Re: [Trac] Re: TRACTICKETSTATS plugin

2017-07-21 Thread Ryan Ollos
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:46 AM, toto200891 

> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 10:15:16 AM UTC+2, toto200891 wrote:
>> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 6:44:45 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 3:28:06 PM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:

 On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:57:13 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:54 PM, toto200891 
> wrote:
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:46:50 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM, toto200891 
>>> wrote:

 Please find  attached source file

> - Ryan


>>> Are you using Chrome? If so, could you please test in Firefox?
>> Here is the source file for ticketstats in firefox.
> Okay, but does the chart render in Firefox?
> The chart renders correctly for me in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I'm
> using Chrome 59 and Firefox 54.

 I really don't understand, that why it isn't working for me.
 Considering system error, I tried installing in PC, laptop and another
 desktop too, but every where its the same problem. I don't understand,
 which is the step I am missing out.

>>> I doubt you are missing a step. There is probably just a defect that is
>>> preventing the plugin from working, but I'm unsure of the cause.
>>> I am out of ideas. It was working for me in Firefox for some time, but
>>> stopped working.
>>> Anyway, Flash is deprecated and the YUI library used by this plugin was
>>> deprecated in 2011. It's not a good plugin to use.
>> Thanks for the help Ryan, I shall use the TicketGraph plugin. Atleast is
>> there any other plugin, which could give me ticket stats just in a table?
>>> For now you could use TracTicketGraph.
>>> Example usage can be seen here:
>>> Eventually I'd like to extend it to have features similar to
>>> TracTicketStats, but won't have time for that in the near future.
> Ryan is it possible to edit the timeline for ticket graph? I mean by
> default it is 90 days, is it possible to modify it?

It's not yet configurable, but I opened a ticket for the issue.

- Ryan

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[Trac] Re: [Trac-dev] Re: german translation

2017-07-21 Thread Steffen Hoffmann
Am 10. Juli 2017 22:44:40 MESZ schrieb RjOllos :
>On Monday, June 26, 2017 at 11:29:16 AM UTC-4, Jörg Schulz wrote:


>> Another question: if the pot-files at transifex are up-to-date, are
>> pulled
>> automatically before a release or is this in all cases the duty of
>> committer?
>> (
>> )
>We've left it to the translation team coordinator to update the pot
>in the repository from Transifex. However, there are only one or two 
>languages getting updated at present and we need to update the process
>that the files are pulled from Transifex automatically.
>I haven't worked with Transifex, but it would seem to me that the least
>complicated thing to do would be to have all translation activity done
>Transifex and then just pull the pot files to the repository at the
>time of 

Syncing i18n stuff from time to time with Transifex has been the way Christian 
Boos did it before. He proposed a workflow, that should still work.

I assisted Felix Schwarz in managing Tracs German translation before. If you, 
Ryan, get updates message catalogs, i'll try to help with i18n issues again as 

Steffen Hoffmann

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Re: [Trac] Ticket Calender plugin

2017-07-21 Thread Jun Omae
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 7:23 PM, toto200891  wrote:
> I would like to view closed tickets on Ticket Calender.
> Thus I was using the following query:
> [[TicketCalendar(type=Box,query=(status=closed),month=thismonth..)]]

See before
asking on the list.

query parameter is for TicketQuery. It doesn't need enclosed parenthesis.
month parameter doesn't accept a range value.

> It doesn't work though, what is wrong? could somebody help me out?

You should explain how the macro doesn't work. Anyone cannot
understand your problem without the details.

Jun Omae  (大前 潤)

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[Trac] Ticket Calender plugin

2017-07-21 Thread toto200891

I would like to view closed tickets on Ticket Calender.

Thus I was using the following query:

It doesn't work though, what is wrong? could somebody help me out?


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Re: [Trac] Re: TRACTICKETSTATS plugin

2017-07-21 Thread toto200891

On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 10:15:16 AM UTC+2, toto200891 wrote:
> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 6:44:45 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 3:28:06 PM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
>>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:57:13 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:54 PM, toto200891  

> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:46:50 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM, toto200891  
>> wrote:
>>> Please find  attached source file
 - Ryan

>>> Regards,
>>> SF
>> Are you using Chrome? If so, could you please test in Firefox?
> Here is the source file for ticketstats in firefox. 

 Okay, but does the chart render in Firefox?

 The chart renders correctly for me in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I'm 
 using Chrome 59 and Firefox 54.

>>> I really don't understand, that why it isn't working for me. Considering 
>>> system error, I tried installing in PC, laptop and another desktop too, but 
>>> every where its the same problem. I don't understand, which is the step I 
>>> am missing out.
>> I doubt you are missing a step. There is probably just a defect that is 
>> preventing the plugin from working, but I'm unsure of the cause.
>> I am out of ideas. It was working for me in Firefox for some time, but 
>> stopped working.
>> Anyway, Flash is deprecated and the YUI library used by this plugin was 
>> deprecated in 2011. It's not a good plugin to use.
> Thanks for the help Ryan, I shall use the TicketGraph plugin. Atleast is 
> there any other plugin, which could give me ticket stats just in a table? 
>> For now you could use TracTicketGraph.
>> Example usage can be seen here:
>> Eventually I'd like to extend it to have features similar to 
>> TracTicketStats, but won't have time for that in the near future.
Ryan is it possible to edit the timeline for ticket graph? I mean by 
default it is 90 days, is it possible to modify it?


>> - Ryan
> Regards,
> SF 

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Re: [Trac] Re: Ticket Action

2017-07-21 Thread toto200891

On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 10:34:58 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:32 AM, toto200891  > wrote:
>> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 8:26:29 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 1:19:49 AM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:

 On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:42:00 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 3:59:46 AM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
>> Hi
>> I would like to write a single file plugin to automate an action in 
>> the ticket workflow.
>> In other words, I have the following workflow:
>> [ticket-workflow]
>> accept_for_development = assigned_for_development_to_groupA, 
>> assigned_for_development -> accepted_for_development
>> accept_for_development = accepted_for_development
>> accept_for_development.operations = set_owner_to_self
>> accept_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
>> assign_for_development = new, assigned_for_development_to_groupA -> 
>> assigned_for_development
>> assign_for_development.label = assign_for_development
>> assign_for_development.operations = set_owner
>> assign_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
>> assign_to_groupA = new -> assigned_for_development_to_groupA
>> assign_to_groupA.label = assign_for_development
>> assign_to_groupA.operations = set_owner
>> assign_to_groupA.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
>> create =  -> new_catia
>> create_and_assign =  -> assigned_for_development
>> create_and_assign.label = create_and_assign
>> create_and_assign.operations = may_set_owner
>> create_and_assign.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
>> leave = * -> *
>> leave.default = 1
>> leave.operations = leave_status
>> reassign_for_development = assigned_for_development, 
>> accepted_for_development -> assigned_for_development
>> reassign_for_development.label = reassign_for_development
>> reassign_for_development.operations = set_owner
>> reassign_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
>> reopen = fixed, closed -> new
>> reopen.operations = del_resolution
>> reopen.permissions = TICKET_CREATE
>> resolve = new, accepted_for_development -> closed
>> resolve.operations = set_resolution
>> resolve.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
>> No I would like to automate the step from *"new to 
>> assigned_for_development_to_groupA". *So I would like to write a 
>> single file plugin, to automate the action "assign_to_groupA" when any 
>> ticket is created and also send a notification to groupA when such 
>> action 
>> is taken.
> You may not need to write a plugin for that, but I'll need some more 
> details to say for sure. Do you want all tickets to start in the state 
> assigned_for_development_to_groupA when they are created? Or do you only 
> want a subset of tickets that are created to initially be in this state? 
> If 
> only a subset, what is the condition that determines which newly-created 
> tickets are put in the assigned_for_development_to_groupA state?

 Currently I am using multipleworkflow plugin to have multiple workflows 
 for different ticket types. I have 6 ticket types as in: Bug-A, Bug-B, 
 Enhancement-A, Enhancement-B and so on.. I have notifications set in based 
 on ticket actions. I don't all my tickets to be in a state of 
 assigned_to_development_to_groupA, instead I would like to have something 
 like this:
 1. When I create a ticket  with ticket type Bug-A -> I want the ticket 
 to be directly sent assigned_to_group_A , and I would like to have an 
 action assign_to_group_A to perform the task. as I would like to define 
 notifications for that "assign_to_group_A" action.
 2. Similarly when I create a ticket with ticket type Bug-B -> I want 
 its state to be new. 

> Since your create action is "create =  -> new_catia", the only 
> tickets that will end up in the new state in your workflow are those that 
> are reopened ("reopen = fixed, closed -> new").

 I tried modifying the workflow, i.e., having different states for 
 create action for different types of ticket. But it seems that the plugin 
 starts to follow the workflow, only when the ticket is created. 

> - Ryan

 I have attached the workflow and workflow notification file, please 
 find the same.

 My objective is to send notifications to different groups for different 
 ticket types, when a ticket is created. For example: Group A should be 
 notified for ticket type BUG-A, Group B should be notified for ticket type 
 BUG-B and so on..


>>> With Trac 1.0 you'll have to write a plugin that implements 
>>> ITicketManipulator.

Re: [Trac] Re: Ticket Action

2017-07-21 Thread Ryan Ollos
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:32 AM, toto200891 

> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 8:26:29 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 1:19:49 AM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:42:00 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:

 On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 3:59:46 AM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to write a single file plugin to automate an action in
> the ticket workflow.
> In other words, I have the following workflow:
> [ticket-workflow]
> accept_for_development = assigned_for_development_to_groupA,
> assigned_for_development -> accepted_for_development
> accept_for_development = accepted_for_development
> accept_for_development.operations = set_owner_to_self
> accept_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> assign_for_development = new, assigned_for_development_to_groupA ->
> assigned_for_development
> assign_for_development.label = assign_for_development
> assign_for_development.operations = set_owner
> assign_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> assign_to_groupA = new -> assigned_for_development_to_groupA
> assign_to_groupA.label = assign_for_development
> assign_to_groupA.operations = set_owner
> assign_to_groupA.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> create =  -> new_catia
> create_and_assign =  -> assigned_for_development
> create_and_assign.label = create_and_assign
> create_and_assign.operations = may_set_owner
> create_and_assign.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> leave = * -> *
> leave.default = 1
> leave.operations = leave_status
> reassign_for_development = assigned_for_development,
> accepted_for_development -> assigned_for_development
> reassign_for_development.label = reassign_for_development
> reassign_for_development.operations = set_owner
> reassign_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> reopen = fixed, closed -> new
> reopen.operations = del_resolution
> reopen.permissions = TICKET_CREATE
> resolve = new, accepted_for_development -> closed
> resolve.operations = set_resolution
> resolve.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> No I would like to automate the step from *"new to
> assigned_for_development_to_groupA". *So I would like to write a
> single file plugin, to automate the action "assign_to_groupA" when any
> ticket is created and also send a notification to groupA when such action
> is taken.

 You may not need to write a plugin for that, but I'll need some more
 details to say for sure. Do you want all tickets to start in the state
 assigned_for_development_to_groupA when they are created? Or do you
 only want a subset of tickets that are created to initially be in this
 state? If only a subset, what is the condition that determines which
 newly-created tickets are put in the assigned_for_development_to_groupA

>>> Currently I am using multipleworkflow plugin to have multiple workflows
>>> for different ticket types. I have 6 ticket types as in: Bug-A, Bug-B,
>>> Enhancement-A, Enhancement-B and so on.. I have notifications set in based
>>> on ticket actions. I don't all my tickets to be in a state of
>>> assigned_to_development_to_groupA, instead I would like to have
>>> something like this:
>>> 1. When I create a ticket  with ticket type Bug-A -> I want the ticket
>>> to be directly sent assigned_to_group_A , and I would like to have an
>>> action assign_to_group_A to perform the task. as I would like to define
>>> notifications for that "assign_to_group_A" action.
>>> 2. Similarly when I create a ticket with ticket type Bug-B -> I want its
>>> state to be new.

 Since your create action is "create =  -> new_catia", the only
 tickets that will end up in the new state in your workflow are those that
 are reopened ("reopen = fixed, closed -> new").

>>> I tried modifying the workflow, i.e., having different states for create
>>> action for different types of ticket. But it seems that the plugin starts
>>> to follow the workflow, only when the ticket is created.

 - Ryan

>>> I have attached the workflow and workflow notification file, please find
>>> the same.
>>> My objective is to send notifications to different groups for different
>>> ticket types, when a ticket is created. For example: Group A should be
>>> notified for ticket type BUG-A, Group B should be notified for ticket type
>>> BUG-B and so on..
>>> Regards,
>>> SF
>> With Trac 1.0 you'll have to write a plugin that implements
>> ITicketManipulator.
>> ensionPoints/trac.ticket.api.ITicketManipulator
>> In Trac < 1.2 all tickets must start in the "new" state.
>> With Trac 1.2 you can define the "ticket creation step", and a ticket can
>> start in a state

Re: [Trac] Re: TRACTICKETSTATS plugin

2017-07-21 Thread toto200891

On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 10:28:45 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:15 AM, toto200891  > wrote:
>> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 6:44:45 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 3:28:06 PM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:

 On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:57:13 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:54 PM, toto200891  
> wrote:
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:46:50 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM, toto200891  
>>> wrote:

 Please find  attached source file

> - Ryan


>>> Are you using Chrome? If so, could you please test in Firefox?
>> Here is the source file for ticketstats in firefox. 
> Okay, but does the chart render in Firefox?
> The chart renders correctly for me in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I'm 
> using Chrome 59 and Firefox 54.

 I really don't understand, that why it isn't working for me. 
 Considering system error, I tried installing in PC, laptop and another 
 desktop too, but every where its the same problem. I don't understand, 
 which is the step I am missing out.

>>> I doubt you are missing a step. There is probably just a defect that is 
>>> preventing the plugin from working, but I'm unsure of the cause.
>>> I am out of ideas. It was working for me in Firefox for some time, but 
>>> stopped working.
>>> Anyway, Flash is deprecated and the YUI library used by this plugin was 
>>> deprecated in 2011. It's not a good plugin to use.
>> Thanks for the help Ryan, I shall use the TicketGraph plugin. Atleast is 
>> there any other plugin, which could give me ticket stats just in a table? 
> That depends on what ticket statistics that you want. You can do quite a 
> lot with wiki table markup and TicketQuery macro.
> I would like to have number of tickets closed, created and total number of 
tickets for a day, month or year. 

> - Ryan 


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[Trac] Re: Ticket Action

2017-07-21 Thread toto200891

On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 8:26:29 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 1:19:49 AM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
>> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:42:00 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 3:59:46 AM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:


 I would like to write a single file plugin to automate an action in the 
 ticket workflow.

 In other words, I have the following workflow:

 accept_for_development = assigned_for_development_to_groupA, 
 assigned_for_development -> accepted_for_development
 accept_for_development = accepted_for_development
 accept_for_development.operations = set_owner_to_self
 accept_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
 assign_for_development = new, assigned_for_development_to_groupA -> 
 assign_for_development.label = assign_for_development
 assign_for_development.operations = set_owner
 assign_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
 assign_to_groupA = new -> assigned_for_development_to_groupA
 assign_to_groupA.label = assign_for_development
 assign_to_groupA.operations = set_owner
 assign_to_groupA.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
 create =  -> new_catia
 create_and_assign =  -> assigned_for_development
 create_and_assign.label = create_and_assign
 create_and_assign.operations = may_set_owner
 create_and_assign.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
 leave = * -> *
 leave.default = 1
 leave.operations = leave_status
 reassign_for_development = assigned_for_development, 
 accepted_for_development -> assigned_for_development
 reassign_for_development.label = reassign_for_development
 reassign_for_development.operations = set_owner
 reassign_for_development.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
 reopen = fixed, closed -> new
 reopen.operations = del_resolution
 reopen.permissions = TICKET_CREATE
 resolve = new, accepted_for_development -> closed
 resolve.operations = set_resolution
 resolve.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY

 No I would like to automate the step from *"new to 
 assigned_for_development_to_groupA". *So I would like to write a 
 single file plugin, to automate the action "assign_to_groupA" when any 
 ticket is created and also send a notification to groupA when such action 
 is taken.

>>> You may not need to write a plugin for that, but I'll need some more 
>>> details to say for sure. Do you want all tickets to start in the state 
>>> assigned_for_development_to_groupA when they are created? Or do you only 
>>> want a subset of tickets that are created to initially be in this state? If 
>>> only a subset, what is the condition that determines which newly-created 
>>> tickets are put in the assigned_for_development_to_groupA state?
>> Currently I am using multipleworkflow plugin to have multiple workflows 
>> for different ticket types. I have 6 ticket types as in: Bug-A, Bug-B, 
>> Enhancement-A, Enhancement-B and so on.. I have notifications set in based 
>> on ticket actions. I don't all my tickets to be in a state of 
>> assigned_to_development_to_groupA, instead I would like to have something 
>> like this:
>> 1. When I create a ticket  with ticket type Bug-A -> I want the ticket to 
>> be directly sent assigned_to_group_A , and I would like to have an action 
>> assign_to_group_A to perform the task. as I would like to define 
>> notifications for that "assign_to_group_A" action.
>> 2. Similarly when I create a ticket with ticket type Bug-B -> I want its 
>> state to be new. 
>>> Since your create action is "create =  -> new_catia", the only 
>>> tickets that will end up in the new state in your workflow are those that 
>>> are reopened ("reopen = fixed, closed -> new").
>> I tried modifying the workflow, i.e., having different states for create 
>> action for different types of ticket. But it seems that the plugin starts 
>> to follow the workflow, only when the ticket is created. 
>>> - Ryan
>> I have attached the workflow and workflow notification file, please find 
>> the same.
>> My objective is to send notifications to different groups for different 
>> ticket types, when a ticket is created. For example: Group A should be 
>> notified for ticket type BUG-A, Group B should be notified for ticket type 
>> BUG-B and so on..
>> Regards,
>> SF
> With Trac 1.0 you'll have to write a plugin that implements 
> ITicketManipulator.
> In Trac < 1.2 all tickets must start in the "new" state.
> With Trac 1.2 you can define the "ticket creation step", and a ticket can 
> start in a state other than "new".
> I tested this with MultipleWorkflowPlugin:
> [ticket-workfl

Re: [Trac] Re: TRACTICKETSTATS plugin

2017-07-21 Thread Ryan Ollos
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:15 AM, toto200891 

> On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 6:44:45 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 3:28:06 PM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
>>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:57:13 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:54 PM, toto200891 

> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:46:50 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM, toto200891 
>> wrote:
>>> Please find  attached source file
 - Ryan

>>> Regards,
>>> SF
>> Are you using Chrome? If so, could you please test in Firefox?
> Here is the source file for ticketstats in firefox.

 Okay, but does the chart render in Firefox?

 The chart renders correctly for me in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I'm
 using Chrome 59 and Firefox 54.

>>> I really don't understand, that why it isn't working for me. Considering
>>> system error, I tried installing in PC, laptop and another desktop too, but
>>> every where its the same problem. I don't understand, which is the step I
>>> am missing out.
>> I doubt you are missing a step. There is probably just a defect that is
>> preventing the plugin from working, but I'm unsure of the cause.
>> I am out of ideas. It was working for me in Firefox for some time, but
>> stopped working.
>> Anyway, Flash is deprecated and the YUI library used by this plugin was
>> deprecated in 2011. It's not a good plugin to use.
> Thanks for the help Ryan, I shall use the TicketGraph plugin. Atleast is
> there any other plugin, which could give me ticket stats just in a table?

That depends on what ticket statistics that you want. You can do quite a
lot with wiki table markup and TicketQuery macro.

- Ryan

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Re: [Trac] Re: TRACTICKETSTATS plugin

2017-07-21 Thread toto200891

On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 6:44:45 AM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 3:28:06 PM UTC-7, toto200891 wrote:
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:57:13 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:54 PM, toto200891  
>>> wrote:

 On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 11:46:50 PM UTC+2, RjOllos wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM, toto200891  
> wrote:
>> Please find  attached source file
>>> - Ryan
>> Regards,
>> SF
> Are you using Chrome? If so, could you please test in Firefox?

 Here is the source file for ticketstats in firefox. 

>>> Okay, but does the chart render in Firefox?
>>> The chart renders correctly for me in Firefox, but not in Chrome. I'm 
>>> using Chrome 59 and Firefox 54.
>> I really don't understand, that why it isn't working for me. Considering 
>> system error, I tried installing in PC, laptop and another desktop too, but 
>> every where its the same problem. I don't understand, which is the step I 
>> am missing out.
> I doubt you are missing a step. There is probably just a defect that is 
> preventing the plugin from working, but I'm unsure of the cause.
> I am out of ideas. It was working for me in Firefox for some time, but 
> stopped working.
> Anyway, Flash is deprecated and the YUI library used by this plugin was 
> deprecated in 2011. It's not a good plugin to use.

Thanks for the help Ryan, I shall use the TicketGraph plugin. Atleast is 
there any other plugin, which could give me ticket stats just in a table? 

> For now you could use TracTicketGraph.
> Example usage can be seen here:
> Eventually I'd like to extend it to have features similar to 
> TracTicketStats, but won't have time for that in the near future.
> - Ryan


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