Re: [Trisquel-users] Julian Assange: Debian Is Owned By The NSA

2014-08-13 Thread nux

A bit late in the day, but...

If you were going to compromise a distro then Debian and Red Hat would be the  
obvious ones to go for as they're more or less the root distros of all others  
(Arch and Slackware aside). Compromise Debian and you compromise Ubuntu and  
all it's spin offs. Compromise Red Hat and you have the Corporate sector in  
the palm of your hand. That's a lot of distros and a lot of data that's yours  
for the taking.
Further - given that the current kernel has around 15 million lines of code  
in it, just how many hundreds of millions of lines of code are in the average  
distro? And these are all watched? All the time? And everyone watching them  
is 100% open hearted, honest and uncorruptible? Seems a little unlikely.  
Particularly given the fact that much of what is in GNU/Linux is Corporately  
developed or payrolled and the levels of double-mindedness that Corporate  
employees display are more than well documented.
There is the now infamous incident where Linus Torvalds was asked if he had  
been approached by the NSA and he said no whilst nodding. And it all seems  
so gentlemanly, as though they said We don't suppose you'd be willing to  
compromise the kernel? No? We didn't think so, oh well it was worth a try  
and not if you value your children's lives, you'll do as you're told or,  
far more likely, they found someone on the kernel dev team who had a  
weakness, or need of money and as such was turnable. And no one is going to  
submit a patch with the P.S - I've been approached by the NSA and they asked  
me to put a back door in this, so be aware...
And even if none of this is true, fear and suspicion will destroy a community  
far more effectively than infiltrating it will. So a whisper here and a  
carefully crafted blog post there and suddenly everyone's behaving like that  
scene in the Clint Eastwood movie where we're all standing in a graveyard,  
eyeing each other warily, hands hovering over guns, waiting for someone to  
make the first move. Divide and rule has been practiced for millenia and  
whilst those who practice such methods have millenia of archives and manuals  
on how to do it, those who resist seem to have to relearn, from the ground  
up, in each and every generation.

That said, it's now known that backdoors are being built into the hardware  
and are deisnged to be OS agnostic, so it matters little whether Debian has  
been compromised, if it's running on compromised hardware. And to my mind,  
the development of OS agnostic backdoors in the hardware is a direct response  
to OpenSource software. Think you've outsmarted us, just because you use  

I read the article and the lengthy debate. It comes down to paranoia (a very  
healthy attitude considering all we now know) vs trust. All the arguments for  
trust are based on an appeal to the majority or on a specific lack of  
evidence of corruption. Neither are valid arguments.

So, either I learn all the necessary languages and then audit the code myself  
(for who else can I really trust?) or I have to 'hope for the best' despite  
overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The former is impossible and the  
latter is no choice worth making. I have zero expectations of privacy.  
Regardless of what software I use, there is no escape from State  
surveillance. Even if there was a 100% clean OS, my ISP is spying on me  
anyway. This post I'm typing on my nice 100% libre OS, will still be sent  
through servers, in a series of packets and it's almost certain that they can  
be read by those I have not given permission to.

So why bother at all then?

For me, it's about personal morality. I believe in marriage, but I don't  
entertain ideas that because I believe in marriage that this will lead to an  
end to one night stands, or divorce. But neither will I say marriage is  
going out of fashion so I won't bother either. I tend to regard the majority  
as unsavable. They are blind, deaf and dumb; deprived of the wherewithall to  
make informed decisions and programmed to despise those who do. So all we  
have is our little corner of the world and it's good to find others who feel  
the same way, albeit in varying degrees. But changing the world for the  
better? Not going to happen. That doesn't mean don't try, it just means be  
realistic about our chances and be ruthlessly discerning over who says what  
and why. If your first reaction to Debian owned by the NSA was anger, then  
you're almost certainly not thinking straight about the deeper issues. The  
title was intentionally provocative, to get people to read it, to try to get  
people to think beyond the badges and sales slogans that we're all familiar  
with and over which we should, by now, be very questioning, regardless of who  
states them. When a High Street Bank says the name you can trust anyone who  
watches the news will fall about laughing. Even the Co-Op bank (here in the  
UK) has abandoned ethical practices and is now 

Re: [Trisquel-users] is parabola down ?

2014-08-13 Thread eemeli . blasten

You can get the parabola ISO's from here:

In july their main repository had extended maintenance, and about a month ago  
their homepage redirects to the wiki. I have not heard the reasons for doing  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Removing services not needed - Need advice

2014-08-13 Thread jeffm3809
Asia Textile Inspections Is An Independent Inspections Service Provider In  
India And All Over The Asia, Which Is Recognized Worldwide Because Of Its  
Reliable Services. We Provide Several Diff Categories Of Inspections:
(1) Quality Inspection (2) Quality Assurance (3) Quality Audit (4) Third  
Party Inspection (5) Verification and Chinese Production Etc... Quality Check  
for Our Customers, Retailers, Importers, Business Partners and Manufacturers.

Product Evaluation in Asia

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-13 Thread onpon4
It wasn't removed for no reason. It was removed because GNOME doesn't need  
it. GNOME uses a floating status bar that appears and disappears as needed.

For the record, the exact same thing happened with Firefox. As far as I can  
tell, Abrowser 30 doesn't have any option to show a constant status bar.

The GNOME project removes unneeded features. This is a good policy; after  
all, you can't leave features in unmaintained (they might break or partially  
break eventually, and that would just confuse users), and maintaining  
unneeded features is a waste of time. If either of these builds up, it can  
become a huge problem; users would be annoyed, or very little development  
would get done.

By the way, this is a free/libre software community, not an open source  
community. See:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Keyboard indicator.

2014-08-13 Thread Sachin
Do you mean two keyboards or two keyboard layouts?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 screenshot

2014-08-13 Thread magicbanana

Not to mention the waste of screen space!

Anyway, it is true that there is, now, no easy (0-click) way to know the  
space left on a partition. The floating bar only gives the status of selected  

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreTrend - My Vision of Free Software

2014-08-13 Thread zatroch

Admirable effort Luis! Good luck and fortune in its next stage.

Re: [Trisquel-users] very very slow initially, using instead

2014-08-13 Thread tegskywalker
I know that they are the same, but I've had time out  
on me or was unreachable where the fsf mirror didn't. Just left it at that  
and went straight to the source.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 Keyboard indicator.

2014-08-13 Thread mve1
I mean two or more keyboard layouts. In trisquel 6, the keyboard indicator  
would appear automatically on the panel when adding more than one keyboard  
layout (next to the clock, volume, battery indicator), It would show the  
initials of the language currently active and could be used to switch the  
language by left clicking on the indicator and selecting from the available  

[Trisquel-users] Is Clear Sans a true free/libre font?

2014-08-13 Thread tegskywalker

Does anyone know if this is considered a true free font? I know its under  
Apache 2.0, but sometimes a font is not considered fully open unless the font  
can be built with free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Clear Sans a true free/libre font?

2014-08-13 Thread legimet . calc
Clear Sans can be freely utilized by application, browser and operating  
system developers. The design has not been open-sourced.

Since the source code is unavailable, it's not a free font.

Re: [Trisquel-users] can lxde look nice?

2014-08-13 Thread gromobir
Yes, it can look nice as you can see here:

The link shows how Trisquel-Mini looks by default. There are quite some  
options to customize it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] can lxde look nice?

2014-08-13 Thread onpon4

Those are all screenshots of the default GNOME DE, not Trisquel-Mini.

[Trisquel-users] Fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption (from FSF)

2014-08-13 Thread tegskywalker

Pretty good read if you haven't seen it before.

[Trisquel-users] Problems with Trisquel on KVM

2014-08-13 Thread marioxcc0
Hello. I installed Trisquel in a virtualized environment using KVM using the  
net installer. When I start up the virtual machine I get a BusyBox prompt,  
even though I get the graphical loading screen with the blinking Trisquel  
logo. How can I install a graphical desktop environment like LXDE?. Will I  
have to reinstall Trisquel from scratch or I can do so from the BusyBox  


Re: [Trisquel-users] very very slow initially, using instead

2014-08-13 Thread kepeken

I had this problem too,
so I ran the select best server at the applications sources (sorry if this  
is not the official translation, as my system is in Portuguese.

I switched to
and also to ftp instead of html.

Maybe we have to use the different servers, to avoid overloading the main  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Clear Sans a true free/libre font?

2014-08-13 Thread jabjabs

Shame really, looks good.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with Trisquel on KVM

2014-08-13 Thread magicbanana
It is a fully-featured terminal environment, not BusyBox. You can install  
LXDE in this way:

$ sudo apt-get install lxde

However, you may instead want the whole Trisquel Mini experience (based on  

$ sudo apt-get install trisquel-mini trisquel-mini-recommended

Or you can only install the base of Trisquel Mini, which includes LXDE, and  
later choose by yourself the user applications (the Web browser, the office  
suite, the email client, the PDF viewer, the instant messenger, etc.):

$ sudo apt-get install trisquel-mini

[Trisquel-users] GDM

2014-08-13 Thread abhijithb21
Why GDM is not in the repos of Trisquel 7? Also, I saw gnome shell 3.8 and  
3.10. Why is it so?

Re: [Trisquel-users] GDM

2014-08-13 Thread legimet . calc

GDM is in the repos. Its package name is gdm.
The GNOME shell is version 3.10.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GDM

2014-08-13 Thread abhijithb21
I installed using this ISO trisquel_7.0-20140709_i686.iso. Is it  outdated? I  
am sure I didn't find gdm. When I tried to install gnome-shell 3.10 I got a  
list of many packages that where not going to be installed. I manually  
installed many but gdm coz it was not to be found anywhere. I finally used  
ppa to install it. Also, I found a meta-package for gnome 3.8. Trying to  
install it gave me a notice for dependency problems.

[Trisquel-users] headless KVM

2014-08-13 Thread Quiliro Ordóñez Baca
I would like to install a headless KVM on a Celeron D (64 bit). Is it

Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
600 8579

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] GDM

2014-08-13 Thread legimet . calc
The ISO doesn't matter if you want to install from the repos. gdm is  
definitely in the repos. Maybe if you run an apt-get update it will show  

Re: [Trisquel-users] headless KVM

2014-08-13 Thread Quiliro Ordóñez Baca

El 13/08/14 a las 21:50, Quiliro Ordóñez Baca escibió:
 I would like to install a headless KVM on a Celeron D (64 bit). Is it

I guess not.
grep -E 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo
has no output. So, according to
it will not support virtualization.

Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
600 8579

Description: OpenPGP digital signature