly emailing the team.

Notes from today about this and 0.2.7 freeze.

For sponsor deliverables / please add your name on the 'who can do it'
column if you can pick up a task. We will be checking this spreadsheet
on our meetings till the sponsors deadline to make sure we are not
forgetting any task behind :)

On the spreadsheet:

  * Row 5 is top priority right now since is a dependency for Row 6
  * Some of the documentation tasks could be done in a collaborative way
/ if you want to share a pad please add a link to it at the spreadsheet.

About 0.2.7 freeze:
Please review what you tagged for August and is part of 0.2.7 / not all
the things we triaged for it will make it in but lets make sure what we
have prioritized for August can make it.

Check meetbot logs for the source! :)

On 08/10/2015 01:57 PM, Isabela wrote:
> Hello Core Tor folks!
> Note: if you are not a contractor or full time you can ignore this
> email, it is about paid deliverables.
> Me and Nick have been working on documenting the current status of our
> deliverables for the year to Sponsor S [project year ends on October]
> and Sponsor U [project year ends on November]. The result gave us a
> clear picture of where we need your help with. Please take a look at:
> For Wednesday we want to figure out how can people jump in and help on
> these tasks. Right now we have a lot assigned to Nick and is a big red
> flag that we won't make it. Not to mention that Nick also has to carry
> on other work and to do both is just impossible.
> Please take a look, ask questions and lets figure out how we can
> conclude all this tasks. Priorities are:
>   * Rows 5 & 6
>   * And any help on the other tasks that are all about writing docs
> (rows 12, 13, 15, 16, 17)
>   * Or maybe help out with the final push for Sponsor S tasks
> We will be adding the related tickets (column H) later today so you can
> take a look before the meeting on Wednesday.
> thanks!
> isabela
> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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[tor-dev] [important] sponsors deliverables discussion point for Wed's meeting

2015-08-10 Thread Isabela
Hello Core Tor folks!

Note: if you are not a contractor or full time you can ignore this
email, it is about paid deliverables.

Me and Nick have been working on documenting the current status of our
deliverables for the year to Sponsor S [project year ends on October]
and Sponsor U [project year ends on November]. The result gave us a
clear picture of where we need your help with. Please take a look at:

For Wednesday we want to figure out how can people jump in and help on
these tasks. Right now we have a lot assigned to Nick and is a big red
flag that we won't make it. Not to mention that Nick also has to carry
on other work and to do both is just impossible.

Please take a look, ask questions and lets figure out how we can
conclude all this tasks. Priorities are:

  * Rows 5 & 6
  * And any help on the other tasks that are all about writing docs
(rows 12, 13, 15, 16, 17)
  * Or maybe help out with the final push for Sponsor S tasks

We will be adding the related tickets (column H) later today so you can
take a look before the meeting on Wednesday.


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Re: [tor-dev] Tor Browser videos Automation

2015-07-09 Thread Isabela
+ tor-dev

Sorry for the noise, but thought of expanding the audience a little,
maybe someone the time to take look into this, or might know what is
going on.

Any help is appreciated, we are trying to finish this project and this
has been blocking us.


Sherief Alaa:
> On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Mark Smith  wrote:
>> On 5/17/15 6:54 AM, Sherief Alaa wrote:
>>> Hi Georg/Mark,
>>> I am working on the new Tor Browser videos this month (or at least a
>>> process to produce them in an automated manner). I am contacting you
>>> because I am running into a problem that you may know how to solve
>>> because I think it's browser related.
>>> Karsten insisted that I have to run a local copy of
>>> <> using a web server while the automated script
>>> runs since we can't estimate or depend on the connection speed. The
>>> major blocker in this is that the browser redirects to
>>> whenever I try to map to
>>> <> (or
>>> <>) in my /etc/hosts file. Now I've tried
>>> everything that will come up to mind that may solve the problem, such
>>> as: flushing DNS cache, clearing history, disabling all addons and more
>>> but nothing worked.
>>> I also ran Wireshark to inspect DNS packets but the browser doesn't even
>>> try to query any DNS server.
>>> I've tested on OS X and Ubuntu and both produce the same results. I've
>>> also tested multiple browsers (Safari, Chrome and Firefox). Same results.
>>> Trivial note: During testing, I could map
>>> <>, <> and basically all .coms
>>> but never for .orgs like <> or
>>> <>
>>> If you have any idea what's going on, please let me know as soon as
>>> possible as I am considering running a local nameserver but I am keeping
>>> that as a last resort.
>> I do not know what is going on.  Most likely it is a caching problem (both
>> the OS and browser cache DNS info, as you know).  But Kathy (CC'd on this
>> reply) and I experimented a little on Mac OS 10.9.5 and found like you did
>> that some hosts worked and some did not, even after doing dscacheutil
>> -flushcache and using Firefox with a new profile.  From the command line,
>> ping always seems to respect /etc/hosts but other things such as curl do
>> not.  Which I guess means it is an OS caching issue, or some applications
>> have their own DNS resolver that bypasses the OS libraries.
>> -Mark
> Ccing Isabela
> -- 
> PM at
> gpg fingerprint = 8F2A F9B6 D4A1 4D03 FDF1  B298 3224 4994 1506 4C7B
> @isa

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Re: [tor-dev] Hi, all!

2015-07-05 Thread Isabela
Thanks Nick!
created #16506 to track this work.

Cheers, Isabela

On 07/03/2015 11:46 AM, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> I'm about to go on vacation, but before I started, Isabela asked me
> for coverage information on Tor, to help people decide where more
> tests should be written.
> I've re-run coverage, and uploaded the gcov output here:
> That archive includes coverage on current master from
>   * make check
>   * make test-network (uses chutney)
>   * make test-stem (uses stem)
>   * all of the above, combined
> I'm also attaching a script that I wrote long long ago, and use to
> summarize coverage file-by-file. Example use:
> ./coverage-65a1e27/cov-all/*
> yrs,
> -- 
> PM at
> gpg fingerprint = 8F2A F9B6 D4A1 4D03 FDF1  B298 3224 4994 1506 4C7B
> @isa

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] 0.2.7 triage [almost there!]

2015-03-31 Thread Isabela
Hello everyone, just a quick note that we are almost done with it. Lets
chat more tomorrow at the discussion time of core tor meeting.

On 03/27/2015 08:34 AM, Isabela wrote:
> Hello there!
> we are almost done with the triage of 0.2.7 - we have a good chunk of
> tickets organized into 2 groups at the spreadsheet.
> Now what I would like to ask people from today till our next IRC meeting
> (Core Tor meeting on Wednesday) is shape group 1 to be our final list.
> What that means? Review what is in there and what is not in there.
> We have added an extra column for you to have a chance to nominate
> things out of group 1 or to be added to group 1 (things from group 2).
> We are also asking that folks try to balance nominations always towards
> having more negative ones than positive ones (we don't want group 1 to
> end up with 200 tickets again :))
> Thanks for playing it! See ya on Wednesday)
> Isabela
> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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Re: [tor-dev] HS bi-weekly community meeting

2015-03-29 Thread Isabela
Hi there!
Thanks everyone for voting.
*The winner slot is Wednesday 16:00UTC.*
*I will suggest we meet at #tor-project* because there is a conflict
with another meeting (Pluggable Transports) are meeting at the same
time/day on #tor-dev.
I know this is not the best time for us to keep this meeting - so lets
see if we can pick another time during the meeting or I can send another
poll later on the week.

On 03/24/2015 01:53 PM, Isabela wrote:
>> FYI, Tue 16h00 UTC is the SponsorR meeting in #tor-dev and Wed 13h30
>> UTC is the little-t tor meeting on #tor-dev :)
> I thought people decided not to adopt the time changed thing.. Since
> Valencia they have been on 8am my time (which is 15:00 UTC). You are
> right about little-t meeting on Wed, that is why I only put the slot for
> 16:00utc
>> UNLESS you really meant #dev-tor (a new shiny improved IRC channel :)?
> hahaha nope :) I meant #tor-dev
>> Cheers!
>> David
>>> Please vote!
>>> Thanks
>>> isabela
> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] 0.2.7 triage [almost there!]

2015-03-27 Thread Isabela
Hello there!
we are almost done with the triage of 0.2.7 - we have a good chunk of
tickets organized into 2 groups at the spreadsheet.

Now what I would like to ask people from today till our next IRC meeting
(Core Tor meeting on Wednesday) is shape group 1 to be our final list.
What that means? Review what is in there and what is not in there.

We have added an extra column for you to have a chance to nominate
things out of group 1 or to be added to group 1 (things from group 2).
We are also asking that folks try to balance nominations always towards
having more negative ones than positive ones (we don't want group 1 to
end up with 200 tickets again :))

Thanks for playing it! See ya on Wednesday)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] HS bi-weekly community meeting

2015-03-24 Thread Isabela

> FYI, Tue 16h00 UTC is the SponsorR meeting in #tor-dev and Wed 13h30
> UTC is the little-t tor meeting on #tor-dev :)

I thought people decided not to adopt the time changed thing.. Since
Valencia they have been on 8am my time (which is 15:00 UTC). You are
right about little-t meeting on Wed, that is why I only put the slot for

> UNLESS you really meant #dev-tor (a new shiny improved IRC channel :)?

hahaha nope :) I meant #tor-dev
> Cheers!
> David
>> Please vote!
>> Thanks
>> isabela

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tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] HS bi-weekly community meeting

2015-03-24 Thread Isabela
Hello there,

I am very sorry for this to be taking so long. I keep forgetting about it!

I created a poll for us to pick a day/time and start a bi-weekly meeting
for the HS community.

This was something we spoke in Valencia and the members of the community
think is a good idea (a place to talk about HS in general not only
sponsorR stuff).

The times proposed at the poll are the most common time we meet (in UTC
time) and for the slots where there is no meeting going on at #dev-tor.

Please vote!

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] 0.2.7 triage meeting

2015-03-17 Thread Isabela
Thanks everyone for voting, based on your vote I am picking the
following date and time for our meeting:

*Thursday March 19th, 13:30UTC at #tor-dev*

We created a spreadsheet with all the tickets we need to triage:

At the meeting we will do the following exercise (we encourage people to
go ahead and start doing it prior to the meeting if they have time):

0. Each person will go down the list and color the background of the row
with red if you think the task should not be part of 0.2.7
Some guideline of what to consider while thinking about what to
color as red: "This is impossible", "this would hurt tor", "this is very
little benefit for a great deal of effort"
1. I will group all red stuff at the meeting and we will do a quick
eyeball check to see if indeed they should be out
2. Then each person will look at tasks they are familiar with and add
priority (trivial, normal, major) and some estimation (small, medium, large)
Don't worry, this does not need to be perfect, just your best guess.
As you go down the list and have questions you can ask the rest of the
group on irc. We won't be going together as a group through item per
item. We encourage people to just go and update the tasks with what they
think, and discuss on the channel.
3. We will probably be doing #2 for a while, after 1hr or so we will
stop. (don't want to exhaust anyone) I will push to the top every row
that has information for all columns and leave at the bottom those that
does not.

Hopefully by the end of the meeting we will have triaged and prioritized
a good chunk of those tickets. We will decide at the end of the meeting
if we think is necessary to do another one soon or if should schedule
for next month.. etc.

Let me know if you have questions!

On 03/14/2015 10:26 AM, Isabela wrote:
> Hi,
> bumping this to the top of the inbox ;)
> this meeting is important and I want to make sure we are doing it at
> the time the fits better on everyone's schedule.
> cheers,
> Isabela
> On 03/12/2015 06:58 PM, isabela wrote:
>> Hello people!
>> As you might have noticed at our roadmap [0] we have the following task:
>>   * Initial ticket triage + schedule for 0.2.7(due by March 20th)
>> At the last Core Tor weekly IRC meeting we asked people to add the
>> label 0.2.7 to the work they want to see done for the release. The
>> only guideline so far is to also look at other's roadmap and keep
>> their needs in mind as you decide what should go on the next release.
>> We plan to start triaging this at the end of the next weekly meeting
>> (Wed 3/18) and will probably need another meeting to finish this
>> initial ticket triage.
>> I am trying to figure out when is a good time to have the 'second
>> round' of triage and that is why I am sending this note.
>> Please look at the poll and let us know when is a good time for you:
>> Thanks,
>> Isabela
>> [0]
>> ___
>> tor-dev mailing list
> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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Re: [tor-dev] Syncing the Tor+TBB release schedules?

2015-03-16 Thread Isabela
let's triage 0.2.7 having this time frame in mind. Maybe it would be
good to leave some 'capacity' for items that might be added along the
way, so we can add feature requests or bugs if they come up.

On 03/16/2015 10:45 AM, Mike Perry wrote:
> Nick Mathewson:
>> On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Mike Perry  wrote:
>>  [...]
>>> Thanks for breaking out all the options, Isabela and Nick!
>>> After more consideration of all of them, given that these next few
>>> months will be spent mostly doing rebase work, I think either Option 2
>>> or Option 4 above seem like the best plan.
>>> The only reason we should *need* new Tor features during the FF38 rebase
>>> effort is if the pluggable transports decide they need new Tor features
>>> in that timeframe. In fact, better PT support/fixes were the reason for
>>> most/all of our previous round of tor patch backports.
>>> Otherwise, we would just be including Tor 0.2.7 for more testing
>>> exposure. If the tor-core folks are fine waiting a bit longer before
>>> 0.2.7 sees a TBB release, I think it's fine for us to wait, too.
>> Okay. Under this plan, when would we expect the first TBB alphas
>> including 0.2.7 to come out? Some time in late august, or some time
>> even later than that?
> It largely depends on how well the rebase goes. The safe estimate is mid
> to late August. If things go really well, we may be ready for an alpha
> sooner. Conceivably, we could even release a FF38-based TBB before the
> August 11th EOL, in which case we may be ready for an alpha series even
> earlier, but so far we've never moved that quickly.
> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] 0.2.7 triage meeting

2015-03-14 Thread Isabela
bumping this to the top of the inbox ;)
this meeting is important and I want to make sure we are doing it at the
time the fits better on everyone's schedule.


On 03/12/2015 06:58 PM, isabela wrote:
> Hello people!
> As you might have noticed at our roadmap [0] we have the following task:
>   * Initial ticket triage + schedule for 0.2.7(due by March 20th)
> At the last Core Tor weekly IRC meeting we asked people to add the
> label 0.2.7 to the work they want to see done for the release. The
> only guideline so far is to also look at other's roadmap and keep
> their needs in mind as you decide what should go on the next release.
> We plan to start triaging this at the end of the next weekly meeting
> (Wed 3/18) and will probably need another meeting to finish this
> initial ticket triage.
> I am trying to figure out when is a good time to have the 'second
> round' of triage and that is why I am sending this note.
> Please look at the poll and let us know when is a good time for you:
> Thanks,
> Isabela
> [0]
> ___
> tor-dev mailing list

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Re: [tor-dev] Syncing the Tor+TBB release schedules?

2015-03-13 Thread Isabela
This is a great discussion, thanks Mike for writing down TBB release

I think is very important to start being more strategical on how we plan
the different projects releases. Of course this doesn't mean we have to
force a big change right away, that is why the discussion is important
so we can figure out a good plan on how to do it.

Let's see our options first:


match Core Tor release 0.2.7 with TB 5.0-x release


pros: PT and control port compatibilities


cons: probably will have to cut in half the number of features for 
0.2.7 release (should analyze how that can affect sponsor deliverables we are 
committed to) 


target 0.2.6 for TB 5.0-x stable, and aim for 0.2.7 to go out in the next 
TB series





Did I missed anything?

On 03/13/2015 07:00 AM, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Mike Perry  wrote:
>> As fair warning, I am very likely to decide that it will be better to
>> ship 0.2.7.x in TBB 5.0-stable on Aug 11th, as I suspect that the risk
>> from things like PT compatibility and control port compatibility issues
>> will actually make a rollback to 0.2.6 more risky on balance than
>> sticking with 0.2.7.x.
> Hm.  In that case, maybe we should consider aiming to have 0.2.7.x
> become stable around the end of July instead?
> That would require us to feature-freeze in mid-May, at the very
> latest.  I'm not sure that gives us enough time to put out a solid
> release; we've never tried so tight a schedule before.
> This time around, our schedule looked like this:
> * Jun 18 -- Fork 0.2.5 as a place to put stuff that didn't fit in 0.2.4.
> * Sep 11 -- First rc for 0.2.5.
> * Oct 24 -- Stable release for 0.2.5
> * Feb 2 -- Soft feature freeze for 0.2.6
> * Feb 19 -- Hard feature freeze for 0.2.6
> * Mar 9 -- First release candidate for 0.2.6
> * Mar 20 (projected!) -- Stable release or second release
> candidate for 0.2.6
> So if we aimed for a mid-May freeze, we would have to plan for a much
> smaller 0.2.7 than we had for future releases.  (As it is, freezing
> 0.2.7 in August would still put it on a shorter timeline than we had
> for 0.2.6.)
> It's not out of the question, and we should make sure we talk about it
> when we're doing bug triage for 0.2.7 with Isabela next week.  But
> another possiblility that maybe we should consider is to target 0.2.6
> for your 5.0-x stable, and aim for 0.2.7 to go out in the next TB
> series?
> best wishes,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] 0.2.7 triage meeting

2015-03-12 Thread isabela
Hello people!

As you might have noticed at our roadmap [0] we have the following task:

  * Initial ticket triage + schedule for 0.2.7(due by March 20th)

At the last Core Tor weekly IRC meeting we asked people to add the label
0.2.7 to the work they want to see done for the release. The only
guideline so far is to also look at other's roadmap and keep their needs
in mind as you decide what should go on the next release.

We plan to start triaging this at the end of the next weekly meeting
(Wed 3/18) and will probably need another meeting to finish this initial
ticket triage.

I am trying to figure out when is a good time to have the 'second round'
of triage and that is why I am sending this note.

Please look at the poll and let us know when is a good time for you:



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tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] Update on Roadmaps for Core Tor, Hidden Services and Tor Obfuscation

2015-03-11 Thread Isabela
Hello everyone.
In Valencia dev meeting we did an exercise to help create a roadmap
(1yr) for the different Tor projects and organizational work. I've
collected those roadmaps and published them here:

(I will be sending a similar email to the other dev and org teams as well. )

What I would like to ask from the folks in this list, and who
collaborate with*Core Tor, Hidden Services and Tor Obfuscation (PT,
BridgeDB etc), *is to look at the tables for March and April and fill up
the empty cells for:

  * sponsor -> is the task related to a sponsor? (or could be)
  * who -> person(s) who the task should be assigned to
  * tickets -> ticket(s) related to the task (please create them if
  * date -> estimation dates are always good :)

nickm has already created tickets for Core Tor tasks (Thanks Nick!)

Let me know if you have questions. Here are the tables I am talking about:

  * March and April for Core Tor:
  * March and April for Hidden Services:
  * March and April for Tor Obfuscation:

thanks everyone,

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