Re: [tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
Thank you very much for all the precious advice.
I am running tor on linux.

I second the suggestion of applying 'iptables'
to collecting traffic statistics.  Lot of ways
to go about it but here's something similar
to the approach I'm using.  By having separate
entries for established and new connections
on the input side, one can see both how much
traffic is arriving and how many connection
requests are arriving.  Of if your node is
attacked, the second new-connection catcher
will show huge volumes of DOS traffic.

Also note the separate counters for ssh
and OR port traffic, so you can distinguish
maintenance and utilization activity.

Feel free to change all the port assignments
as suits you, even the ssh one.  The example
uses defaults for illustration.  Is recommended
that the OR port be assigned randomly in
order to make discovery via 'zmap' more

22   ssh
9001 OR
443  obfs3
80   fte
587  scramblesuit
993  obfs4

The 'iptables' file loses the .txt extension
and CR characters (addded for easier MUA clicking)
and generally goes in /etc/sysconfig/iptables.

Also attaching an example statistics
display command and output, and a batch
job for collecting the information automatically
every day.iptables -nvxL | sed -e 's|10\.10\.10||' -e 's|0\.0\.0\.0/0|xx|g' | cut -c-79
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts  bytes target prot opt in out source destination 
   11923 41873175 ACCEPT all  --  lo * xx  xx   
1455   127316 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:22 state 
   52007 71120944 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:9001 state 
  44 8243 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:443 state 
  52 4998 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:80 state 
   20437  4469613 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:587 state 
  27 7338 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:993 state 
   00 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  xx   state RELATED,ESTABLISHED 
   6  360 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:22
  52 3120 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:9001
   8  360 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:443
  11  552 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:80
  10  472 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:587
   5  220 ACCEPT tcp  --  *  * xx  .101 tcp dpt:993
3645   216159 DROP   all  --  *  * xx  xx   

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts  bytes target prot opt in out source destination 
   00 DROP   all  --  *  * xx xx   

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts  bytes target prot opt in out source destination 
   11923 41873175 ACCEPT all  --  * lo xx   xx  
1163   557466 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  .101 xx  tcp spt:22
   26578  5589928 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  .101 xx  tcp spt:9001 
  4511438 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  .101 xx  tcp spt:443  
  53 2348 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  .101 xx  tcp spt:80   
   36907 45926909 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  .101 xx  tcp spt:587  
  24 1020 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  .101 xx  tcp spt:993  
   00 ACCEPT tcp  --  * *  xx   xx
Zeroing chain `INPUT'
Zeroing chain `FORWARD'
Zeroing chain `OUTPUT'
59 23 * * * /root/daily_stats

FILE=/home/tor/stats/$(date '+%Y%m%d')

nc 9151 EOF | dos2unix ${FILE:?}
getinfo dir/server/authority
getinfo status/clients-seen

/sbin/iptables -nvx -L -Z ${FILE:?}


-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport22 -m state --state 
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport  9001 -m state --state 
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport   443 -m state --state 
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport80 -m state --state 
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport   587 -m state --state 
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport   993 -m state --state 
-A INPUT  -m state --state 
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport  9001 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport   443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport   587 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport   993 -j ACCEPT

-A OUTPUT -p tcp -s --sport22 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -s --sport  9001 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -s --sport   443 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -s --sport80 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -s --sport   

[tor-relays] missing pluggable transport

2015-01-05 Thread qq1693129601
When open tor-browser, it says

Tor failed to establish a Tor network connection.

Connecting to a relay directory failed (missing pluggable transport).

The log is below, could anyone help?
01/06/2015 15:03:35.786 [NOTICE] DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make
or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing
01/06/2015 15:03:35.786 [NOTICE] Opening Socks listener on
01/06/2015 15:03:36.711 [WARN] The communication stream of managed proxy
'./TorBrowser/Tor/PluggableTransports/fteproxy.bin' is 'closed'. Most
probably the managed proxy stopped running. This might be a bug of the
managed proxy, a bug of Tor, or a misconfiguration. Please enable logging
on your managed proxy and check the logs for errors.
01/06/2015 15:03:36.711 [NOTICE] Failed to terminate process with PID
'30230' ('Success').
01/06/2015 15:03:37.711 [NOTICE] Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory
01/06/2015 15:03:37.711 [WARN] We were supposed to connect to bridge
'[2001:49f0:d002:1::2]:80' using pluggable transport 'fte', but we can't
find a pluggable transport proxy supporting 'fte'. This can happen if you
haven't provided a ClientTransportPlugin line, or if your pluggable
transport proxy stopped running.
01/06/2015 15:03:37.712 [WARN] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%:
Connecting to directory server. (Can't connect to bridge; PT_MISSING; count
1; recommendation warn)
01/06/2015 15:03:39.270 [WARN] We were supposed to connect to bridge
'[2001:49f0:d00a:1::c]:80' using pluggable transport 'fte', but we can't
find a pluggable transport proxy supporting 'fte'. This can happen if you
haven't provided a ClientTransportPlugin line, or if your pluggable
transport proxy stopped running.
01/06/2015 15:03:39.270 [WARN] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%:
Connecting to directory server. (Can't connect to bridge; PT_MISSING; count
2; recommendation warn)
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:11 AM, Kura wrote:
 On a semi-related note, I run a  fair number of exit and middle/guard relays
 that I can guarantee do not try to do anything naughty to content, feel free
 to test your Tor against them to see if you still get the same virus
 warnings, OP.

I prefer the ones that replace all advertisements with kittens.
And mine just sniff for passwords so don't use them ;)
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1

Just setup a new bridge running
and it's working fine.

The bridge is running in a Linux container
VPS and appears to have an iptables
traffic-shaped bandwidth limit of 400KB.
Can browse and download files through
it with decent performance using obfs4.

However self-measurement of bandwidth,
after starting at around 200Kbytes
has steadily declined until now its
showing 8KB and has lost the fast
flag.  At this point the bridge
has yet to attract any traffic other
then my testing usage--but it works
just fine nevertheless.

I suspect that latency for small transfers
is fairly bad (in the sense of milliseconds,
rather than seconds) and that this may
be distorting bandwidth metrics.  Also
the number of bytes transferred is
close to zero, which does not seem
likely to help the situation.

Should I be concerned about it?  Anything
anyone can recommend to correct it aside
from looking another VPS provider?
Does the advertised bandwidth have
much effect on whether the bridge will
be disseminated by the bridge database
system?  No stable flag yet, but not
enough time has passed for this to


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
What's the fingerprint of your bridge or what's the uptime?
When I setup my relay the shown bandwidth was first low and increased
since then to full declared speed.


Am 05.01.2015 um 11:39 schrieb
 Oops.  The rate limit I quoted
 is actually the limit on the DOCSIS
 modem here, not on the VPS.  Probably
 not 'iptables' traffic shaping
 after all.

 Using '' the max rate
 has been showing 100 Mbits/sec, but
 I discount that because the speedtest
 node appears to reside in the same
 data center as the VPS and is probably
 on the same LAN.

 Nonetheless, the Tor bridge is showing
 a ridiculous low bandwidth value and
 it seems reasonable to figure out

 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
At 11:49 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
What's the fingerprint of your bridge or what's the uptime?
When I setup my relay the shown bandwidth was first low and 
increased since then to full declared speed.

Bridge is A411C021A7B95F340485A9CCE34187025193DEF6

Uptime is two+ days.  Did your relay start
out with a reasonable bandwidth (e.g. 200MBytes/sec)
and then drop like a stone to nothing
before recovering?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
Whoa wow. . .

It just popped to 700KB, presumably because
I used it for to browse and then download
the TBB bundle as a test.

So I guess that means the bandwidth measurement
for a bridge is strictly passive?  Presumably
that also means that it is not used as
a criteria for dissemination?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
I don't have that much knowledge on bridges, but I think it's the same
as with relays: The speed increases after some time.

I'm running 29E3D95332812F81F67FF31B3B1B842683D1C309 and as you can see
from the graphs the speed increased slowly after the start. On saturday
I increased the advertised bandwidth from 100 MBit/s to 200 MBit/s and
reloaded tor. That's the only short drop I can see.


Am 05.01.2015 um 11:57 schrieb
 Whoa wow. . .

 It just popped to 700KB, presumably because
 I used it for to browse and then download
 the TBB bundle as a test.

 So I guess that means the bandwidth measurement
 for a bridge is strictly passive?  Presumably
 that also means that it is not used as
 a criteria for dissemination?

 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
Bridge behavior is decidedly different than
normal relay behavior--I've been running one
for a year.

Normal relays get poked fairly often by
the four BWAuth bandwidth authorities
and bandwidth starts at 20KB and rises
steadily from the get-go.

I suppose the bandwidth calculation is
passive in both situations, but with a
new bridge there is zero traffic until
it's given out to users.  So the
self-calculation decays steadily to
zero instead of rising steadily as
with a regular relay.  Regular relays
get hit with traffic as soon as they
show up in the authority consensus.

At 12:05 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
I don't have that much knowledge on bridges, but I think it's the same
as with relays: The speed increases after some time.

I'm running
29E3D95332812F81F67FF31B3B1B842683D1C309 and as
you can see from the graphs the speed increased
slowly after the start. On saturday I increased
the advertised bandwidth from 100 MBit/s to 200
MBit/s and reloaded tor. That's the only short
drop I can see.


Am 05.01.2015 um 11:57 schrieb
 Whoa wow. . .

 It just popped to 700KB, presumably because
 I used it for to browse and then download
 the TBB bundle as a test.

 So I guess that means the bandwidth measurement
 for a bridge is strictly passive?  Presumably
 that also means that it is not used as
 a criteria for dissemination?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
BTW you are running normal Tor public relay
rather than a Bridge.

At 12:05 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
I'm running 29E3D95332812F81F67FF31B3B1B842683D1C309

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Help - My relay consensus has been stripped back to 20

2015-01-05 Thread Network Operations Center
Mine just jumped to 18,000, again I'd like to stress that I have not 
changed anything in my torrc:

On 04.01.2015 11:13 PM, wrote:

Message: 3
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:30:55 +0100
From: Sebastian Urbach
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Help - My relay consensus has been stripped
backto 20
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

On January 3, 2015 2:03:33 AM wrote:


As i recall there was a mail from Giovanny a few days ago and he 

his relay being down. But he had log file entries like:

[warn] http status 400 (Authdir is rejecting routers in this range.)
response from dirserver ''.

Any of those in your log ?

No I don't see anything resembling that, although I am seeing these
events messages in the logs every couple of hours:

Dec 30 07:52:28.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 09:55:29.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 11:52:24.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 13:53:23.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 15:52:20.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] router_upload_dir_desc_to_dirservers():
Uploading relay descriptor to directory authorities
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 16:06:34.000 [info] directory_post_to_dirservers(): Uploading
an extrainfo too (length 3891)
Dec 30 17:52:19.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 19:53:18.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 21:39:02.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 30 23:33:58.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 31 01:32:55.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 31 02:52:13.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.
Dec 31 05:05:32.000 [info] router_pick_dirserver_generic(): No
dirservers are reachable. Trying them all again.

I don't appear to have any routing issues, resolution issues or
similar but don't have logs old enough to see if this is an unusual
log event or not, it may be completely unrelated.

As it stands I am afraid that there doesn't seem to be any real
alternative other than decommissioning this exit relay. It is costing
money and doing nobody any good right now.
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
Oops.  The rate limit I quoted
is actually the limit on the DOCSIS
modem here, not on the VPS.  Probably
not 'iptables' traffic shaping
after all.

Using '' the max rate
has been showing 100 Mbits/sec, but
I discount that because the speedtest
node appears to reside in the same
data center as the VPS and is probably
on the same LAN.

Nonetheless, the Tor bridge is showing
a ridiculous low bandwidth value and
it seems reasonable to figure out

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Kura wrote:
 I would say that maybe it's a possibility that traffic gets
 flagged as such too?
 antivirus [...] one that does
 traffic inspection

Oh, well that could be too. Tor traffic is crypted/obfuscated
and thus could generate a random hit that AV points at the
Tor binary as responsible for.

But the OP is getting URL's from AV so it may be
watching his localhost SOCKS for http streams.

What's weird is OP's Object is https://, which is
not terminated to plaintext anywhere but in the browser
or tor.

Perhaps not enough info.

 machine, AVG reported that tor.exe was a possible virus and removed it, this
 also happened when we tested the Tor Vidalia bundle. This was simply a
 filesystem check though, rather than packet/traffic inspection. It was also
 very recent, within the last week.

Gratuitous listing by AVG perhaps?

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread Kura
On 05/01/2015 08:59:41, grarpamp wrote:
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Kura wrote:
 I would say that maybe it's a possibility that traffic gets
 flagged as such too?
 antivirus [...] one that does
 traffic inspection

Oh, well that could be too. Tor traffic is crypted/obfuscated
and thus could generate a random hit that AV points at the
Tor binary as responsible for.

But the OP is getting URL's from AV so it may be
watching his localhost SOCKS for http streams.

What's weird is OP's Object is https://, which is
not terminated to plaintext anywhere but in the browser
or tor.

Perhaps not enough info.
Kura:   Indeed. I'm not exactly sure how or why that would be the case but, I 
thought my recent experiences with Tor on Windows might at least shed another 
piece of light on how AVs sometimes treat Tor. May be related, may be totally 

From the error, you would expect the AV to be picking out content it deems as 
dangerous from the final response, i.e. the destination after the exit but, 
that seems a little odd to me, unless the AV consistently lists the same page 
as having a virus.

 machine, AVG reported that tor.exe was a possible virus and removed it, this
 also happened when we tested the Tor Vidalia bundle. This was simply a
 filesystem check though, rather than packet/traffic inspection. It was also
 very recent, within the last week.

Gratuitous listing by AVG perhaps?
Kura:   Quite possibly. AV companies are odd with how they treat certain 
things. Keygen programs on Windows are another big thing that they used to flag 
even if they were not dangerous at all.

On a semi-related note, I run a  fair number of exit and middle/guard relays 
that I can guarantee do not try to do anything naughty to content, feel free to 
test your Tor against them to see if you still get the same virus warnings, OP.

 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe
tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://some IP address
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe

 When I track down the addresses I find they are tor nodes (sometimes
 bridges, sometimes guards, sometimes exits.

 Are the flagged nodes in some ways miss-configured, or can I consider
 these to be false positives? Is there anything to worry about here?

 Detail: The tor and standalone vidalia folders have been flagged as
 exceptions (i.e. excluded) in the virus scanner. The scanner's web
 module is picking up the IP addresses from the port traffic.

 Thanks for any enlightenment - eliaz

Since the internet is known to be an infected wasteland,
and exits are known to MITM your streams, I'd suggest
either compartmentalizing all your surfing in a disposable
VM (which should probably be done anyways), or excluding
web traffic from your scanner.

Additionally, if you are able to isolate and confirm that
a specific exit is MITM'ing you (vs the malware/virus being
on the original clearnet site itself) feel free to post its fingerprint
here so that the workers can double check and dirauths can
give it the bad exit flag.

Unfortunately Tor doesn't have simple logging format
that you can watch in real time alongside your scanner.
I'm finishing a spec ticket for that soon though.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
I know. That's why I said that I don't have that much knowledge about
bridges but think that they are treated like relays.

Am 05.01.2015 um 12:18 schrieb
 BTW you are running normal Tor public relay
 rather than a Bridge.

 At 12:05 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
 I'm running 29E3D95332812F81F67FF31B3B1B842683D1C309
 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
Unquestionably Bridges are different.

Suggest you read about it--lots of info
to be found.

At 13:08 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
I know. That's why I said that I don't have that much knowledge 
bridges but think that they are treated like relays.

Am 05.01.2015 um 12:18 schrieb
 BTW you are running normal Tor public relay
 rather than a Bridge.

 At 12:05 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
 I'm running 29E3D95332812F81F67FF31B3B1B842683D1C309

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
I meant treated like relays in relation to traffic ...

Am 05.01.2015 um 13:22 schrieb
 Unquestionably Bridges are different.

 Suggest you read about it--lots of info
 to be found.

 At 13:08 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
 I know. That's why I said that I don't have that much knowledge 
 bridges but think that they are treated like relays.

 Am 05.01.2015 um 12:18 schrieb
 BTW you are running normal Tor public relay
 rather than a Bridge.

 At 12:05 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
 I'm running 29E3D95332812F81F67FF31B3B1B842683D1C309
 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [tor-talk] please advise on renting a gigabit capable dedicated server

2015-01-05 Thread Mike Perry
 Hi tor users, my coworkers and I are considering getting together to
 run a gigabit exit relay and are curious if you all have advice as to
 the best place to go shopping for a server with 1gbps dedicated
 bandwidth in a location that is helpful to the network. Someone on irc
 pointed me to this list, but I'm happy to ask on another if it would
 be more appropriate. Thanks in advance!

Some friends and I used to run a 1GBit Reduced Exit[1] in the US at
Applied Operations[2] for $800/mo, which included hardware rental. Not
sure if that deal is still available, but they were Tor-friendly.


Mike Perry

Description: Digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
Apparently not.

At 13:25 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
I meant treated like relays in relation to traffic ...

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread Michiel Bruijn
Hello list,

I'm new to this but got my node up and running on a MK802 arm device.
However, tor-arm keep complaining about missing history.
The exact message is:

Read the last day of bandwidth history from the state  file (9 minutes is

Does anyone know why this is but more important, how to solve?


2015-01-05 11:49 GMT+01:00 Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner

 What's the fingerprint of your bridge or what's the uptime?
 When I setup my relay the shown bandwidth was first low and increased
 since then to full declared speed.


 Am 05.01.2015 um 11:39 schrieb
  Oops.  The rate limit I quoted
  is actually the limit on the DOCSIS
  modem here, not on the VPS.  Probably
  not 'iptables' traffic shaping
  after all.
  Using '' the max rate
  has been showing 100 Mbits/sec, but
  I discount that because the speedtest
  node appears to reside in the same
  data center as the VPS and is probably
  on the same LAN.
  Nonetheless, the Tor bridge is showing
  a ridiculous low bandwidth value and
  it seems reasonable to figure out
  tor-relays mailing list

 tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
That's what 'we' found out now :-)

Am 05.01.2015 um 13:50 schrieb
 Apparently not.

 At 13:25 1/5/2015 +0100, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:
 I meant treated like relays in relation to traffic ...
 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] new VPS bridge bandwidth under-reported

2015-01-05 Thread starlight . 2015q1
At 13:52 1/5/2015 +0100, you wrote:
That's what 'we' found out now :-)

I figured it out.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Help - My relay consensus has been stripped back to 20

2015-01-05 Thread bigbudtor
 Original Message 
Apparently from:
Subject: tor-relays Digest, Vol 48, Issue 15
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 11:05:49 +

 Message: 3
 Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 11:36:59 +0100
 From: Network Operations Center
 Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Help - My relay consensus has been stripped
   backto 20
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
 Mine just jumped to 18,000, again I'd like to stress that I have not 
 changed anything in my torrc:

Yup, me too. Seems to be back thankfully.

Would love to know why though


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [tor-talk] please advise on renting a gigabit capable dedicated server

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
I have a question. Do you mean with to go shopping for a server buying
hardware yourself and rent rackspace or searching for an offer of a
dedicated server?

Am 05.01.2015 um 15:14 schrieb Mike Perry:
 Hi tor users, my coworkers and I are considering getting together to
 run a gigabit exit relay and are curious if you all have advice as to
 the best place to go shopping for a server with 1gbps dedicated
 bandwidth in a location that is helpful to the network. Someone on irc
 pointed me to this list, but I'm happy to ask on another if it would
 be more appropriate. Thanks in advance!
 Some friends and I used to run a 1GBit Reduced Exit[1] in the US at
 Applied Operations[2] for $800/mo, which included hardware rental. Not
 sure if that deal is still available, but they were Tor-friendly.


 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread eliaz
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:33 AM, Kura wrote:
 I would say that maybe it's a possibility that traffic gets
 flagged as such too?
 antivirus [...] one that does
 traffic inspection

 Oh, well that could be too. Tor traffic is crypted/obfuscated
 and thus could generate a random hit that AV points at the
 Tor binary as responsible for.

 But the OP is getting URL's from AV so it may be
 watching his localhost SOCKS for http streams.

This may perhaps help: Running the bridge I regularly get:

[Warning] Rejecting SOCKS request for anonymous connection to private
address [scrubbed]. [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 300 seconds]

I can't unscrub these msgs (SafeLogging doesn't seem to work for tor
4.0.2 and standalone vidalia.) I haven't been able to track down the
processes involved. Since they're private, I assume they're broadcasts 
so ignore them. There some conversations about this on one  of the
lists some time ago, and the advice was to ignore.

 What's weird is OP's Object is https://, which is
 not terminated to plaintext anywhere but in the browser
 or tor.

 Perhaps not enough info.
 machine, AVG reported that tor.exe was a possible virus and removed it, this
 also happened when we tested the Tor Vidalia bundle. This was simply a
 filesystem check though, rather than packet/traffic inspection. It was also
 very recent, within the last week.
 Gratuitous listing by AVG perhaps?
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread mattia
Hi, I would like to know how one can monitor traffic that goes
through a bridge. I have set one up and would like to know whether it
is being used or not, and how much. Thanks!
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [tor-talk] please advise on renting a gigabit capable dedicated server

2015-01-05 Thread Kura
I personally run exits with various providers, the connectivity varies with 
each  but there are three I think are worth mentioning.

It's worth noting that their Romanian servers actually have unmetered bandwidth.

Good provider, unmetered traffic. Only 100Mbps though.

I have a couple of those. 1Gbps link with guaranteed 150Mbps and unmetered for 
€15.99 / month.


t: @kuramanga []
w: []
g: @kura []
On 05/01/2015 15:13:08, Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner wrote:

If you search for renting an already racked server I recommend to

Just don't be irritated by the name :-) They also have physical
dedicated server for a nice price.


In general: For 100 British Pounds excluding VAT you get

CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2603 (4C/4T @1,8 GHz)

RAM: 16 GB

Storage: 120 GB SATA3 SSD

1 GBit/s Switchport

20 TB monthly traffic included

5 IPv4 addresses

/64 IPv6-Subnet

Everything stored in a 19 Supermicro case. IPMI with chassis
intrustion detectio. The webinterface of the IPMI is only available
via OpenVPN.

I also have one of these and I'm running multiple stuff and my tor
exit relay on such a machine. ViralVPS has some racks in the
Severius Datacenter in the Netherlands.

I recommend this hoster because of the good internet connectivity.
If you really need 24/7 1 GBit/s you'll get that there without any
complaints. Of course you should plan in some more money for the
overage traffic.

Another great benefit is that you can design your harddrives as you
want. No need for RAIDs or kind of that stuff.

Another thing I want to mention is the support :-) Normally the
response time is below 30 minutes.

BTW: If this was too much advertisement I want to apologize.


Am 05.01.2015 um 15:42 schrieb Josef
'veloc1ty' Stautner:

I have a question. Do you mean with to go shopping for a server
buying hardware yourself and rent rackspace or searching for an
offer of a dedicated server?

Am 05.01.2015 um 15:14 schrieb Mike



Hi tor users, my coworkers and I are considering getting together to
run a gigabit exit relay and are curious if you all have advice as to
the best place to go shopping for a server with 1gbps dedicated
bandwidth in a location that is helpful to the network. Someone on irc
pointed me to this list, but I'm happy to ask on another if it would
be more appropriate. Thanks in advance!

Some friends and I used to run a 1GBit Reduced Exit[1] in the US at
Applied Operations[2] for $800/mo, which included hardware rental. Not
sure if that deal is still available, but they were Tor-friendly.

2. [].

tor-relays mailing list [] 

tor-relays mailing list [] 

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread tor-admin
On Monday 05 January 2015 17:40:09 mattia wrote:
 Hi, I would like to know how one can monitor traffic that goes
 through a bridge. I have set one up and would like to know whether it
 is being used or not, and how much. Thanks!

You might try arm:

A nice ncurses based monitoring tool.



tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread renke brausse

 Hi, I would like to know how one can monitor traffic that goes
 through a bridge. I have set one up and would like to know whether it
 is being used or not, and how much. Thanks!

I use iptables to count packets/bytes - though I'm sure nicer ways exist
for the task :)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread Toralf Förster
On 01/05/2015 06:16 PM, wrote:
 On Monday 05 January 2015 17:40:09 mattia wrote:
 Hi, I would like to know how one can monitor traffic that goes
 through a bridge. I have set one up and would like to know whether it
 is being used or not, and how much. Thanks!
 You might try arm:

or use stem and write your own tool :

pgp key: 7B1A 07F4 EC82 0F90 D4C2  8936 872A E508 0076 E94E

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread eliaz
 Hi, I would like to know how one can monitor traffic that goes
 through a bridge. I have set one up and would like to know whether it
 is being used or not, and how much. Thanks!

The advice so far given is for tor on linux, and won't do you any good
if you're running a windows OS. If you are, let us know. Also let us
know if you're running a tor bridge bundle or tor browser + standalone
vidalia. - eliaz
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] how to monitor traffick through a bridge

2015-01-05 Thread mattia
Mon 05 Jan 2015, 18:04, eliaz:

  Hi, I would like to know how one can monitor traffic that goes
  through a bridge. I have set one up and would like to know whether
  it is being used or not, and how much. Thanks!
 The advice so far given is for tor on linux, and won't do you any good
 if you're running a windows OS. If you are, let us know. Also let us
 know if you're running a tor bridge bundle or tor browser + standalone
 vidalia. - eliaz

Thank you very much for all the precious advice. I am running tor
on linux. I have simply set up tor from the official deb repository and
configured it to work as a bridge (I'm afraid my ISP is not tor-friendly
enough to allow me manage an exit node).
I'm currently having a power supply issue, but when this is resolved I will try 
your suggestions
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 11:15 AM, eliaz wrote:
 processes involved. Since they're private, I assume they're broadcasts 

Private are RFC1918. Broadcasts are or the
subnet based versions of same.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread eliaz
 Some thing to take in to account as well is that some AVs are known
 to flag Tor as a virus, I would say that maybe it's a possibility that
 traffic gets flagged as such too? I've never used an antivirus, let
 alone one that does traffic inspection so obviously this is conjecture
 on my part.

Are you referring to tor client operation as well as bridge operation? I
run my tor client on a box that I use as needed, and the bridge on a
separate 24/7 box.

 As an example, when I helped a friend set-up Tor Browser on his
 Windows machine, AVG reported that tor.exe was a possible virus and
 removed it, this also happened when we tested the Tor Vidalia bundle.
 This was simply a filesystem check though, rather than packet/traffic
 inspection. It was also very recent, within the last week.

Even on the as-needed box I run the client under tor. I've never gotten
these alerts when running the client. - eliaz

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: [tor-talk] please advise on renting a gigabit capable dedicated server

2015-01-05 Thread Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner
If you search for renting an already racked server I recommend to you
Just don't be irritated by the name :-) They also have physical
dedicated server for a nice price.


In general: For 100 British Pounds excluding VAT you get
CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2603 (4C/4T @1,8 GHz)
RAM: 16 GB
Storage: 120 GB SATA3 SSD
1 GBit/s Switchport
20 TB monthly traffic included
5 IPv4 addresses
/64 IPv6-Subnet

Everything stored in a 19 Supermicro case. IPMI with chassis intrustion
detectio. The webinterface of the IPMI is only available via OpenVPN.

I also have one of these and I'm running multiple stuff and my tor exit
relay on such a machine. ViralVPS has some racks in the Severius
Datacenter in the Netherlands.
I recommend this hoster because of the good internet connectivity. If
you really need 24/7 1 GBit/s you'll get that there without any
complaints. Of course you should plan in some more money for the overage
Another great benefit is that you can design your harddrives as you
want. No need for RAIDs or kind of that stuff.

Another thing I want to mention is the support :-) Normally the response
time is below 30 minutes.

BTW: If this was too much advertisement I want to apologize.


Am 05.01.2015 um 15:42 schrieb Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner:
 I have a question. Do you mean with to go shopping for a server
 buying hardware yourself and rent rackspace or searching for an offer
 of a dedicated server?

 Am 05.01.2015 um 15:14 schrieb Mike Perry:
 Hi tor users, my coworkers and I are considering getting together to
 run a gigabit exit relay and are curious if you all have advice as to
 the best place to go shopping for a server with 1gbps dedicated
 bandwidth in a location that is helpful to the network. Someone on irc
 pointed me to this list, but I'm happy to ask on another if it would
 be more appropriate. Thanks in advance!
 Some friends and I used to run a 1GBit Reduced Exit[1] in the US at
 Applied Operations[2] for $800/mo, which included hardware rental. Not
 sure if that deal is still available, but they were Tor-friendly.


 tor-relays mailing list

 tor-relays mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] IP addresses as false positives?

2015-01-05 Thread eliaz
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:30 AM, eliaz wrote:
 The antivirus program on a machine running a bridge occasionally
 reports like so:

 Object: https://some IP address
 Infection: URL:Mal [sic]
 Process: ... \tor.exe

 When I track down the addresses I find they are tor nodes (sometimes
 bridges, sometimes guards, sometimes exits.

 Are the flagged nodes in some ways miss-configured, or can I consider
 these to be false positives? Is there anything to worry about here?

 Detail: The tor and standalone vidalia folders have been flagged as
 exceptions (i.e. excluded) in the virus scanner. The scanner's web
 module is picking up the IP addresses from the port traffic.

 Thanks for any enlightenment - eliaz
 Since the internet is known to be an infected wasteland,
 and exits are known to MITM your streams,

Do you mean my streams in particular or all streams?

 I'd suggest
 either compartmentalizing all your surfing in a disposable
 VM (which should probably be done anyways), or excluding
 web traffic from your scanner.

I run in a dedicated low-power box on my LAN, to save electricity. Is
that as good as a VM?

I've got VMs on the other machine, which is a power hog  not run

 Additionally, if you are able to isolate and confirm that
 a specific exit is MITM'ing you (vs the malware/virus being
 on the original clearnet site itself) feel free to post its fingerprint
 here so that the workers can double check and dirauths can
 give it the bad exit flag.

I don't know  how to confirm that exits are MITMs. I can post the FPs of
the ones that show up, though. So far all the alerts lead me to
recognizable nodes that show up OK in Atlas, etc.
 Unfortunately Tor doesn't have simple logging format
 that you can watch in real time alongside your scanner.
 I'm finishing a spec ticket for that soon though.

The alerts appear randomly at intervals of several days. The AV program
alert is via a popup, which I can get later by asking the AV to show
last popup. I guess I should get up to speed in wireshark, but it's
gonna result in a monster file by the time it catches anything.
Thanks for writing up the spec, I'll try to follow the conversation.
 - eliaz
tor-relays mailing list