Re: [Trisquel-users] Brightness control

2013-11-18 Thread hbb2
Hi blackomegarey and lammi87, thank you for your time. I installed the  
linux-libre kernel and put the acpi_osi=Linux parameter on grub and didn't  
solve the problem.

I've just registered my laptop at

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki

BSD is not free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
On Mon, 18 Nov 2013 09:48:48 +0100 (CET) wrote:

> BSD is not free.

Even FreeBSD?

Pascal Diogo Antunes.
"L'ennui dans ce monde, c'est que les idiots sont sûrs d'eux et les
gens sensés pleins de doutes."- Bertrand Russell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Michał Masłowski
Yes, they have firmware blobs like [0] or [1].  When looking for blobs
in OpenBSD [2] I found one bad thing that Linux does and OpenBSD
doesn't: none of the sourceless blobs are GPL-licensed which would make
distributing them a GPL violation.


Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] Display image on 'allow pages to choose their own colors' mode - abrowser

2013-11-18 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
On 'allow pages to choose their own colors' mode, not all images are
displayed. Right. Ok. But I don't understand why. And I would display
all images on web site with 'own colors' mode enabled. How can I do ? 


Pascal Diogo Antunes.
"Au fond l'habitude est un rite, on croit faire quelque chose par
plaisir et en réalité on ne fait qu'obéir à un devoir qu'on s'est
imposé."- Antonio Tabucchi.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread onpon4
The BSD projects are no less free than most operating system projects that  
use GNU as the core and Linux as the kernel, so what's your point?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Pascal Diogo Antunes
On Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:21:25 +0100 (CET) wrote:

> The BSD projects are no less free than most operating system projects that  
> use GNU as the core and Linux as the kernel, so what's your point?
I read more and less the story of FreeBSD, and I thought (what I
memorized) it was free(=libre). Yes of course in the beginning...
No it's just I didn't realize what most of free (libre) project become
'open source' (so sometimes/often with blop non free).
I'm naive. :)

So, do a libre FreeBSD exists? (like libre-linux)

Pascal Diogo Antunes.
"Plus faible sera l'opposition, plus étroit sera le despotisme."-
Orwell, 1984.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Sachin Dey
I used to be a fan of such an another magazine when I used to think 
GNU/Linux was only Linux,
I have realised how these magazines try to a hide the social movement 
beneath the "open-source and save money" methodology.

They don't even try to tell the readers about free software.
While in India the free software community was against the unique 
identification of people, that magazine was writing articles likes 
"Open-source wins, government uses open-source software on the most 
costly project."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Tor/GPG/whatever in a Android device is it worth?

2013-11-18 Thread gnuser
I know we should not give up, I am referring specifically to smartphones. Do  
we have ANY chance of being protected when using them, or should we really  
avoid using "private sensitive" things over the phone and only do so on the  
computers (where we have a little bit more control over what happens)?
I currently do that, private/anonymous emails only are accessed through the  
pc. Smartphone serves not that purpose.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread icarolongo
I agree. I don't know why they will use InDesign (probably with OS X).  
Scribus is amazing and easy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread icarolongo
Yes. Free software is better. With focus in GNU and Linux we forgot Mozilla  
and many others good projects.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Tor/GPG/whatever in a Android device is it worth?

2013-11-18 Thread Michał Masłowski
There are some specific issues that can be solved, other ones cannot be
when using the phone.  You can use a phone running a free system on AP
and having an isolated baseband so it won't spy on data like in RAM or
microphone input, while it knows where you are and has access to all
data sent by the network.  Some freer phone projects offer turning the
modem off as a way to avoid some tracking.  (Modem firmware is always
nonfree, so it's useful to know what the hardware design prevents it
From spying on.)

Replicant wiki shows which devices have known spying on AP issues.
Unless they use separate interfaces for spying and communication with
the kernel, there are several models where it's safe.  Some of them have
other problems, like Galaxy Nexus requiring blobs for its camera and all
supported phones other than GTA04 having nonfree bootloaders.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread erikthorsen
Shan't speak for the other *BSD's, but at least in OpenBSD everything that  
runs on an actual CPU as opposed to some microcontroller is perfectly free.

And suppose if anyone really think there's a practical difference between  
loading firmware and having it burned on a ROM chip, which most people 'round  
here at least do, recompiling the kernel without them shouldn't be too big a  

As for the licenses, hey, least I can actually read and understand the BSD  
licenses without a friggin' law degree. And permissive always have had a  
somewhat nicer ring in my ears than restrictive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread em9002
It is true that the actual wording of the GPL is rather difficult to  
understand (as a matter of fact, I've skimmed through it in the past, but  
never actually read it properly), but the general premise is simple enough:  
code licensed under the GPL cannot be used in proprietary software.

"And permissive always have had a somewhat nicer ring in my ears than  

Perhaps 'restrictive' isn't the right word to use, then.  The focus should be  
on the freedoms guaranteed to end-users, not the restrictions placed on the  
use of the code.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread simonafreeman
Sachin, the magazine that these guys used to write for did a 6 page spread on  
Trisquel and the free software foundation. It was that article which  
encouraged me to use Trisquel.  More people need to wake up to true free  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Recommend web design program for newbie

2013-11-18 Thread tegskywalker
I recommend either Aptana Studio ( or Geany (apt-get  
install geany) for developing sites and testing in localhost running a local  
install of Apache or nginx.

I prefer Aptana these days as it is more feature rich. Of course you will  
need to install OpenJDK 6 or 7 (go with 7) before Aptana. Geany is lighter in  
resources, so it is all down to personal preference.

Oh and they are both free software under the GPL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brightness control

2013-11-18 Thread mattij . lammi
Sorry to hear the brightness problem is still bothering you. Try to search a  
similar laptop models from h-node and see if they have any entries about  
similar problem. This problem might have been solved already.

Anyway, thanks a lot for contributing to h-node!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brightness control

2013-11-18 Thread mattij . lammi

Just found this on h-node:

"Append acpi_backlight=vendor to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Then run sudo  

Basically, try adding "acpi_backlight=vendor" to the  
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT this time. This advice was found on Aspire  
V5-471's entry details. This model has been commercialized in 2012 according  
to h-node.

[Trisquel-users] Please participate in the FLOSS Survey 2013!

2013-11-18 Thread Andres
I thought this might be of interest.

 Mensaje Original 
De: Christopher Allan Webber 
Enviado: Tue Nov 12 15:16:12 GMT 2013
Para: MediaGoblin 
Asunto: [GMG-Devel] Please participate in the FLOSS Survey 2013!

Heya all!

You may be familiar with the well known survey from over a decade ago on
free and open source software:

Our super wonderful MediaGoblin community member Laura Arjona is working
on building another survey to try to get a sense on where FLOSS is
currently at.  Have things changed?  What are people concerned with

I encourage *all* MediaGoblin community members (not just developers!)
to participate if you have the time:

And thanks for running this, Laura, as well as all your other hard work!
 - Chris
devel mailing list

Enviado desde mi teléfono con K-9 Mail.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Andresmp
smiley same here, thanks to them I learnt a great deal about free software.  
and thanks to a previous news on trisquel 5 I heard of trisquel.

also previous magazine donates to fsf and all their tutorial code is gpl.  
their podcast is creative commons.

they have looked into scribus.

in the previous magazine they said they where sorry but that due to wordcount  
and other issues they could not use gnu/linux.

their interviews with karen sanders (gnome foundation president) and stallman  
arer eally good.
their tutorials on using free software like gramps and others did help me not  
only to use them but also to discover it.

ok, there are problably some shortfalls. but credit where credit is due.
we can always join and request changes as they are still in the beginning.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Voice

2013-11-18 Thread Andresmp

plus they use the term 'free software' and not 'open source'.

i feel they post it as it is and then readers such as smiley and myself take  
an informed decision. we chose trisquel others might want mint, but they will  
be aware they are not running a purely free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brightness control

2013-11-18 Thread hbb2
Hey lammi87, you were right about my bios being not free, I corrected it. I  
was in a rush and filled the form really quickly, also forgot to check if I  
was logged in.

I already tried appending acpi_backlight=vendor but it didn't work. I also  
can't run 3D acceleration(can't run compiz, also tried some games), even  
though it's not an issue for me.

[Trisquel-users] Problem with dual boot

2013-11-18 Thread xnchgyqk
In the past, whenever I've installed GNU/Linux to run along side another  
operating system (specifically I have installed Ubuntu this way in the past),  
it has been very easy.  The installer has had an option "install Ubuntu along  
side ___".

However, I am currently trying to install Trisquel 6.0 along side another  
operating system and I'm seeing the other two options only: "Replace __  
with Trisquel" and "Something else".  No option to "Install Trisquel along  
side __".

I have selected the "Something else" option and tried to install Trisquel  
along side the other operating system manually, but I have not been  
successful in this.

I have read these threads:
and this guide:

The guide looks exactly as I remember it being for Ubuntu, very easy.   
However, I am simply not seeing the install along side option.  So, I see the  
note which addresses this possibility.

So as the note directed, I booted Windows 7, defragmented the disk, shrank  
the volume, and rebooted into the Trisquel installer.

But it still does not have an install alongside option.  So I'm wondering,  
does anyone have any ideas regarding the problem or the solution?  Thanks in  


P.S. I anticipate that some will reply to this post with statements to the  
effect that "Why would you want to install Trisquel along side Windows 7,  
just replace Windows 7 completely".

I think it's worth having a discussion on this point.

I completely agree with the idea, and it is what I would do if it were my  
computer.  Indeed, on all computing devices that I own, I run 100% free  
software (Trisquel on my PC, Replicant on my phone, no proprietary  
applications on either).

However, I am helping a friend.  I hope everyone on this forum understands  
that it is not within my rights to make unilateral decisions regarding  
someone else's property.

This friend of mine is running Windows on several computers.  In light of  
and other similar stories, and many hours of conversation with me where I  
argued that the nature of proprietary software makes this sort of thing  
inevitable, he has agreed in principle that he should migrate away from  
Windows and proprietary software generally.  However, he has anxiety about  
doing this.

So we've agreed to set up dual boot Windows and Trisquel on one of his  
computers, then over time to expand to his other computers and eventually  
wipe out Windows completely.

Believe me, if it were my decision, I would wipe out Windows completely right  
now on this computer and all his computers.  But it is not my choice, and if  
I can't get dual boot going, he won't let me install Trisquel at all and will  
simply keep using Windows.

I don't know if the two threads linked above are "locked" in an attempt to  
censor discussion of this topic.

But I don't think it's helpful in a case such as this to say simply "you  
shouldn't use proprietary software at all".  If he can dual boot, he'll be on  
a road that will ultimately lead, according to his own plan, to a 100% free  
computing experience.  If not, he'll just use Windows forever.

You might argue that this makes no sense (and I would agree).  But this is  
how he feels.  And I suspect many like him feel similarly.

So in conclusion, I'd appreciate if, in addition to criticizing me for my  
friend's decision, someone writes something about how to solve the problem  
that this post is about.