Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't access files on my hard drive using a live dvd

2014-02-16 Thread adfenohuvlov
It all depends on one information: Which file system the hard drive uses.  
Depending on the file system type, our approach will be different.

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open a terminal emulator.

Type the commands presented on the paragraph bellow (for every new line,  
press Enter), except the comments between the # characters (be careful, if  
you find a #, be sure to not type anything until you find its pair).

# This starts the guide. #
# Run as system administrator. This command shows which file systems are  
mounted, along with its type and some other information. The file system in  
question should be shown here, otherwise, stop following this guide and tell  
us about it. #

sudo blkid
# Example of the output from blkid: #
# /dev/sda2: LABEL=Toutatis UUID=5a2afc93-af3f-4453-9298-83b3e96a3805  

# /dev/sda5: UUID=f2d5cc14-d1d6-41b8-864d-da060f84e16f TYPE=swap
# /dev/sdb1: LABEL=BACKUP UUID=E478-8E5E TYPE=vfat #
# For most users, I suggest to look for the label (LABEL attribute) of the  
problematic file system, which is, in most cases, a friendly name set by the  
user. If you can't find the label of the problematic file system, stop  
following this guide and tell us about it. #
# After finding the problematic file system, see if its type (TYPE attribute)  
is ext[Any number] (where [Any number] can be any number), vfat, or any  
other. If it's not ext[Any number], stop following this guide and tell us  
about it. #

# Assuming that the file system is ext[Any number], we can continue. #
# Please remember the LABEL attribute of the problematic file system, we'll  
need it. #
# This command transports us to the root of the problematic file system.  
Where [LABEL attribute] is the label of the problematic file system. #

cd /media/[LABEL attribute]
# If the command outputs some warning or error messages, stop following this  
guide and tell us about it. #
# This part can be very subjective, it all depends on where the problematic  
folder is. But basically, for every folder entered you can add a / (forward  
slash). #
# This command is very subjective, as stated above. It transports us to the  
parent folder of the problematic one (that is, one folder before the  
problematic one). In most cases, users of live operating systems won't be  
able to access the problematic folder because their user name is different,  
so this is why we must go to the parent folder first.  Let's assume that the  
problematic folder is the personal folder jones, which is normally inside the  
home folder of the problematic file system. #

# Note: This is wrong in this case: #
# cd /home/ #
# This is right in this case: #
cd home
# Live operating systems have users, just like normal operating systems. To  
know which user you are logged in as, use the whoami command. #

# In the case of GNU+Linux Trisquel, the user is trisquel. #
# Run as system administrator. This command changes the owner of the jones  
folder, from jones (the user) to trisquel (the user). #

sudo chown trisquel jones
# If the command outputs some warning or error messages, tell us about it. #
# Now you should have access to the problematic folder. #
# This ends the guide. #

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't access files on my hard drive using a live dvd

2014-02-16 Thread legimet . calc

Try gksudo nautilus.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't access files on my hard drive using a live dvd

2014-02-16 Thread antiesnob
What ADFENO says is OK. But I've got to mention that we are not sure if this  
is a problematic partition.
That root directory you're trying to access (if I didn't get you wrong) is  
not the root directory of the live OS on your DVD. So, you shouldn't have  
access to it like if you  were the owner as you are not. The users and  
passwords of your Live version are not the ones of your not live version  
because those are two differents OS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE dont show on login screen (xfce4-session install error)

2014-02-16 Thread garsmith
I have now tested installing Trisquel 32bit, 64bit, LXDE and gnome edition.  
Even netinstall. The result below:

Tested with 32bit version of Trisquel mini but with the same error:

Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Tested clean install and first thing I do is open terminal and run commands  
in this order and then get the error messages quoted above:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install xfce4

I also tested with fresh install and in 32bit do a direct install of XFCE and  
under 64bit update the system and then install XFCE, not adding 4.10 and 4.12  
repository. Installation worked great and XFCE Session popuped in the  
desktop list in login window but when logging in the screen flash and back  
again at login screen. Now tested to add repository and install latest  
version. Again the same error message as above and now XFCE session is gone  
from the login screen. XFCE just do not want to work in Trisquel mini for me.

I tested to install XFCE in 64bit Gnome edition. Fresh installation of  
Trisquel Gnome and then ran the command below. Logged out, choose XFCE  
session in login screen and there it was, XFCE4 4.8.

sudo apt-get install xfce4

To update XFCE and rest of the system i ran these:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

At the end I get this error:
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

After that XFCE session is now gone at login screen.

What am I doing wrong?

Netinstall is the only way for me to get newer version then 4.8 of XFCE to  
work. Is their a fix out there that I have not found? Is there something I'm  

Tested a fresh netinstall of Trisquel. Only console installation. No Triskel,  
mini or other alternative.

sudo apt-get install xfce4
sudo apt-get install gdm

rebooting system and log in. GDM looks horrible XFCE is ugly.

sudo apt-get install synaptic
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

rebooting system again. GDM look as ugly and default XFCE with no extra at  
all but a bit better. 4.10 is installed. But it is nice with a clean  
installation. All the programs can be installed manually so it isnt a big  

Am I the only one with this problem regarding XFCE installation? Is maybe  
Virtualbox the problem?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to wipe the flash drive

2014-02-16 Thread antiesnob
I made this wiki -- on this topic,  
please add there your knowledge.

[Trisquel-users] Desktop shows no toolbar

2014-02-16 Thread gmapeg4
I just read about Trisquel yesterday and it sounded exactly like what I  
wanted so I installed it today.  I was looking for a distro that would be  
similar to Windows as it is for my daughter and she and computers don't get  
along very well.  I wanted to keep it as similar to Windows as possible so  
she would have a bit less of a learning curve.  However, after installing it  
and rebooting, I have no toolbar/taskbar on my desktop and no access to the  
programs or to see if it is connected wirelessly.  The toolbar was there  
until I rebooted.

Appreciate any help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop shows no toolbar

2014-02-16 Thread adel . afzal
ssdclickofdeath posted this solution:  If your panel disappears, press  
Alt+F2, then type 'gnome-panel' without the quotes, then press 'Run'.

It has happened to me too.  I'm not sure why unfortunately.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Batch rename -- Auto rename

2014-02-16 Thread legimet . calc
You would have to use Wine for something like that. You can run wine cmd and  
it will give you a batch prompt. And Linux, the kernel, has nothing to do  
with bash or batch.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Batch rename -- Auto rename

2014-02-16 Thread holger . beetz
In common speak (as pointed out int the wiki article linked above) batch  
files are text files with command sequences. In essence ususal shell scripts,  
Python or Perl scripts are nothing else:

A sequence of commands which are executed one by one by some interpreter.

And the common writing here is GNU Linux but not Linux. Since Linux ususally  
only refers to the kernel itself although common speak is quite different  

Myself I say and write Linux all the day. Especially since 99% of the whole  
world does the same.