Re: [Trisquel-users] Sound for battery charged/decharged

2012-04-11 Thread matsetes
I'm not good at all with programming, I've tried to insert the code you  
posted. The first one. Now I'm trying to control it...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install Trisquel 5.5 RC?

2012-04-11 Thread johnabbott

If I don't use wireless LAN, am I missing anything if I use the RC?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Sound for battery charged/decharged

2012-04-11 Thread magicbanana
You need to copy/paste it in a file (using a text editor such as GEdit) and  
make this file executable. This latter part can be done via the file browser  
(accessing the permissions through the properties of the file) but that  
is easier to explain it with a command line:

$ chmod +x PATH_TO_FILE
You obviously need to replace PATH_TO_FILE by the path to the file. For  
instance, if the code was copied into a file is named that is in a  
bin directory of your home folder; then PATH_TO_FILE is ~/bin/  
(although you can simply use the so-called relative path bin/ since  
you are in ~ when the terminal has just been opened). Then, executing the  
file is simply writing its path.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware that works with Trisquel and Ryzom

2012-04-11 Thread gymnarchusniloticus
Your best option would be an integrated graphics from Intel. I'd wait for the  
Ivy Bridge release in the end of the month to get the new Intel HD 4000  
graphics in the i5 3570k, which is planned to sell for around 200usd. Some  
confirmation that HD 4000 would work with free software would be nice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware that works with Trisquel and Ryzom

2012-04-11 Thread chris
We have wanted to sell a desktop graphics card for a long time. The problem  
is none of them work sufficiently with free software. We actually did a bunch  
of testing on some of the older graphics cards. Long story short- don't  
bother. You can probably replace your motherboard and get an acceptable /  
better supported 3d accelerated graphics for less. We are still looking into  
one chipset that is virtually unheard of that has GPL drivers. What we don't  
know at the moment is if the chipset has a free or closed firmware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware that works with Trisquel and Ryzom

2012-04-11 Thread chris
I just made a follow up call on the company we are talking with and with any  
luck I'll have more information on this issue shortly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install Trisquel 5.5 RC?

2012-04-11 Thread chris


Re: [Trisquel-users] Hardware that works with Trisquel and Ryzom

2012-04-11 Thread chris
The news isn't sounding good for a few reasons. One being cost. My estimate  
on the cost is probably going to kill it. Not to mention there would be quite  
a bit of work involved.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread alonivtsan

You need to install the build-essential package.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread layke . spencer
Oh, thanks. I'm used to make being pre-loaded like gcc. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread chris
:) You got me. I don't do a whole lot of coding these days and have always  
needed to install the whole thing.

[Trisquel-users] Re : No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread magicbanana
build-essential is for building Debian (and derivatives) packages. To  
'make', well... you only need the make package, which is a dependency of  

As for the rest of you post, which is is far more important/interesting that  
this technical point, I entirely agree. :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fund raising: non-profit to setup privacy enhancing ISP mobile phone service

2012-04-11 Thread jason
With the current efforts to remove privacy from the internet, mandatory data  
retention, ever greater copyright enforcement, mandating that people be  
disconnected from the internet, etc. even a privacy-respecting ISP and/or  
mobile phone carrier will still find itself subject to the laws of whatever  
jurisdiction that it operates in. Even if those laws are unjust it would  
still need to abide by them.

It seems like the better thing to do is focus on decentralizing the internet  
to avoid these type of matters rather than creating another ISP and/or mobile  
phone carrier.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fund raising: non-profit to setup privacy enhancing ISP mobile phone service

2012-04-11 Thread chris
You should probably read the summary of what they are doing. It sounds to me  
like they are merely developing the tools and making them easy to implement.  
A privacy respecting ISP doesn't mean one that doesn't comply with the laws.  
For instance many ISPs abuse users trust/privacy.

For instance the ISPs here redirect users non-existent DNS requests to an add  
based search engine. This deviates from the standard.

Other examples for instance are data retention. The US has no data retention  
law at the moment although every ISP logs IP/Billing information. While  
service providers have to release that information they can only be required  
to release what they retain. An ISP could simply not log IP/Billing  
information, an email service provider does not have to log this either, nor  
a forum, or other Internet service.

While this doesn't get around the snooping by the NSA in regards to wire taps  
the ISP is trying to thwart mass illegal surveillance of its customers. They  
describe VPN and similar services which might due this to an extent or make  
it harder. Still- this might also imply they are working on freedombox or a  
similar device. Maybe they would distribute this device as part of the modem  
given to customers and/or router.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No make command?

2012-04-11 Thread alonivtsan
Magic Banana, if you just need the make command to show up then of course it  
is sufficient to install the make package. However in order to actually make  
packages, you will probably also need the build-essential package, as it  
includes C header files and development libraries (libc6-dev) and a C++  
compiler (g++). Even Ubuntu 's documentation says you need build-essential to  
make packages:
Step 1: Prep your system for building packages
By default, Ubuntu does not come with the tools required. You need to install  
the package build-essential for making the package and checkinstall for  
putting it into your package manager.