Hello everyone!

As you might have noticed, Tor Browser 13 got released last week[1] which ships for the first time a Tor 0.4.8.x version ( to our stable Tor Browser users. One of the main features in the 0.4.8.x series is Conflux, which allows traffic-splitting to improve Tor performance.[2]

Given that we assume Tor Browser users are a large fraction of our overall Tor users and deployed by Tor Browser results in pre-built Conflux circuits, there is a chance that exit nodes on 0.4.7.x might see less traffic over time. An easy way to avoid or fix that problem is an upgrade to the 0.4.8.x series.


[1] https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-130/
[2] https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/288c5134ddb737e321cf352a9c80bbe595812bce/proposals/329-traffic-splitting.txt

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