[Trac] Re: Help installing Trac on Pair.com account

2007-04-05 Thread Gary Oberbrunner

jimsnaps wrote:
> I'm having the same issue. Does anyone have any insight into how to
> fix/workaround this issue?
> On Apr 4, 6:58 pm, "Casey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm in need of installing Trac on Pair Networks, i've contacted
>> support about this and they assured me that the install would be fine.
>> Yet when I run it, I get this error.

Question: even if you get Trac running (presumably via cgiwrap so the
permissions come out OK?) at Pair, how are you going to connect it to a
subersion repository?  I didn't think you could serve subversion repos
from a shared Pair server due to them not allowing long-running daemons
and killing processes with more than 16MB of RAM and so on... -- or
maybe you can now?  Or maybe you have a dedicated server there?

-- Gary

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[Trac] Re: Help installing Trac on Pair.com account

2007-04-05 Thread jimsnaps

I'm having the same issue. Does anyone have any insight into how to
fix/workaround this issue?


On Apr 4, 6:58 pm, "Casey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm in need of installing Trac on Pair Networks, i've contacted
> support about this and they assured me that the install would be fine.
> Yet when I run it, I get this error.
> "error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
> trac': Permission denied"
> Upon investigation, the "site-packages" is a symlink back to
> "python2.3/site-packages"
> I asked support about the issue and his last response is as follows.
> "Hi,
> I played a little, and here's what I have.
> qs869# ./setup.py --help-commands | more
> That give you the output of what the setup commands are, otherwise it
> will
> do the defaults.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] su carl1999
> You have mail.
> /usr/home/carl1999/trac-
> %./setup.py build
> running build
> running build_py
> running build_scripts
> In the "build" directory and files you have all the settings:
> The file that needs to be altered is
> /usr/home/carl1999/trac-
> Is it possible you can ask Trac support how this can be changed?  I
> think
> this is set in a trac.ini file, but I can't find it.
> Thanks,
> Amon
> pair Networks, Inc.
> Thank you for any assistance,
> -Casey

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[Trac] Trac Accont manager permission problems

2007-04-05 Thread pictureman

Hi All,
I hope you can guide me to a solution.
I'm using Trac Accont manager 0.1.3dev r2063 and am having problem
granting new users permissions.

I'm running WinXP OS and Apache 2.2 Server, Trac v0.10 and Python

What I want to do is protect my root site from all access and only
grant access to authorized people.
For Example:
www.mysite.com - protected from ALL
www.mysite.com/trac/ -- authorized people only, all others if they
find it get reverted to the root.

My apache config is:

  SetHandler mod_python
  PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
  PythonOption TracEnv d:/trac/clia
  PythonOption TracUriRoot /trac
  AuthType Basic
  AuthUserFile "d:/trac/pass/trac.httpasswd"
  Require valid-user

  AuthType Basic
  AuthUserFile "d:/trac/pass/trac.httpasswd"
  Require valid-user

The root seem to be working fine, but /trac isn't working with the
Acct Manager's passwords. And I'm not sure which plugins to use:
HtDigestStore, HtPassdStore or HttpAuthStore

If you can be of any assistance, I would appreciate it.

I have asked in IRC, but not luck on a solution.

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[Trac] Re: Using trac for Requirements gathering/documentation/tracking?

2007-04-05 Thread trac

Vi+ schrieb:
> I asked the same question almost half a year ago (http://
> groups.google.com/group/trac-users/browse_frm/thread/
> 4c4bbe671d17ef70/10c0b97d63e93784)... Trac is very good, powerful,
> and customizable for issue tracking (we are using it in full volume),
> but it seems, like there is still no applicable plugins for
> requirement processing and automated testing support, and another
> mature software development engineering activities... unfortunately...

I'm also looking for an easy document management system with states like 
draft, reviewed, approved and expired which fits perfect into trac. I 
think also that the requirements module has a lot in common with a 
document management module. I know, technically it is currently already 
possible to tag a page with the state, but this is to limited for my 
needs, since it is not versioned.

Also we have the important need to integrate a QATest module, e.g. 
similiar to QaTraq but a little easier.

One of my favorites wishes is to be able to tag the current state of 
tracs WIKI pages (or subpages) and tie them to a specific version of the 
software. I think this will come up in the two above modules again. What 
happens whem a requirement change from one version to the next. How do 
you know, which version of the requirement was valid for a specific 
release of the software.

I know, that only talking about whishes is too less to get ahead, so I 
really would like to start collection the requirements for such an 
extension/extensions. We are willing to hire a student, who could do the 
implementation for us.

So what are your Use Cases and your requirements?

Mine are:

[Requirement Management]
 * Capture Requirements of a project and assign unique numbers to each 
 * Each requirement consists at least of the title, a description, a 
priority, a state (draft, approved, ...).
 * Group requirements into packages and subpackages (hierachically)
 * Every change to the requirement must be traceable to the person who 
did the change
 * Changes are only possible with specific rights in specific states of 
the requirement.
 * Possiblitiy to incrementally update requirements after the 
requirements have been approved.
 * Possibility to break a requirement into multiple requirements and to 
trace the branches back to the root.

 ===Link to version===
 In a specific version a specific set of requirements is fully or 
partially implemented
 * Specify a specific set of requirements to be implemented in a 
specific version
 * Get a list of implemented requirements for a specific version
 * Check the implementation status for each implemented requirement for 
each specific version
 * Update the requirement if the implementation status of the current 

[Document management]
 * Manage documents through out there different states: draft, review, 
approved, expired
 * trace every change to the document
 * Changes to specific states are only possible with specific rights.
 * Easy handling of updates to the documents, best would be integration 
into the windows shell like TortoiseSVN
 * Manage all kind of documents, text, word, images, ...
 * Restrict access to validated users for each document specifically
 * Provide an automatic change history for each document
 * Possibility to assign a customer document type and number to each 
 * List of all managed documents
 * Easy access to all approved and published documents
 == Link to version===
 * If a document is only valid for a specific version, it must be 
possible to list the document version that was valid for the specific 
software version.

[Quality Test managament]
 * write small testscripts that must be acknowledged for each tested version
 * collect testscripts into large testplans
 * link testscripts to requirements
 * When a test is performed for a specific version, the results 
(failed/passed) must be collected together with the exact version of the 
testscript, the user, the time and a possible description
 * Testscripts should be lightwight, so that they can be printed in a 
list, if they are collected within a testplan.
 * Status of testsresults are: passed, passed with comment, failed
 === Link to version ===
 * It must be possible to see, which tests have been performed for wich 
 * It must be possible to see, which tests are sheduled to be done for a 
specific version
 * A release test can be finished prematurally, so all outstanding tests 
must marked as discarded.
 * Possibility to officially publish a release only, when all sheduled 
test have been passed.

So this is a quick late night brain storm out of my head. I'm willing to 
start any further discussion and to collect further requirements.

Best regards

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[Trac] PostgreSQL 8.2.3 + OpenSSL + Apache2 + trac

2007-04-05 Thread jmt4b04d4v

Help please.

I recently switched from trac 0.10.2 (windows based with PostgreSQL
8.1.x backend w/o SSL connection) to trac (linux based with
PostgreSQL 8.2.3 backend, new pg uses SSL connections) and now apache
fails to serve our enviroments, see ordinary psql session log:

Welcome to psql 8.1.8 (server 8.2.3), the PostgreSQL interactive
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)

Maybe an Apache2 + OpenSSL issue.

First we switched to trac (Apache-2.0.59 + mod_python-3.3.1)
with our old PostgreSQL backend (8.1.x) and everything was fine.

Then I switched the DB backend to '''PostgreSQL 8.2.3''' (our new
64bit server) and now Apache2 fails to serve our enviroments, pointing
to ''TracEnvParentDir'' I got:

Available Projects

   * project1: Error
 (SSL error: cipher or hash unavailable )
   * project2: Error
 (SSL error: cipher or hash unavailable )

And error_log still shows no valuable information (still not breaks

But when I enter (explicity) to an specific enviroment I got (an 500
HTTP response):

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request.

Apache/2.0.59 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.59 OpenSSL/0.9.8b DAV/2 SVN/1.4.3
mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.4.4 Server at Port 443

Then, error_log reveals the problem (LogLevel debug):
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/
local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/db/postgres_backend.py", line
40, in get_connection\nreturn PostgreSQLConnection(path, user,
password, host, port, params)
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/
local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/trac/db/postgres_backend.py", line
114, in __init__\nclient_encoding='utf-8', unicode_results=True)
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/
local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyPgSQL/PgSQL.py", line 2210, in
connect\nreturn Connection(connInfo, client_encoding,
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [error] [client]   File "/usr/
local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pyPgSQL/PgSQL.py", line 2365, in
__init__\nraise DatabaseError, m
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [error] [client]
DatabaseError: SSL error: cipher or hash unavailable\n
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1787): OpenSSL:
Write: SSL negotiation finished successfully
[Thu Apr 05 19:25:43 2007] [info] Connection to child 4 closed with
standard shutdown(server PCDCOM:443, client

I hardly found ''cipher or hash unavailable'' in google, but none
related to this problem.

As I understand it means ''((Apache/mod_python)?SSL client process
fails to connect to an SSL PostgreSQL secured server''.

I thought it was a python (or pyPgSQL) issue, but '''tracd''' works
fine, then I thought ''mod_python'', but it not depends directly on
SSL (as I know from the build instructions).

Then I thought, an Apache/SSL missconfiguration, but I tested:

openssl s_client -connect localhost:433 -state -debug

And didn't found noticeable errors.

I think is a missconfiguration in trac-apache2, maybe a missing

Has anybody tried successfully this stack before?:

 * Subversion 1.4.3 (works OK with apache)
 * Apache-2.0.59
 * mod_python-3.3.1
 * Python-2.4.4
 * trac-
 * OpenSSL-0.9.8b
 * PostgreSQL-8.2.3
 * some other ones...


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[Trac] trac-post-commit-hook with svnmerge

2007-04-05 Thread Mike

I enjoy using the trac-post-commit-hook and I enjoy using svnmerge,
but I don't want my verbose svnmerge commit logs showing up as
comments in Trac. So, I created the following patch for trac-post-
commit-hook which will exit the script if the commit message was
generated by svnmerge.

Hope you find it useful like I do!

- Mike

Patch for trac-post-commit-hook at revision 5156:

--- /trunk/contrib/trac-post-commit-hook (revision 5156)
+++ /trunk/contrib/trac-post-commit-hook(working copy)
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@

 commandPattern = re.compile(leftEnv + r'(?P[A-Za-z]*).?(?
P#[0-9]+(?:(?:[, &]*|[ ]?and[ ]?)#[0-9]+)*)' + rghtEnv)
 ticketPattern = re.compile(r'#([0-9]*)')
+svnmergePattern = re.compile(r'(?:Recorded merge of|Merged|Blocked|
Unblocked) revisions [0-9]+(?:(?:,|-)[0-9]+)* via svnmerge')

 class CommitHook:
 _supported_cmds = {'close':  '_cmdClose',
@@ -148,6 +149,11 @@
 self.msg = "(In [%s]) %s" % (rev, chgset.message)
 self.now = datetime.now(utc)

+# exit if commit message was generated by svnmerge since we
+# don't want really long duplicate comments in tickets
+if svnmergePattern.search(msg):
 cmdGroups = commandPattern.findall(self.msg)

 tickets = {}

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[Trac] Re: Convert from mod_python to CGI

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> I've read through the TracCGI install instructions and couldn't get it
> working. I'm pretty sure it is something quite basic I'm missing, and
> was wondering if anyone could point it out.

Try defining the path to your Trac installation:
See http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracDownload#Tracstable


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[Trac] Re: RE : [Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

>I tried with port 995 and port 557 also but it didn,t work.

You don't need to alter the default SMTP port to post to
smtp.gmail.com. Port 25 works fine. See the configuration I've posted

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[Trac] Re: Running Trac as a windows service

2007-04-05 Thread jmt4b04d4v

Hi, no idea about http://www.trac-hacks.org/wiki/WindowsServiceScript,
(anxious for reading) but I used another tool for installing tracd as
service, NTWrapper (http://www.duodata.de/ntwrapper/), they have a
'''Lite''' dist ''{{{Freeware for noncommercial use}}}''.

I used it first, as I was using a subversion ''version'' prior to
1.4.x, also used with trac with minor effort (I'm migrating to linux

If you're interesed, ask me.

Good luck ;-),  jmt4b04d4v

On Apr 5, 9:25 am, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to run trac as a windows service.
> I'm running
>   trac
>   tracd
>   windows 2k
> I found an article about this at Trac-hacks.org 
> (http://www.trac-hacks.org/wiki/WindowsServiceScript). I downloaded the 
> script, and the patch to update the script to 0.10.
> I can install the service and it shows up as a windows service. When I try to 
> start the service, it fails, with this message in the event log:
> The instance's SvcRun() method failed
>   File "C:\Program 
> Files\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32\lib\win32serviceutil.py", line 785, in 
> SvcRun
> self.SvcDoRun()
>   File "C:\Program Files\Python24\Scripts\tracservice.py", line 94, in 
> SvcDoRun
> self.httpd = self.trac_init()
>   File "C:\Program Files\Python24\Scripts\tracservice.py", line 143, in 
> trac_init
> wsgi_app = TracEnvironMiddleware(dispatch_request,
> exceptions.NameError: global name 'dispatch_request' is not defined
> Any ideas as to what this means?
> Or any suggestions for other ways to do this?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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[Trac] Re: RE : [Trac] Questions about Ticket Queries

2007-04-05 Thread Christian Boos


Mickael MAKOWSKI wrote:
> I'm just using Trac and i have 3 questions about the use of Ticket Queries :
> - first, verbose param is for display the body of the ticket,
> but i don't see any difference between 'query?...&verbose' and 
> 'query?...&verbose=1'

Yes, there's no difference, only the presence of the key is checked, not 
its actual content. Bug or feature? I can't tell ;-)

> - second, i wrote a report which display  '*' if ticket is assigned for the 
> owner, like:
>(CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
> can i transpose it in Query?

No, it's not possible.

> - third, but it's personal, what do you think about the TicketQuery Macro?

It's obviously intended for simple queries, more complex ones are for 
now to be done in SQL.
On the other hand, queries involving custom fields are way simpler to 
write using the TicketQuery language.
Also, the syntax for TicketQuery will gradually become more powerful 
(e.g. #2647, #4005, #5031)

The long term idea is that the TicketQuery will evolve to a 
full-featured query language suited for making requests on any kind of 
Trac resources and relations between them (see. e.g. #3375 and 

-- Christian

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[Trac] Re: installing .11

2007-04-05 Thread Christian Boos


smueller wrote:
> ... I grabbed the latest from the SVN and now I'm not clear
> on how to install/upgrade to it?  Any insight would be greatly
> appreciated.

See http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/Trac0.11/TracInstall

It's a bit terse, but it's a start. Besides those 0.11 specific 
instructions, the regular TracInstall page will be useful as well.

-- Christian

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[Trac] Convert from mod_python to CGI

2007-04-05 Thread mankoff

Hi Trac Users,

I'd like to try converting my Trac install from using mod_python to
the cgi version. I thought this might be a simple as commenting out
the mod_python parts in the apache conf file here:

  SetHandler mod_python
  PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
  PythonOption TracEnv /opt/trac

But when I do that and bounce apache, I get the following error:

Trac detected an internal error: No module named trac.web

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/cgi-bin/trac.cgi", line 19, in ?
from trac.web import cgi_frontend
ImportError: No module named trac.web

I've read through the TracCGI install instructions and couldn't get it
working. I'm pretty sure it is something quite basic I'm missing, and
was wondering if anyone could point it out.



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[Trac] installing .11

2007-04-05 Thread smueller

Hi all - I'm new to Trac and think it's the ideal solution for my
needs.  However, I've been having a heck of a time getting it properly
installed.  I'm trying to install on a CentOS 4 box and finally was
able to work through installing all of the various dependencies for
Trac - mostly via Yum but I could only find the clearvsilver related
stuff on popular Dag repos.  All seemed to go well until I tried to
access the site and I received an error that clearsilver was not
installed - but indeed I confirmed it was.  Through searching this
group, I found that the issue is that clearsilver is 32bit and our
environment is 64bit.  Digging a bit further, I found that the
suggested resolution would be to install the latest dev .11 version.
So ... - I grabbed the latest from the SVN and now I'm not clear
on how to install/upgrade to it?  Any insight would be greatly

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[Trac] Re: RE : [Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread srilina sthapit
Hi Mickael,
   I tried with port 995 and port 557 also but it didn,t work.

Srilina Sthapit

On 4/5/07, Mickael MAKOWSKI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Gmail use a different smtp port for its SSL connection, try changing
> smtp_port to 995,
> maybe the solution.
> Regards
> _
> Mickaël Makowski
> De: trac-users@googlegroups.com de la part de
> Date: jeu. 05/04/2007 17:20
> À: trac-users@googlegroups.com
> Objet : [Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email
> Problem!
> Hi Srilina,
> I've never worked with gmail, so i do not know how to change those
> settings.
> But I think this should help you:
> http://groups.google.at/group/trac-users/browse_thread/thread/18aa216f7313154d/0cd0536699f6df34?lnk=st&q=trac+notification+gmail&rnum=1&hl=de#0cd0536699f6df34
> I you are using an email client (like Thunderbird, Outlook) and you are
> accessing the gmail account with this program, you should try to apply the
> settings from the email client to the trac settings.
> Hope this helps
> Alex
> Von: srilina sthapit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 17:10
> An: trac-users@googlegroups.com
> Betreff: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!
> Hi Alexander;
>  I wanted to try sending email fro my gmail account.I modifiet
> notification settings as follows:
> [notification]
> always_notify_owner = false
> always_notify_reporter = false
> always_notify_updater = true
> mime_encoding = base64
> smtp_always_bcc =
> smtp_always_cc =
> smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
> smtp_enabled = true
> smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> smtp_password = ***
> smtp_port = 25
> smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
> smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
> smtp_user = srilina
> use_public_cc = false
> use_short_addr = false
> use_tls = false
>But it still didn't work.Do I need to specify smtp_always_cc  to true
> and change the port no(What port no. do I use?).
> Thanks.
> Srilina
> >

Srilina Sthapit

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[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread paul

On Apr 5, 5:44 pm, "srilina sthapit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Alexander;
>I've changed all the settings accordingly:
No, you didn't. Please read the documentation!!

> [notification]
> always_notify_owner = false
> always_notify_reporter = false
> always_notify_updater = true
> mime_encoding = base64
> smtp_always_bcc =
> smtp_always_cc = true
> smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
This is most certainly wrong as you've been told already

> smtp_enabled = true
> smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> smtp_password = pRE9e+eT
I hope thats not your real password

> smtp_port = 25
google uses "Message Submission Protocol" (RFC 2476) so the plaintext
AND start_tls  port is 587, port 465 is not mentioned but I guess
google uses it to support legacy SSL.

> smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You won't get any reply.

> smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
> smtp.google.com = no auth
> smtp.gmail.com = auth ok
hmm, what's this? Should *I* read the docs again? ;)

> smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
> smtp_user = srilina
> use_public_cc = false
> use_short_addr = false
> use_tls = false
>   I see the status as:
> "POST /my-project/newticket  HTTP/1.1 303
> "GET /my-project/ticket/30  HTTP/1.1 200
Why do you think this is a "status"?


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[Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Rainer Sokoll

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 10:09:59AM -0500, srilina sthapit wrote:

> smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bad idea, since gmail uses SPF:

~ >host -ttxt gmail.com
gmail.com text "v=spf1 redirect=_spf.google.com"
~ >


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[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

>   I see the status as:

Enable log traces (DEBUG level) in trac.ini, so that you can see
whether Trac attempts to send email and the recipients' addresses. See
TracIni page for details.

Do not forget to remove smtp_default_domain and to enable use_tls.


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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread srilina sthapit
Hi Alexander;
   I've changed all the settings accordingly:

always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
mime_encoding = base64
smtp_always_bcc =
smtp_always_cc = true
smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
smtp_enabled = true
smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_password = pRE9e+eT
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
smtp.google.com = no auth
smtp.gmail.com = auth ok
smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
smtp_user = srilina
use_public_cc = false
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false
  I see the status as:
"POST /my-project/newticket  HTTP/1.1 303
"GET /my-project/ticket/30  HTTP/1.1 200


On 4/5/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>   Hi Srilina,
> I've never worked with gmail, so i do not know how to change those
> settings.
> But I think this should help you:
> http://groups.google.at/group/trac-users/browse_thread/thread/18aa216f7313154d/0cd0536699f6df34?lnk=st&q=trac+notification+gmail&rnum=1&hl=de#0cd0536699f6df34
> I you are using an email client (like Thunderbird, Outlook) and you are
> accessing the gmail account with this program, you should try to apply the
> settings from the email client to the trac settings.
> Hope this helps
> Alex
>  --
> *Von:* srilina sthapit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 17:10
> *An:* trac-users@googlegroups.com
> *Betreff:* [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!
> Hi Alexander;
>   I wanted to try sending email fro my gmail account.I modifiet
> notification settings as follows:
> [notification]
> always_notify_owner = false
> always_notify_reporter = false
> always_notify_updater = true
> mime_encoding = base64
> smtp_always_bcc =
> smtp_always_cc =
> smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
> smtp_enabled = true
> smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> smtp_password = ***
> smtp_port = 25
> smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
> smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
> smtp_user = srilina
> use_public_cc = false
> use_short_addr = false
> use_tls = false
> But it still didn't work.Do I need to specify smtp_always_cc  to true
> and change the port no(What port no. do I use?).
> Thanks.
> Srilina
> >

Srilina Sthapit

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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> smtp_default_domain = gmail.com

IMPORTANT: Avoid this ! you would send emails to random folks on
gmail.com. Unless you want to spam ;-)

> use_tls = false

You need to enable TLS for smtp.gmail.com SMTP servers.


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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> The OS is RH4.4ES  I installed SVN from Collabnets site using their rpm
> CollabNetSubversion-server-1.4.2-8.i386.rpm

Well, I'm not really a fan of RedHat, so I hope other users can give
you better information about how to install SVN on such a

Nevertheless, it seems that you can find RPM packages from:
(I would recommend you uninstall Collab.net's ones before installing
the above ones, in order to avoid conflicts and version mismatch)

> I really appreciate the time you've been able to give me on this
U're welcome.


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Users" group.
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[Trac] RE : [Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Mickael MAKOWSKI
Gmail use a different smtp port for its SSL connection, try changing smtp_port 
to 995,
maybe the solution.
Mickaël Makowski

De: trac-users@googlegroups.com de la part de [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: jeu. 05/04/2007 17:20
À: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : [Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email 

Hi Srilina,


I've never worked with gmail, so i do not know how to change those settings.

But I think this should help you:




I you are using an email client (like Thunderbird, Outlook) and you are 
accessing the gmail account with this program, you should try to apply the 
settings from the email client to the trac settings.

Hope this helps





Von: srilina sthapit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 17:10
An: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Betreff: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!


Hi Alexander;

  I wanted to try sending email fro my gmail account.I modifiet 
notification settings as follows:

always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
mime_encoding = base64
smtp_always_bcc = 
smtp_always_cc = 
smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
smtp_enabled = true
smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_password = ***
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
smtp_user = srilina 
use_public_cc = false
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false

But it still didn't work.Do I need to specify smtp_always_cc  to true and 
change the port no(What port no. do I use?).





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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: Account ManagerpPlugin without Subversion

2007-04-05 Thread dy20lqh02

As I said, I don't have subversion installed, so doing a svn export would 
require installing at least a client.

If anyone else is trying to do this...

Turns out you can download a zip file of the source from trac-hacks. Click 
Browse the source, then the 0.10 version, then there's a download-as-zip link 
at the bottom.

Unzip this on the server machine. 

Then you need to apply the patch described here: 
http://trac-hacks.org/ticket/1392, which fixes a bug that prevents you from 
logging in (kinda critical for an account manager plugin). This diff is the 

< return self._check_userline(user, password, prefix,
> return self._check_userline(password, prefix,
< def _check_userline(self, user, password, prefix, suffix):
> def _check_userline(self, password, prefix, suffix):

applied to build\lib\acct_mgr\htfile.py.

Then from a command prompt at the directory where you unzipped, do
  python setup.py bdist_egg

Copy the resulting egg file from the dist folder to the plugins folder of your 
trac project. 

Then you can configure as described at trac-hacks 


Chris Forsythe chris-at-growl.info |TracMailingList| wrote:
> You have a few options. My personal favorite is to do an svn export of 
> the location on a local machine, zip up the checkout and then move it to 
> the trac server. At that point, cd into the correct directory for your 
> version, then "python setup.py install" should do it.
> Chris
> Chris wrote:
>> I would like to install the Account Manager plugin
>> (http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AccountManagerPlugin). Trying to
>> install this with easy_install fails apparently because I don't
>> have subversion installed. Since we don't use subversion, I'd
>> rather not install it just to get the Account Manager features. Is
>> there any way around this?

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Users" group.
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[Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Alexander_Fruehwirth
Hi Srilina,


I've never worked with gmail, so i do not know how to change those

But I think this should help you:




I you are using an email client (like Thunderbird, Outlook) and you are
accessing the gmail account with this program, you should try to apply
the settings from the email client to the trac settings.

Hope this helps






Von: srilina sthapit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 17:10
An: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Betreff: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!


Hi Alexander;

  I wanted to try sending email fro my gmail account.I modifiet
notification settings as follows:

always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
mime_encoding = base64
smtp_always_bcc = 
smtp_always_cc = 
smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
smtp_enabled = true
smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_password = ***
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
smtp_user = srilina 
use_public_cc = false
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false

But it still didn't work.Do I need to specify smtp_always_cc  to
true and change the port no(What port no. do I use?).





You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
Hi Emmanuel,
The OS is RH4.4ES  I installed SVN from Collabnets site using their rpm 
there was no src compile, once I ran the rpm install I ran their config file 
and svn was running.
so I'm not sure which swig or where\how to install it
I really appreciate the time you've been able to give me on this

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 10:42 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> are these the swig bindings? that The warning message says:you should
> install the SVN bindings

SVN (python) bindings are the Python wrapper that give access to the
SVN libraries to a python application. Yes, "SWIG" bindings are the
ones. It is documented on TracInstall:

SWIG is not required unless you want to build the wrappers. It is a
tool that helps building high-level language wrappers (Java, Perl,
Python, ...) on top of existing C/C++ APIs.

> the lack of these bindings is causing this error in the browser?

Yes: the browser needs to access SVN libraries to retrieve the
repository content. No library access, no browser.

> I've installed CollabNet's SVN and our development team has been using it
> for ~4weeks now without any problems

This is not related: you are using the SVN application that are linked
with the SVN libraries.
To use them from a Python application, you need an extra layer (the
python wrapper) that sit between the Python application and the native
(C) libraries. You'd bump into the same issues if you run a Java or
PERL app. that needs SVN access.

> I have not installed python bindings(swig) yet
> I'm running this version of collabnets svn, version 1.4.2 (r22196)
   compiled Feb  5 2007, 13:03:15 with  python 2.3.4
> which version of swig should I install?

I still don't know which OS / distribution you're using ;-)

If you have install SVN with a package manager, search and install the
python bindings that usually come in another package. On Debian, for
  * libsvn0: the SVN libraries
  * python-subversion: the python wrappers
  * subversion: the command-line SVN clients (svn, svnadmin, ...)

If you have built SVN from the source, you need to build and install
the SVN bindings. Search the makefile for "swig-py", I never remember
the name of the exact target to install those bindings.

Please describe your environment (OS, machine, how you install
software, whether you've recompiled from source, ...) as there are
many different ways to install those Trac dependencies.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread srilina sthapit
Hi Alexander;
  I wanted to try sending email fro my gmail account.I modifiet
notification settings as follows:
always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
mime_encoding = base64
smtp_always_bcc =
smtp_always_cc =
smtp_default_domain = gmail.com
smtp_enabled = true
smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_password = ***
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_server = smtp.gmail.com
smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
smtp_user = srilina
use_public_cc = false
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false
But it still didn't work.Do I need to specify smtp_always_cc  to true
and change the port no(What port no. do I use?).



On 4/5/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>  Hi Srilina,
> You have to change the bold configuration settings according to your
> domain/user name
> [notification]
> always_notify_owner = false
> always_notify_reporter = false
> always_notify_updater = true
> mime_encoding = base64
> smtp_always_bcc =
> smtp_always_cc =
> *smtp_default_domain* =  YourDomain.com
> *smtp_enabled* = true
> *smtp_from* = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *smtp_password* = YourPassword
> smtp_port = 25
> smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *smtp_server* = SmtpServer.YourDomain.com
> *smtp_subject_prefix* = [TRAC Notification]
> *smtp_user* = Username
> use_public_cc = false
> use_short_addr = false
> use_tls = false
>   Thanks.
> Regards,
> Srilina
> On 4/5/07, *Emmanuel Blot* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think Emmanuel meant the "[notification]"  settings in the trac.inifile
> Yeah, exactly.
> Please copy n' paste the relevant section of your trac.ini file, from
> the [notification] line to the next line that starts with a '['
> character.
> Cheers,
> Manu
> >

Srilina Sthapit

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Alexander_Fruehwirth
Hi Srilina,


You have to change the bold configuration settings according to your
domain/user name


always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
mime_encoding = base64
smtp_always_bcc = 
smtp_always_cc = 
smtp_default_domain =  YourDomain.com
smtp_enabled = true
smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_password = YourPassword
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
smtp_server = SmtpServer.YourDomain.com
smtp_subject_prefix = [TRAC Notification]
smtp_user = Username
use_public_cc = false
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false







On 4/5/07, Emmanuel Blot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I think Emmanuel meant the "[notification]"  settings in the trac.ini
Yeah, exactly. 

Please copy n' paste the relevant section of your trac.ini file, from
the [notification] line to the next line that starts with a '['


[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread srilina sthapit
  I'm sorry for creating confusion.The following are the settings in my
trac.ini file:

always_notify_owner = false
always_notify_reporter = false
always_notify_updater = true
mime_encoding = base64
smtp_always_bcc =
smtp_always_cc =
smtp_default_domain =
smtp_enabled = false
smtp_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_password =
smtp_port = 25
smtp_replyto = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
smtp_server = localhost
smtp_subject_prefix = __default__
smtp_user =
use_public_cc = false
use_short_addr = false
use_tls = false


On 4/5/07, Emmanuel Blot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think Emmanuel meant the "[notification]"  settings in the trac.inifile
> Yeah, exactly.
> Please copy n' paste the relevant section of your trac.ini file, from
> the [notification] line to the next line that starts with a '['
> character.
> Cheers,
> Manu
> >

Srilina Sthapit

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> I think Emmanuel meant the "[notification]"  settings in the trac.ini file
Yeah, exactly.

Please copy n' paste the relevant section of your trac.ini file, from
the [notification] line to the next line that starts with a '['


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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[Trac] AW: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread Alexander_Fruehwirth
I think Emmanuel meant the "[notification]"  settings in the trac.ini

Which settings do you have in this configuration file?


Von: srilina sthapit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 16:32
An: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Betreff: [Trac] Re: Email Problem!

   I'm a new user to trac.I've attached 2 files:
1.notification.py under /Python24/Lib/site-packages/trac
2.notification_ticket.py under /Python24/Lib/site-packages/trac/ticket
  which has the notification settings.
   Please let me know where did it go wrong.
Srilina Sthapit

On 4/4/07, Emmanuel Blot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

What are your current notification settings?

On 4/5/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> Hi track users,
>I am not able to send email to the name specified in the cc input
> box.Also I'd like to try sending email to Gmail or MsExchange server 
> accounts.
>   Thanks.

Srilina Sthapit 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> are these the swig bindings? that The warning message says:you should
> install the SVN bindings

SVN (python) bindings are the Python wrapper that give access to the
SVN libraries to a python application. Yes, "SWIG" bindings are the
ones. It is documented on TracInstall:

SWIG is not required unless you want to build the wrappers. It is a
tool that helps building high-level language wrappers (Java, Perl,
Python, ...) on top of existing C/C++ APIs.

> the lack of these bindings is causing this error in the browser?

Yes: the browser needs to access SVN libraries to retrieve the
repository content. No library access, no browser.

> I've installed CollabNet's SVN and our development team has been using it
> for ~4weeks now without any problems

This is not related: you are using the SVN application that are linked
with the SVN libraries.
To use them from a Python application, you need an extra layer (the
python wrapper) that sit between the Python application and the native
(C) libraries. You'd bump into the same issues if you run a Java or
PERL app. that needs SVN access.

> I have not installed python bindings(swig) yet
> I'm running this version of collabnets svn, version 1.4.2 (r22196)
   compiled Feb  5 2007, 13:03:15 with  python 2.3.4
> which version of swig should I install?

I still don't know which OS / distribution you're using ;-)

If you have install SVN with a package manager, search and install the
python bindings that usually come in another package. On Debian, for
  * libsvn0: the SVN libraries
  * python-subversion: the python wrappers
  * subversion: the command-line SVN clients (svn, svnadmin, ...)

If you have built SVN from the source, you need to build and install
the SVN bindings. Search the makefile for "swig-py", I never remember
the name of the exact target to install those bindings.

Please describe your environment (OS, machine, how you install
software, whether you've recompiled from source, ...) as there are
many different ways to install those Trac dependencies.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Email Problem!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-05 Thread srilina sthapit
   I'm a new user to trac.I've attached 2 files:
1.notification.py under /Python24/Lib/site-packages/trac
2.notification_ticket.py under /Python24/Lib/site-packages/trac/ticket
  which has the notification settings.
   Please let me know where did it go wrong.

Srilina Sthapit

On 4/4/07, Emmanuel Blot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are your current notification settings?
> >
> > Hi track users,
> >I am not able to send email to the name specified in the cc input
> > box.Also I'd like to try sending email to Gmail or MsExchange server
> > accounts.
> >   Thanks.
> >
> >

Srilina Sthapit

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Daniel Lundin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Emmanuel Blot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.

import time
import smtplib
import re

from trac import __version__
from trac.config import BoolOption, IntOption, Option
from trac.core import *
from trac.util.text import CRLF
from trac.web.chrome import Chrome
from trac.web.clearsilver import HDFWrapper
from trac.web.main import populate_hdf


class NotificationSystem(Component):

smtp_enabled = BoolOption('notification', 'smtp_enabled', 'false',
"""Enable SMTP (email) notification.""")

smtp_server = Option('notification', 'smtp_server', 'localhost',
"""SMTP server hostname to use for email notifications.""")

smtp_port = IntOption('notification', 'smtp_port', 25,
"""SMTP server port to use for email notification.""")

smtp_user = Option('notification', 'smtp_user', '',
"""Username for SMTP server. (''since 0.9'').""")

smtp_password = Option('notification', 'smtp_password', '',
"""Password for SMTP server. (''since 0.9'').""")

smtp_from = Option('notification', 'smtp_from', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
"""Sender address to use in notification emails.""")

smtp_replyto = Option('notification', 'smtp_replyto', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
"""Reply-To address to use in notification emails.""")

smtp_always_cc = Option('notification', 'smtp_always_cc', '',
"""Email address(es) to always send notifications to,
   addresses can be see by all recipients (Cc:).""")

smtp_always_bcc = Option('notification', 'smtp_always_bcc', '',
"""Email address(es) to always send notifications to,
   addresses do not appear publicly (Bcc:). (''since 0.10'').""")
smtp_default_domain = Option('notification', 'smtp_default_domain', '',
"""Default host/domain to append to address that do not specify one""")
mime_encoding = Option('notification', 'mime_encoding', 'base64',
"""Specifies the MIME encoding scheme for emails.

Valid options are 'base64' for Base64 encoding, 'qp' for
Quoted-Printable, and 'none' for no encoding. Note that the no encoding
means that non-ASCII characters in text are going to cause problems
with notifications (''since 0.10'').""")

use_public_cc = BoolOption('notification', 'use_public_cc', 'false',
"""Recipients can see email addresses of other CC'ed recipients.

If this option is disabled (the default), recipients are put on BCC
(''since 0.10'').""")

use_short_addr = BoolOption('notification', 'use_short_addr', 'false',
"""Permit email address without a host/domain (i.e. username only)

The SMTP server should accept those addresses, and either append
a FQDN or use local delivery (''since 0.10'').""")

use_tls = BoolOption('notification', 'use_tls', 'false',
"""Use SSL/TLS to send notifications (''since 0.10'').""")

smtp_subject_prefix = Option('notification', 'smtp_subject_prefix',
"""Text to prepend to subject line of notification emails. 

If the setting is not defined, then the [$project_name] prefix.
If no prefix is desired, then specifying an empty option 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
Hi Emmanuel,
I'm running this version of collabnets svn, version 1.4.2 (r22196)
   compiled Feb  5 2007, 13:03:15 with  python 2.3.4
on http://www.swig.org/download.html which version of swig should I install?

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 10:02 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> am I getting close?

Closer ;-)
It seems that your issue w/ SQLite is fixed, so now you have to deal
with Subversion issue - if you want Subversion support.

Have you installed Subversion and the related Python bindings for Subversion?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
are these the swig bindings? that The warning message says:you should install 
the SVN bindings
the lack of these bindings is causing this error in the browser?
I've installed CollabNet's SVN and our development team has been using it for 
~4weeks now without any problems
I've just been hitting many walls getting trac to work with svn
I have not installed python bindings(swig) yet 

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 10:02 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> am I getting close?

Closer ;-)
It seems that your issue w/ SQLite is fixed, so now you have to deal
with Subversion issue - if you want Subversion support.

Have you installed Subversion and the related Python bindings for Subversion?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> am I getting close?

Closer ;-)
It seems that your issue w/ SQLite is fixed, so now you have to deal
with Subversion issue - if you want Subversion support.

Have you installed Subversion and the related Python bindings for Subversion?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib fixed the problem and the browser
actually shows someting e.g Trac logo, menu with wiki,Timeline, roadmap...  but 
it says Oops... Trac detected an internal error:

under the TracGuide link it has this output:
Python Traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 387, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 191, in 
chosen_handler = self._pre_process_request(req, chosen_handler)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 263, in 
chosen_handler = f.pre_process_request(req, chosen_handler)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 73, 
in pre_process_request
self.get_repository(req.authname) # triggers a sync if applicable
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 91, 
in get_repository
raise TracError('Unsupported version control system "%s"'
TracError: Unsupported version control system "svn"
am I getting close?

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 9:38 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> then  ran trac-admin /v01/trac initenv successfully but with the warning you
> should install the SVN bindings

This means that the python wrapper for SVN have not been found - maybe
the same library path issue, or that you have not installed the
wrappers yet.

> browser, but in the terminal I get the below errors
> any ideas on this?

Yes, this looks like a LD_LIBRARY_PATH issue, it is likely that the
cause is the same as the issue you got with trac-admin.

Search the ML, another user ("gary" I believe) got the same issue
yesterday evening (CET time), and the discussion thread he's initiated
is likely to contain the answers you're looking for.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> then  ran trac-admin /v01/trac initenv successfully but with the warning you
> should install the SVN bindings

This means that the python wrapper for SVN have not been found - maybe
the same library path issue, or that you have not installed the
wrappers yet.

> browser, but in the terminal I get the below errors
> any ideas on this?

Yes, this looks like a LD_LIBRARY_PATH issue, it is likely that the
cause is the same as the issue you got with trac-admin.

Search the ML, another user ("gary" I believe) got the same issue
yesterday evening (CET time), and the discussion thread he's initiated
is likely to contain the answers you're looking for.


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Users" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Account ManagerpPlugin without Subversion

2007-04-05 Thread Chris Forsythe

You have a few options. My personal favorite is to do an svn export of 
the location on a local machine, zip up the checkout and then move it to 
the trac server. At that point, cd into the correct directory for your 
version, then "python setup.py install" should do it.


Chris wrote:

>I would like to install the Account Manager plugin 
>(http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AccountManagerPlugin). Trying to install this with 
>easy_install fails apparently because I don't have subversion installed. Since 
>we don't use subversion, I'd rather not install it just to get the Account 
>Manager features. Is there any way around this?
>Thanks in advance.

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Users" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Account ManagerpPlugin without Subversion

2007-04-05 Thread Chris

I would like to install the Account Manager plugin 
(http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/AccountManagerPlugin). Trying to install this with 
easy_install fails apparently because I don't have subversion installed. Since 
we don't use subversion, I'd rather not install it just to get the Account 
Manager features. Is there any way around this?

Thanks in advance.


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Users" group.
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[Trac] Running Trac as a windows service

2007-04-05 Thread Chris

I would like to run trac as a windows service.

I'm running 
  windows 2k

I found an article about this at Trac-hacks.org 
(http://www.trac-hacks.org/wiki/WindowsServiceScript). I downloaded the script, 
and the patch to update the script to 0.10.

I can install the service and it shows up as a windows service. When I try to 
start the service, it fails, with this message in the event log:

The instance's SvcRun() method failed 
  File "C:\Program 
Files\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32\lib\win32serviceutil.py", line 785, in 
  File "C:\Program Files\Python24\Scripts\tracservice.py", line 94, in SvcDoRun
self.httpd = self.trac_init()
  File "C:\Program Files\Python24\Scripts\tracservice.py", line 143, in 
wsgi_app = TracEnvironMiddleware(dispatch_request, 
exceptions.NameError: global name 'dispatch_request' is not defined 

Any ideas as to what this means?

Or any suggestions for other ways to do this?



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[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
Hi emmanuel,
I reinstalled pysqlite\sqlite
then  ran trac-admin /v01/trac initenv successfully but with the warning you 
should install the SVN bindings
Not sure what these are. I then ran the below command to test drive trac, then 
entered in fire fox http://localhost:8000/trac and get no output in the 
browser, but in the terminal I get the below errors
any ideas on this?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] v01]# tracd --port 8000 /v01/trac

Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 39284)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/SocketServer.py", line 463, in process_request_thread
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/SocketServer.py", line 254, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/SocketServer.py", line 521, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 324, in handle
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/wsgi.py", line 174, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/wsgi.py", line 87, in run
response = application(self.environ, self._start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/standalone.py", line 88, in 
return self.application(environ, start_response)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 377, in 
env = _open_environment(env_path, run_once=run_once)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 58, in 
env_cache[env_path] = open_environment(env_path)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 435, in 
if env.needs_upgrade():
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 313, in 
db = self.get_db_cnx()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/env.py", line 182, in get_db_cnx
return DatabaseManager(self).get_connection()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/db/api.py", line 75, in 
return self._cnx_pool.get_cnx(self.timeout or None)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/db/pool.py", line 101, in get_cnx
cnx = self._connector.get_connection(**self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/db/sqlite_backend.py", line 113, 
in get_connection
return SQLiteConnection(path, params)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/db/sqlite_backend.py", line 140, 
in __init__
assert have_pysqlite > 0


From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 6:49 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> in this command trac-admin /path/to/myproject initenv is path/to/
> myproject the SVN path or the trac path?

trac path (the same path you give to tracd, btw).
svn repository path is only defined in trac.ini (and prompted once
from trac-admin when you create a new trac project)

> NameError: global name 'sqlite' is not defined
> Failed to initialize environment. 1

It means trac cannot find the PySQLite library.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
setup.cfg says the files libsqlite3.so.0 should be in /usr/lib but there in 
/usr/local/lib should I just edit
setup.cfg to point to that location?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pysqlite-2.3.3]# cat setup.cfg

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 8:08 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> I built and installed pysqlite-2.3.3m without error but when I tried running
> the test I get this output
> any ideas?

It looks like the dynamic loaded is not able to locate the sqlite library.
On linux, force a refresh of the ld cache (see /sbin/ldconfig)
You can run
/sbin/ldconfig -v | grep sqlite
to ensure the library can be found by the loader. If not, edit
/etc/ld.so.conf and re-run ldconfig.
You can also define the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable (see a previous
email ~12 hours ago in this very ML)


> [EMAIL PROTECTED] opt]# python
> Python 2.3.4 (#1, Sep 26 2006, 17:23:01)
> [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> from pysqlite2 import test
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/__init__.py",
> line 25, in ?
> from pysqlite2.test import dbapi, types, userfunctions, factory,
> transactions,\
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/dbapi.py",
> line 26, in ?
> import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/dbapi2.py",
> line 27, in ?
> from pysqlite2._sqlite import *
> ImportError: libsqlite3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory
> >>>
>  From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
> Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 6:49 AM
> To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install
> > in this command trac-admin /path/to/myproject initenv is path/to/
> > myproject the SVN path or the trac path?
> trac path (the same path you give to tracd, btw).
> svn repository path is only defined in trac.ini (and prompted once
> from trac-admin when you create a new trac project)
> > NameError: global name 'sqlite' is not defined
> > Failed to initialize environment. 1
> It means trac cannot find the PySQLite library.
> Cheers,
> Manu
>  >


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 


[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> I built and installed pysqlite-2.3.3m without error but when I tried running
> the test I get this output
> any ideas?

It looks like the dynamic loaded is not able to locate the sqlite library.
On linux, force a refresh of the ld cache (see /sbin/ldconfig)
You can run
/sbin/ldconfig -v | grep sqlite
to ensure the library can be found by the loader. If not, edit
/etc/ld.so.conf and re-run ldconfig.
You can also define the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable (see a previous
email ~12 hours ago in this very ML)


> [EMAIL PROTECTED] opt]# python
> Python 2.3.4 (#1, Sep 26 2006, 17:23:01)
> [GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> from pysqlite2 import test
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/__init__.py",
> line 25, in ?
> from pysqlite2.test import dbapi, types, userfunctions, factory,
> transactions,\
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/dbapi.py",
> line 26, in ?
> import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/dbapi2.py",
> line 27, in ?
> from pysqlite2._sqlite import *
> ImportError: libsqlite3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory
> >>>
>  From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
> Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 6:49 AM
> To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install
> > in this command trac-admin /path/to/myproject initenv is path/to/
> > myproject the SVN path or the trac path?
> trac path (the same path you give to tracd, btw).
> svn repository path is only defined in trac.ini (and prompted once
> from trac-admin when you create a new trac project)
> > NameError: global name 'sqlite' is not defined
> > Failed to initialize environment. 1
> It means trac cannot find the PySQLite library.
> Cheers,
> Manu
>  >


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Brian McCann
Hi Emmanuel,
I built and installed pysqlite-2.3.3m without error but when I tried running 
the test I get this output
any ideas?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] opt]# python
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Sep 26 2006, 17:23:01)
[GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-3)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pysqlite2 import test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/__init__.py", line 25, 
in ?
from pysqlite2.test import dbapi, types, userfunctions, factory, 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/dbapi.py", line 26, in ?
import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pysqlite2/dbapi2.py", line 27, in ?
from pysqlite2._sqlite import *
ImportError: libsqlite3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com on behalf of Emmanuel Blot
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 6:49 AM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Trac] Re: Trac install

> in this command trac-admin /path/to/myproject initenv is path/to/
> myproject the SVN path or the trac path?

trac path (the same path you give to tracd, btw).
svn repository path is only defined in trac.ini (and prompted once
from trac-admin when you create a new trac project)

> NameError: global name 'sqlite' is not defined
> Failed to initialize environment. 1

It means trac cannot find the PySQLite library.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
To post to this group, send email to trac-users@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> > Upgrade to
> I sell a "1". Lowest prices today! Time limited offer!


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread sub

On 5 Apr, 12:14, Rainer Sokoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From what I've learned from this list: Your problem will come back every
> time you do a new checkin to svn.
> Rainer

Ok, I'm going to upgrade :-)

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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: Trac install

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

> in this command trac-admin /path/to/myproject initenv is path/to/
> myproject the SVN path or the trac path?

trac path (the same path you give to tracd, btw).
svn repository path is only defined in trac.ini (and prompted once
from trac-admin when you create a new trac project)

> NameError: global name 'sqlite' is not defined
> Failed to initialize environment. 1

It means trac cannot find the PySQLite library.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Trac] browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread sub

Hi everybody,
I installed trac (0.10.2 version) and I have a strange problem.
I enabled my svn repository so that I could be able to browse my
sources; if I go to my trac webpage I see the "Browse Source" so
everything is ok. So, what's strange? If i reload the page (for
example with F5) the Browse Source link disappears, if I reload again
it appears again and so on.
So when I browse my source sometimes I obtain "No handler matched
request to /browser/sample.txt".
Does anybody knows the problem? Have I misconfigured anything?

Thanks a lot,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread Rainer Sokoll

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 11:32:54AM +0200, Rainer Sokoll wrote:

> Upgrade to
I sell a "1". Lowest prices today! Time limited offer!


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Trac 
Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread sub

ok, thank you very much.
I installed this version throught apt command line in my ubuntu server
but I think I'll I have to install a newer version throught

thanks again,

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Users" group.
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[Trac] RE : [Trac] Questions about Ticket Queries

2007-04-05 Thread Mickael MAKOWSKI

De: trac-users@googlegroups.com de la part de Mickael MAKOWSKI
Date: mar. 03/04/2007 18:16
À: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : [Trac] Questions about Ticket Queries

I'm just using Trac and i have 3 questions about the use of Ticket Queries :
- first, verbose param is for display the body of the ticket,
but i don't see any difference between 'query?...&verbose' and 
- second, i wrote a report which display  '*' if ticket is assigned for the 
owner, like:
   (CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN owner||' *' ELSE owner END) AS owner,
can i transpose it in Query?
- third, but it's personal, what do you think about the TicketQuery Macro?
Sorry for my english,
Thank you,

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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread Emmanuel Blot

Have you restarted your web server ?
BTW, you'd better install, 0.10.2 is known to have several issues...


On 4/5/07, sub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I installed trac (0.10.2 version) and I have a strange problem.
> I enabled my svn repository so that I could be able to browse my
> sources; if I go to my trac webpage I see the "Browse Source" so
> everything is ok. So, what's strange? If i reload the page (for
> example with F5) the Browse Source link disappears, if I reload again
> it appears again and so on.
> So when I browse my source sometimes I obtain "No handler matched
> request to /browser/sample.txt".
> Does anybody knows the problem? Have I misconfigured anything?
> Thanks a lot,
> Davide.
> >


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Users" group.
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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread Rainer Sokoll

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 02:27:21AM -0700, sub wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I installed trac (0.10.2 version) and I have a strange problem.
> I enabled my svn repository so that I could be able to browse my
> sources; if I go to my trac webpage I see the "Browse Source" so
> everything is ok. So, what's strange? If i reload the page (for
> example with F5) the Browse Source link disappears, if I reload again
> it appears again and so on.
> So when I browse my source sometimes I obtain "No handler matched
> request to /browser/sample.txt".
> Does anybody knows the problem? Have I misconfigured anything?

This is a well konown bug in 0.10.before.3.

Upgrade to


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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread Rainer Sokoll

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 03:11:54AM -0700, sub wrote:
> On 5 Apr, 12:04, Rainer Sokoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 11:32:54AM +0200, Rainer Sokoll wrote:
> > > Upgrade to
> I only rebooted apache and now it works fine...

>From what I've learned from this list: Your problem will come back every
time you do a new checkin to svn.


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[Trac] Re: browse source problem

2007-04-05 Thread sub

On 5 Apr, 12:04, Rainer Sokoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 11:32:54AM +0200, Rainer Sokoll wrote:
> > Upgrade to

I only rebooted apache and now it works fine...

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