O Xoves 22 Xaneiro 2009 18:13, Samuel Murray (Groenkloof) escribiu:
> > Another thing is that in a good glossary doesn't appear words. A good
> > glossary has only concepts as entries, and several entries could have
> > the same word (because words could have several meanings).
> That is fine, from an academic point of view, but the fact is that a
> glossary function must have the ability to recognise items from the
> source text that are in the glossary.  No program can recognise
> concepts.  Only words can be matched.  Therefore, glossaries must be
> word based.

Both tm and glossaries usefull for me because:
a) They makes me translate faster
b) They help me using the same target text for the same source text. 
(Corollary: they help keeping a consistent style)
c) They help me to use standard wording, particularly the glossary.

By language standardization I mean reduction of polysemy/synonymy, that is do 
not use a the same word/expresion to refer to several meanings, and also, do 
not use several words/expresions to refer to a single meaning.

So, my vote goes to a glossary with "meaning" as the "primary key" concept, 
and languages, translations, subbordinated to meaning.

That still gives the chance to lookup words !!, given that a proper 
configuration is set (source and target languages), and that glossary 
contains the pair source<-=meaning=->target.
Sure, if the glossary contains several entries with <source word>, each for a  
different meaning (obviously), then several <target word> can be suggested, 
each for it's meaning, if the glossary contains a translation for that 
meaning, of course.

Best regards,

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