Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-06-16 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 the proposed setup breaks all anonymity (OpenVPN sends Raw IP
 thus 1:1 mapping for the few people who will use it.

No, it does not break any anonymity. And it doesn't matter what
OpvenVPN sends because it all happens over the users already secured
Tor circuit '--'. You just don't understand the model. Here it is
again. '' is a single computer, there are two computers pictured.
Packets travel through the listed processes and computers from left
to right. '++' is the usual clearnet beyond the exit box.

user - ovpncli - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_or_ip - ovpn_term_ip ++ world

user - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_exit_via_non_or_ip ++ world
This other suggested model is: swap ovpn above with choosing exits
that bind/route/nat their tor exit traffic out a different IP than
their published OR_IP. ie: the exit IP is not scrapable off the
consensus because it is not the OR IP.

Of these two ways for users to utilize IP's that do not appear in
the consensus...

A) OpenVPN is more useful for end users by potentially allowing
other-than-TCP and/or even possibly inbound connections. All of
which are chooseable and configurable by the volunteer operator
to suit their needs.

B) Non_OR_IP_exits are limited to TCP. And are fully integrated
with tor's accept/reject exit policies.

[OpenVPN method 'A' would require additional host/ovpn rules to
achieve pseudo exit policies, and the user would not know ahead of
time what they are (not in the consensus). However, a survey of
existing exit policies shows the user would be likely to reach their
desired destination simply by trying any other ovpn enhanced exit,
particularly in the case of typical HTTP[S] websurfing, because
almost all exit operators permit that anyway.]

Running Ovpn directly on the relay box is not necessarily required,
though not doing so would cost external bandwidth (such as to reach
Mirmir's suggested disposable VPS IP's). Traffic off the box to
those IP's could be further rate limited in that case to reduce
cost if usage of these methods becomes nontrivial. Also, if the
operator doesn't have nearby one-IP-up/down IP's available to them,
the standard user clue to 'check for OpenVPN port 1194 one IP up/down
from the OR_IP' would not work for the users. In that case, the
operator must publish/leak the IP+port on the wiki, the list, or

 few users will ever use this, few random exits will support it,

Typical negativity some people say regarding anything new. I hear
people are trying to move to PFS suites, use secure messaging on
phones and all sorts of new things these days. Feel free to downtalk
them too.

 Only reason why this is being asked: circumvent site policies

Absolutely correct. Yet you are not realizing that Tor *itself* is
exactly such a circumvention tool, particularly against services
and other things that don't try, or fail, to block all of Tor.

If you are opposed to circumvention tech for innocents, you want
nice happy cooperation with whatever [web] services want, then you
should not run this proposal, or even run a Tor relay. Because
they are both circum-tech. And circum-tech should be listed, along
with usage as liberation tech, here:
But that'll probably never happen because it's too 'hot' or
hard to understand.

It is also useful for other things besides defeating dumb site

- Getting around blocklists that sites blindly install by default
without realizing what they are blocking, why, or even being given
the chance to consider Tor users and agree with blocking them or not.
- Making Tor a better network diagnostic tool for admins at work
because OVPN can transport more protocols to test things with.
- Similarly, allowing more Tor users to 'torify' more apps than
just TCP ones.

 Tor users and other proxies defying their access policy.

Cue and stir the tired debate about whether Tor users are good/bad
or whether services really need to implement fine grained, intelligent
management of users based on their *account*, not their *apparent
ip*. I believe Tor users are good, and that better management models
should be encouraged to evolve. If we are the ones to do that, by
whatever means, outreach, this tech or otherwise, so be it.

 please detail how exactly you handle abusive users

I delete their account per ToS. Point, click, gone, easy.

 ask them to reconsider

I do this too. Yet it is the other innocent users that can't make
headway, up against services that won't give enough thought, that
this is really meant for. I support those users.

 Note that that is there to reduce the amount of abuse, and thus the
 global and full blocking of Tor.

 As in other threads, prove that the incidence of abuse via
 tor is greater than the incidence via clearnet.

 You mean because people are trying to circumvent the policies of a site?

No, as I said before...

 ... A thousand Tor exits, 

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-06-16 Thread Bogglesnatch Candycrush

On Monday, June 16, 2014 2:29 AM, grarpamp wrote:
 No, it does not break any anonymity. And it doesn't matter what
 OpvenVPN sends because it all happens over the users already secured
 Tor circuit '--'. You just don't understand the model. Here it is
 again. '' is a single computer, there are two computers pictured.
 Packets travel through the listed processes and computers from left
 to right. '++' is the usual clearnet beyond the exit box.

 user - ovpncli - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_or_ip - ovpn_term_ip ++ world

It seems to me in this case the OpenVPN endpoint would know who the user is, 
based on their OpenVPN client certificate or shared secret.  Even absent those, 
they might be able to do packet fingerprinting, since the packets won't be 
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-06-16 Thread grarpamp
On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Bogglesnatch Candycrush wrote:
 On Monday, June 16, 2014 2:29 AM, grarpamp wrote:

 No, it does not break any anonymity. And it doesn't matter what
 OpvenVPN sends because it all happens over the users already secured
 Tor circuit '--'. You just don't understand the model. Here it is
 again. '' is a single computer, there are two computers pictured.
 Packets travel through the listed processes and computers from left
 to right. '++' is the usual clearnet beyond the exit box.

 user - ovpncli - torcli -- tor_exit_relay_or_ip - ovpn_term_ip ++

 It seems to me in this case the OpenVPN endpoint would know who the user is,
 based on their OpenVPN client certificate or shared secret.  Even absent
 those, they might be able to do packet fingerprinting, since the packets
 won't be scrubbed.

'know who the user is' ... you need to precisely define that.

know their location [real ip]? - No, Tor protects them from that.
know it's the same recurring OVPN nym? - Not if OVPN is setup to
use ephemeral keying or a single shared secret posted on the wiki.
know their name? - Any exit can sniff users at the tor daemon, OVPN or not.
know their traffic? - Any exit can sniff users at the tor daemon, OVPN or not.
scrubbing? - There is some visibility to the 'raw' tunneled packets from the
user's stack. Similar to OnionCat, or to how browsers 'Panopticlick'...
we should document that so that users can make their own choices,
we provide an openvpn config file, etc.

Ultimately, this essentially brings what would otherwise be
third party OpenVPN service to pair with Tor via the exit relay
operators model everyone is familiar with today. Other than that
 it is an external bolt-on after Tor, and it is improper to compare
it with the expectations/capabilities of Tor as if it were Tor... they
are two completely separate things. It is optional for operators
to run one. And optional for users to use one.

Another aspect... the consensus is scraped and imported into
blocklists because Tor makes no restrictions on such use.
And they are unlikely to do so because TPO wants to play nice.
Now since maybe only a third of these independantly operated OVPN
IP's might be published on the wiki (the die roll thing), the other two
thirds must be found by scanning and then used to see if the shared
access token works. This OVPN service could be ToS'd as being only
for Tor users and not blacklists. Thus any appearance of an unpublished
OVPN IP on a BL could be challenged as to its listing source...
one such successful case of illlegal access to computer against
ToS would send a strong message to BL's not to do that.
A rather thin defensive tactic, but it is worth noting how the
consensus and OVPN differ in this regard.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-06-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On 6/16/14, grarpamp wrote:
 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:

 If an operator does not want you on their site, do not circumvent it.
 You are thus stating: I want to circumvent a site's decision to block me.

 No, you are still not understanding a (not so delicate, yet very
 important) distinction...

 - IP blocking is NOT blocking a particular single user context (ie:
 'you', 'me', joe, jane, anonuser1543), it is blocking whoever happens
 to be using that IP [1].

 In my opinion, that is wrong because it takes out innocent users
 and thus I'm happy to suggest any number of ways to push back against
 it until this effectively 'anti-innocent' model changes.

This is foundational I say - some of us are willing to give up a
little (or a lot) of convenience, for the long term benefits/ freedoms
which we anticipate and strive for.

Today we have an abundance of libre/free software. When Richard
Stallman, and later others, sacrificed their time and their statutory
proprietary-ownership possibilities, for the long term vision, they
did not have the abundance that has since been created - their
sacrifice was MUCH greater than ours today.

Yet the spirit of sacrifice/inconvenience for the longer term greater
good, lives strongly in some of us.

I wholeheartedly support those who live this principle.

Rock on!
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-27 Thread Anthony Martin
Jeroen Massar once said:
 Even though you are guessing that other people, who operate a site,
 don't make a balanced and thoughtful decision, it is not for you to
 attempt to circumvent that decision.
 That is like saying they should not have connected it to the network at
 all if they did not want me to access it or hey look the space shuttle
 designs, they should not have allowed me to exploit that hole to get
 access to it.
 If an operator does not want you on their site, do not circumvent it. It
 will only cause more problems for other people who are allowed access to it.

By this logic, support for pluggable transports should be removed.
Surely if a country or ISP doesn't want Tor users on their network
we shouldn't try to circumvent their blocks, right?

I don't buy it.

I'm glad that people are thinking about censorship resistance for
both ends of a Tor circuit.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-14 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:
 This seems very similar to the idea of having private exit nodes:

Tor daemon must of course know its exit OR ip's+ports via some
mechanism (currently, distributed consensus), or Tor would
not work. There is no such thing as private exits in that
context. Every anon protocol learns its own peers somehow.

Running OpenVPN terminators on your exit box on a different
ip than your tor exit is unrelated to Tor itself. It is an extra/enhanced
service relay operators would choose to provide on their own.

 It's also easy to enumerate Exit IPs not by scanning up/down, by just
 building a circuit through every exit node to a server you control,
 and looking at the originating IP.

Given that very few exit relays exit via an IP not in the consensus,
enemies of tor do not have to scan or build, they can just look at
the consensus. This is not relevant to the context of this proposal.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread grarpamp
Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

We are ops because we want to allow people to avoid censorship and
speak freely. But are we doing all we can? It is well known that
all relays, exit or non-exit are added to a variety of blocklists.
Primarily through scraping the consensus. And those blocklists are
then used to indiscriminately deny legitimate users/people access
to sites, regardless of their 'behaviour', which more often than
not has simply not been determined yet. So we need to augment what
we're doing in order to be effective in our mission. Here's how...

We already run Tor on an IP, that IP is blackballed as noted above,
so using another port on it as a vpn terminator is pointless. Yet
our hosting packages often offer other IP's in the same range, or
we already have them to use as part of the deal (or, failing that,
we can forward the openvpn TCP port on our bad relay IP to another
clean non-bulk-blocked IP we control). We obviously cannot publish
this new openvpn 'exit/termination' IP anywhere, such as in the
comment field of the consensus as it will be banned. *But we can
bind to it and let users find it with their own openvpn scans close
to (one up or down from) our OR IP.* Just use the standard openvpn
TCP port on it.

There is no bandwidth cost to us to do this because all the traffic
is moved between the exit IP and the openvpn termination IP over
localhost. (Well, unless you are forwarding openvpn port on OR IP
to another termination real IP off your box.)

At minimum we should allow TCP transport out from the vpn to the
world, aka the usual nat, so as to make websurfing work for our
users. Bonus for allowing nattable outbound UDP, ICMP, etc. Further
bonus for allowing inbound binds on whatever port on the IP that
is available to be bound to. Obviously sine the IP is scarce to us,
we can't allow full unnatted use of the IP.

The point is, we already own these extra IP's, and legitimate people
are being blocked from services for no reason other than kneejerk
or blind reactions to Tor via blocking services. Ahem, cloudflare,
et al and other blocking 'services' well known to us.

So to the extent we have other IP's available to us, we should set
them up to be unpublished openvpn nodes and let users find us by
trying to terminate their vpn connections on us at that IP and
openvpn port.

Yes, blocklists could try the 'one IP up/down' scan method and list
this project of ours too, but it's more work for them and they're
unlikely to do it in any sort of global fashion. Especially since
they can't prove it's part of Tor (because we don't publish the
IP's as such).

If we wish to make an announcement that we are running such
terminators, obviously it should not be made from addresses related
to our OR IP's.

[FWIW, there is another openvpn terminator project out there. Unlike
ours would be, its nodes are public, and even with that detriment
(though possibly only because it is lesser known) it obtains more
freedom from blocklisting than Tor. However its termination points
perform poorly/unreliably whereas ours would be both nonpublished
and better managed.]
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2014-05-13 23:09, grarpamp wrote:
 *But we can
 bind to it and let users find it with their own openvpn scans close
 to (one up or down from) our OR IP.* Just use the standard openvpn
 TCP port on it.

Thank you for suggesting the GFW folks now scan and/or directly block
these IP addresses too.

 The point is, we already own these extra IP's, and legitimate people
 are being blocked from services for no reason other than kneejerk
 or blind reactions to Tor via blocking services. Ahem, cloudflare,
 et al and other blocking 'services' well known to us.

You are mixing the difference between an operator of a site selecting
who their viewers are and a man-in-the-middle selecting that for both
the user and the server. Don't mix those up.

I am pretty-much-completely pro-Tor as there are good uses, but for
controlling who logs in and who abuses you, Tor is a bad thing as you
don't know what the source is. As an operator of a (server) site, being
able to say sorry, we do not accept connections from Tor is a good
thing, as there are situations where that is needed.

 Yes, blocklists could try the 'one IP up/down' scan method and list
 this project of ours too

As it can be done automatically, it is not more work for them.

And actually, they are likely already scanning every IP in the /24 where
a relay is located (well, actually they just scan the whole IPv4 space
anyway, with zmap it is done very very quickly)

 but it's more work for them and they're
 unlikely to do it in any sort of global fashion. Especially since
 they can't prove it's part of Tor (because we don't publish the
 IP's as such).

If the address space (eg the /24) does not contain anything normally
useful they will just block it based on that.

Instead of doing OpenVPN (which Wireshark knows and thus is easily
detected by port number but also protocol itself), look at the variety
of Pluggable Transports[1] people have been developing and deploy these.

They are typically scan and protocol analysis resistant which will give
much better bang for your buck.

Of course, using BridgeDB is a good thing there to publish these
details, or you could invent some new method of passing details to
people (puzzle game solving ala captchas being a good start though
defeatable by having slaving-away people getting paid for solving them).


[1] =

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Thank you for suggesting the GFW folks now scan and/or directly block
 these IP addresses too.

The gfw is going to do what the gfw does. And many times that is
dedicated to blocking access to tor, not access from tor, obviously,
as once you have access, the exit is out of reach of gfw.

If you don't want to be blocked by gfw, don't run this
openvpn extension service on your node/ip.

 You are mixing the difference between an operator of a site selecting
 who their viewers are and a man-in-the-middle selecting that for both
 the user and the server. Don't mix those up.

No I'm not. I'm combining them. Whether site op blocks an
IP in its Apache/ipfw or subscribes to a service to do the
same is immaterial to this countermeasure of ours. We see
them blocking legit users who complain about it, so we act
to allow them alternative access. They can then move to account
based and other finer grained user management models. It
is no different than us deploying tor network to give users
ability to avoid blocks in first place. It is simply evolution
of making such tools available to users.

You don't have to run described openvpn extension if you
don't want.

 I am pretty-much-completely pro-Tor as there are good uses, but for
 controlling who logs in and who abuses you, Tor is a bad thing as you
 don't know what the source is. As an operator of a (server) site, being
 able to say sorry, we do not accept connections from Tor is a good
 thing, as there are situations where that is needed.

You just stated [users] who 'log in' to sites, therefore you already
have the tools you need... block the abusive account. Tor has nothing
to do with it.

 Yes, blocklists could try the 'one IP up/down' scan method and list
 this project of ours too

 As it can be done automatically, it is not more work for them.

I beg to you that it will be substantial work such certain subsets
of them will not engage in it. Furthermore, they are bound to
certain legalities which may prevent them from doing such
scanning/testing. Either way, it is an advance of the art on
our part.

You do not need to participate if you do not wish.

 And actually, they are likely already scanning every IP in the /24 where

No, what would they [gfw] scan for if they already have the
consensus. And we are not talking bridges here, they can already
poll for those. This scanning /24 topic is all moot, might as well
scan for open 8080, etc. Again we are not talking about gfw or access
to tor.

 Instead of doing OpenVPN (which Wireshark knows and thus is easily
 detected by port number but also protocol itself), look at the variety
 of Pluggable Transports[1] people have been developing and deploy these.

Umm, blocklists and/or site ops don't have access to your localhost
to sniff it. PT is irrelevant on localhost as well. You do not understand
the model to deploy here...

user - ovpn - torcli -- exit torrelay or_ip - localhost - ovpn_ip -- world

 Of course, using BridgeDB is a good thing there to publish these
 details, or you could invent some new method of passing details to
 people (puzzle game solving ala captchas being a good start though
 defeatable by having slaving-away people getting paid for solving them).

In OP I suggest with reason not publishing them at all, the whole point
is to *not* let the openvpn ip's be easily scraped like OR_IP are, as a
countermeasure, so let users scan for these new termination points. But
absolutely yes, if you feel some reason to have to DB them do not ever
publish them in something dumb and easy scrapeable like consensus
or website list. Other relay ops will not even inform such DB that they
are running them, exactly so they can't be scraped and must be scanned

You do not have to run this, other relay ops will see value and will.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread Tom Ritter
This seems very similar to the idea of having private exit nodes:

It's also easy to enumerate Exit IPs not by scanning up/down, by just
building a circuit through every exit node to a server you control,
and looking at the originating IP.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread Andy Isaacson
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 05:09:50PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
 Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

Anecdotally, the GFW blocks OpenVPN endpoints as well.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Ops request: Deploy OpenVPN terminators

2014-05-13 Thread grarpamp
On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 8:40 PM, Andy Isaacson wrote:
 Anecdotally, the GFW blocks OpenVPN endpoints as well.

You need to specify context... access *to* ovpn nodes?, which
is moot because that is not the deployment specified here in
diagram... you already guaranteed access via the localhost exit
you can already reach, (or via the exit op's clear forward path to
their off exit box ovpn node). Or *from* ovpn nodes?... well as
before, if your node is in gfw area trying to get out, or is outside
trying to get in, it really doesn't matter, gfw will block exit or ovpn
as it will.

So, this is not about such gfw things. It's about enabling
quite some other users other means to get around silly ip
based blocklists derived from the consensus, the tor dns query
thing, or poor management models by the site the user wishes
to access, etc. We provide tor exits exact so users can get
around stuff, so adding in an ovpn on a spare ip is no
philosophical difference there. Yes, it is a fuck you to old way
of playing nice by saying here's all our public nodes, block us,
and it might cost $few more a month for the ip, and eat some
cpu on localhost, but that's about it. If it helps some users
it's worth doing, to each operators own desire.

Same goes for binding/routing your tor exit out a different ip
than your OR ip. Except that using OpenVPN can permit
other protocols for help of user than only TCP.
tor-relays mailing list