Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Release Date?

2014-07-31 Thread gnufreeme

I'll take you up on that Heather.

I'll go ahead and grab the latest of each version (32 and 64bit) over the  
next couple of days. It will certainly take that long judging by the upload  
speed of the devel server. :-|I have the 64 bit of Trisquel 7 proper  
circa 7-9-2014. I'll grab the 32 bit tonight for starters.

I think I can get all the torrents out by Friday night or Saturday morning.

Thanks for the help.  Maybe we fluxbox users can convince our free software  
friends to join in and take some heat off the servers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox (and perhaps even Abrowser) is sending data about the downloads to Google

2014-07-31 Thread jabjabs
I had been wondering about if it had been added in yet. I already knew that  
Ice cat/A-Browser where clean (it would be somewhat worring if they where  

I'm more worried for other users that care about proprietary formats yet not  
in the 100% free software camp.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Giving Away Trisquel?

2014-07-31 Thread susanbryce11
Sorry for the slow respobse to this thread I started but have only now got  
time to again work on this project. Im only planning on giving away the  
diska, I have no plan to set up a website and offer downloads. And yes I will  
be using Trisquel's (mirrored) repositories.
So if im only just giving away the disks do I need to publish any sort of  
source code, etc? Sorry, im a social worker not a computer person so excuse  
my lack of knowledge on this. I also wont be doing this until the new  
Trisquel 7 is released.

Also, how exactly can I remove the trisquel branding and replace it with what  
we are planning?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Giving Away Trisquel?

2014-07-31 Thread susanbryce11

Thankyou, I will most certainly place  GNU/Linux on the cover of the disk.

[Trisquel-users] E-readers

2014-07-31 Thread golyn

Hello there,

I`m a recently new user of trisquel and I must say it is a great piece of  
software, first because it RESPECTS-YOUR-FREEDOM!!!, and furthermore because  
is works really nice.

I have a question regarding RYF devices  Software. I wonder, Is there a RYF  
e-book reader that works with open source software as well? I don't want to  
buy an Amason Kindle...

Thanks for the support!

P.S: When is Trisquel 7 going to be officially released? What are the most  
expected features of it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Giving Away Trisquel?

2014-07-31 Thread legimet . calc
See this faq:

You don't have to publish any source code because all of it is in Trisquel's  
repos. However, if someone would prefer source on a physical disk, you have  
to give it to them. On the other hand, if the people you're giving it away to  
are unlikely to have Internet access, it's probably best to give away a  
source DVD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Lenovo T-61 too old for Belenos?

2014-07-31 Thread davesamcdxv

As I've said above, though, unsupported is different from impossible to use:)

Re: [Trisquel-users] NetGear PTV300 (Miracast Receiver) Firmware GPL v2

2014-07-31 Thread mdunivan
Yes.  It seems that many companies such as NetGear are willing to GPL code,  
but that is never a fully working unit.  There is always some component/piece  

There needs to be more com

[Trisquel-users] Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread adel . afzal
gNewSense seems to use mate (or maybe gnome 2); I heard that mate is a little  
easier on older hardware.

I remember reading that there's no benefit in switching to mate if the  
programs rely on gnome3 anyway.  Is that correct?  I may be totally wrong.

I'm thinking of giving gNewSense a try -- what do you guys think?

Re: [Trisquel-users] NetGear PTV300 (Miracast Receiver) Firmware GPL v2

2014-07-31 Thread legimet . calc

Usually they release it only to comply with the GPL, I think.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread magicbanana
gNewSense 3.1 (the latest version) uses the antique GNOME 2.30 (it must be  
something like four years old) by default. Like its base: Debian 7.0 wheezy.

If you have older hardware, I would advise the soon-to-be-released Trisquel  
Mini 7:

The desktop it ships by default, LXDE, is lighter than GNOME 2. And being  
based on *buntu 14.014 Trusty Tahr, you would have applications in their  
latest (or close to latest) versions a few clicks away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread adel . afzal
Do current versions of programs require a more current version of gnome to  
run?  So gNewSense 3.1 will only run years-old versions of programs?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread magicbanana
I am simply talking about the versions of the packages in gNewSense's  
repositories: GNOME 2.30, Firefox 3.5, LibreOffice 3.2, etc. If you want to  
know about other applications, look at their versions in Debian stable:

Installing software not in the repository can quickly become a dependency  
hell. Not to talk about the hassle of finding the packages in the first  
place. Go for the packages in Debian testing if you really want to try  

But, again, if you want a light GNU/Linux system where recent applications  
are easily available, Trisquel Mini 7 is a way better option than gNewSense  
3.1 (w.r.t. both criteria) :

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread legimet . calc

I thought gNewSense 3.1 is based on Debian 6.0 squeeze.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread adel . afzal
Oh I understand now -- thanks MB.  I will take your advice and use Mini if I  
need a lighter system down the road.

I wanted to try gNewSense for the nostalgic gui, and the possibility of  
getting a little more battery life out of my laptop.  My laptop handles  
standard Trisquel fine though, and the battery life is decent enough; I will  
probably stay with Trisquel 7 for now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Release Date?

2014-07-31 Thread adel . afzal
Trisquel 7 seems mostly pretty good to me, but I would caution people who are  
thinking about installing it as a main OS.

GNU Cash doesn't work properly in Trisquel 7 yet, and I had a little trouble  
with Add/Remove Programs.  I recommend checking the Issues page and asking  
about your planned uses before installing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread mikko . viinamaki

These suggestions might help with the battery time

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does gNewSense use less cpu and ram?

2014-07-31 Thread adel . afzal

thanks man

[Trisquel-users] the new artwork looks nice

2014-07-31 Thread adel . afzal
The system update (Trisquel 7) gave me a new start-up and log-in background.   
It's pretty.

Re: [Trisquel-users] E-readers

2014-07-31 Thread gnufreeme

I read this recently. It looks like the FSF is getting involved with doing  
exactly this. Sorry you will not be able to buy it tomorrow.

If we're going to have hardware that respects our freedom, we have to demand  
it -- both with our voices and our pocketbooks. We've shown that when enough  
of us get together, we can actually make free devices a reality.

We'll launch specific crowdfunding campaigns for the tablet and ebook reader  
once we have plans in place, but we need your support now to get to that  

Re: [Trisquel-users] E-readers

2014-07-31 Thread jabjabs
Wow I really missed that development. Great to see FSF take on a big task  
like this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Seven!!!

2014-07-31 Thread joel

OK, thanks! So I have another question too—I'm still a bit new with this.

Some time ago, I managed to install Trisquel 6.0 on my Macbook Air, dual  
boot, via reEFit.

Similarly, I'd like to install a pre-release of Trisquel on an older MacBook  
Pro, i.e., MacBookPro5,1 with a 2.66 Intel Core 2 Duo.

Which version of the pre-release should I install?