Re: [Trisquel-users] Playing video freezes my netbook!

2013-09-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki
The first 2 seem interesting. Check their values as you change brightness.  
They probably change between 0 and 255.

You can try editing those files as super user. (Weird thing might happen if  
you should input a value outside of the range.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Nonfree Javascript

2013-09-02 Thread virx61


Facebook and Twitter are relics of my pre-free-software social networks.  
After discovering that they have some pretty dubious Javascript running on  
every page, I've enabled NoScript and that forces them to serve me JS-free  
pages, which are actually a bit cleaner and easier to use.

Thanks for the Twitter link. As far as I knew I couldn't get to the JS-free  
Twitter site without blocking JavaScript outright: their mobile page uses  
some JS. I think Facebook does, too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Playing video freezes my netbook!

2013-09-02 Thread janeandreas
The first one for the NVIDIA starts at 0 at the lowest backlight level and  
increments by 2 with each press of the brightness-up key. The highest it goes  
is 10. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Playing video freezes my netbook!

2013-09-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Look at the first 2 for intel.

[Trisquel-users] Research and Reference Codes plus an example of good presentation

2013-09-02 Thread trisquel
YT download script written in Perl that can run on any GNU/Linux, Mac OSx,  
OpenBSD, FreeBSD, or other OS supporting perl.

More research and reference links:

Trisquel reference page coming soon...
Do good things!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Research and Reference Codes plus an example of good presentation

2013-09-02 Thread trisquel
Sorry for the extra / on that first link, but everyone should be creative  
with their 404 redirects. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Research and Reference Codes plus an example of good presentation

2013-09-02 Thread holger . beetz

Just for curiosity:
And what is the benefit over youtube-dl ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Research and Reference Codes plus an example of good presentation

2013-09-02 Thread holger . beetz
Also the script does not support direct download of Youtube playlists and I  
can not find anything mentioned about channels.

I do not want to sound disruptive but I fail to see true benefits in using  
this script. Python is as transparent as Perl and most GNU / Linux today have  
both interpreters installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-09-02 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Save the script.
Open terminal window and go to the directory you saved the script in with the  
cd command.

You can run it with sh command:
sh script_name

For general purposes it is better to make the script executable:
chmod +x script_name
And then run it with:

[Trisquel-users] Trouble testing Trisquel in VirtualBox

2013-09-02 Thread deschryver . philippe92


I'm a new GNU/Linux user who, for the past few days, has been testing several  
different distro's in VirtualBox. One of these is Trisquel, but I have  
unfortunately been unable to get this one working.

This is the exact error message:

I am using standard VM settings, with the exception of larger video memory  
(128MB). Looking around, I was unable to find someone with the same error.  
The hard drive image I'm using is a pristine .vdi file.

I am using 64-bit Trisquel Mini.

Any settings or information you should require I can provide if asked.

[Trisquel-users] how to change locale in trisquel-mini 6.0?

2013-09-02 Thread nuccigiorgio
Guys, does someone know how to have two different variables in my locale in  
different languages? I need LC_MONETARY=en_IE.UTF8 and LANG=it_IT.UTF8. I  
have tried:

sudo su
cat  /etc/environment

cat  /etc/default

Then I ran

locale-gen --purge

But I still get all the variables in it_IT.UTF8

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to change locale in trisquel-mini 6.0?

2013-09-02 Thread nuccigiorgio
Oh, I also tried gnome-language-selector (with and without system-wide), but  
every time I restarted, I got the same result.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-09-02 Thread christian

Seems to have gotten it.  Thank you very much!

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to change locale in trisquel-mini 6.0?

2013-09-02 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Use UTF-8 instead of UTF8.

[Trisquel-users] Search engines like Blekko miss the point

2013-09-02 Thread tegskywalker
For some reason I saw a link for Blekko, a search engine that I remember  
trying back in the day so I did some research into it. Its another one of  
those San Francisco startups that is trying to compete in the search engine  
field against Google and in my opinion, is doing it all wrong. This is from  
their About page:

Blekko's proprietary technology operates on a unique system that intersects  
our own original search index, Dynamic Inference Graph (DIG) algorithm, and  
editorial evaluation. Using the text from the Web stored in our datacenter,  
we distill the text and links down to a small semantic database, and use that  
database to map queries to a large list of editorially-crafted slashtag  

I often disagree with the push for Affero GPL licenses, but I really think  
that a search engine licensed under the AGPLv3 would really benefit the  
users. There's so many of these niche search engines trying to fight against  
Google (which has like 90% of the market) and they all seem to use outdated  
business models by going after angel investors, employing a lot of people in  
an expensive office, and keeping their code proprietary.

I'm also not talking about a YaCy style search engine either but something  
simple like what Startpage and DuckDuckGo are doing. Both of those keep their  
source code locked up and while they are private in comparison to Google, I  
bet many free software advocates express caution on what is really going on  
behind the scenes.

If the code is open and users can contribute to make a search engine for the  
people, what is the harm in that? The search engine could still make money by  
running ads and if someone wants to fork the code, improve upon it, and throw  
it up on another domain, then go for it. Competition encourages growth.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trouble testing Trisquel in VirtualBox

2013-09-02 Thread Sachin Dey

On Monday 02 September 2013 08:02 PM, wrote:


I'm a new GNU/Linux user who, for the past few days, has been testing
several different distro's in VirtualBox. One of these is Trisquel, but
I have unfortunately been unable to get this one working.

This is the exact error message:

I am using standard VM settings, with the exception of larger video
memory (128MB). Looking around, I was unable to find someone with the
same error. The hard drive image I'm using is a pristine .vdi file.

I am using 64-bit Trisquel Mini.

Any settings or information you should require I can provide if asked.

Did you check the md5sum or sha-sum of the iso file before burning it to 

Sachin Dey

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to change locale in trisquel-mini 6.0?

2013-09-02 Thread nuccigiorgio

Thanks! I did:

sudo su
sed -i 's#UTF8#UTF-8#g' /etc/environment
sed -i 's#UTF8#UTF-8#g' /etc/default/locale
locale-gen --purge

I got a warning (I think that I also missed to post the last line in  
/etc/default/locale in the first message):
*** update-locale: Warning: LANGUAGE (it_IT:en_GB:en) is not compatible  
with LC_MESSAGES (en_IE.UTF-8). Disabling it.

and it works as root, but when I go to my own account and type locale, I keep  
getting all variables as it_IT.UTF-8.

I know that I had fixed this in my previous installation of Trisquel, but I  
can't remember how I did it! I am using LXDM, if that is useful information.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Playing video freezes my netbook!

2013-09-02 Thread janeandreas
The second file for the NVIDIA gpu seemed to stay at 255 no matter what the  
current brightness level was .

The first file for the Intel IGD stays at 250 no matter the brightness level.

The second Intel number increments from 0 to 10 going by 2 for every press of  
the brightness key. The max it goes to is 10. 

[Trisquel-users] A/V lag

2013-09-02 Thread cmhobbs
When I view a video in most any application (totem, parole, mplayer, vlc,  
minitube), the video and audio are terribly out of sync.  The video generally  
will start to stutter as well.  I've noticed that zsnes suffers from the same  

Could this be indicative of hardware issues or is there something I can tweak  
in software to handle this?  I'm running Trisquel on an Eee PC (X101CH).

[Trisquel-users] Can't get Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC to work

2013-09-02 Thread stask


I apologize for the length of this post.

I have been trying to figure out why my wifi card will not work (it  
apparently should, and it almost does).

Hopefully someone may know whether something is simply misconfigured or maybe  
knows for a fact that there are issues that cannot be addressed at this time  
given the age of my computer and wifi card.

I have an IBM ThinkPad x60s with the internal Lenovo Atheros card listed  

Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC
IBM ThinkPad 11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini Express Adapter (AR5BXB6)

I also am using (hopefully temporarily) an Etekcity USB wifi which uses  
RTL8187. This wifi works just fine. A little slow at times but it works. No  
issues at all but I'd rather use my internal card if possible as there is  
nothing to attach and carry around and so on. The Etekcity uses a cord and  
antenna, etc.

At times I have included some information below from the Etekcity USB output  
so as to compare it with the internal Atheros card.

My router is a dd-wrt router purchased from ThinkPenguin which I've had for a  
few months and it seems to work just fine. Many other devices, computers,  
phones, etc. connect without issue.

In a nutshell, I've found the Atheros card to be ok in my computer, no  
problems there apparently, the drivers are there, it connects, sort of, to my  
wireless router, sees SSIDs, however there is something about DHCP that is  
not quite right.

I tried installing Trisquel 6 using text-based install and the Atheros card  
was found and tried to connect but failed with a message that there was no  
DHCP or a strange version of DHCP or something like that. I gave up and  
installed using the Etekcity USB connection which is probably why that became  

After Trisquel was installed I tried Network Manager every which way, then  
removed it and installed wicd. When wicd was installed, and selecting none  
in one of the preferences (don't remember which one, it was at the top), a  
connection was established between the Atheros card and my router and showed  
in the menu bar, but a web page would not load. I could ping at the terminal  
but there was a 34% packet loss when usually I have none. Something wasn't  

Giving up on wicd, I tried using wpa_supplicant directly and with its GUI. I  
couldn't get it set up as more files were needed to be configured and I was  
burned out. This is all new to me. A lot to learn. I removed wicd and  
reinstalled Network Manager. (I also briefly tried out an old tutorial that  
uses all command lines to connect and disconnect, but many of the commands no  
longer worked apparently.)

Once installed, Network Manager needed to be stopped in order to run  
wpa_supplicant by itself. Apparently you can use wpa_supplicant by itself but  
Network Manager must be stopped and other settings/files must be available to  
wpa_supplicant for it to work. I never got that far with the extra config  

It seems there is a conflict in Network Manager, or between it and other  
programs it relies on, but only with certain devices of course, like my  
internal card; my usb wifi works fine. So does an ethernet cable.

Not sure of the extent of the mess I made in changing files, bumbling around,  
and adding and removing programs, I re-installed Trisquel fresh. Then added  
the Libre kernel shown a few lines down from here. I haven't altered much  
since then. Am starting over so to speak.

Output follows below along with my notes when I had something to add...

 NOTE: It doesn't seem to matter whether I use the standard Trisquel  
kernel or the Libre one below, same results with both ***


gnu@t6:~$ uname -a
Linux t6 3.4.60-gnu1 #1 SMP Fri Aug 30 04:28:46 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386  


gnu@t6:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release



gnu@t6:~$ lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net

02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82573L Gigabit Ethernet  
Controller [8086:109a]

Subsystem: Lenovo ThinkPad X60s [17aa:207e]
Kernel driver in use: e1000e
03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC  
[168c:1014] (rev 01)
	Subsystem: IBM ThinkPad 11a/b/g Wireless LAN Mini Express Adapter (AR5BXB6)  

Kernel driver in use: ath5k


gnu@t6:~$ sudo ifconfig

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:d3:2b:3e:XX
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
  Interrupt:16 Memory:ee00-ee02

loLink encap:Local 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC to work

2013-09-02 Thread jason
Out of curiosity are other devices connected to the WiFi base station when  
this is happening? I'd like to know what happens if there are no other  
devices connected (reboot the router for good measure as well) and then try  
with only the laptop using the base station.

Also, what is the make  model of this base station and does it have the  
latest firmware revision?

Re: [Trisquel-users] A/V lag

2013-09-02 Thread jason
It's a good indicator that your computer isn't able to process this in real  
time. That could be due to a lack of hardware accelerated graphics, meaning  
the heavy lifting is pushed onto the CPU which can't keep up. Try other  
formats. Try low-res versions. I've had some success with resizing the video  
in VLC (using the Zoom function) to Half or Quarter size.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC to work

2013-09-02 Thread stask

Thanks, I hadn't thought of that!

There are all sorts of things attached to the router.

Funny though why the other devices, even on the x60s work via that router  
without incident. I will clean it out and see.

The router is a TP-Link TL-WR741ND v4 with the most recent firmware that will  
work with it (as of a couple of months ago.) DD-WRT v24-sp2 (07/20/12) std  
(SVN revision 19519) There are newer versions but not recommended for this least as of a couple of months ago.

Tried your idea. Unplugged everything except the cable modem and rebooted.

Didn't make any difference, dmesg had the same deauthentication by local  
choice reason 3.

Did anything else look or seem strange?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC to work

2013-09-02 Thread jason

 Unplugged everything

I was wondering more about other devices connected via WiFi. After unplugging  
physical connections was anything connected via WiFi? I had similiar problem  
with a router in which mine would only work if it was the only device  
connected to the WiFi.

Trying a newer kernel can't hurt. Version 3.11 will be in my repository  
soon-ish which would be good to try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Qualcomm Atheros AR5212 802.11abg NIC to work

2013-09-02 Thread chris
The older Atheros G wireless mini pcie chipsets don't work terribly well...  
They should sort of work from my experience although there are things which  
won't work well or at all like power management, etc. That said I'm not sure  
this is the problem your having. Did you swap the wireless card out for  
another or was this the original? Even the older IBM laptops had digital  
restrictions so you might not be able to swap it for another (easily or  
possibly at all). If you unlocked the BIOS and you can install another  
wireless card I'd suggest trying an 802.11N Atheros card. We actually have  
them even in the old mini PCI card format (gasp! I know) in addition to the  
newer Mini PCIe and half height cards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-09-02 Thread Quiliro Ordóñez

Hash: SHA1

El 01/09/13 11:55, escribió:
 Of course this is correct and I never said something different.
 GNU *is* an operating system, and many people are using the GNU
operating system, no problem here.
 But the GNU operating system is not complete; people don't use _only_
the GNU operating system because it doesn't work.

The GNU operating system works. Linux-libre is now a part of GNU.

- -- 
Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en co-gobierno con los socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE

Recuerda que todas tus comunicaciones están siendo vigiladas. Lo que
puedes hacer para restar su eficacia es eliminar el software privativo
de tus computadores, evitar el software como servicio, almacenar tus
datos en tus propios equipos y encriptar todas tus comunicaciones.

Toda la información contenida en este mensaje es libre de uso y
distribución con o sin modificaciones y todo correo que reciba implica
que el remitente acepta que tendrá las mismas libertades sin importar
cualquier clausula de confidencialidad o restricción anterior o posterior.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU-Linux on Wikipedia

2013-09-02 Thread Quiliro Ordóñez

Hash: SHA1

El 01/09/13 17:46, escribió:
 FreeBSD 10 will be their first release that has all the GNU components 
 removed. One big one is the
push for Clang and LLVM instead of GCC due to newer versions of GCC
using GPLv3 and BSD sticking with the older GPLv2 licensed version
because they don't like GPLv3.

 If this happens to distributions like Debian that replace most of
their GNU components, then what do you call it then? Can't use GNU/Linux.

It would be the time to fight back and replace all software that would
not become GPLv3. This would kill all biggots.

- -- 
Saludos libres,

Quiliro Ordóñez
Presidente (en co-gobierno con los socios)
Asociación de Software Libre del Ecuador - ASLE

Recuerda que todas tus comunicaciones están siendo vigiladas. Lo que
puedes hacer para restar su eficacia es eliminar el software privativo
de tus computadores, evitar el software como servicio, almacenar tus
datos en tus propios equipos y encriptar todas tus comunicaciones.

Toda la información contenida en este mensaje es libre de uso y
distribución con o sin modificaciones y todo correo que reciba implica
que el remitente acepta que tendrá las mismas libertades sin importar
cualquier clausula de confidencialidad o restricción anterior o posterior.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
