Re: [Trisquel-users] is Virtualbox non-free software?

2014-12-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Send them email and let them know how you (we) think. I think all kind of  
feedback is important.

[Trisquel-users] How to get keys on a Thinkpad T60 with german keyboard layout?

2014-12-08 Thread shiretoko

Hello everybody,

i bought a cheap Thinkpad T60 and installed Trisquel on it. Some things don't  
work but I don't mind.
The one thing which bothers me is that the notebook has a US keyboard with a  
long shift key.
On a german keyboard, the shift key is only twice as long and instead there  
is an additional key, containing  and |, and since this key is missing  
here I'm not able to type any of those characters as long as I use a german  
keyboard layout (which is a real problem if you want to write code or use the  

I don't use any GUI but instead the awesome window manager, so solutions that  
don't include preference-tools of some DE are prefered.

I already opened /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/de
and replaced acute with lesserthanequal and grave with  
greaterthanequal since I don't need neither of those keys, but first of  
all, those are not the names for  and  (how are they actually called?) and  
second, it didn't work!

Even after reboot I still get ยด and ` instead of  and .

Does anybody know more about this topic? It's very tedious and time consuming  
digging in those config files.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread maestro
I really don't like the direction mozilla is headed to - the last few  
versions with the change in the style (google copycat) and now this version  
34 with the search tab and those tiles. I switched to icecat.

Anyway thanks for the info legimet,onpon and lembas!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help with Evolution Email from this Forum?

2014-12-08 Thread lutz-hausmann

I found this here:

I still believe that an inclusion of a newer Evolution is important for this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help with Evolution Email from this Forum?

2014-12-08 Thread davesamcdxv
Actually, according to one of the pages you linked to, I think Quidam only  
needs to take the current Evolution, and rebuild it with a patch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread davesamcdxv
I'm pretty sure Aurora isn't a Google (Chrome) copycat (if the tabs were  
square I doubt there'd be too much of such a sentiment).

It feels heavier, though :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to get keys on a Thinkpad T60 with german keyboard layout?

2014-12-08 Thread davesamcdxv
I'm guessing there are a lot of German keyboard layouts to choose from and  
that you should try them one by one?

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to get keys on a Thinkpad T60 with german keyboard layout?

2014-12-08 Thread lcerf

 is greater; | is bar.

Instead of messing with xkb you can use xmodmap. You first need to dump the  
current mapping of the keys into ~/.Xmodmap:

$ xmodmap -pke  ~/.Xmodmap

Then you must modify this file. In the first column, you have the key code  
(bound to a physical key) and then, after the equal sign, what character  
represents (first when the key is pressed without any modifier, then when  
Shift is pressed at the time, etc.).

You can use the 'xev' command to discover what key code is bound to a  
particular key. For a clearer out, we can filter the lines with keycode:

$ xev | grep keycode

When the command is running, just press the key to discover its code.

With GNOME, I then had to explicitly add 'xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap' to the Startup  
applications. I believe you will not have this trouble with awesome.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless N USB Adapter (TPE-N150USB)

2014-12-08 Thread chris
We just got done testing some new firmware for the USB N adapters you may  
want to try. I don't think its going to solve the problem your having, but  
just in case. Basically on some systems the stability of the adapter can be a  
problem where the USB controller is flaky (that is the issue is in the  
computer rather than the USB N adapter). Not all USB controllers like larger  
packet sizes apparently and can be flaky as a result with many USB devices.  
The new firmware for the USB N adapter reduces the packet size to improve the  
stability on these problematic systems. It basically won't solve the problem  
for other USB devices that you might run into problems with on these systems,  
but it'll solve it for our two USB N adapters.

We have to package up the source code for the firmware still, but when its  
done we'll go and post it under the support section of

Re: [Trisquel-users] kvm installation problems

2014-12-08 Thread Sachin
Logging out and in is necessary.
If you had use the command id you would have seen that your user was
not a member libvirtd group.

[Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread arielxgbarton

My laptop battery life is far from ideal; about 2 hours.
It is a Asus x200CA.
It might be because the battery isn't very large, in which case I will have  
to just live with it,
However, are there any software things I can change (apart from the obvious  
screen brightness)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bring compiz's Animations Add-On back AKA compiz-plugins-extra :) [SOLVED]

2014-12-08 Thread arielgnu

There is something I forgot to mention:

Once you have installed compiz this way compizconfig-settings-manager won't  
have anything enable, so you will have to enable what you need.

Window decoration will be one of them. Go to it's settings and change  
Command from /usr/bin/compiz-decorator to emerald --replace

Some options you may want to get enable too would be:

Window decorator
Gnome compatibility
Composite plugin
App switcher
And move windows

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread kepeken

Thank you for all the answers,

I'm glad it will be fixed, so I remebered of another bug (I still don't know  
how to submit):

Abrowser is still sending downloaded file information to Google!!
As Firefox 32 onwards wants to prevent malicious software from being  
downloaded, and I think GNU/Linux security updates can pretty much prevent  

I disabled manually, but I think it should be global:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread dhunt
What about installing the laptop-mode-tools package?  It's in the Trisquel  
main repositories.  Just do

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools

from the terminal.

For information on installing and configuring,   
see this guide]

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

There's a few tips here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread kepeken
yes, I use this tool also, but I just changed the configuration file in  



Another powerful tool is the powertop, already in the repository.  
Documentation is here:

note: I don't know if it is safe to use more than one of this tools, so be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread kepeken
Just for the record, as I saw onpon4's bug report for this tab issue, I  
submitted a new bug report for the Google tracking:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Connecting to wifi

2014-12-08 Thread hugh . mayfield

Thanks for your reply.

It's difficult to disable security on the router, as it's not my router.

Happy to provide more info - could you be more specific as to what is needed,  

Will try a live USB stick and see what happens / report back.

I am connecting to the correct router, using the correct password.  There are  
no routers with a similar name.

Numerous other devices in the house connect without problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread rakyi
I like TLP. It does a lot of the things mentioned above but also conflicts  
with other power saving tools like laptop-mode-tools.

[Trisquel-users] Problem with the output to the external Monitor

2014-12-08 Thread janprunk

Hello Trisquel users !

I am facing an issue after upgrade from toutatis to belenos (the upgrade  
went smoothly, thanks quidam for making smooth transition !), which results  
in my external Samsung VGA LCD monitor not getting any output from my  
laptop's VGA port. Previously I had a virtual dual-screen setup, which  
worked, and the external monitor got the picture, when I started X/gdm (not  
before) but now the command xrandr which is supposed to list the outgoing  
outputs gives an error:

root@trisquel# xrandr
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1366 x 768, current 1366 x 768, maximum 1368 x 768
default connected primary 1366x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm

Previously it listed VGA-0 as secondary output which went to my external  
monitor, so I was able to use the virtual screen solution there. I should add  
that the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file hasn't changed during the upgrade and  
remained the same as being used in toutatis.

root@trisquel# lspci -v |grep VGA
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]  
Wrestler [Radeon HD 7340] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])

I already googled up the xrandr error, but couldn't find anything related  
that would fix my issue, I assume that it could be maybe a (proprietary)  
driver related issue ?

Any hints are appreciated, I can paste more commands if needed to investigate  
the error ...

Thank you !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread arielxgbarton

thank you,

I have installed laptop-power-tools.

Hopefully it works, I will see tommorow at school.

Also, I have a problem that when I close the lid, I want it to lock and ask  
for the password when opened again. How can I set that up? because there are  
many people at school who might do the wrong things with it.

[Trisquel-users] Just installed jxself's 3.18 kernel. Few questions.

2014-12-08 Thread tegskywalker
As you know, Linux 3.18 was released and Jason has the latest at for you all to download in Trisquel. I'm sure this  
has been answered before, but is there a command to see all the firmware that  
has been blocked/deblobbed by the kernel?

When I built this PC, I made sure to have as much of my hardware open as I  
could. I noticed that my ethernet (r8169) that is part of motherboard doesn't  
work, but that is ok as I use the 802.11N dongle from Think Penguin.

If there's an easy way to see ALL of the stuff that's been blocked by the  
kernel that would be great.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Just installed jxself's 3.18 kernel. Few questions.

2014-12-08 Thread ruben

dmesg | grep DEBLOBBED

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread maestro
kepeken - that is very well known.. safebrowsing sending your info to  
gooshit! There are a lot of about:config entries one should change if he is  
concerned about privacy/security. I'm planning on doing an exaustive list but  
I need good will and time (I will check each entry in about:config using info  
on the mozillazine webpage.
I used icecat for several hours today and yesterday and checked some very  
important (security/privacy wise) entries in about:config - icecat is much  
better in this sense. I prefeared Abrowser but now I love icecat!!

ps. What does firefox turn into when google gives them 90% of their revenue?

pps. the answer is - firefox turns into a biatch (google's biatch)!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread dhunt
Try the Power section in gnome-tweak-tool; 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with the output to the external Monitor

2014-12-08 Thread lcerf
/etc/modprobe.d/disable-radeon.conf blacklists the radeon driver. Comment its  
only line by making it start with #:

$ sudo sed -i 's/^/#/' /etc/modprobe.d/disable-radeon.conf

Then update the initramfs:
$ sudo update-initramfs -u

A reboot later, the problem might be solved.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Just installed jxself's 3.18 kernel. Few questions.

2014-12-08 Thread tegskywalker
[4.924482] r8169 :09:00.0: Direct firmware load for /*(DEBLOBBED)*/  
failed with error -2
[4.924888] r8169 :09:00.0 eth0: unable to load firmware patch  
/*(DEBLOBBED)*/ (-22)

That's what I got in the terminal and confirms my assumptions about the only  
non-free device. Either way, no big deal as I use WiFi as brought up earlier.  
Still, it would have been nice if my M5A99FX PRO R2.0 motherboard had free  
firmware for the only ethernet port. Oh well. Maybe I should bug ASUS.

Thanks for the help!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop battery.

2014-12-08 Thread onpon4
Under Brightness  Lock, turn Lock on, and set it to lock when the screen  
turns off.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless N USB Adapter (TPE-N150USB)

2014-12-08 Thread joel

Sounds great! Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread legimet . calc
Yeah, Firefox is getting really bloated. Too many features (and features) I  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 34 new tab page

2014-12-08 Thread tegskywalker
Firefox has been bleeding marketshare to Chrome and IE the past few years and  
Mozilla is getting desperate. The majority of their money comes from Google  
and when that deal ends, who knows what will happen with the Mozilla  

They think a Firefox phone is going to save them. It may crash and burn and  
take the Ubuntu phone with them.