Hello tor-relays,

At 6:30PM on October 2nd, the Tor Project will be hosting a relay operator 
meetup in Mexico City, at the Sheraton Maria Isabel[1][2].

Come along and meet other relay operators and hear the latest news from Tor — 
we’ll also have T-shirts and stickers to kit out your devices. If you don’t run 
a relay but would like to know more, there will be lots of people at the meetup 
happy to help you.

I also encourage you to read the complete blog post on the Tor Meeting Open 
Days linked below[1]. There are multiple other events happening around the 
meeting that relay operators may be interested in.

We would love to see you there, thank you all for being part of the relay 
operator community!

[1]: https://blog.torproject.org/hack-us-mexico-city-hackea-con-tor-en-mexico
[2]: Paseo de la Reforma 325, Cuauhtémoc, 06500 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
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