Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread tobias

Flash is bad and there is no replacement for flash that works on all sites.
Recently I found out that soundcloud uses flash for uploading images, and  
Gnash did not work with soundcloud. I decided not to use soundcloud because  
of a flash requirement. For youtube I use minitube and youtube-dl.

Re: [Trisquel-users] File Hosting Concerns?

2014-08-08 Thread Andrew Roffey
 One more question.  What tracker do you recommend?  Is there a 
 freedom-loving tracker?

Hi kokomo_joe,

I don't know if there are any trackers specifically for free software.
The Trisquel tracker is usually out-of-date and is a closed tracker,
same for gNewSense and other GNU/Linux trackers.

However, these trackers should work fine:


Otherwise, you can always leave the trackers blank and leave the client
to use DHT instead. The only downsides are that DHT might take longer to
start the download (as the Bittorrent client has to search for peers)
and that some old Bittorrent clients don't support DHT (although this is
increasingly rare).

I don't think there is any freedom-related issue with using the above
trackers though, because using them will only return peers for a given
infohash. That is, Bittorrent trackers don't directly recommend or
distribute proprietary software, but if you send it the infohash of a
particular proprietary program then it might return peers that have the
proprietary program. Keep in mind that the infohash alone doesn't give
the tracker any information about what type of file corresponds to that


Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread overbackup4

I have set up GNU boxes for public use before (not for a library).

For public use I would recommend booting off an image rather than installing  
to HD.

Could be a cdrom internal to the box, a USB key inside that the users cannot  
access or a thin client booting from the network.  This allows you to have a  
known base start point with each boot and any rootkits/backdoors/etc are  
scrubbed on each reboot. If persistent data is needed, place it on a separate  
local or network drive away from the OS.

One of the security points to lockdown is the ctrl-alt-F combinations that  
allow access to a login prompt. Remove these if you can.

Regarding the use of the box that you are setting up, does it really need  
flash installed?  If it is for research, wouldn't flash detract from this.
With enough sites pre-bookmarked or visible on the homepage of the browser,  
you can direct users to quality information resources that do not require  
flash (wiki etc).
Perhaps a physical sign next to it explaining that it is For research use  
only and some entertainment websites will not work will cover you when flash  
sites are not rendering.
I'd recommend making it known to the library staff that these sites will not  
be available to users, and that they can advise users to use a home PC or  
netcafe to look at entertainment based sites.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 - Initial questions comments.

2014-08-08 Thread davesamcdxv

1. Trusty/14.04 (By the way, Trisquel 6 was based mon Precise/12.04)
2. Admittedly I'm not sure.
3. Move ~/.mozilla/abrowser to ~/.mozilla/icecat
4. I don't know, sorry (all is well in GNOME Shell, though)
5. Yes, for anything from Trisquel 4.0 (Ubuntu Lucid) onwards.
6. See salparidise's post above.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread onpon4
I would disagree with claiming that it doesn't work for entertainment  
websites for two reasons:

1. It suggests that Trisquel is only suitable for research and work. This can  
make Trisquel seem more boring than it is.

2. It doesn't cover all cases of Flash use anyway. I've seen at least one  
case of a website designed for submitting homework that required Flash in  
many places and actually refused to let you even try to answer the questions  
if you didn't have Flash installed.

I'd suggest you just be up-front about it: say that Flash is not installed  
and that this is not an accident. Perhaps include a web address where they  
can find more information. Maybe people will decide that the decision is  
stupid, but it won't render the system useless; Flash really is unnecessary.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread magicbanana
There are solutions for other popular sites hosting videos in Flash:

I personally use ViewTube. Other users prefer Linterna Mágica, another  
GreaseMonkey script.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread overbackup4

I see your point. Better to state the facts and declare that it is not  

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Hardware Support is available

2014-08-08 Thread ark
As for today 08/08/2014 the packages missing are available, at least for  

Please check if you can do the upgrade too :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread adel . afzal

I have a few suggestions -

Set the browser home page to Trisquel's all-manuals page:

Put free-sw-friendly websites in the bookmarks.  For example, for music : , Jamendo (please correct me if these websites are not good  

Consider bookmarking Jason Self's website too:

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Hardware Support is available

2014-08-08 Thread legimet . calc

I upgraded on amd64 a few days (Trisquel 6), so I guess it's only for i386.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 - Initial questions comments.

2014-08-08 Thread legimet . calc

No, it's not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread D. A. H.
Libreplanet, FSF, Diaspora, a reliable and well-stocked mediagoblin 
instance, owncloud, Think Penguin, JXSelf, all good suggested bookmarks 
for that Trisquel box in the library.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread ssjgokux3
Yes I am loading it up with Open Library, Wikipedia,, Creative  
Commons, and others as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread ssjgokux3

In regards to using images:

Can I create an image that consists of all the programs I want to load the  
box with?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 - Initial questions comments.

2014-08-08 Thread mve1

Thanks for all of the responses!
1) Thank you, this should be very useful when troubleshooting.

2) Re: .Xmodmap:

a) x11-server-utils was not installed with the Trisquel installation. I  
assumed it was installed together with the OS, so this was the first problem.  
I installed it.

b) For some reason, my Trisquel install does not run .Xmodmap automatically.

b) I tried to add xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap to the startup applications but I  
couldn't get it to work. In the end, I made a small bash script to run the  
command and then ran the script in startup applications. Seems like a  
longwinded way to get it to work, but it works now :) Thank you for the help!

3) Yes, this did the job perfectly :) Thank you!

4) This issue is still going on. It doesn't happen every time I click, but  
very often. I've resorted to clicking and not letting go while I select  
whatever I want to run from the bar. Quite annoying so I will keep looking  
for a solution.

5) Something is not right. I added the repository  the key  updated. Still,  
when I try to install I get: E: Unable to locate package linux-libre64. I  
will try to figure this out this weekend.

6) Sorry, I should have searched the forum first :| Thanks for the pointers!

*7)* One final problem I'm having is the keyboard indicator is not showing on  
the task bar. Usually the indicator appears automatically when more than one  
keyboard is added, but this seems not to be the case in Trisquel 7.  
indicator-keyboard is installed. Has anyone else faced this problem?

Thanks again. I'm off to keep tweaking :)~

[Trisquel-users] Xfce 4.10 without display manager on trisquel 7

2014-08-08 Thread amrprznu


I only found this:
which is in Spanish and is blocked. I want to share how I manged to do this,  
and I don't know if I should make a new manual for it. So, I will show it in  
the next post, just in case that I have to change something. Let me know if  
this is the right way to post this info, or I should create the manual.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Xfce 4.10 without display manager on trisquel 7

2014-08-08 Thread amrprznu
I don't have time to go through all the process right now (I will continue  
later), but basically, you have to do this (use with care, and let me know if  
it worked; more references will come):

Remove any display manager

Make sure there is no $HOME/.xinitrc (or that it sources /etc/X11/Xsession)

Install all of xfce4 that you like

Install lxpolikit (just to make sure)

Install libpam-ck-connector [as per]

Add the following before
to /etc/pam.d/common-session [] (disregard the  
lines with ---):

--- File begins ---
--- File continues ---
session   optional
--- File continues ---
session nox11
--- File continues ---
--- File ends

Make sure that there is no ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login

Create a $HOME/.profile [to be referenced]:
--- File begins ---
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
# The login to a virtual terminal without a display manager is handled
# by upstart in Trisquel and Ubuntu by means of the /etc/init/ttyXX.conf
# files. These normally run getty (agetty) which opens a tty port,
# prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command
# [man getty].
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or
# ~/.bash_login exists.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package.
#umask 022

# if running bash
if [ -n $BASH_VERSION ]; then
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc ]; then
. $HOME/.bashrc

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d $HOME/bin ] ; then

# No display manager autologin with Xfce4
# Check that no display managers exist
if [ -f /usr/bin/startxfce4 ] \
   [ ! -f /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf ] \
   [ ! -f /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf ] \
   [ ! -f /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc ] \
   [ ! -d /etc/lightdm ] \
   [ ! -d /etc/gdm ]; then
[[ -z $DISPLAY   $XDG_VTNR -le 2 ]]  exec startx -- vt$XDG_VTNR
--- File ends ---

Create $HOME/.xsession [to be documented]:
--- File begins ---
if [ -f /usr/bin/startxfce4 ] \
   [ ! -f /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf ] \
   [ ! -f /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf ] \
   [ ! -f /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc ] \
   [ ! -d /etc/lightdm ] \
   [ ! -d /etc/gdm ]; then
ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session startxfce4
--- File ends ---

May be (will check later) this to avoid permission issues other than  
mounting, suspend, hibernate and power off in  
/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/60-desktop-policy.conf [man  
pklocalauthority] (replace lisa or marge for your username, see manual of  


And that's the penguin!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread ssjgokux3
I thought about writing a simple HTML page with links to various libre sites  
and setting that as the homepage :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread mve1
Thanks a lot for recommending minitube! Looks great. I use youtube-dl, which  
I still find very useful, but never heard of minitube before. Do you know if  
it's possible to configure it to work through a proxy or vpn?

[Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin will be @ FOSSCON Aug 9th in Philadelphia

2014-08-08 Thread chris
Anybody interested in going can come and check out our product line up in  
person. We'll have a table, some laptops, a desktop or two, and a variety of  
small items. Everything is free software friendly and compatible with the new  
Trisquel 7 out-of-the-box.

The event is being held Saturday, August 9th, 2014 at the Franklin Institute  
- 222 N 20th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103. To register please visit:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laser Printer compatible with Trisquel or totally free distributions ?

2014-08-08 Thread chris
I think people are confused because the color laser printer in our catalog  
doesn't have Trisquel listed. It's not that Trisquel is not supported, but  
rather it is that Trisquel 6 is not supported by the HP driver out of the  
box, but it is supported 'out of the box' to some degree (at least for the  
core functioning of the device) by the standard postscript driver. That  
basically means you will have to run the printer setup wizard and follow a  
set of directions on our support page if you want to use it with Trisquel 6.  
Trisquel 7 is not been officially released and the product page has not been  
updated to reflect support for Trisquel 7 yet (I actually just updated, as  
Trisquel 7 is basically done, and just has yet to be announced).

The support list is pretty much only going to have distribution and version  
listed if the device will 1. 'work out of the box' with at least the most  
recent release and 2. is fully supported. If it isn't fully supported or  
supported out of the box we'll frequently have notes about what is required  
in order to get the device working if its possible. Sometimes no info is  
listed and a device will potentially work still, but you are advised to  
contact support for more specific information.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Hardware Support is available

2014-08-08 Thread onpon4

It works for me now. I'm using the AMD64 system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will a usb headset work in Trisquel?

2014-08-08 Thread chris
There is a USB audio standard that most headsets should comply with.  
Unfortunately there are devices that don't comply so you might run into a  
problem. As always model numbers don't equal chipsets. I don't believe we  
have USB headsets in our catalog. The closest thing we have is a USB  
microphone and it is USB audio standards compliant. As such it works with any  
recent OS out of the box (well, it'll actually work with stuff from 10+ years  
ago too, as it is a very old standard, I believe).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tehnoetic wireless USB adapter awarded with FSF's RYF certificate

2014-08-08 Thread chris
These are not free software friendly and would not work in Trisquel. Not to  
mention they have poor support in GNU/Linux in general should you install the  
non-free components. The quality is also extremely poor on these cheap  

Honestly the best choice for a wifi adapter is not this mini adapter anyway.

The best choice is one of three adapters in our catalog is:

Or if you have a dual band router:

If you don't mind a USB G wifi adapter I'd also highly recommend this (even  
over the USB N mini adapter in many cases):

While USB G is getting older it still is a better solution for most people.  
Most people have a bottleneck at the internet access point and as such the  
USB G adapter is a better choice. They gain nothing from going with N and the  
penalty for such a small adapter is limited range. The USB G adapter above  
has a better range. Another reason I love this adapter is pretty much  
everything derived from the mainline Linux kernel without exception will work  
out of the box and it almost doesn't matter how old the distribution is  
either as support goes back several years. The reason for this adapter having  
better support is that distributions don't have to deal with firmware (even  
when it is free it has to be included in the distribution) related issues in  
the few remaining instances where that is still a problem. There is no other  
adapter that is better supported by free software systems for basic internet  
access purposes than the USB G adapter above. The next best option is the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tehnoetic wireless USB adapter awarded with FSF's RYF certificate

2014-08-08 Thread chris
This isn't factually correct. It was designed and manufactured by another  
company. Unex is just a middleman in the chain. Companies as big as Sony have  
also utilized this adapter, but I'm apparently the only one who knows about  
it. I haven't seen any records online of it. However I've spoken with the  
manufacturer. The adapter from my understanding was included in an  
entertainment product. It was never available on the retail market.

* What is weird about the above is this isn't the best adapter for such a use  
case. Unsure what the entertainment device was that they sold though... I've  
always assumed it was a Smart TV, but am probably wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Setting up a Trisquel box at a public library

2014-08-08 Thread overbackup4
Yes, a .iso Live Image can be customised with the install/removal of programs  
and changes to settings. ( some steps are  
optional )

and then that custom .iso image can be burnt to CD to make a liveCD or copied  
to USB to make a liveUSB.

( * Data safety tip: double check the output-file if using dd to copy the iso  
, to make sure it is the correct USB media )


A simpler approach to the above is to install/customise as regular to HD,  
then backup the HD for use as a vanilla master image used to restore the box  

Clonezilla Live is one imaging tool that can backup/restore the image of the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wi-Fi card with bluetooth that works with free software?

2014-08-08 Thread chris
It is a departmental issue. A different part of Atheros designed and worked  
on the firmware for the USB chipset that is on the atheros wifi/blueooth  
card. Somebody would have to talk to the guys in that department in order to  
get it released. It would probably be doable, but only if the developers in  
that department cooperated. The other departments and higher ups (executive  
level) have already been cooperative in signing off on the release of  
firmware code.

I believe there are only two mini pcie half height cards actually being  
manufactured. One is an atheros 802.11n (pcie interface) / atheros bluetooth  
(USB interface) solution and the other is a realtek 802.11n (pcie interface)  
/ CSR bluetooth (USB interface) solution.

Humorously each card has half of it which is free software friendly and the  
other half which is not. So at the end of the day there are no good solutions  
to this problem other than an atheros 802.11n only mini pcie half height card  
and a separate USB bluetooth dongle.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Enable PAE?

2014-08-08 Thread susanbryce11

Thankyou, could you please tell me how to boot with forecepae?