Re: [Toybox] today in "shut up, gnu!"

2024-04-15 Thread enh via Toybox
i'd been deliberately _not_ sending you for fear of
winding you up :-)

On Sat, Apr 13, 2024 at 7:34 AM Rob Landley  wrote:
> On 4/12/24 13:24, enh via Toybox wrote:
> > ~/aosp-main-with-phones$ find external/ -name NOTICE -type l -maxdepth 2
> > find: warning: you have specified the global option -maxdepth after
> > the argument -name, but global options are not positional, i.e.,
> > -maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified
> > after it.  Please specify global options before other arguments.
> >
> > (it does do the right thing, but insists on whining first.)
> I've hit that too, and am big into Not Doing That. Thought I'd blogged about 
> it,
> but it could have been irc, or twitter (which I deleted when twitler bought it
> but have an archive I should probably post somewhere), or... probably too old
> for mastodon?
> There's a reason I get so exasperated about each new gnu/nag I stub my toe on.
> It's gone beyond isolated incident into "pattern of looking down on everyone
> else and sneering".
> Unix has always been a silent protagonist, without which shell scripts are a
> pain to do. If it doesn't work, they'll figure out why. Just behave 
> consistently
> (according to SOME kind of understandable logic) and let them keep the pieces.
> Sometimes there's a -v flag to activate printfs() stuck into the code, but 
> don't
> express opinions when they didn't ASK. (Put them in the man page or --help if
> it's that important.)
> This has ALWAYS been the unix way. There are ALWAYS corner cases, and
> deterministic behavior is not difficult to debug. The gnu/FSF never got that.
> Stallman only decamped to unix under protest, a refugee from the Jupiter
> project's collapse orphaning ITS, and he never really understood it.
> RMS did not INVENT the idea of cloning unix with his big announcement in 1983.
> Unix was a diverse community starting from the 1974 ACM article, let alone the
> Berkeley Software Distribution in 1975. The first full from-scratch Unix clone
> (writing their own kernel, compiler, and command line) was Coherent, which
> shipped in 1980. Paul Allen copied subdirectories and file descriptors from 
> unix
> into DOS 2.0 not long after. Minix started in 1983 and shipped in 1986, and
> Linux is 100% a descendant of Minix (developed on minix, its first filesystem
> was minix, the development discussion on comp.os.minix, he inherited 80% of 
> the
> minix community because he took patches and Tanenbaum didn't...) There's a
> famous tanenbaum-torvalds debate preserved for posterity, there is NOT a
> stallman-torvalds debate because nobody cared what stallman had to say.
> Nor did he invent freeware, which was the universal norm before the Apple vs
> Franklin decision in 1983 because you couldn't copyright binaries before Steve
> Jobs got the appeals court to change the law. Byte and Compute magazines had
> basic listings in the back of each issue for you to type in, decus and CP/M
> northwest had software libraries, the commodore 64 came bundled with a disk of
> Jim Butterfield's software but he didn't WORK for them: he founded the Toronto
> Pet User's Group (TPUG) and published free software with source code.
> But Stallman mansplained at everyone else at the top of his lungs nonstop from
> the moment he showed up, and there are all sorts of topics that can't NOT have
> an "as opposed to what stallman's saying, the truth is" section today...
> Sigh, watching and 
> and
> every time the narration talks about Pierre 
> Spray I
> get Stallman vibes. There's a broadcast version of Dunning-Kruger where you
> plausibly preach to an audience who doesn't know better, and become The Expert
> that everybody must get a quote from every time something happens in that 
> area,
> while the people actually doing the work facepalm at every third word.
> Rob
Toybox mailing list

[Toybox] df not working on FreeBSD

2024-04-15 Thread Vidar Karlsen via Toybox

df throws the following error on FreeBSD:

root@140amd64_noopts-usrports:/usr/local/toybox/bin # ./df /
df: getmntinfo: Invalid argument

A little bit of poking around shows that getmntinfo expects the second
argument (the mode) to be one of these, and not 0:

#define MNT_WAIT1   /* synchronously wait for I/O to complete */
#define MNT_NOWAIT  2   /* start all I/O, but do not wait for it */
#define MNT_LAZY3   /* push data not written by filesystem syncer */
#define MNT_SUSPEND 4   /* Suspend file system after sync */

Changing 0 to MNT_NOWAIT in portability.c makes df happy again.
diff --git a/lib/portability.c b/lib/portability.c
index 83382d1d..a677173e 100644
--- a/lib/portability.c
+++ b/lib/portability.c
@@ -65,7 +65,11 @@ struct mtab_list *xgetmountlist(char *path)
   int i, count;
   if (path) error_exit("xgetmountlist");
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
+  if ((count = getmntinfo(, MNT_NOWAIT)) == 0) perror_exit("getmntinfo");
   if ((count = getmntinfo(, 0)) == 0) perror_exit("getmntinfo");
   // The "test" part of the loop is done before the first time through and
   // again after each "increment", so putting the actual load there avoids
Toybox mailing list

Re: [Toybox] Microsoft github took down the xz repo.

2024-04-15 Thread Jarno Mäkipää
On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 9:14 AM Oliver Webb via Toybox
> To revive a old thread with new technical info I stumbled upon:
> On Saturday, March 30th, 2024 at 15:58, Rob Landley  wrote:
> > I set up gitea for Jeff on a j-core internal server, and it was fine except 
> > it
> > used a BUNCH of memory and cpu for very vew users. Running cgi on 
> > dreamhost's
> > servers is a bother at the best of times (I don't want to worry about 
> > exploits),
> > and the available memory/CPU there is wind-up toy levels.
> >
> > My website is a bunch of static pages rsynced into place, some of which use
> > xbithack to enable a crude #include syntax, and that's about what the 
> > server can
> > handle.
> Going through the list of "minimal tools" on, I 
> stumbled
> upon a git frontend called stagit 
> (
> which the suckless project uses as it's git frontend. And from looking at it, 
> works purely
> via static pages and is fairly minimal (2000 LOC in pure C with only non-libc 
> dependency being
> libgit2. One of it's "cons" is that it's "slow on repo's with 2000+ commits 
> due to diff
> generation", And then says that it takes 3s to run on a repo with 1500 
> commits). Have you considered it?
> The main downside of it is that it's MIT Licensed, which means if you wanted 
> to bundle it
> in with the main repo there could be be licensing kerfuffles to deal with.
> But to have a solution, you must have a problem. The 2 main issues I have 
> with the current git management
> are the fact there doesn't seem to be a way to clone the current repo 
> directly from (Making Microsoft
> GitHub the middleman). And the fact I can't browse the source code without 
> github or android code search acting as
> the middleman (This is a problem I've actually ran into on networks where 
> github is blocked for some utterly insane
> reason, meaning I have to go to android code search to read through the code 
> occasionally).

have you tried cloning the repo? seems to work fine to me.
$> git clone toybox

> The first of these seems near impossible to solve with _only_ static 
> webpages, since a git server is not
> a static thing. I don't know yet tho.

Git repo with read-only access over http(s) is a static thing. you
dont need dedicated git spesific server software in order to give
simple pull access. Just host your git folder with any generic
http/https server that can host folder of files and knows atleast
simple GET request.

so you can just serve your git folder with any http server (example
with bloated python3. httpd should work fine but needs more setup)
$>python -m http.server --directory whereever/mybare_repo.git

then clone
$>git clone http://localhost:8000/ test

> The second one seems easier though, copying or maybe symlinking stuff from 
> the source directory with "find"
> in a pipeline with bash to make a simple, browse-able tree would take 
> probably take a few dozen lines of
> at most, It could also probably just be an rsync command if you don't want to 
> worry about listing out directory
> contents.
> Both of these problems are remediable now, but in a year they might not be 
> (ProtonMail just said "If you
> don't sign in for a long enough time we will delete all your data" like 
> Google drive is doing, it's not
> hard to imagine Microsoft GitHub doing a similar thing with accounts they 
> locked out by their 2FA crusade)
> Rob, Are you interested in future-proofing the codebase from whatever GitHub 
> and AOSP decide to do? This is a situation
> where I'd normally create a patch and let Rob decide whether to apply it or 
> not. But since I probably shouldn't
> put the source tree inside the commit/ folder, and this operation can be done 
> with a fancy rsync invocation
> I'm not sure if writing any code is the correct solution.
> Thanks,
> -   Oliver Webb 
> ___
> Toybox mailing list

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