Re: [tor-dev] sketch: An alternative prop224 authentication mechanism based on curve25519

2016-12-06 Thread Lunar

Sorry to be late to the party. I still haven't seen UX concerns fully
addressed, and I think we should not create a specification that will
make the life of our users harder if we can avoid it.

> George Kadianakis wrote:
> > I have a more mature torspec branch now for your eyes and only.  Please
> > see branch `prop224_client_auth_4` in my torspec repo:
> >
> >
> > 
> > The changes are based on the feedback and discussion on this thread.
> I would like to state, since I seen it in older posts on this thread,
> that I dislike the idea of generating at client side low entropy ed25519
> key pairs based on simple passwords. It may sound simple and good from
> UX point of view, but we are decreasing the security of a very secure
> auth scheme with it and enabling an over-the-hand practice that keys
> come from client to HS and not vice-versa.

I hope we can find a balance between “a very secure auth scheme” that
will be too cumbersome to use for most users and “a secure and usable
auth scheme”.

I've been hoping we could get a nice UI in Tor Browser to access
authenticated onion services for a while now (#8000). The difficult part
UX-wise is that there is no way to differentiate between an onion
service that is either non-existant, temporary unavailable or
authenticated. (But it's good for security, so let's keep things that

How are users expected to give enter the private key in Tor Browser?
Does the key have to be saved on disk? What should I have to do to
browse an authenticated onion service when running under Tails without
persistence enabled?

I don't see how to streamline support for an amnesic system if I have to
generate a unique keypair that I need to give to the onion service
owner beforehand.

Should we draw inspiration from miniLock? (see slide 35)

If I try to think of my experience as an admin, I see several cases
where it would be much easier to give authentication token to users
myself. User story:

Elena has set up an Etherpad instance on her private server. She
generates a handful of access codes before going to meet the newly
formed copwatch chapter. After the end of the meeting, she can give
out a piece of paper to all attendees so they can access the minutes
and write up reports together in the future.

You really don't want to have all attendees bring their computer or
require them to meet with Elena at a later time.

Hope that helps,
Lunar <>

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Tor Browser downloads and updates graphs

2016-09-20 Thread Lunar
Hash: SHA512

Karsten Loesing:
>> If you feel that's interesting enough, would it be possible to 
>> also add the number of download of cryptographic signatures to
>> the graph?
> Sure, added.

Thanks! These are interesting datapoints regarding the “but nobody
ever checks the signature” that I hear now and then.

> That is something I'd like to add very soon, but I'd first want to 
> discuss whether the absolute numbers make sense before breaking
> them down by operating system, release channel, and locale.
> I'll bring the database with me to Seattle.  Maybe we can sit down
> and run some queries on it together?  This was fun last weekend
> together with Georg and Nicolas, and it would for sure be fun with
> you and other interested folks in Seattle.

Sure! :)

If we're going to get such graphs running as a way to measure the
amount of Tor Browser users, I wonder if we should not also try to
work with Tails' people to add their boot statistics, and maybe other
projects who include Tor Browser without using the automated update

- -- 
Lunar <>

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Tor Browser downloads and updates graphs

2016-09-17 Thread Lunar
Karsten Loesing:
> On 11/09/16 18:13, Georg Koppen wrote:
>> Here are the graphs showing initial downloads, update pings and 
>> update requests over time:
> Here's
> the same graph with more data, more request types, and of course a
> lot more shininess:
> Note that this is just a prototype that will go away in the future 
> without notice.  But if enough people like it we might run our own 
> Shiny Server at some point in the future.  Enjoy!  (And thanks, 
> Isabela, for suggesting Shiny!)

If you feel that's interesting enough, would it be possible to also
add the number of download of cryptographic signatures to the graph?

I also would love to see a breakdown by operating systems if you
consider it a reasonable thing to do.

Seeing these graphs really made my day, I had been hoping for them for
a long time (#10675 which maybe should be closed). Thanks a lot!

Lunar <>

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] "old style" hidden services after Prop224

2016-09-13 Thread Lunar
Hash: SHA512

> So, my opinion is to deprecate v2 entirely after a sane and 
> reasonable transition period.  Apologies to whom this will create 
> headaches - technologically everything can be adjusted to v3 hidden
> services, it's just some work required -- it's not going to be fun
> but it's the clean way for the longer term future.

For what its worth, we now have a social contract [1] that can help us
evaluate such decisions.

In any cases, v2 onion services are broken in several aspects. I think
this is good be advertised even more (point 5, being honest about
limits). The outdated crypto primitives are not my main concerns. I
think the fact that an HSDir can learn onion service addresses, refuse
to serve them, or track connections is really bad.

Once v3 onion services are deployed, I believe the current set of
problems in v2 conflict with social contract point 6, “we will never
intentionally harm our users”. Having them continue to use a
technology that doesn't deliver its initial promises when a better
option is available feels like intentional harm to me.

YMMV, obviously, but I think this is a good framework for having a
discussion. (Should we move this to -project? Not sure.)

  See “Attacks by Hidden Service Directory Servers”

- -- 
Lunar <>

tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] prop224: Ditching key blinding for shorter onion addresses

2016-07-30 Thread Lunar
George Kadianakis:
> this is an experimental mail meant to address legitimate usability concerns
> with the size of onion addresses after proposal 224 gets implemented. It's
> meant for discussion and it's far from a full blown proposal.

Taking a step back here, I believe the size of the address to be a
really minor usability problem. IPv6 adressses are 128 bits long, and
plenty of people in this world now access content via IPv6. It's not a
usability problem because they use a naming—as opposed to
addressing—scheme to learn about the appropriate IPv6 address.

While I do think we should think of nicer representation for the new
addresses than base32, and we should adress that, working on a naming
system sounds like an easier way out to improve onion services
usability than asking people to remember random addresses (be them 16 or
52 characters-long).

(I now plenty of people who type “riseup” in the Google search bar of
their browser to access their mailbox… They don't even want to/can't remember
an URL. Hardly a chance they will remember an onion address, whatever
its size.)

Maybe it would be worthwhile to ask the UX team for input on the topic?

Lunar <>

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] TUF Repository for Tor Browser

2016-06-11 Thread Lunar
> Thanks Lunar for the update. I thought the effort to upstream TBB had
> completely stalled because there was no activity on #3994. Good to know its
> still alive.
> Is there somewhere I could look to track progress besides that ticket?

Don't misunderstand me. To the best of my knowledge, no one is working
on this at the moment. I was just sharing my picture of the situation.

Lunar <>

Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] TUF Repository for Tor Browser

2016-06-10 Thread Lunar
> Rehash of previous discussions on the topic:

See #3994.

> The major reasons why TBB is not in the Debian repository:
> * The reproducible build system depends on a static binary image of (then
> Ubuntu) which runs counter to Debian policy.

It's likely not a problem if built from source.

> * TBB is based on Firefox ESR and not Iceweasel which also runs into the "no
> duplicate source  package" policy of Debian.

I've discussed this with Debian security team a while ago and they are
ok with duplicate source code as long as the updates are done in a
timely manner. Tor Browser has a good record, so it's fine.

> Reasons for unavailability of TBB .deb in the Tor Project APT repository:
> * The break neck speed of development

A regular build could probably be automated via Jenkins.

> * Its not easily packaged and the amount of effort needed is better spent
> otherwise.

As far as I understand, the main issue is that Tor Browser only works
with a single (pre-populated) profile which can't be shared amongst
multiple users. Once this is solved, and Tor Browser can be installed
system-wide, getting a package should not be very hard.

Hope that helps,
Lunar <>

Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] GSoC'16 proposal: the Torprinter project (a Panopticlick-like website)

2016-03-22 Thread Lunar
Pierre Laperdrix:
> Thanks for the valuable feedback!
> It would be great to have the features that you cite into the website.
> For the first version, my point of view is to mainly focus on the added
> value for developers which is to add/remove tests easily and get the
> relevant data as easily as possible for them. With that, they can make
> decisions on what to do next inside the Tor browser. For subsequent
> versions, focusing on users could be really interesting if the rest
> proves to be solid and stable.

Makes sense. My main worry is that some users will be using it, even
if it's aimed at developers, and that quickly we will find ourselves
having to repeat over and over “we know about this issue, the fix is
more complicated than it seems, we're on it, but if you really worry
just switch the security slider to high”.

As long as you have that in mind, and there's a basic way to display
messages for users—this could just be a link to a wiki page—I think
it'll be ok to add fancy stuff later.

> For the internationalization, the framework that I plan to use (either
> Play or Django) supports it through templating. This means that anyone
> can contribute to the translation without writing a line of HTML. The
> main file will be in English and I'll probably do the one in French at
> the same time. One contributor who wants to help will just have to take
> the English file and translate each line without having to find
> scattered hardcoded strings through different HTML files.

Great! :) As long as it's properly i18nized, localizations can come
later. Although doing a first localization while i18ning might help you
spot missing strings.

Lunar <>

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Proposals should have reviews. Let's make sure that happens. Here's a schedule.

2016-01-18 Thread Lunar
> >Nick Mathewson:
> >proposals sit around for a long time
> >
> Is there a summarized visualization of these, or is it sifting through
> emails and tickets?

Proposals are all kept in the “torspec” Git repository:

Once in a while Nick updates the status document giving a general

Lunar <>

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] UX tag

2015-10-31 Thread Lunar
Nima Fatemi:
> May I encourage you to add "UX" tag (keyword) to the tickets you're
> filing or working on that are related to usability in any ways?
> This is to get a sense of how many tickets and what workload is related
> to usability in tor-related products. So I want to humbly ask you to use
> the tag regardless of the help you may or may not need for that ticket.

Tor Browser folks have been tagging tickets with tbb-usability:

Do you want an extra tag for those?

Lunar <>

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] [FWD: Re: Apple developer account + codesigning]

2015-10-27 Thread Lunar
Mike Perry:
> We want to do this for MacOSX as well. Does anyone happen to know if we can
> use otool in some way to remove these LC_CODE_SIGNATURE sections easily,
> and get the same exact binary as before signing?

I don't know if it helps in the case but problem can also be approached
the other way around: if Tor distributes the signatures, is there I way
to stick them in the binaries I just built so that the signature is
valid and the bytes are the same as the ones distributed by Tor.

Lunar <>

Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Producing automated screencasts for Tor Browser

2015-03-19 Thread Lunar

Karsten Loesing:
  2. Install Sikuli (; thanks for Lunar for the
 suggestion!) either directly on these machines or on the virtual
 machine host or on a separate host in the same network.
  3. Write a Sikuli script for each operating system and language,
 probably re-using large parts, to make all the necessary steps to
 download, verify, and run Tor Browser.  This script may include steps
 for preparing the system by changing its language and for cleaning up
 afterwards.  Ideally, this script can easily be maintained whenever
 Tor Browser changes.

I had a quick chat with intrigeri based on their experience with using
Sikuli to automate Tails testing. He told me they had issues with
the OCR system and that they opted for having captured images everywhere
in the end. Having to update images on new Debian releases is a bit of a
pain but seems to be a manageable exercice.

It saddens me a bit because having working OCR would be super awesome in
that the same script could be used for multiple languages by looking at
the actual software translation catalogs… So it might be worth
experimenting a little bit again.

  4. Record audio snippets in the various language that explain the
 steps that will later be performed in the screencast.  Either include
 these as part of the Sikuli script, or put them together separately
 and add them to the recording later.

I think it's worth experimenting a little bit with starting the audio
tracks as part of the script. It would make it easier to put
synchronisation point in the script, and it might smooth out timings in
different languages more nicely.

Are there scripts (as in a textual description of the scenes and
voice over) already written down somewhere?


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] obfs4proxy package in

2014-10-26 Thread Lunar
 2. Configured some obfs4 bridges using obfs4proxy. They work very
 good, however it's a little bit complicated since package obfs4proxy
 exists in Debian sid, but not in, so you have to
 add sid repo to sources.list, install obfs4proxy and then make sure
 you edit apt preferences or comment the sid repo from the list in
 order not to upgrade you entire Debian system with packages from
 unstable/testing branch. Received couple of emails from users wanted
 to deploy obfs4 bridges and were confused.
 Is it possible to include obfs4proxy in for Debian

You should now be able to get obfs4proxy by using:

  deb obfs4proxy main

The package should work on most Ubuntu and Debian versions. It is
available for amd64 and i386.


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] obfs4proxy package in

2014-10-26 Thread Lunar
 Thank you! I can see the package in the main pool, but wanted to ask
 something: any reason why this is not available using:
deb `$lsb_release -c` main
 Basically the same where Tor, tor-arm and obfsproxy are available too?

Because obfs4proxy is in Go and statically linked. The same package can
be used on many distributions. It could not be built on every suite
though, as they don't have the needed build dependencies.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Building TOR using Visual Studio

2014-10-18 Thread Lunar
 Nick Mathewson:
   * Some people want to use paid versions of Visual Studio, and have
  paid for a version earlier than VS2013, and don't want to pay for a
  newer one.  I sympathize with this: I've been on paid upgrade
  treadmills myself, and it's always tempting to save money by skipping
  steps in the upgrade treadmill.  I've even paid for commercial
  compilers in my misspent youth.
 Are there no-cost, non-license-restricted compilers available for
 Windows that support C99?

I assume MinGW fits:

MinGW is also what is used to build Tor for the Windows version of the
Tor Browser (run on GNU/Linux).


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] CGI and Hidden Services

2014-09-10 Thread Lunar
 Does CGI work the same way it does with regular websites when using it for 
 Tor Hidden Services? 
 Do the methods POST and GET work the same over Tor on Hidden Services?

This is the mailing list about the development of Tor. Not about how to
use Tor. You've already asked your question to tor-talk. That's fine, be


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Orbot Fails to Transparent Proxy on lge-e739

2014-09-04 Thread Lunar
 I'm writing this not as a bug ticket: I'd like to try to get involved
 with fixing this issue (which is why I cc'd you, Nathan).

Don't cross post. Also please use the appropriate channel for Orbot

Or if you believe this is worth raising on a developer's mailing list:


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] DNSSEC

2014-09-01 Thread Lunar
 On Mon, Sep 1, 2014, at 11:54, Mike Cardwell wrote:
  The exit nodes do the DNS requests. The client doesn't see an IP address.
  It connects to the Tor SOCKS interface and says, connect me to hostname on port N. It doesn't look up the IP address of
  and *then* connect to it. Hidden services don't have IP addresses and
  DNS resolution isn't involved in routing connections to them.
 So when I request to connect to, that request goes all the
 way to the exit node, which then is supposed to do the DNS lookup? 
 Again, this is impossible, as .onion domains would be bypassed. 

This is the development mailing list for Tor. Please refrain from
posting more questions until you have a better understanding of the way
Tor works:

Everything you want to know about Tor design is available:


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] DNSSEC

2014-08-30 Thread Lunar
 Does anyone know why TOR does not use DNSSEC?  The only documentation I
 found on the TORProject website for DNS does not actually explain how
 DNS works on TOR.  I infer it must be TCP, as TOR can not do UDP, and I
 imagine that relay nodes must be the resolvers in order to resolve
 .onion domains.  But beyond that there is no information on how it
 Seems to me that the lack of DNSSEC in TOR is a gigantic security hole.
 (DNS cache poisoning)

See proposal 219 for the status of current efforts:

Please contribute if you can!


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Decentralized VOIP over Tor

2014-08-17 Thread Lunar
 I said decentralized VOIP because no central servers would be managing
 the communications. Any Tor node could possibly be a VOIP server.

Tor is a transport network. Relays only transport data, they do not
offer services other than what's needed for Tor clients to work.


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Re: [tor-dev] [android dev] probably a stupid noob question… but

2014-07-31 Thread Lunar
 … how may I add netcipher lib to an Android Studio project?
 I've searched on the Net, but nothing seems to match my needs :(
 sorry for this stupid question, but I'm a bit stuck (yes, first android
 app, blah)…

I'm not sure there is much knowledge about Android apps amongst tor-dev
subscribers. Maybe the Guardian Project's mailing list is more


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Email Bridge Distributor Interactive Commands

2014-07-29 Thread Lunar
 Lunar transcribed 2.9K bytes:
  Matthew Finkel:
   I agree, and I think it's safe to assume that some nation-state
   adversaries do not have these capabilities yet. Users should choose
   obfs3 over obfs2, but if a user has a reason for requesting obfs2 then
   I don't think we should deny them.
  But aren't “we” the expert on the topic? Which reasons do you think a user
  might have to choose obfs2 over obfs3? Isn't it in an attacker interest
  to trick users into using obfs2?
  Should all HTTPS websites allow DES because users might have a
  reason to request it? Should OTR clients continue to support OTRv1
  because users might a have a reason to request it [1]?
  Sorry, but as a fail to see good reasons, I just don't get the logic.
  For the Tor Browser, we stop even distributing the binaries as soon as a
  new version is out because we know the previous one to be insecure. Why
  should a broken protocol still be advertised? Why should addresses of
  insecure bridge still be distributed when we can just avoid them?
  What do users get out of retrieving obfs2 bridge addresses that they
  can't get when retrieving obfs3?
 Alice's university sysadmin / corporate IT department / highschool
 administration / overly-conservative techie parents block tor, by protocol
 identification after watching Alice's tor handshake with the first hop.  They
 block relays from the public list. Their firewall runs Bro or similar, and
 they're able to detect and block bridges too. [0]
 They see an obfs2 handshake, and they try to connect to the obfs2 IP:port
 using vanilla tor (without any PTs). It doesn't work. Isn't not their job to
 spend all day trying to figure out what that weird protocol was, and they're
 not savvy enough to realise that the handshake is also fingerprintable.
 That's where obfs2 still works just fine.

But obfs3 will work just as fine. Why continue giving out obfs2 bridges?


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Email Bridge Distributor Interactive Commands

2014-07-28 Thread Lunar
Matthew Finkel:
 I agree, and I think it's safe to assume that some nation-state
 adversaries do not have these capabilities yet. Users should choose
 obfs3 over obfs2, but if a user has a reason for requesting obfs2 then
 I don't think we should deny them.

But aren't “we” the expert on the topic? Which reasons do you think a user
might have to choose obfs2 over obfs3? Isn't it in an attacker interest
to trick users into using obfs2?

Should all HTTPS websites allow DES because users might have a
reason to request it? Should OTR clients continue to support OTRv1
because users might a have a reason to request it [1]?

Sorry, but as a fail to see good reasons, I just don't get the logic.

For the Tor Browser, we stop even distributing the binaries as soon as a
new version is out because we know the previous one to be insecure. Why
should a broken protocol still be advertised? Why should addresses of
insecure bridge still be distributed when we can just avoid them?

What do users get out of retrieving obfs2 bridge addresses that they
can't get when retrieving obfs3?

What does the Tor Project get when misleading users?



Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Email Bridge Distributor Interactive Commands

2014-07-25 Thread Lunar
  PS: why are we still shipping obfs2 bridges?!
 tl;dr: Because we have them.

The protocol is known to be broken and fingerprintable. That's something
we know. Not users. If BridgeDB is giving them out, then it must be that
it's ok to use, right?

We can't just make Tor Browser stop accepting obfs2 because some people
are using obfs2 bridges right now. But we shouldn't add more people to
the set of users of a broken protocol.


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Email Bridge Distributor Interactive Commands

2014-07-25 Thread Lunar
  We can't just make Tor Browser stop accepting obfs2 because some people
  are using obfs2 bridges right now. But we shouldn't add more people to
  the set of users of a broken protocol.
 Obfs3 is also broken, it's just that we haven't yet seen a DPI box do it

That's news to me. Any pointers?


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Email Bridge Distributor Interactive Commands

2014-07-25 Thread Lunar
  We can't just make Tor Browser stop accepting obfs2 because some people
  are using obfs2 bridges right now. But we shouldn't add more people to
  the set of users of a broken protocol.
 Obfs3 is also broken, it's just that we haven't yet seen a DPI box do it
 IRL. If you want me to only hand out the holy grail, I'm never going to hand
 anything out.

The holy grail will never exist, indeed. I fail too see why this would
be a reason to continue giving out solutions that are known to be bad
when they have suitable replacement.


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Typos in 224-rend-spec-ng.txt

2014-07-21 Thread Lunar
 I've found a few typos in the first few sections of 224-rend-spec-ng.txt at

Feel free to provide your fixes in the form of a patch.
`git format-patch` can help crafting an email.


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] I have a group at internet archive that are interested in buying a lot of OnionPi's

2014-06-29 Thread Lunar
Martin Kepplinger:
 Am 2014-06-29 08:57, schrieb Roger Dingledine:
  On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 10:11:24PM +0200, Moritz Bartl wrote:
  On 06/27/2014 09:44 PM, Virgil Griffith wrote:
  What is the current state of the art on this, and if it is ready for
  larger deployment want to buy about 50-100 of them.
  In my eyes, an access point that has a captive portal that teaches
  people about Tor and facilitates the download of Tor Browser etc is much
  better than transparent proxying.
  Right. Using a transparent torifying box as a client is dangerous,
  because your Internet Explorer or other normal browser will probably
  introduce surprising privacy problems compared to using Tor Browser.
  Using your middlebox as a firewall to prevent non-Tor traffic from
  transiting, i.e. to make sure you are using only Tor, is much safer but
  also much less sexy.
 what would be an approach to build that? the accesspoint would need a
 list of current entry nodes, which is, all public relays, right?

(from the February 19th, 2014 of Tor Weekly News:)

Rusty Bird announced [16] the release of corridor [17], a Tor traffic
whitelisting gateway. corridor will turn a Linux system into a router
that “allows only connections to Tor relays to pass through (no clearnet
leaks!)”. However, unlike transparent proxying solutions, “client
computers are themselves responsible for torifying their own traffic.”



Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

[tor-dev] [PATCH] Add some words about meek in proposal 203

2014-06-25 Thread Lunar
This is mostly David Fifield's words from an email exchange.

I re-read proposal 203 the other day and wondered how it was related to
the meek pluggable transport. As I might not be the only one, I thought
it could be worthwhile to share David's answer. Feel free to improve!

 proposals/203-https-frontend.txt |   28 
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+)

diff --git a/proposals/203-https-frontend.txt b/proposals/203-https-frontend.txt
index 26101b3..df30cd5 100644
--- a/proposals/203-https-frontend.txt
+++ b/proposals/203-https-frontend.txt
@@ -245,3 +245,31 @@ Side note: What to put on the webserver?
Something to add to your HTTPS website rather than as a standalone
+Related work:
+   meek [1] is a pluggable transport that uses HTTP for carrying bytes
+   and TLS for obfuscation. Traffic is relayed through a third-party
+   server (Google App Engine). It uses a trick to talk to the third
+   party so that it looks like it is talking to an unblocked server.
+   meek itself is not really about HTTP at all. It uses HTTP only
+   because it's convenient and the big Internet services we use as cover
+   also use HTTP. meek uses HTTP as a transport, and TLS for
+   obfuscation, but the key idea is really domain fronting, where it
+   appears to the censor you are talking to one domain (,
+   but behind the scenes you are talking to another
+   ( The meek-server program is an ordinary
+   HTTP (not necessarily even HTTPS!) server, whose communication is
+   easily fingerprintable; but that doesn't matter because the censor
+   never sees that part of the communication, only the communication
+   between the client and CDN.
+   One way to think about the difference: if a censor (somehow) learns
+   the IP address of a bridge as described in this proposal, it's easy
+   and low-cost for the censor to block that bridge by IP address. meek
+   aims to make it much more expensive: even if you know a domain is
+   being used (in part) for circumvention, in order to block it have to
+   block something important like the Google frontend or CloudFlare
+   (high collateral damage).

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] PrivEX - Privacy

2014-06-16 Thread Lunar
Tariq Elahi:
 What we would really like in order of importance is 1) a design review
 of our proposal, […]

Maybe it's a non-issue but “better ask than sorry”.

If I get it, the idea is to publish a list of visited domain names and
how frequently they have been visited (with noise). Would the privacy of
users be respected if a website contains a link to a per-visitor
generated hostname (using DNS wildcards)?


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] PrivEX - Privacy

2014-06-16 Thread Lunar
 Tariq Elahi:
  What we would really like in order of importance is 1) a design review
  of our proposal, […]
 Maybe it's a non-issue but “better ask than sorry”.
 If I get it, the idea is to publish a list of visited domain names and
 how frequently they have been visited (with noise). Would the privacy of
 users be respected if a website contains a link to a per-visitor
 generated hostname (using DNS wildcards)?

Please ignore me:

“To further reduce the risk of inadvertent disclosures, it collects only
information about destinations that appear in a list of known censored


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] A Child's Garden of Pluggable Transports

2014-05-21 Thread Lunar
David Fifield:
 Have you ever wondered what makes the Tor protocol fingerprintable, and
 makes pluggable transports necessary? Have you wondered how obfs3
 obscures byte patterns in Tor? What a flash proxy WebSocket connection
 actually looks like, and why it defeats IP blocking but not DPI?
 Then I have the wiki page for you:
 It's a visualization of different pluggable transports, meant to be an
 aid to understanding. At the top is an ordinary Tor handshake, with some
 fingerprintable data fields highlighted. The following sections, one for
 each transport, show how those fields are hidden--or not. I tried to
 demonstrate aspects of different transports that I think are hard to
 intuit, such as what flash proxy rendezvous looks like, and how
 transports look under the encrypted layer that is visible to a censor.

This is a beautiful and helpful piece of work. Thank you!


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Installing obfsproxy from wheezy-backports

2014-05-13 Thread Lunar
 tl;dr obfsproxy from wheezy-backports raises exception about not finding
 Twisted although Twisted-core is installed.

Please update to version 0.2.8-1~bpo70+1. It should fix the issue.

Thanks for the report. It would be great if you could use the Debian bug
tracking system next time.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Tor Specs

2014-05-01 Thread Lunar
 Is this the latest version of Tor specification protocol?;hb=HEAD;f=tor-spec.txt

You will find the latest specifications in that Git repository, yes.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] [RELEASE] Torsocks 2.0.0-rc5/6

2014-03-17 Thread Lunar
David Goulet:
 Github tarball:
 TPO Tarball:

Also available from Debian experimental:


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] GoSC - Website Fingerprinting project

2014-03-11 Thread Lunar
Marc Juarez:
 I think website fingerprinting is one of the most threatening attacks to
 Tor because it can be deployed with moderate resources and the
 information that can be extracted as a result is highly sensitive (e.g.,
 browsing history). It basically defeats one of the main privacy
 guarantees offered by Tor which is unlinkability between sender and
 recipient or, in this particular case, between the user and the web
 server. However, I couldn't find any open project that tackles this
 problem in That
 is why I'd like to propose a GoSC project for the implementation of
 tools (packages, classes, etc.) that contribute in the development of a
 countermeasure against this attack.

Have you read Mike Perry's long blog post on the topic?

It outlines future research work in evaluating the efficiency of
fingerprinting attacks, and also mention a couple of promising defenses.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Mockup for a hidden services publishing tool

2014-03-10 Thread Lunar
Matt Pagan:
 Before I get much further with this idea, is this project worth
 pursuing at all?

You should have a look at APAF:

It is able to configure new hidden services through a web interface, but
even better, it is meant to setup both a Hidden Service and a piece of
software serving things at the same time.

 Do you think this tool has potential to function as a
 point-click-publish hidden services software?

IMO, no. If we want “point-click-publish”, we need to have the
publishing software configure Tor.

Unless you are a network administrator, you don't care about ports. You
don't care about internal IP addresses. You just want to say: “I want to
make a blog available”; and have the software reply: “Done, it's at:
idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion. Spread the address around.” I should not need to
know anything else.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] [RELEASE] Torsocks 2.0.0-rc4

2014-03-04 Thread Lunar
David Goulet:
 After a big code review from Nick and help from a lot of people
 contributing and testing, this is the release candidate 4 for the new

I was about to push the new version to Debian experimental, but it just
breaks my SSH configuration too badly.

The new version forbids listen() and accept().

That means that at least SSH options ControlMaster, LocalForward, and
DynamicForward will not work. Being able to multiplex connections
(ControlMaster) is pretty crucial to keep sanity when working over
hidden services. Forwarding options allow a simple way to create to
tunnel TCP connections to a remote system through SSH over Tor.

I am not sure what is the right move here. Perhaps allowing listen on
Unix sockets and localhost? Or maybe allowing listen() entirely?


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Patch to remove goto from sandbox.c

2014-03-01 Thread Lunar
Hartmut Prochaska:
 I changed a function in sandbox.c to not use a goto statement. I didn't
 understood what use it had. Attached the patch file.

See, Chapter 7,
“Centralized exiting of functions” for a rationale.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] obfsproxy dns transport

2014-02-19 Thread Lunar
George Kadianakis:
 b) You can write your own Python code and selectively steal code from
obfsproxy. You will have to steal the code that does networking,
Extended ORPort, environment variable parsing (pyptlib), SOCKS,
etc. This might not be too hard.

Could the shared code be used to augment pyptlib? I guess Extended
ORPort is probably something that all Python pluggable transport
implementations might want.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Tor project automation work

2013-12-10 Thread Lunar
Nicolas Vigier:
 Ok, we can have a test rebuilding several times the files that are most
 likely to become non deterministic. However it would be better if we can
 find some way to trigger those non-deterministic builds with only two
 builds. Maybe we can try something like this :
 - a library that we put in LD_PRELOAD as a wrapper on readdir to return
   directory entries in random order instead of inodes number, so it's
   more likely to be different on each build.
 - a python library that we put in PYTHONPATH, to override dict.iterkeys
   to return keys in random order. If I understand ticket #10159
   correctly, it was caused by iterkeys returning keys in the same order
   most of the time, but not all the times.

I would suggest using reverse order instead of random order. Random
order has the probability of being just like the original order.
For readdir(3), have a look at:


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Design for an exit relay scanner: feedback appreciated

2013-11-26 Thread Lunar
Philipp Winter:
 I now have similar code which is based on stem:
 However, the problem with a parallel single-Tor-process design
 is that there is no easy way for scanning modules to figure out
 which exit relay they were attached to.  The Tor controller just
 sees a bunch of incoming streams but once, one of these streams
 spots something fishy, it is difficult to figure out which exit
 relay is to blame.

I am unsure about the meaning of the `cmd` parameter in the probe method
of your modules. But, can't you pass the circuit ID (or an opaque
wrapper object, actually) to the scanning module, and have the scanning
module pass that to the stream attacher when it has a stream ready?

(Feel free to ignore me if that sounds like non-sense. I only had a
quick look at the code.)


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] recreated website png diagrams as svg

2013-11-11 Thread Lunar
Justin Findlay:
 Item h under
 discusses (at least) the images at this page,
 which look as if they're copied from some EFF presentation.  I've
 recreated them as svg.  Svg being a fairly standard vector markup, I
 supposed that it would be more amenable to automatic string
 replacement than a png (I'm not sure what wml is).  Please look them
 over and give me feedback.  If they are ultimately found acceptable,
 you are welcome to use them for the site.  Thanks.

I think they look great. :)

But something has always bothered me with these diagrams: they make it
look like Tor relays are run on everyone's computer. With Justin's
revision, it looks like they are run on laptops. The vast majority of
Tor relays are run on stable servers and most of the traffic flows
through high capacity servers, hosted in datacenters behind high
capacity links. So I think picturing a laptop might be misleading…


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] next globe update feedback

2013-11-05 Thread Lunar
Philipp Winter:
 On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 11:23:18AM -0800, Damian Johnson wrote:
  I worked on a new update for globe...
  Damn this is awesome! I'm tempted to link to this from our front page
  (replacing Tor Browser in the project matrix on,
  since TBB is already the featured item on the download page).
 Actually, it should rather replace Atlas.  It no longer has an active
 maintainer (Karsten and I are just trying to keep it alive and fix small bugs)
 and is still not able to display bridge information.  Maybe it's time to 
 Atlas in favour of Globe?

Quoting Karsten last July: “However, I don't have plans to retire Atlas
just yet. I think it's fine to have more than one website providing
access to Onionoo data. Yay, diversity.”

But the situation might have changed since then.


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Re: [tor-dev] Bug 9665

2013-11-05 Thread Lunar
Hi Fábio,

Fábio Bertinatto:
 I would like to start contributing to Tor development thus I picked up a
 bug and tried to fix it.

Great! :)

 It's the 9665:
 I don't know whether I understood the problem well or not but I came up
 with the attached (trivial) solution. Could someone please check if it's ok?

Best course of action is probably to attach the patch to the ticket, and
set the status to “needs_review”. Andrea or Nick are likely to take a
look the next time they'll scan open tickets, if not earlier.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Torsocks 2.x issue - Need eyes on that

2013-10-30 Thread Lunar
 David Goulet:
  Now the issue was detected with firefox which uses a custom malloc hook
  meaning that it handles its own memory allocation. This hook uses mmap()
  that firefox redefines to be a direct syscall(__NR_mmap, ...) and
  remember that this symbol is hijacked by torsocks.
  It's a bit of a catch 22 because torsocks is basically looking for the
  libc syscall symbol but then it gets call inside that lookup code
 Wouldn't one way out be to also hook malloc to use a
 static buffer until dlsym() is done? The code snippet in the following
 answer is doing just that:

Meh… scratch that. It looks like defining calloc() in is
not enough to have our own function called. Not sure why.

With the attached patch, at least we panic cleanly.

diff --git a/src/lib/syscall.c b/src/lib/syscall.c
index 0edd460..d520c0a 100644
--- a/src/lib/syscall.c
+++ b/src/lib/syscall.c
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #include assert.h
 #include stdarg.h
+#include stdlib.h
+#include stdio.h
 #include common/log.h
@@ -112,6 +114,19 @@ LIBC_SYSCALL_DECL
va_list args;
+#if defined(SYS_mmap) || defined(SYS_mmap2)
+   if (NULL == tsocks_libc_syscall) {
+   switch (__number) {
+   case SYS_mmap:
+#ifdef SYS_mmap2
+   case SYS_mmap2:
+   fprintf(stderr, Panic! mmap has been called before we 
had our hands on the real syscall()\n);
+   exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+   break;
+   }
+   }
/* Find symbol if not already set. Exit if not found. */
tsocks_libc_syscall = tsocks_find_libc_symbol(LIBC_SYSCALL_NAME_STR,

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Re: [tor-dev] Torsocks 2.x issue - Need eyes on that

2013-10-29 Thread Lunar
David Goulet:
 Now the issue was detected with firefox which uses a custom malloc hook
 meaning that it handles its own memory allocation. This hook uses mmap()
 that firefox redefines to be a direct syscall(__NR_mmap, ...) and
 remember that this symbol is hijacked by torsocks.
 It's a bit of a catch 22 because torsocks is basically looking for the
 libc syscall symbol but then it gets call inside that lookup code

Wouldn't one way out be to also hook malloc to use a
static buffer until dlsym() is done? The code snippet in the following
answer is doing just that:


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Attentive Otter: Analysis of Instantbird/Thunderbird

2013-10-08 Thread Lunar
Mike Perry:
   + Leveraging the work done on TorBirdy, we can distribute Instantbird
 and Tor (and related components) in a single package, or as a combined
 + Use Tor Launcher as the controller (sukhe recently added Thunderbird
   + Will allow seamless zero-configuration Tor usage for normal case,
 and will share Tor Browser's future Pluggable Transport support
 with no additional effort.
   + See the TorBirdy manual for more information:

I'd like to add that we can probably also leverage the work done on
using Mozilla's updater in TBB to perform automatic updates of an
Instantbird bundle.


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Re: [tor-dev] CPAProxy - a thin Objective-C wrapper around Tor

2013-10-08 Thread Lunar
Claudiu-Vlad Ursache:
 - CPAProxy sets up Tor's DataDir in a temporary directory of an app's
 sandbox where it's not accessible by other processes. Should that directory
 be protected in any other way?

Having DataDir temporary means that the client will pick new guards
everytime it starts. This opens the door to more traffic correlation
attacks. See the relevant FAQ for more details about entry


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Sponsor F: update; next meeting [in *two weeks*]

2013-10-01 Thread Lunar
Matt Pagan:
 There still exists a bug in Mumble such that when network connections
 are routed through a proxy they leak DNS requests. This past month I've
 been reading QT documentation so that I can understand the Mumble code
 better and find the bug. After the meeting on IRC, velope suggested
 that fixing it might be as simple as implementing SOCKS5 with
 hostname. DNS leaks also occur with HTTP proxies, which shouldn't
 happen. See also:

It's not as simple as implementing SOCKS5. Mumble contains a custom
async resolution logic. The code is not great to follow, that's why I
stopped the effort of trying to write a fix once Mikkel Krautz
acknowledged the issue.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] File verification GUI tool

2013-09-24 Thread Lunar
Matt Pagan:
 If you go the browser extension route, there is a now defunct
 Firefox add-on called FireGPG that implemented GnuPG in the web
 browser. This add-on was discontinued in 2010 and it's primary focus
 was encrypting and decrypting gmail messages. […]

I'd like to remember everyone that it was probably discontinued because
in the end it turned to be a terrible idea. Tails wrote a statement
about it:

Although an extension whose sole purpose would be to verify GnuPG
signatures would not have the problem and seems like a good idea.
At least, shipping it through give the user some
basic trust path.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Pluggable transport weekly meeting

2013-09-08 Thread Lunar
Ximin Luo:
 I assume people will be interested in creating Debian packages for
 these too. I am wondering if we should adopt a naming convention like
 tor-pt-sshproxy, tor-pt-flashproxy, tor-pt-obfsproxy etc - like how
 mozilla extensions are all called xul-ext-*. (We could even start a
 working group too.)
 ATM this would involve renaming obfsproxy, but I am about to package
 flashproxy, and thinking about what to name the package.

I have heard people making the argument that obfsproxy, at least, was
not specific to Tor and could perfectly be used with plain SSH. The
prefix “tor-pt-” would not really be appropriate then.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] High load even with

2013-09-06 Thread Lunar
(This would have probably been better asked on tor-relays@.)

Leo Unglaub:
 to fix the load issues on my 5 relays i tryed the suggested development
 version of tor. But there is not difference at all on the exit relays.
 They all burn on 99% CPU usage at 23 MB/s bandwidth.
 Is there something special i have to do in the config to benefit from
 the new changes mad to quicker peerform the handshakes between the circuits?

Tor will prioritize ntor handshakes over TAP handshakes. But
TAP handshakes are still processed, and they are not scarce at the


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] First draft of Requirements and Software Design for a Better Tor Performance Measurement Tool

2013-09-06 Thread Lunar
Karsten Loesing:
 Feedback in the form of patches to the LaTeX sources is most preferred,
 though email replies are of course fine, too.

See attachments.

From 22fed7b7155481904cb92136f9d04777fad72fde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lunar
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 18:11:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Use Selenium with the Tor Browser instead of plain
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

If we want Torperf to gather realistic data, it makes more sense to use the
browser recommended by the Tor Project to access the web — the Tor Browser —
instead of Firefox.

As the Tor Browser is based on Firefox, driving other Firefox versions should
not be too complicated, but the primary target should be the Tor Browser.

This also will also give us a framework to test the performance of Tor Browser
(present and future) patches.
 2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex |8 
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex b/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
index b3eb955..1c643c0 100644
--- a/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
+++ b/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ stem or another parsing library.
 \subsection{High priority experiments}
-\subsubsection{Alexa top-X websites using Selenium/Firefox}
+\subsubsection{Alexa top-X websites using Selenium and the Tor Browser}
 One major reason for rewriting Torperf is to make its results more
@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@ It was suggested to track down Will Scott's torperf-like scripts, make
 them public if needed, and do a trial deployment somewhere.%
 An experiment making these more realistic measurements should use
-something like Selenium/Firefox to control an actual browser to make
+something like Selenium to control an actual Tor Browser to make
-As a variant, this experiment should be run with a Firefox that uses
-optimistic data.%
+As a variant, this experiment should be run with other Firefox versions, e.g.
+that one that uses optimistic data.%
 \subsubsection{Static file downloads}

From 63f70cd36a7f5d14eb200c10f68ee16f07c38e90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lunar
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 18:14:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Using stream isolation features is probably the easiest
 way to create new circuits

 2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex |4 
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex b/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
index 1c643c0..6e8d2f5 100644
--- a/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
+++ b/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
@@ -239,6 +239,10 @@ value that is lower than the experiment period.
 An alternative may be to send the \verb+NEWNYM+ signal to the tor process
 after every stream.%
+The easiest path might be to leverage on the stream isolation features
+introduced in tor 0.2.3%
+and use a different SOCKS username/password for each requests.
 The best way to extract these requirements is to read the source.%

From dac23d7068803745a70fc5ed7c81522f6ecc5822 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lunar
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 18:20:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Also do upload tests using web browsers to gather more
 data related to actual user experiences

 2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex |3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex b/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
index 6e8d2f5..e34706e 100644
--- a/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
+++ b/2013/torperf2/torperf2.tex
@@ -307,6 +307,9 @@ Similar to static file downloads, client and server timestamps can be
 matched based on the random data that is posted to the server, or a digest
 of that data.
+Ideally such upload tests should also be done using a full web browser
+drived by Selenium.
 \section{Software design}
 The previous sections outlined requirements to the Torperf rewrite and

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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] PRELIMINARY: [PATCH 3/3] Replace 'TorDNSEL.System.Timeout' with 'System.Timeout'.

2013-07-26 Thread Lunar
Nikita Karetnikov:
  Using `git blame` or `git log -S` or `git log -G` will actually work
  better than a file by file summary. If you throw in the `-M` option,
  it'll work accross renames, for examples.
 OK.  But that information will be lost if we decide to change a VCS for
 some reason.

Well, we could avoid switching to a VCS that would loose such valuable
information! :)

  Why not put what you wrote in your description email in there? This was
  a good explaination of why the change was actually needed! :)
  GHC was recently changed to not allow you to use newtypes in FFI
  imports unless the constructor of the newtype is in scope. [1]
 OK.  So let me summarize:
   1. I shouldn't explicitly name changed functions or modules.
   2. I can add a small description (like the above) if it's appropriate.
 Did I forget anything?

Feel free to develop your own style and taste. Some readings:

This is quite thorough:


Description: Digital signature
tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] PRELIMINARY: [PATCH 3/3] Replace 'TorDNSEL.System.Timeout' with 'System.Timeout'.

2013-07-25 Thread Lunar
Nikita Karetnikov:
 Well, I agree.  However, even obvious changes might be useful in the
 long term.  The GNU Coding Standards, which I use as a guide, suggest
 the following: Subsequent maintainers will often search for a function
 name to find all the change log entries that pertain to it... [1]  (For
 instance, cgit allows that.)  It also helps when you're trying to fix
 bugs.  Moreover, I often spot mistakes when I'm writing such messages.

I both agree, but I also try to keep in mind than the (at least most)
GNU Coding Standards were thought in a time when we did not have version
control solutions as good as git. Using `git blame` or `git log -S` or
`git log -G` will actually work better than a file by file summary. If
you throw in the `-M` option, it'll work accross renames, for examples.

 Attached.  Do you have any other comments?
 From 87ad0fe6f010b251aed042618dc82651294a477a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
 From: Nikita Karetnikov
 Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 20:29:08 +
 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Reimport internal GHC functions from new locations.

Why not put what you wrote in your description email in there? This was
a good explaination of why the change was actually needed! :)

 GHC was recently changed to not allow you to use newtypes in FFI
 imports unless the constructor of the newtype is in scope. [1]

I am looking forward to the moment you'll have a patch set that builds.


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Memorable onion addresses (was Discussion on the crypto migration plan of the identity keys of Hidden Services)

2013-06-19 Thread Lunar
Matthew Finkel:
 Some months ago, the petname system interested me enough that I started
 to write a proposal for it. At this point, it's wound up in bitrot.
 Though I'd spent a bit of time working on it, there was no comprehensive
 way to accomplish it. One thing to remember about petnames is that they
 are *user defined*. […]

 The problem I ran into with this scheme is where the mappings should be
 stored - who is in control of this? In short, is this a mapping that Tor
 persistently stores or is it a client application that handles this. AND
 if it is a client application, that becomes a usabibility nightmare
 because if Tor Browser has an interface for it, then that's great but
 what if I'm using irssi and lynx on a headless system? If Tor maintains
 this database, then for the petname to perform as expected, every
 application would need to support a minimal Controller and have the
 ability to resolve the name mappings (and possibly append to them,

What looks like a possible way to solve the problem you describe:

The address book would be stored by the Tor daemon, in a persistent

A new host extension would be introduced so that when an
application tries to connect to `torproject.myonions` through Tor, it
will connect to the hidden service that holds the name `torproject` in
the local address book.

Editing the local address book would be done through commands sent
through Tor control port. The Tor Browser could gain a new
`about:myonions` page for GUI editing. Editing capacities could also be
added to Arm for headless system. And we could even make the address
book file human editable to have `vi` as a fallback.

(I don't really like `myonions` but I'm sure someone will come with
something better.)

Usability wise, I wonder if we could implement some kind of web links
that could quickly add a new name in the local address book (after user


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Haskell packages?

2013-06-06 Thread Lunar
Hi Nikita!

Nikita Karetnikov:
 I'd like to improve my Haskell skills.  Are there any opportunities?
 I've been told there is at least one project that uses Haskell, which is
 not maintained.  (For example, this page [1] mentions TorDNSEL, which
 was replaced by TorBEL.)

TorDNSEL is providing an important service to the Tor community right
now. It should be replaced by TorBEL at some point. But the later is not

In order to have TorDNSEL work on Debian Squeeze, I did some small
changes to make it uses Control.OldException. But this does not work
anymore on GHC 7.4. The later is the version currently in Debian Wheezy.
If you wish to make weasel (one of Tor all mighty sysadmins) happy you
could update TorDNSEL to the new APIs and make sure that it works on
Debian Wheezy.

How do you feel about it?

Even if my Haskell is rusty, I'd be happy to have a look at your
changes, if you want/need some reviews. :)


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Tor Launcher UI feedback follow up

2013-05-09 Thread Lunar
Tom Ritter:
 Some small suggestions:

  - I'd flip the bottom and the top, with connect being on top.

  - Wording suggestion:
 This computer's internet connection is free of obstacles:
 [greenboldtext]My network operator does not threaten my person
 This computer's Internet connection is [redboldtext]censored,
 filtered, or proxied[/redboldtext]

Nitpick: you might be configuring someone else's computer, so “my” might
not be appropriate.

In some future, having stylized images on that screen could be great.

In any cases, it's already quite an improvement. :)


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tor-dev mailing list

Re: [tor-dev] Obfsproxy support for Tor Browser Launcher

2013-04-18 Thread Lunar
Micah Lee:
 Would it be possible to include the current recommended obsfproxy
 version in this document?

That would be related to


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