Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-25 Thread chrisinparis

Well I'm gone now (the SBT is in a house in FR, I am on the way back to
CH).  Never did get round to trying out Tiny SC (even bearing in mind
all that has been said).  The temporary solution is a windows pc (but
even there noticed just before leaving some mp4s were not playing);
ultimately I have in mind a raspi or other low energy solution.  That
will be for the next trip.

At home I am still running LMS 7.8 on an ancient Mac mini (no change in
10 years or so), but after seeing LMS 8.3 I need to switch to that :).
Things like the Radio Now Playing and Mixcloud plugins.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-22 Thread Redrum

garym wrote: 
> The embedded server of a touch was an after thought because the
> developers realized it "might" work.  Causes lots of headaches and never
> works quite good enough.  And now, with rPi units that can serve as
> small, low power draw, full power LMS servers (running, eg.,
> piCorePlayer), there is really no reason to even play with the embedded
> server.

we discourage using tiny LMS it a touch, but it does work, albeit
limited and unstable. I set one up for a non technical friend thinking
this would be the perfect solution for him (his library on a USB stick,
a few radio stations). It did work, but crashed so many times and there
were all sorts of stations he wanted to, but could not play. He ended up
having "feature creep" He originally wanted a few radio stations and a
small library un USB, but then "can it do this"? "No", "can it do this?"
"No"...I ended up getting him a rpi 3b+ and installed picoreplayer.

One of the things to remember about tiny LMS is some time after the
touch was released, it was no longer developed or supported, and in the
mean time, real LMS blossomed into what it is today.

Also, yes, there is, but it also is no longer developed, and as
a result, for example, you cannot stream https, only http streams, just
like tiny LMS

So Chris, give it a try, why not? If anything it will make you
appreciate LMS more ;)

Glad your pesky message is gone...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread garym

chrisinparis wrote: 
> And I've been wanting to play around with the embedded server of a touch
> ever since it was announced many years ago.  Really happy I was able to
> pick up an SBT recently :)

The embedded server of a touch was an after thought because the
developers realized it "might" work.  Causes lots of headaches and never
works quite good enough.  And now, with rPi units that can serve as
small, low power draw, full power LMS servers (running, eg.,
piCorePlayer), there is really no reason to even play with the embedded

*Home:* Pi4B-8GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* rPi4B-4GB/pCP8.x/4TB>LMS 8.2.x>Touch>Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (Radio WIFI)
*Office:* Win10(64)>foobar2000
*The Wild: *rPi3B+/pCP7.x/4TB>LMS 8.1.x>hifiberry Dac+Pro (LMS &
*Controllers:* iPhone11 & iPadAir3 (iPeng), CONTROLLER, Material Skin,
or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win10(64)
*Files:* -Ripping-: dBpoweramp > FLAC; -Post-rip-: mp3tag, PerfectTunes,
TuneFusion; -Streaming:- Spotify

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread chrisinparis

Thanks for the replies.

I had not restarted LMS as I thought there was no need, as I had not
found "Version Comparison Fix".  But later I was at the server, so *just
did a restart anyway - now the message is gone*.

The embedded server I thought could be useful for easily playing a USB
key of music for example - a quick adhoc solution.  Also I though it
could be useful for radio if no server on (but then again there is, but generally I understand a proper LMS is the
way to go (just need to find a low energy solution).

And I've been wanting to play around with the embedded server of a touch
ever since it was announced many years ago.  Really happy I was able to
pick up an SBT recently :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread Redrum

sorry if I sent you down the wrong path, I wasn't thinking to straight
before my first cup. I have allot of radios and did the patch often pre
8.2, so my typing was a reflex action. I have never had to do anything
to the touch (as @slarti mentioned). But I do remember reading that the
touch, controller, similar were added to the message?

I stand my my tiny LMS comments :)

You could also try doing a factory reset to the touch, then restart LMS,
all the while with fingers crossed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread slartibartfast

chrisinparis wrote: 
> Good Morning
> I am running LMS 8.3.0 and the Settings / Information page tells me
> under Player Information "You seem to be using a Squeezebox with an
> outdated firmware, not recognizing this version of Logitech Media
> Server. Please consider using the Community Firmware plugin, or patching
> the device's firmware (get more information)."
> I followed the instructions on the linked page
> /html/docs/radio-compatibility.html, but once the Patch Installer has
> been installed, I do not find the "Version Comparison Fix".  Any tips?
> I am not installing the Community Firmware yet, as I understand I lose
> the embedded LMS (Tiny SC?), which I'd like to play with at least once
> :) - the SBT is new to me, but second hand.
> BTW: Firmware: 7.8.0-r16754.If your player is a Touch I don't think a patch 
> exists but you just need
to upgrade to the latest Touch official firmware. One way to do that
would be to temporarily install LMS  7.9, perform a software update then
reinstall 8.3.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread Redrum

I haven't done this in a long time, and only on a radio, but one thing
that might trip you up is this:

you install the patch installer applet from the applet installer menu,
then you need to go to the patch installer menu to install the version
comparison patch, so, a different menu.

I can't remember if you need to power cycle the device, I don't think
so. But, you will need to stop/restart LMS (after installing) for the
warning you are seeing to go away

Regarding tiny LMS - no offense to the original developers, but it's not
worth playing with. Would you drive a rusted out ford pinto (famous for
rear impact gas tank explosions) if you have a corvette in the garage?
:). Seriously, it's limited, and does not support https (most radio
stations) only http. Try to ask it to do too much, and it crashes. You
have already moved past it if you have LMS running on another machine.
It was removed from community firmware both because of this and other

As an aside, I run touches on the stock firmware, have not tried
community, and they work fine. You can also always revert,


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[SlimDevices: Touch] "Version Comparison Fix"

2022-09-21 Thread chrisinparis

Good Morning

I am running LMS 8.3.0 and the Settings / Information page tells me
under Player Information "You seem to be using a Squeezebox with an
outdated firmware, not recognizing this version of Logitech Media
Server. Please consider using the Community Firmware plugin, or patching
the device's firmware (get more information)."

I followed the instructions on the linked page
/html/docs/radio-compatibility.html, but once the Patch Installer has
been installed, I do not find the "Version Comparison Fix".  Any tips?

I am not installing the Community Firmware yet, as I understand I lose
the embedded LMS (Tiny SC?), which I'd like to play with at least once
:) - the SBT is new to me, but second hand.

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