[Trac] Re: Unsupported version control system "svn": "DLL load failed with error code 182"

2008-10-30 Thread Stephen Moretti

2008/10/30 Chad Pavliska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi -
> I'm troubleshooting this svn issue which I know has been discussed before.
> However, after 3 days of reading everything I could find on the web I have
> still not been able to resolve the issue.
> The good news is that I was able to verify on a test server that my
> configured should work.  I began to pick the server apart to discover what
> differences still existed and found a single issue related to whether
> mod_ssl gets loaded into Apache or not.
> The test server didn't have SSL configured because *assumed* that the issue
> wasn't related.
> My config:
> Win32
> Apache 2.0.63
> Mod_Python 3.3.1
> Trac .11.1
> SVN 1.5.3
> Python 2.5
> ** related bindings
> Can anyone explain why loading the mod_ssl module in Apache breaks the
> trac->mod_python->svn integration?
> My relevant apache conf files are below:
> SetHandler mod_python
> PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
> PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
> PythonOption TracEnvParentDir "C:/Projects/trac"
> PythonOption PYTHON_EGG_CACHE "C:/Temp/egg_cache"
> PythonOption TracUriRoot /
>SetHandler mod_python
>PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
>PythonHandler mod_python.testhandler
>DAV svn
>SVNPath C:/Projects/svn/test
> >

Stephen Moretti
Blog : http://nil.checksite.co.uk/
Twitter : http://twitter.com/mr_nil

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[Trac] Re: Unsupported version control system "svn": DLL load failed with error code 182

2008-10-27 Thread garu

Thanks to all those who replied.

- i didn't try yet with apache 2.2. I had not too much time so i just
wanted to update svn for merge tracking support without touching the
rest of the installation. Then after everything started going wrong i
didn't want to add another unknown element to the game.If i get some
more spare time i'll try it.

- this is an upgrade i did many times before. Upgrading svn and python
bindings, one minute of work total and should have worked out of the
box also this time if it weren't for those dll's mismatch.

- i checked as i did all times to install the correct bindings for the
installed env, resulting in Subversion 1.5.3, apache 2.0.63,
mod_python-3.3.1.win32-py2.5-Apache2.0, svn-python-1.5.3.win32-py2.5.
The bindigns were downloaded from Subversion site, apache 2.0 folder.

- result, the combination won't work because apache 2.0.63 still has
an old version of ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll into its bin directory
respect to those of svn and python bindings, and in the apache service
search path this directory has precedence to anything you may have
specified in PATH env variable. Infact importing svn from the command
line was working as a charm. It was a problem exclusive to apache.

- the svn modules are loaded from "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin"
but this is of no relief, again see previous point.

- i don't like copying around dlls exactly for this reason. After some
time you loose track of those old dlls hanging around and sooner or
later they will bite you back, but this time i had no other way to
have back track working again with apache than copyng the svn ones
into apache bin dir

- while trying to understand the problem i also tried a complete
cleanup, uninstalling everything, scanning the system for any apr or
leay dll's hanging around then reinstalling everything. No luck. The
only solution was to copy leay dll's after complete reinstallation.

I don't know who is the culprit of this problem, but it looks either
that apache people, while upgrading apr dlls, they match with those in
svn, forgot to upgrade  leay dlls too or the cup of coffee i drank
before starting installation was sweetened with something other than
sugar ;)

Best regards to eveybody,

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[Trac] Re: Unsupported version control system "svn": DLL load failed with error code 182

2008-10-24 Thread osimons

On 24 Okt, 20:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Oct 24, 6:36 am, "Stephen Moretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > 2008/10/24 garu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> also:
> "Windows binaries - ATTENTION!: The mod_dav_svn binaries available
> here are NOT compatible with Apache 2.2 -- see the Windows Apache
> 2.2.x folder."
> if you are using that.

I upgraded as well recently, much a similar situation. I remember
having to hunt a bit in the Subversion downloads directories to find
one that worked. The first 'obvious' download choice they point at was
not the one I ended up using. I don't remember the details, or have a
clue what may have changed in those downloads since.

Also, a tip to those constantly copying modules and dlls to get this
working: The easy solution is to point apache to your subversion
directory - when modules are loaded from there, svn already has what
it needs around it. It also saves having to rememember what to copy
and why on upgrades and so on.

# Subversion modules (apache config)
LoadModule dav_svn_module "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin
LoadModule authz_svn_module "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin



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[Trac] Re: Unsupported version control system "svn": DLL load failed with error code 182

2008-10-24 Thread yoheeb

On Oct 24, 6:36 am, "Stephen Moretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2008/10/24 garu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Since i broke my head to understand what was going on, i wish to share
> > this info in the hope that it may help someone to avoid the loss of
> > time i had.
> > If you install any version of svn and related python bindings after
> > version 1.5.0 with apache 2.0 on Windows (up to the latest released
> > 2.0.63) you won't be able to access any longer svn repositories from
> > trac and you'll get the infamous "Unsupported version control system
> > "svn": DLL load failed with error code 182" message.
> > The problem is that apache 2.0 is shipping an old version of
> > ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll that are no longer compatible with
> > latest svn dlls (the same released with python bindings).
> > No matter how do you fiddle with PATH env or PythonPath declaration,
> > Apache2 /bin dll's will always be loaded first, so the only options
> > you have is to remove them from the Apache2 /bin so that those in
> > Subversion/bin are loaded instead (Subversion/bin must be on the path)
> > or substituting those in Apache2 /bin with those copied from
> > Subversion/bin.
> > I don't know exactly when this happened, i migrated from svn 1.4.6 to
> > 1.5.3, then i tested also 1.5.1 that i downloaded some time ago with
> > same results, so i can assure that the problem exist at least after
> > 1.5.0 and with Apache 2.0.61 and 2.0.63, but it could exist also in
> > any intermediate version after 1.4.6.
> What about upgrading Apache to 2.2?  Does this have the correct dlls in it?
> BTW - Thanks for the info - I was about to embark on this route myself.
> Regards
> Stephen

the subversion 1.5X release states that the apache 2.2.9+ is required
for the bindings if using apache 2.2
if sticking with 2.0 then 2.0.63 or higher is required within the
2.0.x series - I would check this first.

"Windows binaries - ATTENTION!: The mod_dav_svn binaries available
here are NOT compatible with Apache 2.2 -- see the Windows Apache
2.2.x folder."
if you are using that.

That said, when I "uninstalled" the python subversion 1.4 bindings
when I did upgrade, I ended up having a copy of the dll's you
mentioned laying around.  I ended up finding this out by using the
python commandline and importing svn, which worked fined.

I then started from svn import core commands, eventually getting an
error pop-up dialog on what dll was not working.  I then searched my
system for all instances of that dll, removing those dll's, I then
took the zip version of the bindings and copied those dll's into the
site-lib directory. since it happened that when I did my upgrade,
the .exe windows installer had the wrong version of those particular
dll's.  They sound like the ones you are mentioning.  There were 2
others, 4 in total I think.

For some reason, when I upgraded, I HAD to go to apache 2.2 for some
reason, i forget what it was, maybe it was the dav component, I forget
exactly why, but I went to subversion 1.5 and apache 2.2 at the same
time, and had your pain with the bindings.  I thought I detailed it
somewhere in the forum here.

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[Trac] Re: Unsupported version control system "svn": DLL load failed with error code 182

2008-10-24 Thread Stephen Moretti
2008/10/24 garu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since i broke my head to understand what was going on, i wish to share
> this info in the hope that it may help someone to avoid the loss of
> time i had.
> If you install any version of svn and related python bindings after
> version 1.5.0 with apache 2.0 on Windows (up to the latest released
> 2.0.63) you won't be able to access any longer svn repositories from
> trac and you'll get the infamous "Unsupported version control system
> "svn": DLL load failed with error code 182" message.
> The problem is that apache 2.0 is shipping an old version of
> ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll that are no longer compatible with
> latest svn dlls (the same released with python bindings).
> No matter how do you fiddle with PATH env or PythonPath declaration,
> Apache2 /bin dll's will always be loaded first, so the only options
> you have is to remove them from the Apache2 /bin so that those in
> Subversion/bin are loaded instead (Subversion/bin must be on the path)
> or substituting those in Apache2 /bin with those copied from
> Subversion/bin.
> I don't know exactly when this happened, i migrated from svn 1.4.6 to
> 1.5.3, then i tested also 1.5.1 that i downloaded some time ago with
> same results, so i can assure that the problem exist at least after
> 1.5.0 and with Apache 2.0.61 and 2.0.63, but it could exist also in
> any intermediate version after 1.4.6.

What about upgrading Apache to 2.2?  Does this have the correct dlls in it?

BTW - Thanks for the info - I was about to embark on this route myself.



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