[SlimDevices: Touch] My thoughts on the sound quality of the Touch

2010-04-20 Thread AudioFrog

Well, I had a pretty rocky start with my Touch since I was unable to
play anything out of my iTunes library due to a bug in the way Apple
Lossless files are detected but with Phil's help I am running witha
workaround now. I wanted to post my impressions of the Touch from a
sound quality perspective.

I have my Touch optically connected (glass toslink, don't EVER use
plastic toslink if you want good sound quality!!) to a Pioneer Elite
SC-25 receiver which drives a pair of Klipsch Forte IIs (custom
crossovers) and a HSU VTF-3 Mk3 sub. I have the Touch's analog outputs
connected to an Audio-DG C-2C headphone amp that drives my AKG K701
headphones. Prior to the Touch I had a Squeezebox 2 connected the same

The first thing I noticed was the lack of what I would call edginess or
sibilance with vocals. Patricia Barber's 'Touch of Trash' (no pun
intended) always had a fatiguing sibilance I could never get rid off
dispite the myriad of components I have had thru my system. With the
Touch, the sibilance actually sounds likelike and non-fatiguing. I
think this is so due to the more full bodied sound you get from the
Touch. Instruments sound fleshed out, rounder and complete. They stand
out in the soundscape and are not homogenized like they were with the
SB2. There are 2 other things that are exceptional with the Touch.
First, imaging and soundstaging are first rate. For the first time with
a digital streaming product it is impossible to coorelate the sound as
coming directly from each speaker. The soundstage is slightly above and
way left and right of each speaker but the center imaging (I don't have
a center channle speaker) is perfect. I am going to guess that this is
due to the nearly lack of jitter in the digital output of the Touch. It
is spectacular to finally be set free from the confines of the width of
the two speakers but retain pinpoint instrument placement. Secondly,
frequency extremes are ... more extreme. Listening to some old Neil
Diamond songs I hear some odd low frequency thumps here and there that
could be from the analog tape transfer or some studio noise during the
recording. Whatever it is, it was glossed over with the SB2 but the
Touch reveals such things easily. In the upper range, cymbals are
likelike with that 'ping' and shimmer you get when hitting a cymbal
lightly with a drumstick (check out E.S.T or Keith Jarrett jazz
albums). With the SB2 there was way less body and far more sizzle which
made it sound very artificial in comparison.

At this point I am thrilled with the Touch and I would delete my
initial posting I made of the Touch if I could (although SBS 7.5 is
still broken for ALAC as far as I know). If the Touch doesn't make
Product Of The Year by Stereophile or Absolute Sound then I will lose
complete faith in the audio press. Im my opinion it is by far the best
money I have spent for a piece of audio equipment in ages, maybe ever.
I do not work for Logitech and have not been told by anyone to praise
the Touch for any reason. I just want to try and right the wrong I made
ititially about the Touch.



AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My thoughts on the sound quality of the Touch

2010-04-20 Thread AudioFrog

Covenant;538075 Wrote: 
 Wow, what a great review-can't wait to get mine. I was interested in
 your comment about glass optical interconnect cables. I use a high
 quality coaxial one handmade by someone on one of the hifi forums. I
 guess if it was produced by one of the well known makes it would cost
 three figures. Have you compared yours to a decent coaxial? Glass
 opticals are not often mentioned.
 Sorry if this is an audiophile question but its your fault Logitech-you
 have obviously made an audiophile product!

What lead me to optical was that I had a slight ground loop (or
something similar) going on when I had the SB2 connected via coaxial
digital to the Pioneer. I had a cheap plastic Toslink cable that came
with my PC's soundcard so I tried it and the low level hum went away
but I wasn't happy with the mildly grainy (for lack of a better word)
sound quality with the Toslink. I googled for Toslink sound quality
and found lots of posts and jitter measurements comparing plastic to
glass Toslink. The consensus was that glass is much better if your
system can reveal the differences. I bought a 3' glass Toslink cable
for about $30 (BetterCables.com) and the sound quality was grainless
AND hum free. Problem solved. I like the idea of the connection being
electrically decoupled in a sense.


AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77649

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My thoughts on the sound quality of the Touch

2010-04-20 Thread AudioFrog

Yes, terminations are critical and from what I'm reading are usually
better on glass toslink cables. I was concerned about the quality of
the conversion from electrical - optical - optical - electrical but I
can honesty say that the glass Toslink sounds identical to the coaxial
digital connection in my system (despite the hum) but the plastic
Toslink was borderline disasterous sonically. It could be that a better
quality plastic Toslink cable could be just as good as glass but why
bother when the costs are not huge between the two. Certainly less than
a tank of gas for my van!


AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77649

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My thoughts on the sound quality of the Touch

2010-04-20 Thread AudioFrog

Phil Leigh;538202 Wrote: 
 Not really. Light transitions travel just as well through plastic as
 glass over a few meters. And - to make toslink work  - it really
 doesn't have to travel all that well. One of my best friends owns a
 company that actually makes fibre... It has to handle WAY more
 bandwidth than Toslink..
 The real problem with toslink/optical are the transition points from
 cable to opto-isolator/driver. 
 There really (almost) isn't such a thing as a crappy plastic cable -
 but there are badly finished ends that scatter...and poorly fitting
 Anyway, this is way OT now!

Then it sounds like maybe my plastic toslink cable had some poor
termination to make it sound horrible. I'm just glad the hum is gone!


AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77649

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Aarrg! SB Touch + SBS 7.5 = waste of money...

2010-04-17 Thread AudioFrog

Ok I am frustrated. I have an SB2 and 2 days ago purchased a SB Touch
which mandates SBS 7.5. I have installed SBS 7.5, 7.5.1 + 7.6 and NONE
of them will FIX the 'Cannot open D:\Itunes' issue. I have a large
Itunes library completely made up of ALAC files and I cannot listen to
any of them. This is such a huge bug for a product that supposedly had
been delayed to make sure everthing worked out of the box. 

I have read the threads about this issue and have tried different SBS
builds, different FAAD.EXEs (even one that a none-Logitech person
modified to try and fix this issue) and none of them work.

SBS has always been the Achilles Heel of this product line and when it
works it works well but it has been plagued with bugs that somehow make
it thru 'QA'. I was hoping this would be plug and play but I am ready to
throw the Touch thru a window.

Sorry for the rant. This is just so unacceptable.


AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77511

Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Aarrg! SB Touch + SBS 7.5 = waste of money...

2010-04-17 Thread AudioFrog

Don't need too since a Logitech developer is already aware of the issue
(in the DEV forum) but it has not resolved yet. How can this slip past


AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77511

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Has the Touch release date been delayed?

2009-12-16 Thread AudioFrog

People! The complaints here show just how materialistic and impatient
our society is. It's just a music player. Do you not have an MP3 player
or a CD player already? Is your life at a point where your biggest worry
is when you can get your Touch? Do you not have other hobbies or
interests? Do you think the Touch would be important to you if you lost
your job tomorrow or if a family member became sick? Grow up and get
your priorities straight. It's just a plastic box with a screen, nothing
magical. end of rant


AudioFrog's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9568
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71178

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