(since this is not really part of that ticket I'm moving this reply to

Replying to [comment:21 virgil][1]:
> Re: comment #15
>> 2) there are no incentives for a relay operator to set it properly
> Roster aims to fix this.  http://tor-roster.org

Quite the opposite I think.
tor-roster creates incentives for lazy operators because it does not
require a proper MyFamily configuration to aggregate relays into a group.

tor-roaster's way to group relays (one mutual connection into a group of
relays is enough iirc) does not match tor's definition of MyFamily.

While tor-roster's way to group actual set of relays to it's operator
might represent a more accurate picture of reality than systems that do
require proper MyFamily configs, it misses the possibility to create
incentives for proper configurations.

> For what it's worth, Roster also makes MyFamily a bit less painful to
> work with because the detected families are now robust to changes 
> in the Family graph.  For details see [3]

This causes the offset between tor's and tor-roster's

To give you an example, roster says this relay is part of a 24 relays
group  [4] even though it has only a mutual MyFamily with two other relays:


Ideally tor-roster would make it very clear on their website that groups
do not require a complete mutual MyFamily agreement between all relays
in that group, or require proper MyFamily configuration to create
incentives for properly configured families.

[1] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6676
[3] ttps://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16750

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