Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-16 Thread mikko . viinamaki

The dream distro for me would be 100% kosher Slackware.

Dragora probably gets closest

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-16 Thread nux

Oh. my. goodness.
Squeals in delight.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Unsafe ISO-file signatures

2013-09-16 Thread mampir
There is detached GnuPG signature for the sums file:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-16 Thread shiretoko
The thing that confused me was that Wheezy works perfectly on the same  

As far as I know, gnewsense 3.0 is based on squeeze and not on wheezy;
This might be the explanation.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel processor microcode security update for Trisquel

2013-09-16 Thread shiretoko
There's a difference between recommending non-free software and providing  
the possibility to install it, and perhaps this could solve the whole  
Imagine a user who doesn't know much about the problems with proprietary  
He installs Debian, but on his pc is a wireless card which needs non-free  
If the installer clearly points out the problems with non-free software and  
possible solutions (floss friendly wireless card from tp etc.) but provides  
the possibility to install it anyway, the new user makes a positive  
experience with his new almost free system. Don't push him away when he  
doesn't quite understand the reasons.
Very likely he will think about the problems the installer told him about and  
really replace his wireless card some months ago.
Result: a person uses his pc in freedom, a new member for the free software  

The other possibility is not to provide the firmware because it's unethical.
Result: new users won't understand, become frustrated and go back to windows.  
The OS developers stayed pure and holy, they remain ethical.

The only way of getting the ideas of free software in people's minds is the  
first one.
And we *need* more support, like chris pointed out, if we want to build a  
pure computer one day for an acceptable price.

The only thing I can blame debian for is the lack of information they give to  
the users;
they really should teach them when proprietary software might be installed  
everytime and teach them about the problems; they should not recommend it,  
but the possibility to do so should remain.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unsafe ISO-file signatures

2013-09-16 Thread trisquel
It more and more appears to me like security is not og high priority in the  
distribution. I see a lot of bugreports regarding privacy and security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unsafe ISO-file signatures

2013-09-16 Thread Andrew R .
 It more and more appears to me like security is not og high priority 
 in the distribution. I see a lot of bugreports regarding privacy and 

Privacy and security are a priority for Trisquel. However, lack of
development resources can make this difficult. Some package helpers
(e.g. Abrowser) need updating when new packages are released.

I plan on working on the Abrowser package helper in two weeks time when
I get a week off. Yes, you can hold that against me if I don't end up
doing it. ;-)

I think the increase of privacy/security bug reports might also relate
to the recent NSA disclosures a little bit.

Extra developer resources wouldn't go astray. If you can help at all,
please do.

PS. I'm not a Trisquel developer, or represent Trisquel in any way.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Which media players can play 10-bit H264 videos and Bluray rips smoothly?

2013-09-16 Thread 438963


Re: [Trisquel-users] Which media players can play 10-bit H264 videos and Bluray rips smoothly?

2013-09-16 Thread 438963
I was referring to software, such as VLC media player or Totem. But if you  
have suggestions about hardware, I would like to know about them too. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-16 Thread nux
It would appear, after having tried every distro on the FSF list, other than  
BLAG, which is all but dead as a project, that Trisquel is the best looking  
and easiest to configure. With Cinnamon running instead of Gnome3 it's  
positively delightful.

[Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-16 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
I use an old SAGEM which has no GPS.
So, I ask myself a question, is that the cell phone can it be traced?
Can anyone tell me if this is possible?


Pascal Diogo Antunes.
On dit qu'il y a trois millions de personnes qui veulent du travail.
C'est pas vrai, de l'argent leur suffirait.- Coluche.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-16 Thread shiretoko

As far as I know, a cellphone can be tracked without GPS.
I don't have many details, but the basic principle is that two different  
towers of the mobile phone company receive your normal signal  from different  
With this, you can easily get your position by constructing a triangle. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-16 Thread gramex

With this, you can easily get your position by constructing a triangle.
It's called Triangulation.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fundraising campaign: Privacy Friendly Mail (TLS/OpenGPG/etc) Software

2013-09-16 Thread mve1
A healthy dose of skepticism is good, but when taken to the extreme I believe  
it's counterproductive. Also, I think a lot of this speculation takes on a  
very simplistic view of the world. Things are a lot more messy and chaotic  
than that, in my opinion.

Regarding Wikileaks, I cannot possibly see how this saga can have played in  
the favor of the USG. Quite on the contrary, from what I see. Wikileaks, and  
now Snowden have weakened the strategical dominance of Empire. It should be  
quite obvious based exclusively on how the USG has behaved in relation to  
them. Panicked stupid authoritarianism; the result of weakening hegemonic  
dominance. In my opinion.

On the bright side, if you are right Fernando, and all of these things are  
really conspiracies, it seems we don't need to do much to fight the struggle;  
just let them keep on doing the good work of self-implosion. I don't think so  
though, and I think that credit should be given where credit is deserved. I  
do respect Wikileaks.

I prefer to look at world events in terms of power dynamics and a lot of what  
seem to be conspiracies are rather alignments of interests and misalignment  
of interests within powerful players and not necessarily plots executed to  
precision from the meeting rooms of secret societies.

Powerful people and organizations surely must try to conspire, but there are  
too many power struggles and too many variables to look at it from a  
simplistic puppet/puppeteer perspective.

Also, believing everything is the result of conspiracies gives too much  
credit to the conspirators. The fact that people conspire does not translate  
to the fact that they are successful in their conspiracies.

Particularly, reaching conclusions based on logos or secret symbols is a bit  
much, in my opinion, especially in the 21st century. As someone else has  
already mentioned, why go through the trouble of making Freedom Box to trick  
people? And if so, why use logos that would reveal the true wicked  
intentions? It is a bit like thinking that spies should look like spies. The  
whole point of it would seem to fall apart if that were the case. Don't you  
think? It seems a bit out there to think a group of people are smart and  
capable enough to control the world, and then careless enough to leave us  
bread crumbs to follow their trail.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-16 Thread davidvargas1
The best phones are satellite phones, depending on the region/hemisphere you  
live they are hard to triangulate. depending on the foot print of the  
satellite coverage and region. but they are a bit expensive, Lately their  
nothing that big brother has not cypher.

 For example: Thuraya phones, they come in various models, some models could  
use them with dual Sim cards. including an adaptor to use your famous IPHONE.

Considering that you are buying a sat phone, do your home work diligently  
always check the foot print of the satellite network.

IRIDIUM phones are usable world wide, but Thuraya is not. If you purchase a  
sat phone buy one outside the USA. I bought my thuraya in dubai UAE. I found  
out, some of the features on that specific model are not available in the USA  
model bacause governement regulations. For example: Able to disable the GPS  
IN COMMAND and P2P conversations, unlimited text messages.

 Later on time I bought one IRIDIUM, SEA FARER phone in Kuwait, was the best  
investment, gorgeous, robust, water proof phone, included p2p PHONE FOR FREE  
via encryption, as long the other party was in the same network.

Good luck

[Trisquel-users] Re : Error with apt - Installing Packages

2013-09-16 Thread magicbanana

I would try that in a terminal:
$ wget
$ sudo apt-key add trisquel-archive-signkey.gpg
$ sudo apt-get update

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS Talk From LibrePlanet

2013-09-16 Thread stask
Excellent video. Wish I would have seen this earlier. On the other hand, what  
a confirmation of what I was thinking anyway on creating a 100% free hardware  
computer. Wow. Thanks for posting it. Made my day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel v gNewSense

2013-09-16 Thread lddimov

When you say
Trisquel doesn't include non-free software although only runs on  
architectures where there is some non-free microcode

is the non-free microcode referring to the BIOS?

Re: [Trisquel-users] A phone without GPS

2013-09-16 Thread Sachin Dey

Not just triangulation.
Isn't doppler effect also valid in signals!