Re: [Trisquel-users] How can I remove icons from the task bar?

2013-11-01 Thread ali

Super+Alt+Right-Click on them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How can I remove icons from the task bar?

2013-11-01 Thread mikko . viinamaki

That's called panel.

[Trisquel-users] Meet Free Software supporters in Sofia

2013-11-01 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu


I am a Free software activist and developer and founder of a Romanian 
foundation for Free Software and Free Culture. Also, I am (and my 
foundation is) a Trisquel user.

I just arrived in Sofia for a big conference called OpenFest and I am 
leaving back to Bucharest on Monday evening.

I would very much like to meet Bulgarian Free Software supporters (I 
meet a lot of "Open Source" guys here anyway). If you see this message 
and you are living in Sofia, please drop me a private e-mail so we can 
meet. I also have a local phone number I can send you to ease our 

Today and on Monday I am staying in the hackerspace called InitLab. This 
evening I will be at Don Domat (Veslets & Triaditsa str.) for a Mozilla 
meet-up. Tomorrow and on Sunday I'll be at the conference.

On Sunday I will give the first talk about Firefox OS - how does it 
work, what proprietary software is included and how we can work to 
replace it. The second talk will be about the Romanian foundation called 
Fundația Ceata and its vision for Romania and Moldova.

Hope to hear from you,

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread franparpe
Let me see if I understand; The neo900 is not more freedom friendly that the  
"neofreerunner" because the wifi, GSM modem are not avaliable if you do not  
use  proprietary software, so the freerunner is still the most freedom  
friendly smartphone in existence.

Am I correct?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Wallpapers

2013-11-01 Thread i430614
so the best license for trisquel artworks/wallpapers seems to be CC BY SA 3.0
but what about the .deb packages itself is it okey tu publish it under the  

The source code of a picture is the RAW-file or the unedited jpg-file so it  
could also be theoretically published under GPL?

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Wallpapers

2013-11-01 Thread i430614

why? there are a lot of GPL software-pieces in trisquel now!

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Wallpapers

2013-11-01 Thread mikko . viinamaki

GPL does not restrict commercial activity in any way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread fernando . negro

From the section "funding" of "The Interphone Study" web page:

"The UICC received funds for this purpose from the Mobile Manufacturers Forum  
(MMF) and Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA)."


(You can read the rest of the web page, for the conclusions of such  

The bottom line is...

If you research about this, on the Internet, you'll find both studies (and  
news reports about them) that say there's nothing to worry about, and studies  
that say there is. And, at least this one is known to have been funded by the  
wireless industry. So, as I said, (and, that's what I meant by) "I'll let  
everyone look for, and choose to believe in, the studies they want to"...

Concerning the rest, that you said...

The media organizations that I say that are credible, have proven themselves  
to be so, before me, when I repeatedly *checked* what they were saying, and  
(contrary to the mainstream ones, were that would happen, *a lot*) I didn't  
caught them lying.

I don't necessarily have to agree with /everything/ that a person /believes/  
in, in order to consider him/her credible. And, I'm intelligent enough to be  
able to separate what is clearly a personal opinion being expressed, from the  
facts that are being denounced.

(90% of the people on this planet, even, believe in invisible entities, they  
call "gods" - without any evidence, whatsoever, to suggest that - for  
example. And, I don't reject /everything/ that they say, because of that...)

And, mentioning only two (important) subjects, that you think Mike Adams is  
not credible about, I have this one example - - out of many,  
and also this documentary - - for  
example, made by medical doctors.

The "peer review" system of all the major scientific publications is a joke.  
Because, as with almost everything that is big, it has already been  
corrupted, or was already made corrupt (from the start, by the people with  
money, who created them), by the big economic interests. And, the best  
example of that, is the "Climategate" scandal, on which it was shown that the  
"scientific data" being published by all the major scientific organizations  
was being manipulated, on purpose.  
( +

(Again, it's very important to always *check* the information that others  
choose to deliver us:

As for "The Guardian", and other well-known mainstream publications, that I  
also used to read, they're also controlled by the big economic interests  
(, who have, among  
other things, an interest in the commercialization of this type of products.  
And, many of the supposedly "alternative" media organizations, like  
"Democracy Now!" and such, are also funded by these same interests  

So, as I said... You decide who you want to believe in... Or, better yet...  
Do like I do, and *check* everything (of important) that you're told about.  
And, this way, you'll be able to differentiate the honest publications, from  
the ones who (repeatedly) lie.

Compare what the mainstream publications say to what the alternative media  
says, and make your own judgement. And, notice also the very important fact  
that, the alternative ones usually present their sources, for everyone to  
check what is being said, while the mainstream ones usually don't, and just  
expect everyone to believe them, out of a very naïve faith in them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread fernando . negro
("Don't just trust every binary program that is given to you. Try checking  
their sources codes, once in a while...")

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cisco offering a FLOSS H.264 codec

2013-11-01 Thread onpon4
Sorry, but unless the patents are licensed to everybody, royalty-free, or  
until the patents expire, no free software codec can possibly not violate  
them, and developing a new one just won't help. This new codec is either  
basically proprietary or definitely a patent violation, depending on what you  
download. It's not even legal to obtain that source code if these patents  
exist in your country, so even just checking the source code and trusting  
that the binary is the same would be a patent violation.

There is no solution to software idea patents except abolishing them,  

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread fernando . negro
And, still... Concerning a scientific falsehood, that I mentioned (and that,  
still today, continues to be propagated), this is another good example of a  
group of people who actually *checked* what they were being told, and that  
found it to be untrue - and, also a very good example of how much the  
scientific establishment (in league with the big corporations - that own the  
major media organizations - and their puppet governments) can simply, and  
outrageously, *lie*...

[Trisquel-users] Linterna Mágica chat rooms

2013-11-01 Thread Ivaylo Valkov
Dear Trisquel community,

I've been away from the list/form for a while, because I've been busy
and the list became very high-traffic for me.

Now that I'm back I have news. I know that some (most?) users of
Linterna Mágica read the forum/list, so I hope this announcement is not
I am happy to announce that there are two official chat rooms for
Linterna Mágica in addition to the mailing list (linterna-magica-users
at nongnu dot org). 

IRC: #linternamagica on

There is a bot that relays messages between the rooms - lm-jabber2irc

My nick is Dreamer in, and
thedreamer in #linternamagica.

Hopefully I'll have more news about Linterna Mágica soon.

The rest is still cooking. :)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] What exactly is the installation procedure for installing 32-bit compatibility libraries?

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables
This user has solved his problem by booting 32 bit Trisquel. Our work here is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cisco offering a FLOSS H.264 codec

2013-11-01 Thread jason

Wanted to share

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread dos


Everything running on main CPU will be free (except 3D drivers for GPU - but  
you don't have to use them - distros like SHR or QtMoko work smoothly on  
GTA04 without any closed blob).

Neo900 comes from OpenPhoenux community, which is the continuation of ideas  
behind Openmoko - and even the idea for Neo900 is from one of the  
ex-engineers from Openmoko Inc.

The GSM firmware (something that runs *inside* the modem) won't be open,  
because there is no open GSM modem, anywhere. The closest to being open is TI  
Calypso, but it supports only 56k-modem like GPRS speed, and operating any  
open firmware like OsmocomBB on public networks is illegal (and OsmocomBB is  
very incompete anyway)

If we would want to provide free GSM module, we wouldn't have asked for 25k  
EUR, but rather for something like 2500k EUR. (well, of course we would like  
to provide it - but it's unfortunately impossible given our resources and  
public interest)

Free GSM middleware like should be working well with  
Neo900. Duh, I'm even the one who is commited to ensure that FSO will work  

WiFi firmware may be closed or not. It depends on availability of the  
chipsets. Of course if some acceptable choice with free firmware will be  
available, it will be chosen (but it's still just a firmware - initialisation  
data loaded to the chipset, it doesn't run on CPU)

Neo900 is the modified GTA04, which is an upgrade for Neo Freerunner. Those  
three (well, four, if you count Neo1973 too) are (or will be) the most  
freedom friendly smartphones in the world.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread fernando . negro

It's not hate.

It's, most probably, a disruption tactic - used to try to divert people from  
what is being said, in order to sabotage discussions that are counter to the  
interests of the establishment.

I'm used to this kind of "ad hominem" attacks, provocations, and also unbased  
attempts to discredit me (and, even mysterious deletions of posts of mine)  
whenever I make particularly important revelations...

Don't let yourselves be distracted from something very important, that I said  

"even if you use Replicant on one of them, you most probably can still be  
listened to (...)";

Concerning such entity, who said that...

Inform yourselves about the meaning of his nickname. And, ask yourselves who  
does he come here to do that to. (You all?)

Also, take into account this revelation -  
- and, also this one - - and, knowing  
that, read this:

And, concerning what was said...

I'm immensely in favour of Freedom of Speech. But, "freedom of speech", to  
me, doesn't include personal insults. And, if I was responsible for this  
forum, I would have deleted that and also other post that contain them.

[Trisquel-users] [OT] TPP and free software

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables

This doesn't look good for free software:

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread franparpe

Thanks a lot for the explanation, I needed this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DNS Leak

2013-11-01 Thread dannermax

Nevermind my above post.. i ask too many questions..! :)

But i think i have the wrong version of gufw. My version looks like this:


my version is:9.10.2
But i cannot deny all outgoing traffic by default, only incomming,

In this thread, he must have a newer version, because he have both the  
incomming and outgoing button:

Seems like that feature is missing... So does it even matter, or what can i  
do? If i want a newer version of GUFW i need to install a weezy package, but  
im using squeeze.. what can i do if i want to set it up, just like in the  

Thanks alot for your time guys, and sorry for all the text!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables

I'm the guy who emailed you and inspired this post.

>The closest to being open is TI Calypso, but it supports only
>56k-modem like GPRS speed, and operating any open firmware like
>OsmocomBB on public networks is illegal (and OsmocomBB is very
>incompete anyway)

Really? Why is this illegal? Is this only in the U.S. or internationally?  
That really stinks if free software has been made illegal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread dos
It's not really the matter of free software, it's the matter of trying to  
execute your freedoms that licenses like GPL want to protect.

To use a GSM/UMTS/LTE/etc. baseband device on public network, without special  
permissions, it has to be certified. This certification happens on  
hardware+software combo - so if you change anything in software of your  
certified modem, the certification is automatically revoked and you're not  
allowed to legally use such device on public networks anymore until you get  
it certified again.

It's not US specific, in Europe it's very similar, if not the same.

Even if we could build such modem by ourselves (but most likely we couldn't -  
it's very hard to get it right, much harder than building the whole  
smartphone with ready GSM module), all we could do to make it "free" would be  
to release the sources used to build a blob you would get with the device.  
That's not enough to call it fully, legally free in my book.

Of course there are also some illegal projects - you may want to browse  
Openmoko mailling lists for "FreeCalypso" project, which is illegally using  
leaked sources for Calypso firmware to build free modem that is fully  
functional as a phone (OsmocomBB is not, and they don't even aim at it - it's  
mostly research project)

BTW, you might be interested in this interesting conversation that happened  
few hours ago on #qi-hardware channel:

DocScrutinizer05 is the author of the Neo900 idea - he's that ex-Openmoko  
engineer I mentioned earlier.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-01 Thread gramex
Are you sure Aroania is really free? I don't see the source file anywhere on  
the page.

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables

> It's not really the matter of free software, it's the matter of
> trying to execute your freedoms that licenses like GPL want to
> protect.
That's the definition of "free software", protecting one's freedoms.
> all we could do to make it "free" would be to release the sources
> used to build a blob you would get with the device.
Really? You have no way to write firmware of your own?
> Of course there are also some illegal projects
I may oppose proprietary software, but I won't cross into the realm of crime  
to rid myself of it.

I would really love to donate to free hardware/software projects like this.  
If I could, I'd give you enough to write all the blobs from scratch. But I  
don't have enough money.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables
Fonts are how software would be if decompiling were reliable. Fontforge can  
open .otf and .ttf files and treat them as source files. Essentially, source  
code is always shipped with a font.

The exception is a few old CJK fonts for Windows, that didn't actually use  
outlines but only vague directions. But they were proprietary anyways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread ahj
The Bioinitiative Report has *not* been peer reviewed, thus failing an  
extremely important redundancy measure:

>The BioInitiative Report is a report on the relationship between the  
electromagnetic fields (EMF) associated with powerlines and wireless devices  
and health. It was self-published online, without peer review, on 31 August  
2007, by a group "of 14 scientists, researchers, and public health policy  
professionals". The BioInitiative Report states that it is an examination of  
the controversial health risks of electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency  
radiation.[1] Some updated BioInitiative material was published in a journal  
in an issue guest-edited by one of the members of the group,[2] and a 2012  
version of the report was released on 7 January 2013.[3] *It has been heavily  
criticized by independent and governmental research groups for its lack of  


Writing scientific papers without peer review and claiming that their  
assertions are correct is stupid at best and malicious at worst.

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread dos

>That's the definition of "free software", protecting one's freedoms.

Well, I think GPLv2 would work for such device. I mean, it would be possible  
to use GPLv2 for such firmware without breaking its rules, but certainly  
one's freedoms wouldn't be protected enough - it's like tivoisation. OTOH  
GPLv3 would actually require ability to replace the software, but that would  
mean all this ceritifaction hassle.

>Really? You have no way to write firmware of your own?

See that IRC log I provided: "in ST-E a team of ~500 worked for ~1 year to  
make the UMTS

[Trisquel-users] Re : New Wallpapers

2013-11-01 Thread magicbanana

The scripts in the DEB package can be distributed under the GPL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread ahj

Climategate? Really? Oh dear.

The double standards in your beliefs are astounding. You claim that the  
method of peer review is a joke - which is an interesting if somewhat curious  
assertion - and then post a *youtube* video about vaccinations to help  
support your argument, as if that video is a bastion of scientific integrity  
and accuracy.

Your hilariously hypocritical claim that the so-called climategate scandal  
showed "data manipulation" is nothing more than a smear by big oil companies  
to taint the well established scientific theory that humans are causing  
global warming at a rate unprecedented in the last 65 million years. Do you  
know how many climate scientists support the anthropogenic global heating  
theory? 97% ( There are more  
climate scientists who attest to this theory than there are geologists who  
support the tectonic plate theory. The science is sound.

But I will never be able to win this argument because you *know* you are  
correct, and no matter what the peer-reviewed scientific literature says, you  
will always remain skeptical. This begs the question: why are you not  
skeptical of the claims made by non-climate scientists who assert that  
anthropogenic warming is not occurring? Do you know who funds the majority of  
the so called "climate scientists" that push for global warming skepticism?  
Well, apart from big oil, a nice example is the Koch Brothers. They basically  
buy the politicians in the American Congress via campaign financing and  
lobbying, and surprise surprise, the congressmen are skeptical of global  
warming - not because of the science - but because they get big payouts every  
year from Koch funded thinktanks like the Heritage Foundation  

But when there is a real, observable conspiracy involving big oil and  
powerful conservative businessmen, you see right through it. But when there  
is a non-controversy like "climategate", you somehow think that this is the  
biggest scandal in scientific history. Spare me.

>As for "The Guardian", and other well-known mainstream publications, that I  
also used to read, they're also controlled by the big economic interests...

Yes, I understand your concern. But again, the double standard is staggering  
- for example, the FSF is sponsored by Google, IBM and Oracle. Are we now to  
suppose that the FSF is a conspiracy? That the so called "free" distributions  
of GNU/Linux are really distributions of hidden Google and Oracle malware?  
Well, no, because the code is *peer reviewed*. Like science, there are built  
in redundancies in free software that ensure that any malicious functionality  
found within its code can be found, removed and modified.

Why aren't you skeptical of the FSF?

>And, notice also the very important fact that, the alternative ones usually  
present their sources, for everyone to check what is being said, while the  
mainstream ones usually don't, and just expect everyone to believe them, out  
of a very naïve faith in them.

Again, if those sources are not reliable, then your so called "reliable"  
news-outlet is also unreliable (garbage in, garbage out). The way to make  
your own reliable interpretations is to look at the *data* itself - and not  
someone else's *interpretation*.

Anyway, this thread is getting way off-track - I suggest a mod send it to the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Eben Moglen: Snowden and the Future

2013-11-01 Thread ahj

I love this guy. Very eloquent, very persuasive.

Thank you based Eben

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Charging for source code

2013-11-01 Thread ahj
I'd recommend doing it this way: charge a minimum price for the binary  
version of the program, say, 5 or 10 dollars - and then provide a link to the  
source code on an FTP server or github etc. That way, people will clearly see  
that they have the option to get the program for zero cost by manual  
compilation - but not everyone can be bothered, or is capable of compiling a  
program - so they'll say "screw it, it's easier if I just buy the program for  
5 dollars".

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Charging for source code

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables

Are binaries allowed to be proprietary if the source code is free?

[Trisquel-users] Re : [OT] Charging for source code

2013-11-01 Thread magicbanana
It is evil (like any proprietary program) but yes, it is possible to  
encounter binaries under a proprietary license even if its source code (but  
does it really match?) is distributed under a free software license.

The author can always do that. Someone who is not the author of the source  
code can do that as well if she received the code under the terms of a free  
software license.

Re: [Trisquel-users] True N900 successor introduction - Neo900 - Openmoko

2013-11-01 Thread jason
Which CPU it rnus on doesn't really matter. It is software and should be  

I think it's been demonstrated that freedom and regulatory compliance can  
co-exist (reference ath5k, ath9k, etc.) Some of your arguments remind me of  
the ones that Intel made as to why their WiFi firmware had to be proprietary.  
Fortunately the SFLC has debunked them.

* FCC Jurisdiction Does Not Extend to Independent Software Developers
* FCC Rules for SDR Device Certification Only Affect Radio Equipment  

* FCC Rules Govern Equipment, Not Software
* FCC Rules Contemplate FOSS SDR Development without Restricting It


Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Charging for source code

2013-11-01 Thread onpon4

Quote from Magic Banana:
> Someone who is not the author of the source code can do that as well if she
> received the code under the terms of a free software license.

I think you mean "permissive license", not "free software license".

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Mobile telephony survey

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables

As OP of this thread, I second this motion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Charging for source code

2013-11-01 Thread Andrew R.
On 02/11/13 13:09, darrenvenables wrote:
> Are binaries allowed to be proprietary if the source code is free?

Mozilla previously did this, i.e. they had a EULA on their binaries for
end-users (breaking freedom zero). This is permitted by the MPL.
