[SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch 209.99 today (Mon 17th) on Logitech site

2011-10-17 Thread danull


Touch is 209.99 today on the Logitech site for the 30th anniversary
sale...hard to beat!


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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch 209.99 today (Mon 17th) on Logitech site

2011-10-17 Thread danull

Logitech should be giving me free beer based on how many musta sold via
my slickdeals post ;-)


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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Review in upcoming Stereophile issue

2010-08-23 Thread danull

iPhone;571416 Wrote: 
 A bit off topic, but I just have to respond. TinySC will NEVER be like
 or what SBS is on a Server. Its not even meant to be. Its a feature to
 allow one to use a local library without a Server with the knowledge
 that features such as plugins are not available, speed and response are
 reduced, and again that it is NOT SBS.
 People are not complaining because its not supposed to be SBS (and the
 few that are just still don't get it). TinySC does what it was meant to
 do which is NOT a full substitute SBS running on a PC or Server. The way
 I think about TinySC is that it lets me use a Squeezebox where I
 couldn't before and that it can be a way for new users to get started.
 The new user has no over expectations of TinySC because they haven't
 used SBS before.

The SB Touch is advertised as having SBS built in.  I have never seen
it advertised as having a gimped SBS built in that performs 5-10 times
slower than SBS running on an aging desktop.  You have already formed
what I consider to be a lowered expectation and can use that
information when deciding whether to buy a Touch.  Other folks do not
know this and if they knew TinySBS was so slow they might take that
into consideration.  As they say, hindsight is 20/20...

I am not a new user because I already own other Squeezeboxes so I do
have an expectation of how SBS should perform.  If the Touch was my
first Squeezebox, I probably would have returned it after witnessing
TinySBS in action.   That said, SBS works fine on my workstation and I
am not going to return it and am reasonably happy with it as a SB3
replacement.  I am definitely miffed that this function - which helped
push me into buying it as a SB3 replacement to begin with (a friend now
has that) - does not function as I'd hoped.

This is similar to the debate about whether the SB Radio should
function as a reliable Alarm - there are folks who claim it was never
meant to be one.  The SB Radio is advertised as an alarm replacement
on several 3rd party retailers.  There used to be a blurb on Logitech's
own SB radio page that I've cited in the past but now I'm not finding
it.  I don't use it as an alarm and so I can't complain in that
case...but I'm definitely sympathetic when I see other posts and I hate
to see Logitech fans inexplicably attack people who don't so readily
adopt lowered expectations.  

I hope you eventually rethink your point of view because I do not
believe it is healthy to make an argument that Logitech should deliver
function that fails to meet their user's expectations... I know from
your past posting history you are a solid fan who regularly defends
present quality... as a probable buyer of SBs in the future I think
that mindset can only hurt you in the long run... I'd much rather see
longtime SB'ers like you pushing Logitech for better quality, faster
performance, etc.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Review in upcoming Stereophile issue

2010-08-20 Thread danull

JJZolx;570623 Wrote: 
 In forums all over the internet (including this one) the sound quality
 using Touch's built-in server has been thoroughly trashed as inferior
 to using an external SbS.  So much so that I wouldn't be surprised to
 see it either not mentioned at all or else similarly discounted in an
 audiophile magazine review.

Have to say I agree with them.  I recently gave up on TinySBS and went
back to normal SBS on my workstation - the performance of the built in
SBS on touch was terrible... I've been watching for other people
complaining about performance and citing bugs but haven't seen it so I
guess it is working as designed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Review in upcoming Stereophile issue

2010-08-20 Thread danull

Phil Leigh;570676 Wrote: 
 Are you talking about audio quality or just performance?

Time it takes to load the music library when telling it to list
albums/artists, and the time it takes in between telling it to play a
song and the sound coming out of the device(on a SB Radio using the
TinySBS music library for example) ... that sort of thing.   It is
much, much faster on my workstation than it was on TinySBS w/ Western
Digital 640 GB Elements.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-17 Thread danull

Thanks for info about trick to get 7.6.0 via USB/SD card.

Anyway, I moved to 7.6.0 and still have the same problem.   

I do not know how to explain it working for andyg but not me since he
used my directory.



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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-17 Thread danull

Phil Leigh;555602 Wrote: 
 This is a bit of a long shot, but what file system is on your USB drive?

NTFS - it is a Western Digital Elements 640 GB USB 2.0 portable drive.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-17 Thread danull

Phil Leigh;555611 Wrote: 
 There was a bug in beta whereby the alpha sort of files from the
 filesystem was case sensitive... as I said, it was a long shot...
 No idea what you are seeing. Artwork continues to look fine to me on
 7.6 nightlies (since forever)...

The thing that confuses me is that AndyG said with embedded image
(600x600 in my case) it will always be used... so wouldn't expect it to
be picking up my lower resolution small album artwork resident in the
same directories... anyway I removed the AlbumArtSmall.jpg and the
other Small resolution image for 3 of my albums and another scan is in

On one hand my fingers are crossed on the other I don't know what I'm
going to do if this resolves it...surely there is a reason for the
small artwork that was created (I guess when I ripped these with
Windows Media Player?) ... also might take me eons just to remove those
if that's the answer...

Will keep you posted :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-17 Thread danull

Sure enough, removing AlbumArtSmall.jpg and the other
AlbumArt_{6D2583BF-582C-4668-9AE5-2E29F8500FE7}_Small.jpg from the 3
directories fixed my problem for the 3 albums I removed small album art

So I guess my claim is that TinySC even on 7.6.0 is not using the
embedded art instead of .jpg images in the directory, and it is not
using files based on normal sorting by name (because
AlbumArt_{6D2583BF-582C-4668-9AE5-2E29F8500FE7}_Large.jpg would be used
rather than Small.jpg if that were the case).

I do not know how to explain this working for andyg unless NTFS / WD
Elements USB drive is somehow involved?

So I guess I have two questions for those who have been kind enough to
provide me feedback:

1) Will I hurt anything by deleting all the small album artwork across
the board?  i.e. Ipeng for his little images he will be OK and just
scale down larger artwork, right?   In other words - is it safe for me
to remove small album art across the board to sidestep this issue or
will it give me grief somewhere else later?

2) Should I be opening a bug on bugs.slimdevices.com or not bother
because I'm apparently the only person seeing it on TinySC and is
unlikely to be fixed anytime soon anyway (assuming you even agree it is
a bug!)  ???

Thank you for your help so far,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-17 Thread danull

JJZolx;555673 Wrote: 
 What exactly is that file?  Did you create it with that name for some
 reason or was it some automated download program?

It is created automatically by Windows Media Player when you rip music
from CD.  I have ripped most of my 1400 albums in WMA 192 KBps.   Don't
ask me why I know about Lossless etc - trying not to invite any
snarky comments from FLACheads  :D

JJZolx;555673 Wrote: 
 No, I'm pretty certain that iPeng either gets resized images from the
 server or resizes them itself.  AlbumArtSmall hasn't been used by the
 server for a number of years now.
 BTW, you should be able to easily find and delete these by doing a
 search in Windows Explorer.  Do a search for albumart* and then you can
 delete any or all of the files found from within the right hand window
 of the search.

Thanks for the tip - if/when I remove the files I will give that a



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Dead pixel

2010-06-17 Thread danull

kgturner;555691 Wrote: 
 received my replacement touch today. had to call logitech on tuesday to
 find out what the deal was because i never received a shipping
 confirmation. apparently they needed some type of supervisor approval
 to ship it. i dunno. either way, got the confirmation yesterday and the
 touch today. no stuck pixels on this one either. pretty nice of logitech
 to replace my touch for free due to cosmetic issues.
 kevin t

You know, I recently called in for a power replacement for my SB3 (2-3
months ago).   I was just calling to see if I could buy a power
replacement, and they offered to send it to me for free - despite my
warranty being expired about a year earlier.  I received it a few weeks

I gotta say I'm impressed with Logitech for that and in fact it was a
huge part of my decision to replace my SB3 with a Touch (the SB3 went
to a good friend).I have a long grudge list against tech companies
for lack of support and Logitech sure ain't on it ;)



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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-16 Thread danull


Thanks for the response.  

In the case of Natalee Merchant's Tigerlilyalbum for example I do have
a cover.jpg in the directory along with the other images - but it is
not showing artwork at that higher 500x500 resolution (looks a lt
worse than that).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-16 Thread danull

I appreciate you taking a look!  

I put Data for Forum Thread 79726 For AndyG.zip into /incoming -
deleted all audio files except for one prior to zipping.

Please let me know if I can assist in any other way...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-16 Thread danull


For giggles I just took a screenshot using SHIFT-PRT SC and uploaded
the zipped BMP to /incoming as Data No. 2 for Forum Thread 79726 For

This is a screenshot of Squeezeplay on my Netbook - it visually looks
just as bad on iPeng and my Squeezebox Radio (certainly no 600x600 if
you're saying that's what is embedded).



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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-16 Thread danull

I know about the nightly builds but not sure how to update the SBS when
it is on the Touch to see if 7.6.0 fixes this issue (the nightly builds
etc appear to be windows installables).

In the meantime, I stopped SBS on the Touch and am trying a wipe and
rescan to see if that makes any difference... looked for this option
earlier but I guess SBS has to be stopped first before it appears.



danull's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5998
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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-16 Thread danull

Oh I guess can't do nightly build unless I connect Touch to a computer:


Anyway, gave up on wipe and rescan after about 45 minutes because it
still said it was removing the old stuff/not making progress.

Found this thread:


Looks like Wipe and Rescan might not be any good on 7.5.1?

So I attached the drive to my netbook and deleted the .Squeezebox
folder and when I reattached the USB device it went through the
discovery process and complete re-scan.

Afterward, album artwork is still hosed.

Sounds like my only option now is to figure out how to move to 7.6.0...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Horribly low resolution album artwork w/ TinySC and 7.5.1

2010-06-16 Thread danull

JJZolx;555462 Wrote: 
 Right.  Is connecting the Touch to a computer a big deal?  To get 7.6.0
 firmware on the Touch you need to install Squeezebox Server 7.6.0 on a
 computer (with internet access) on your network.  It will download new
 firmware from the 7.6 branch and you'll get an update notification on
 the Touch.

Not super big deal...of course I got the portable USB drive expressly
so I wouldn't need a computer.  Also those of us without thousands of
posts are a little more afraid of beta code, I suspect :-D - especially
when there is no guarantee this will fix it.

I got the nightly build of 7.6 on and it is scanning...wish me luck 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB playback comlaints unfair

2010-06-04 Thread danull

iwannatouch;552764 Wrote: 
 perhaps jcowling should ask logitech for a job in their advertising
 department. I can see the campaigns now:
 it's only $299. What do you want?
 are you too big for a touch?
 if something's wrong, it's probably your own fault.
 we never said it would work that well.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Big problem + Choosing usb hd for Touch...

2010-05-31 Thread danull

Yikes, I almost bought that same 320 GB drive when it was on Slickdeals
recently.  In fact I did but then Dell cancelled the order and claimed
the number of times the coupon had been used had been exceeded (despite
their system originally accepting the order).  Sounds like I dodged a
bullet!   Thanks for the info, makes me feel a little better about Dell
sticking it to me - sorry to hear you got bit, though.


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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What is Tiny SBS

2010-05-28 Thread danull

floater;551173 Wrote: 
 Tiny SBS = POS
 Lack of features? Who cares if you just want to play music?
 Failure to deal with a library of c. 20,000 tracks without constant
 crashing? Big problem. Now, if Logitech told you in advance of library
 size limitations it might be ok, but they don't.

I've got 18,000 tracks but they are lossy WMA 192 KBps files not FLAC
etc...does that make a difference/increase my chances of avoiding
constant crashes?  Or are these problems purely tied to the sheer
number of tracks?


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Question on non-music files on Touch HDD

2010-05-27 Thread danull


I am planning on setting up a Touch Server in the next week or two.  I
don't have the HDD yet so can't test it myself.

I have been reviewing the following wiki article:


But it doesn't appear to have the answer I am looking for (unless I am
crosseyed again - it has been known to happen).   The search function
in these forums is currently returning a blank page on search.php.

I am not sure whether I can have non-music files on the Touch HDD.  For
example, I'm thinking about having a folder containing subfolders for
artists w/ music files for use by the touch and then another folder
containing images  videos (images and videos not for the touch but so
that I can use this HDD as an extra backup for that data).

Will I run into trouble if I have jpgs  AVIs  MPGs on the same HDD I
plug into my touch or must it only contain folders + music?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What is Tiny SBS

2010-05-27 Thread danull

I've seen no web interface mentioned a few times - how about
SqueezePlay??? (the jive thing).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Analogue/digital VU

2010-04-22 Thread danull

erland;536614 Wrote: 
 Yes, just select the Analog VU Meter style in Custom Clock, activate
 the screen saver and go to Custom Clock Helper plugin in SBS and
 change the url parameter to point to the png files created by jstraw.
 I'm not sure if he has published the png files on his server yet though.

Afraid to try this until I see somebody confirm those png files are


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch hits Slickdeals - 225$ from Logitech if honored

2010-04-16 Thread danull

plympton;536277 Wrote: 
 I'm sure that was the whole reason for the sale - to drum up early
 adopters who'd rave about it on Amazon, forums, etc.  Cheap marketing. 
 Worked on me - mine arrives today.  :-)

Worked on me too, I wasn't going to buy a Touch at all but then saw
this deal and had to make the leap =P


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Amazon.com user reviews needed!

2010-04-15 Thread danull

hawaiijim;535693 Wrote: 
 Amazon has a star rating system that gives a sense of how much people
 like or dislike an item. Crutchfield is similar, but has a smaller
 customer base. This forum doesn't have a star rating system. Also, in a
 user review, people generally give their overall impression, while this
 forum seems dominated with bug reports. It's hard to tell whether the
 complaints here are overall opinions or just people listing pet peeves
 on a site where they can get help. If Amazon or Crutchfield user
 reviews were as critical as this forum, I wouldn't buy the Touch.
 It never occurred to me that asking for user reviews on a major
 retailer's website would look suspicious, but since Amazon doesn't
 actually have it themselves yet, just one of their sellers does, I
 get it.

I don't think it's odd for you to suggest reviews on Amazon.  I love
the Amazon review system and it hasn't failed me yet so I'm all for as
many posting as possible before I make a purchase.   It's already too
late for me though because I already ordered one.  I will get my touch
later today (it is shipping/on the UPS truck) and post a review on
Amazon sometime tomorrow.



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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Sales or discounts?

2010-04-14 Thread danull

maggior;534948 Wrote: 
 I also bought a car a few weeks ago and got $1,000 cash back because I
 was a repeat customer.
 The community here is very active and has spread the word about the
 squeezebox line for a long time.  If this community were to just
 disappear, it would impact the sales of SBs.  It wouldn't be
 detramental, but I think it would be significant.  Keeping existing
 customers happy is important.  It's easier to hold onto existing
 customers - you have a captive audience.  You lose them through
 treating them badly, and they aren't likey to come back.  And the word
 they'll be spreading at that point is not what you want, because it
 won't be positive!
 Anyway, putting pre-orders ahead of new orders is just common sense. 
 It's not about being made to feel special, it's about things being done
 as they should be.

Don't think I would assume that the new orders will be in the front of
the line.  Although we have received confirmation emails using the 25%
discount nobody either here or on Slickdeals has reported an actual
shipping confirmation as far as I know.  



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Support of SDXC SD Cards (32 GB)

2010-04-14 Thread danull

Not sure if I can revive an old thread (does this make me a
troublemaker) - but I am interested in the answer to whether Touch will
be able to support these SDXC cards in the future (i.e. out of the box,
with a firmware update, or can't happen) and looks like we never got a
real answer...


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch hits Slickdeals - 225$ from Logitech if honored

2010-04-13 Thread danull

Here is the link:


225 bucks direct from Logitech using the coupons in the thread /
includes next day shipping free with the second stackable coupon.

Whether Logitech considers this a pricing mistake/actually honors it is
another story.

I was not going to order a Touch but can't turn it down at this price
so I ordered 1 to replace my Squeezebox 3 before the display blows up



danull's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5998
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Touch mailing list

[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch hits Slickdeals - 225$ from Logitech if honored

2010-04-13 Thread danull

Here is the link:


225 bucks direct from Logitech using the coupons in the thread /
includes next day shipping free with the second stackable coupon.

Whether Logitech considers this a pricing mistake/actually honors it is
another story.

I was not going to order a Touch but can't turn it down at this price
so I ordered 1 to replace my Squeezebox 3 before the display blows up



danull's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5998
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