Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-28 Thread Avinunca

bpa wrote: 
> If by disabling native and transcoding AAC to force use MP3 (using lame)
> make the stream playable it means there is a side effect in the
> conversion (e.g. sample format such as S24le vs s16le) as the encoded
> samples (AAC or MP3 ) do not reach the DAC.
> *It seems to me that the 48kHz capability of the DAC is not working.* A
> few years ago I remember a user with a secondhand SB3 with a similar
> issues and it turned out the SB3 was modded and crystal for 48Khz was
> disconnected. If a relay is involved for 48Khz - then it is possible the
> DAC's 48kHz supporting circuit is broken.
> OP should confirm that DAC can still plays 48kHz audio to determine if
> the problem is an SBT incompatibility or a DAC h/w issue.
> AFAIK LMS sends 24 bits stream to DAC no matter whether AAC / MP3 or
> 44.1Khz or 48Khz. I believe 16 bit sample source are padded to 24 bits.
> However my knowledge on this is limited (and possibly wrong) so somebody
> else can provide a definitive answer.

I'll dig out my DAT machine which can output 48kHz

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-25 Thread Avinunca

bpa wrote: 
> Since audio plays OK with analogue - the issue is in compatibility
> between SBT and DAC.
> What internet streams work OK with the DAC connected to SBT
> Can you give the URLs of the station that work.
> What are the settings for the player in WebUI Settings/Player/Audio
> Are all the crossfade settings disabled/off ?

I tried Absolute Radio 80s - ok. When I switched to it from France
Musique which was bad I heard a relay operate in the dac.
Smart crossfeed was enabled. No difference after changing

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-25 Thread Avinunca

36254bpa wrote: 
> Nothing unusual in system info.
> For completeness - what are the settings for AAC under WebUI
> Settings/Advanced/Filetypes.
> Please confirm the BBC Stream play OK when listened through analog
> connections (Phono or headphone) of SBT ?

BBC fine at analogue outputs of SBT.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-25 Thread Avinunca

slartibartfast wrote: 
> What was the outcome of this issue you had 5 years ago?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I cannot recall the outcome. I may have just stopped using the SBT.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-25 Thread Avinunca

bpa wrote: 
> The audio format AAC vs MP3 of the input shouldn't matter as the SBT
> will deocde into PCM.
> If the DAC has a problem with sample 44.1kHz vs 48Khz rate - then BBC
> will show this up - but other stream should play OK.  To check on the
> HLS issue - post the specific URL of the problem France Musique stream.
> If there is an issues about sample size - SBT always sends same number
> of bits so again input format shouldn't matter.
> It is possible that LMS player delay settings which inject "silence"
> might cause problems as DAC tries to change sample rate from the
> "silence" rate to the audio stream.

Using SBT dac - BBC Sounds and France Musique channels work fine. The
latter works ok with AAC and MP3 but not HLS. SQ is good so no bother.
Using Ordinal Dac neither work but I hear instead scratchy tone.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-25 Thread Avinunca

bpa wrote: 
> More specific information is needed to solve your problem.
> BBC is unusual in that it uses 48kHz but SBT can play SBT 48Khz.
> SBT can play AAC natively.
> Perhaps you you have disabled some transcoding options or some special
> plugins installed (e.g room correction) 
> Otherwise, it feels like a limitation due to your DAC and / or the
> connection.
> So full information is needed.
> DAC - full detail vendor & model no Pink Triangle - Ordinal
> How is DAC connected to Touch - SPDIF optical/coax, USB, EDO, other etc.
> Has SBT been modded ? No
> LMS version - Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 
> OS of LMS server.  macOS 10.15.7 - EN - utf8
> Any 3rd party plugins installed. Y
> 36240

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-24 Thread Avinunca

bpa wrote: 
> More system & player details always helps 
> As a first step - try enabling the BBC Sounds settings "Hide the audio
> sample rate from LMS. This can help with a specific transcoding issue on
> devices that can't natively support 48000"

The DAC will support 48000 but I did nevertheless try your suggestion.
Unfortunately it didn't help.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Unable to use BBC Sounds with external dac

2021-11-04 Thread Avinunca

I've resurrected my SBT and everything's working fine - QoBus etc but I
am unable to listen to BBC Sounds material through the external DAC.
Analog o/p on SBT is good. I found an ancient thread about this but
doubt it is still relevant. 
Could someone please point me in the right direction.

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