Re: [tor-talk] tor/netfilter: packets without uid

2012-05-10 Thread Marsh Ray

On 05/10/2012 09:11 PM, wrote:

Hi List,

I am trying to tweak my transparent netfilter setup (Tor Stable,
Debian Wheezy, GNU/Linux, iptables v1.4.12.2, Kernel 3.2.0-amd64). So
far, redirection and torification works fine. I have have several
users, some of them have their TCP traffic forwarded to Tor, some are
allowed to send packets directly. It works splendid.

There is just one issue. About every once or twice a second there is
a tcp packet running along my filter (that is the iptables -t filter)
table that has no associated UID.

This is what they look like:

IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=some-target LEN=40 TOS=0x00
PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=50447 DPT=443 WINDOW=1002

This packet is https, most likely generated by my firefox user when I
was browsing a website. But it gets more interesting. There are lost
packets, even when I only use Tor. A reverse dns lookup of the target
ip shows that these are packets send by tor to the first relay.

How is it possible for a packet not to have an associated uid?
Dropping these packets of course works, but the logging clutters my
syslog, and after all, why is there this type of leaking in the first

I'm not a netfilter expert, but it looks this is a pure TCP ACK packet. 
With LEN=40 there's no application data in it. It may have been 
auto-generated by the kernel as a reply to the external packet and never 
tagged with a user for that reason.

Dropping them may result in retransmission. As you noticed, once or 
twice a second until there's some user tagged data going out that can 
transmit the ack.

Just a theory.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] segfault at 8 ip ... error 4 in tor

2011-12-01 Thread Marsh Ray

On 12/01/2011 09:16 AM, Hanspeter Spalinger wrote:


I built a new gdb (from the homepage), and got the output below. I too
tried rebuild tor from the source (apt-get source,
dpkg-buildpackage,...) and both times the stack trace looks like this. I
do not understand why gdb does not find the tor-dbg symbols, i installed
them and squeeze gdb finds them, but not the new gdb (i tried the
map-debug configure option and used the -s Option to directly give the
path, but nothing worked)

spahan:~/tor2# ../gdb/gdb-7.3.1/gdb/gdb -s /usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/tor
tor /var/lib/tor/core

You might try building tor yourself and launching the tor executable 
right from the path where it was built, i.e., the location from which 
'make install' would copied it.

That's always given me the best luck for having gdb locate symbols and 

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Tor no longer works with win2K ??

2011-11-12 Thread Marsh Ray

On 11/12/2011 01:11 PM, Julian Yon wrote:

Nobody's going to keep an old, unsupported system up and running, at
personal expense, just to appease a person who is rude to them.

It's also a bad idea from a security perspective. You could easily be 
doing them more harm than good.

Win2k had a long and useful life, but it has been laid to rest by its 
creator. If it feels "stable" and "well understood" today, it is because 
the world has decided to no longer research and report its bugs.

It's old and busted. Don't run it, even from behind a firewall. It is 
not secure.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Tor and AES-NI acceleration , and Tor profiling

2011-11-08 Thread Marsh Ray

On 11/08/2011 12:28 AM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:

On 11/07/2011 09:29 PM, coderman wrote:

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Moritz Bartl  wrote:

[notice] Using OpenSSL engine Intel AES-NI engine [aesni] for AES

however, you
are getting not only 3x-10x+ performance improvement in AES ops, but
also avoiding nearly all side channel attacks against AES!

Aren't you really just replacing them with hardware specific side
channel attacks against their implementation of AES? :)

I wouldn't think so.

My understanding is that the problem with AES is that a straightforward 
implementation performs lots of table lookups and the access pattern is 
dependent on the secret key. This leaks information via cache timing.

AES-NI converts this to a single instruction which is said to operate in 
constant time. So that would be a back door, not a side channel attack. :-)

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Freedom Hosting admin revealed by Anonymous - Tor finally cracked?

2011-11-02 Thread Marsh Ray

On 11/02/2011 05:54 PM, Gozu-san wrote:

Is it really possible that over 100 fools would have downloaded a
purported Tor security update from Hard Candy in one day?  In the middle
of an attack by OpDarknet?  Seriously?

Mozilla stats 
seem to suggest that there were 3000 Torbutton downloads and 171000 
active Torbutton users on a typical day (earlier in the year before it 
was removed).

190 users falling for some professional social engineering and 
downloading a signed code update hosted on a compromised web server 
seems realistic to me. I'd guess at an estimate of the overall site 
popularity, probably fewer than 2000 regular visitors.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Google and Gmail

2011-09-10 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/10/2011 10:22 PM, Andre Risling wrote:

I've noticed a lot of people that are concerned about privacy and
security are using Gmail accounts.

Do you really trust Google not to read your email and tell THE MAN what
you've been saying?


But technologies like Tor are general purpose and useful for many 
things. Sometimes other people in the world have different instances of 
"THE MAN", maybe theirs might be expected to not have the same access to 

Accessing Gmail from within a network which is trying to block or 
intercept it is a easy to explain and realistic scenario. That type of 
example is useful for discussing the general security properties of a 

It also happens to be a service under active attack right now, providing 
a case study for attackers and defenders alike. This is historic: in the 
almost two decades of web security history, this is the first time a 
certificate issued by a widely trusted root CA has been detected in use 
in large scale man-in-the-middle attacks.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Tor spying

2011-09-07 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/07/2011 09:21 PM, Indie Intel wrote:

Apparently people are spying on Tor users by setting up their own
exit nodes and sniffing traffic?!

Oh yeah. It happens.

This Moxie Marlinspike is even a well-respected researcher,
apparently. He gives talks at Blackhat to government hacker wannabes.

You may have the threat a bit backwards.

Just try to imagine the spying that goes on over the internet as a 
whole. Governments, ISPs, telcos, businesses, spouses, employees, 
malware on your LAN, bad guys are all sniffing traffic all the time. 
Some digital satellite ISPs have an unencrypted downlink and the entire 
hemisphere can see the traffic.

The difference here is that these security researchers have blessed the 
public with the fruits of their research and we have benefited from it.

But stealing email passwords and credit card information? How is this
legal in the US?

It's a gray area. I wouldn't do it myself, but I'm grateful to the 
others who have on occasion done something useful with it.

The more I research this, the more it seems this sort of ``research''
is more common than not. Wikileaks, Jacob Appelbaum, Adrian Lamo,
Moxie Marlinspike... who else? Iran?!

Yeah, who don't?

The Tor Project needs to shed some light on this or it will have a
serious problem with people wanting to use Tor at all...

It's even a FAQ

Personally, if I were going to transmit a credit card or email password 
in-the-clear over Tor I'd choose Moxie or Jacob over some random node 
any day. But I'd do everything possible to avoid that in the first place.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Dutch CA issues fake * cert (among many others)

2011-09-07 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/07/2011 04:48 PM, Julian Yon wrote:

There's no need to be patronising. I have plenty of security

Sorry, wasn't trying to be patronizing. Just trying to give my opinion

This is where, IMHO, computer security people can maybe take a step
back. Sure we should all remind each other that it's easy to get
engrossed in the computer screen that we forget what's going on around
us and who may be watching.

But everyone in the world has experience managing their own personal
space and physical security. Computing devices are ordinary physical 
objects now. Computer security people may not be any better qualified to 
advise on personal physical security (and maybe we come across as a 
little patronizing too).

Shared environments are not a thing of the past, certainly not in
the UK, and a physically present adversary is a real threat for many

Right. I'm just not particularly qualified to advise about that kind of

Not everyone can be told to look away (unless you like time in
hospital), and if you can use a drop-down with your screen covered
then I applaud you. And online-banking isn't aimed at experts, it's
used by "normal" people. It's so easy to mitigate this specific
threat in software that it is negligent not to do so.

Realistically today the bank may have thousands of customers with
malicious keyloggers for every one who is protected by an obscured
display. This was not the case just a few years ago, the threat has
changed. The keylogger threat might be somewhat mitigated with the UI
changes, but the UI is largely incapable of restoring a user's physical

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Dutch CA issues fake * cert (among many others)

2011-09-07 Thread Marsh Ray

On 09/07/2011 03:19 PM, Julian Yon wrote:

My bank forces me to enter part of my password using unobscured
dropdowns "for security". Sure, it avoids keyloggers, but what about
*someone standing behind me*?

Do they have a gun? Otherwise, cover the screen with your hand or ask 
them to look away.

Realistically, this is nowhere near the biggest threat these days. It's 
mostly a holdover from security guidance from shared computing labs and 
pre-internet days.

Yes, be aware of your physical surroundings. No, don't think that it 
keeps you one bit safe online, unless you're that special case where 
your adversary is physically present.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] EFF Tor Challenge

2011-06-01 Thread Marsh Ray

On 06/01/2011 07:35 PM, wrote:

On Wednesday 1 June, 2011 16:39:22 Javier Bassi wrote:

I have to say I felt a bit disappointed when I saw that the EFF
was also running a middle node. I thought they would be running
the openest exit node.

Everybody's gotta choose their battles and the EFF has chosen enough of
them to earn my great admiration.

Although, until a Best Practices emerges for running a relay
securely, I won't be running a relay at all.  We went over this in
detail here recently.  The three methods I can think of have

- chroot jail can be broken by a skilled cracker.

Yeah it's usually a matter of only a few weeks between local privilege 
escalation exploits for Linux are published on lists like 
Full-Disclosure, and those are just the ones that are not sold. Security 
boundaries on shared commodity hardware have almost always turned out to 
be ineffective. They're a myth, like Santa Claus, one that basically 
honest and good-natured people agree to believe in because of the huge 
cost savings it enables (over having to purchase separate hardware for 
every category of data).

But this latest round of virtualization technology is holding up better 
than I'd expected.

- VirtualBox VM bridged to LAN still must share the LAN class C, and
could potentially monitor internal traffic.   (And please don't
quibble with me calling it a class C... they have to make up a name
and stick with it.  I still call Nissan's a Datsun)

No, you're factually wrong on the deeper point. The muddy terminology is 
just a symptom.

- VPN to router, most routers do not have VPN functionality, only the
business-class like ProSafe.

Don't forget the host-only virtual networking that was suggested too.

Until Best Practices are defined, many of us will be wary as we know
what is possible.

Yes, everyone should think and plan carefully before running anything 
that accepts incoming connections from the internet. However, the 
millions of actual servers on the internet show that many can accomplish 
it in practice (both well and poorly). A Tor internal node is not really 
special in this regard and, actually, its attack surface is relatively 
limited in comparison. Just imagine trying to secure a full-featured 
multiuser mail server!

Personally I'm more concerned about running Wordpress or any other 
random PHP app than TOR.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Securing a Relay - chroot

2011-05-27 Thread Marsh Ray

On 05/27/2011 11:22 AM, wrote:

On Friday 27 May, 2011 08:10:47 tagnaq wrote:

You do not mention the threats you worry about and assets you care
about (thread model + security requirements).

Yes that's because I don't know what threats there may be.

I am a
user, I don't have an MS in Computer Science.

Heh, I've known those who do who couldn't get as far as you have already.

 For example I don't
understand, "maps subnets and/or ports to inside. Separating traffic
into VLANs. In general having a lot more control of the hardware

Wikipedia has a great article on VLANs.

What good is this if users can't secure their own machine
Why set up a relay if my own machine could be

You are asking entirely valid questions that the entire data security 
industry also struggles with every day on a deep level. I don't have a 
real satisfying answer for you.

You already understand the key point though: separation. Decide which 
systems you trust and for what purpose in what contexts you trust them. 
Place systems in different trust zones accordingly. Implement barriers 
between the zones and be very selective about what is allowed to pass.

No wonder you have a hard time recruiting relays, much
less exit points.  I guess the coyness here is for some good reason,
but it's not doing the cause any good.  Looks like I have to give up
on a relay.

Computers and networks are inherently good at copying and leaking 
information, they do it without even trying. Providing an open service 
while perfectly blocking the flow of selective information is actually 
extremely difficult to do on shared hardware.

There is always a cost to security, usually complexity, performance, 
administration, and money. I find this stuff fascinating and spend all 
my learning about it. But when I set up a relay the other day, I chose 
to address most of these problems with money: I paid a few dollars a 
month for a remote virtual host environment having no trust 
relationships with any of my other systems.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Tor TLS error

2011-05-27 Thread Marsh Ray

Which version (number, distribution) of OpenSSL are you using? The line
number s23_clnt.c:607 might tell us something.

Could you get a packet capture (Wireshark, tshark, tcpdump, etc.)?

It's probably only a few KB of the packets which are relevant to the
failed connection attempt.

On 05/27/2011 11:06 AM, alex wrote:

On 05-27 17:56, intrigeri wrote:

Not really, but enabling starttls mode makes it work: $
/usr/bin/torify openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect

True, but I actually want to *not* do that.

My guess is that the problem relates to the SMTP server not accepting
raw TLS on port 465. Is the perhaps an MS Exchange server?

From :

Server administrators choose whether clients use TCP port 25 (SMTP)
or port 587 (Submission), as formalized in RFC 4409, for relaying
outbound mail to a mail server. The specifications and many servers
support both. Although some servers support port 465 for legacy
secure SMTP in violation of the specifications, it is preferable to
use standard ports and standard ESMTP commands[14] according to RFC
3207 if a secure session needs to be used between the client and the
server. Some servers are set up to reject all relaying on port 25,
but valid users authenticating on port 587 are allowed to relay mail
to any valid address.

Can you use port 587?

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Tor TLS error

2011-05-27 Thread Marsh Ray

On 05/27/2011 11:53 AM, alex wrote:

On 05-27 11:39, Marsh Ray wrote:

Which version (number, distribution) of OpenSSL are you using?


Could you get a packet capture (Wireshark, tshark, tcpdump, etc.)?

I'll try. But I'm running a Tor Relay, so isolating my traffic is kind
of hard :)

Perhaps you have access to take the capture on the server side?

True, but I actually want to *not* do that.

My guess is that the problem relates to the SMTP server not accepting
raw TLS on port 465. Is the perhaps an MS Exchange server?

The thing is: it works without Tor.

It would be interesting to compare the two pcaps.

The Server is a qmail, although the port there is a Stunnel.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] Securing a Relay - chroot

2011-05-26 Thread Marsh Ray

On 05/26/2011 11:12 AM, wrote:

On Thursday 26 May, 2011 07:31:42 Eugen Leitl wrote:

So you're worrying about a compromised vserver guest
compromising the host, which is then used to attack
your LAN segment?

Doesn't even have to compromise the host.  With the guest in the same class C 
it can monitor traffic.

It's more that it's in the same 'broadcast domain' at the switching 
layer, whereas 'class C' is an (archaic) routing layer concept. 
Depending on the details of the switch though, monitoring (and active 
man-in-the-middle attacks) could range from easy to impossible.

But it may be that your virtualization software can force the guest NIC 
inside an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN so it can't see the rest of the network.

Which raises the question of what it can see, so you'll have to provide 
it with some connectivity, like a 192.168.x.x address and NAT to 
publicly-routable IP space. You could even do this NATting and 
firewalling on the host kernel, perhaps with a virtual "host only" 
segment from the guest to the host.

But don't ask me for every detail on how to set this up :-), I've listed 
the key terms for which there are HOWTOs available. You should only 
undertake this project if you _like_ digging into this sort of thing.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list

Re: [tor-talk] "drop all vulnerable relays from the consensus"

2011-05-16 Thread Marsh Ray

On 05/15/2011 03:38 PM, tagnaq wrote:

Hash: SHA512


"If someone publishes or demonstrates a code-exec exploit [...] we
should drop all vulnerable relays from the consensus" [1]

- - Does Tor provide Authority Directories with an easy way to reject/drop
relays from the consensus based on the platform string or is this only
possible based on FP or IP?

- - How will Directory Authorities determine if a relay is "vulnerable"?
(inspecting the platform string only)?

Once the attacker has code execution he can patch it to emit whatever 
version string is necessary.

We see this with Windows botnets which will sometimes, immediately after 
infection, patch the vulnerability they used to come in on. They may 
also un-patch some other vulnerability (reinstalling the original 
vulnerable signed code) in such a way that the OS still thinks it's 
applied the update.

Of course, none of this is an argument against kicking off 
known-vulnerable clients.

- Marsh
tor-talk mailing list