Re: [tor-relays] SSH scans from Tor exit

2014-04-30 Thread Delton Barnes
 The servers aren't the one's that shouldn't be online, it's their idiot
 HACK ATTEMPTS in the logs is some kind of important, and then go
 reporting it to every place they can think of, each of those places staffed
 by more clueless idiots, etc. Grow up people, quit whining about ssh
 and learn to admin. Meanwhile, Theo laughs heartily at everyone.

Often, SSH brute-force login attempts come directly from compromised
machines, not Tor exit nodes.  Reporting such attacks helps
administrators realize a machine is compromised, which is a good thing.
 It could be helping protect the privacy of someone whose machine is

I'd suggest the problem is administrators treating a Tor exit node the
same as a compromised machine.  If the goal of an administrator is to
eliminate SSH attacks emanating from Tor, they should simply block port
22 connections from Tor exit nodes.

It is a bit cynical or defeatist, I think, to say There are a lot of
these attacks, so administrators should have to just accept them.  If
you see someone attempting to break into cars, do you report it, or do
you say There are so many car thefts in the world, what's the point?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relay down, rejected, help

2014-04-30 Thread Delton Barnes
Roger Dingledine:
 You're using arm dangerously. See item #14 on
 for the safer way to run arm with your Debian / Ubuntu relay.

Followed item #14, but after logging out/in I get:

  $ arm
  Connection refused. Is the ControlPort enabled?

'groups' shows the 'debian-tor' group.  'sudo -u debian-tor arm' still
works.  Anyone have an idea what I've missed?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] NSA knew about Heartbleed

2014-04-12 Thread Delton Barnes
Jesse Victors:
 The U.S. National Security Agency knew for at least two years about a
 flaw in the way that many websites send sensitive information, now
 dubbed the Heartbleed bug, and regularly used it to gather critical
 intelligence, two people familiar with the matter said. The NSA said in
 response to a Bloomberg News article that it wasn?t aware of Heartbleed
 until the vulnerability was made public by a private security report.
 The agency?s reported decision to keep the bug secret in pursuit of
 national security interests threatens to renew the rancorous debate over
 the role of the government?s top computer experts.

I'm skeptical of this report.  The Office of the Director of National
Intelligence responded to the story by saying:

Reports that NSA or any other part of the government were aware of the
so-called Heartbleed vulnerability before 2014 are wrong

This is believable because if it were a lie, they would risk an outright
contradiction from a leak or Snowden document, which would further
damage their already terrible credibility and reputation.

Two sources familiar with matter could merely be two computer security
experts who have an unsubstantiated opinion that the NSA was exploiting
this beforehand.  We have no idea how credible these sources are.

One thing I am sure of is this generated a lot of clicks for Bloomberg.
 NSA rumors involving hot technology topics seems like a good way to
make money for a news website.

That said, if you carefully parse the statement from DNI, it seems to me
to imply they were aware of the Heartbleed vulnerability in 2014.  Why
would they say before 2014 instead of before its disclosure Monday
or something?  They may have known about it weeks or months in advance,
and been exploiting it or patching their systems.  But that is not as
egregious as it would be to conceal this flaw for years.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] NSA knew about Heartbleed

2014-04-12 Thread Delton Barnes
Delton Barnes:
 That said, if you carefully parse the statement from DNI, it seems to me
 to imply they were aware of the Heartbleed vulnerability in 2014.  Why
 would they say before 2014 instead of before its disclosure Monday
 or something?  They may have known about it weeks or months in advance,
 and been exploiting it or patching their systems.  But that is not as
 egregious as it would be to conceal this flaw for years.

Another statement I see now says they were not aware of the
vulnerability before April 2014.  If true (which I believe it is) they
had at most about a week's foreknowledge.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] 2.5.3-alpha packages

2014-03-28 Thread Delton Barnes
Is the nightly repository currently the Debian repository to use for
2.5.3-alpha packages?

I ask because I am looking to move off of nightlies and onto more stable
packages once they are available.  Am running scramblesuit so need 2.5.x.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] ScrambleSuit maintenance question

2014-03-06 Thread Delton Barnes
George Kadianakis:
 Delton Barnes writes:
 Is there a way to configure things so obfsproxy and Tor will later
 automatically be upgraded to a *stable* release that includes
 ScrambleSuit?  And how to know when I need to upgrade obfsproxy and Tor?

 you will need to wait till tor- becomes stable if you want to
 use scramblesuit with a stable Tor. Till then, please keep on using
 Tor nightlies.
 As far as your second question goes, unfortunately we don't have good
 upgrade processes yet. I suggest you do 'apt-get upgrade' every once
 in a while to get the latest nightlies of obfsproxy/tor. If there are
 any urgent upgrades that you need to perform I will send an email to

Thanks for the response.  Will do as you suggested.

Seems like there ought to be a way though to configure apt so that when
a new stable Tor is released, 'apt-get upgrade' will install the stable
package and cease installing nightlies.  Currently, I am having to
periodically manually check the stable repository to see if a new stable
has been released.  I will look more into the problem sometime.

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] ExtORPort notice

2014-02-14 Thread Delton Barnes
Upon upgrading obfsproxy to 0.2.6 and Tor to
(git-f63b394d90583b77+96972c4) for scramblesuit, I got this in the Tor log:

Feb 15 04:40:03.000 [notice] We are a bridge with a pluggable transport
proxy but the Extended ORPort is disabled. The Extended ORPort helps Tor
communicate with the pluggable transport proxy. Please enable it using
the ExtORPort torrc option.

How should this be set?  What does it do?  I saw some web pages
suggesting ExtORPort 6699 for statistics-gathering purposes.

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] ScrambleSuit maintenance question

2014-02-13 Thread Delton Barnes
Inexperienced Debian administrator here with a question about how to
maintain the new obfsproxy/Tor for ScrambleSuit.  I installed as follows:

1. Updated /etc/apt/sources.list (new lines prefixed with *):

deb wheezy main contrib non-free
*deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb wheezy/updates main
contrib non-free
deb wheezy main
*deb tor-nightly-master-wheezy main

2. Created apt.conf to prevent all packages from being pulled from
unstable by default:

echo 'APT::Default-Release stable;'  /etc/apt/apt.conf

3. Edited torrc with following:

ServerTransportPlugin obfs3,scramblesuit exec /usr/bin/obfsproxy managed

4. Installed the new packages:

apt-get update
apt-get -t unstable install obfsproxy
apt-get upgrade  -- Installed Tor nightly.

5. service restart tor

My question:

Is there a way to configure things so obfsproxy and Tor will later
automatically be upgraded to a *stable* release that includes
ScrambleSuit?  And how to know when I need to upgrade obfsproxy and Tor?

tor-relays mailing list