[tor-relays] Relay Bandwidth

2023-04-03 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays
Greetings all!

Setting up a new Digital Ocean Tor Relay. DO is giving me 3000 Gig a month. Is 
there a tutorial that I can use to calculate the bandwidth? I've searched 
around the web and for some reason people seem to dance around the question. 
They give examples not relevant to me and zero math showing how the came to 
their answer.

As usual, any help will be appreciated :-)


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[tor-relays] Overload

2022-08-29 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays
Another New one:

19:01:09 [NOTICE] General overload -> Ntor dropped (176948) fraction 25.2668% 
is above threshold of 0.5000%
â 17:19:32 [WARN] Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit 
creation requests! Please consider using the MaxAdvertisedBandwidth â config 
option or choosing a more restricted exit policy.

Any Ideas??

What is the syntax for MaxAdvertisedBandwidth?
Currently is: MaxAdvertisedBandwidth 3Mb


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[tor-relays] Warn:

2022-08-25 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays
I got the below message on my relay #2. It's been in operation for a year and a 
half. First time I've
ever got one of these.

0re7:26:40 [WARN] Your computer is too slow to handle this many circuit 
creation requests! Please consider using the MaxAdvertisedBandwidth config 
option or choosing a more restricted exit policy. [505 similar message(s) 
suppssed in last 57840 seconds]

OK > Both relays operate on Digital Ocean Droplets
Bandwidth on both 2 MBs Burst 3MBs
both relays have the same settings NEITHER is an exit: ExitPolicy reject
I see relay #2 has been restarted. Last eve it had been up four days. As of 
this writing just over 2 hours.

Or is this another way to muck up a relay?


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[tor-relays] Relay Throttling

2022-05-06 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays

Is there a tutorial on how to limit a relay's throughput?? There has to be!
I did a search and came up empty. I'm trying to avoid shutting down my
relay's due to financial burden Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

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[tor-relays] Crashed Relay

2021-11-06 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays
I was notified by Uptime Robot that relay 1 of 3 had been shut down. 
Unfortunately I found this out 12 hours after the fact.
guard flag is lost.

journalctl -u tor@default

Nov 01 01:03:18 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 Tor[328387]: I learned some more 
directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We need more 
microdescrors: we have 6178/6618, and can only build 49% of likely paths. (We 
have 99% of guards bw, 50% of midpoint bw, and 98% of exit bw = 49% of path bw.)
ptors: we have 6178/6618, and can only build 49% of likely paths. (We have 99% 
of guards bw, 50% of midpoint bw, and 98% of exit bw = 49% of path bw.)
ived 4371.61 GB. I've received 7345604 connections on IPv4 and 0 on IPv6. I've 
made 677780 connections with IPv4 and 0 with IPv6.
Nov 01 06:47:26 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 Tor[328387]: Interrupt: we have 
stopped accepting new connections, and will shut down in 30 seconds. Interrupt 
Nov 01 06:47:26 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 Tor[328387]: Delaying directory 
fetches: We are hibernating or shutting down.
Nov 01 06:47:56 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 Tor[328387]: Clean shutdown 
finished. Exiting.
Nov 01 06:48:04 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 systemd[1]: tor@default.service: 
Nov 01 06:48:04 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 systemd[1]: Stopped Anonymizing 
overlay network for TCP.

This is NOT a first time for the above on this relay, more like a 7th or 8th.
CPU usage according to NYX is 90/95%. That has been the last three weeks or so.
Prior to that, average CPU usage was 30% or less.
Current BW/Burst is 3/4 MBs on torrc and nyx. Prior was BW/Burst 4/5
*Me - retired fixed income. Average billing for 3 Digital Ocean Droplets was 
$40. budget is good with that. Octobers billing - $87.50 I used 10 gb instead 
of 6Gb. Essentially a $40 overage. It's almost as if, torrc and nyx are being 

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[tor-relays] Restarting Tor

2021-10-10 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays
Greetings All, I have three relays that are in need of an upgrade and reboot.
What is the best way to restart these relays without loosing flags or time?
Secondly how long can a relay be down before flags are dropped?
Thank you for any help!

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[tor-relays] Relay Control Port

2021-09-10 Thread sysmanager7 via tor-relays
In torrc I have the control port commented out. I'm told the control port is 
not supposed to
be listed on the relay itself. Below, is now what it says. How do I get rid of 
Control Socket: /run/tor/control GroupWritable RelaxDirModeCheck

Thank you for your help :-)

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