Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread tomlukeywood

the majority of flash applications are non-free
if pepole set out to make libre software there main platform is not normally  

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread tomlukeywood

i loved doom when i was a kid(12 years old+)

but not too good for a 4 and 6 year old

diddnt see that bit in your post!

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread ka1cey
I was pleased to discover that the BLAG GNOME 20 live medium seems to  
have a complete GNOME 3.10, including orca screen reader.  I haven't yet  
checked the Mate spin.  My earlier test was on 14.  20 does not seem  
to see my Think Penguin USB wifi radio; that's for another topic or forum.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Achieving native 1680x1050 resolution in Syncmaster 2253BW monitor

2015-01-17 Thread amenex
After trekking through the graphics-card wilderness, I came up with an  
R92LE-C3S (a.k.a. ATI Radeon 9200SE) which runs on the same generic driver as  
the HP 6430NX motherboard's built-in graphics. Hence, my desktop looks  
exactly the same as it did with the motherboard's video output. This is all I  
could find with a search for graphics cards with Intel chipsets. Ha. Still  
stuck with proprietary requirements. Blame my ancient motherboard.

Turns out that the first graphics card that I got wants a minimum of 450-watt  
power supply, so it's going back. An MSI GeForce GT610 has a different socket  
requirement that slipped past my radar. My old GeForce 6200 graphics card is  
indeed DOA.

Is there a straightforward way of acquiring the ATI/Radeon graphics driver so  
I can get round circles and not egg-shaped ones ? Anything I can get with  
sudo apt-get install ?


Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread onpon4
I once asked RMS what he would think of ROM hacking if copyright weren't a  
factor. He refused to consider it because it's a theoretical scenario that  
won't happen for several decades, but based on what he did say, I don't think  
he would consider ROM hacking as it's currently done to be good enough. He  
suggested that some properly commented assembly code would have to be derived  
from the binaries for it to be considered libre. I'm not sure if I agree or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread onpon4
I think Batman Doom is OK. It does have blood and violence, but not very  
much. (Note: it's not libre, but it runs on libre Doom engines; preferably,  
use PrBoom or PrBoom+.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What happen to hardware?

2015-01-17 Thread tomlukeywood
i think that it compleatly depends on how many pepole are willing to make it  

[Trisquel-users] No picture in guvcview

2015-01-17 Thread catfishagain
Guvcview worked brilliantly in Trisquel 6. Cheese works and the video in  
Jitsi is great in Trisquel 7 but I have no picture in Guvcview. Is anyone  
else having this problem?

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread davesamcdxv

Parabola('s stable branch) seems to be more cutting than bleeding edge to me.

[Trisquel-users] /etc has a 'firefox' folder with apturl.js

2015-01-17 Thread lakbk89
What worries me really is not the 'Firefox' folder name but its contents, ie  
/etc/firefox/pref/apturl.js, especially the javascript file named apturl.js

There are two folders for IceCat and Abrowser both having files named  
syspref.js, which also resides in /etc path.

I am *NOT* against including javascript in programs, if they are free: *BUT* from a privacy  
point of view (as browsers can work on JS, and can be manipulated via an  
attacker etc.) I feel its my right to understand what is the purpose served  
by apturl.js(especially do it directs to an embedded URL, can be accessed by  
an external process etc.)

Thank you in advance for input

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread LDrumbler
I can make some allowances for your machine. But they're not relevant in the  
face of what I see: the fallback error image, the *dreadful* font  
rendering, and SeaMonkey as a browser.

[Trisquel-users] Disabling panel animations

2015-01-17 Thread rainteller
Is there any way to disable panel animations that trigger on button click (or  
frames that appear on tab+alt, for that matter)?

I'm using out of the box Trisquel 7 (metacity).

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread onpon4

So, if your car's engine doesn't work, that car is oppressing you?

What if the car's engine dies? Or what if a program stops working because you  
upgraded a dependency? Is the car or program now suddenly oppressing you?

I'm sorry, but your logic is insanely flawed. A tool being broken isn't  
unethical. Being prevented from fixing or modifying your tool, whether it's  
broken or not, is unethical.

As far as accessibility is concerned, it absolutely sucks when, because of  
the negligence of sighted people, blind people are unable to use certain  
tools. This is not exclusive to computers. Many, many books are not available  
either in Braille or as audiobooks. Pretty much nothing you buy at the store  
includes instructions that can be read without sight. Many jobs are either  
impossible or extremely dangerous to do without sight.

But none of these are examples of oppression, and if a similar good that can  
be used by blind people is sold, but with restrictions on its use or  
modification, that is not better than the good that, due to negligence, is  
more difficult or impossible for blind people to use. I would argue the  
opposite: such a thing is even worse. It's an exploitation of the lack of  
support blind people get in a world of mostly sighted people.

I also want to point out that I'm very much into video games. I am actually  
very conscious about trying to make my games as accessible as possible; for  
example, my most recent game uses colors to differentiate teams, so I  
included a colorblind mode for colorblind and color-deficient people. But  
one group in particular I typically cannot include among my games' users is  
blind people, because there simply aren't a whole lot of interesting ideas  
for games that can work without visuals. That you apparently think that,  
because of this, I am oppressing blind people, and worse than a proprietary  
software developer, is insulting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread blade . vp2020

Many of my friends want to play free baseball
Unfortunately there is no baseball game free so far

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread LDrumbler
The first and most fundamental purpose of software is to run. A free program  
that does not do what the user wants is more restrictive than a proprietary  
program that does do what the user wants, because the first does not fulfill  
software's fundamental purpose, while the second does.

Freedom is not a fundamental purpose of software. Even if my car's blueprints  
are freely available, and it is simple to disassemble and reassemble it,  
**all of that matters nothing if it cannot move under its own power.**

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best Secure AMD Laptop for free software

2015-01-17 Thread Michał Masłowski
Choose old Intel systems (i945 and gm45 can work with free boot firmware
and without Management Engine firmware which implements AMT).  (TPM is
just a mostly useless chip, it's harmless.)  If you choose AMD, you
should decide if their signed blobs are sufficiently harmful.  You won't
avoid having much writable flash storage (in the chip storing boot
firmware), unless you use coreboot and customize it to not write memory
training data needed for suspend to RAM and faster booting.  (Builtin
wifi is in SoCs for routers and some phones, I think no x86 system has

Cryptographic code necessarily does much work on the CPU, which means
more power being used.  It did optimize too well for speed and avoid
some unnecessary computations, making it possible to find private keys
From the pattern of power usage (and resulting noise from capacitors and
inductors).  GPG was fixed to prevent guessing private keys from such
noise, so you hear only that encryption (or another CPU-intensive
operation) occurs, maybe also what key size you use (while everyone now
uses 4096-bit RSA keys for GPG).  See for details.

Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] Re : new user to linux

2015-01-17 Thread lcerf
Well, the NSA change the firmware on hardware before it is shipped to people  
they *specifically* target. It is not a common threat. They do that because  
no application (such as an anti-virus) can detect the malware. The only  
solution would be to flash that firmware. But, again, you probably have  
nothing to worry about.

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread sleepruim

Thanks Heather and Magic banana!

installed Minetest and Celestia. I will show him tonight! He has played  
Minecraft (installed it on a Rasp) and he loves it so I'm sure he will be  
He likes platform games so I showed him Commander Keen. I found Clonekeen as  
a replacement:

He also likes to play games from the Lego site, but they are all flash based.
On this age they will play what you give them so luckily I still have some  
influence ;-)

My Daughter likes those games where you can dress a doll, but also puzzles  
and coloring. I think Tux Paint and gcompris will fill that gap nicely

0AD is perhaps a bit too difficult, although now I have a new game to play  
(loved Ages of Empires when I was young) 

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread onpon4

For platformers, I can recommend a few in particular:

- Barbie Seahorse Adventures (package seahorse-adventures in Trisquel 7)

- Secret Maryo Chronicles (package smc in Trisquel; you probably also want  
smc-music, for music)

- Tux Strikes Back -- a SuperTux Milestone 1 (package supertux-stable in  
Trisquel) world. Get it here:

- Alex the Allegator 4 (package alex4 in Trisquel)

- SuperTux (package supertux for the development version, or supertux-stable  
for Milestone 1) is pretty good, but it's been in development hell for the  
past decade, so I'd expect little progress on it in the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread shiretoko
Alex the Allegator is really awesome, and so is supertux (and supertux 2 i as  
far as I remember).

Though it is a controversal topic, i want to point out that for people  
actually make mods and hacks of old snes/nes roms and share them with the  
community, so they are exercising freedom 2 and 3. Freedom one is a  
precondition for this anyway.
I guess none of those freedoms are really granted by law, but I don't know of  
anybody who ever got in trouble with those old games. You can play them with  
a free software emulator.
For me, they are acceptable from a freedom perspective but for other people  
here they are not, so it's your decision.

However, I'm fully convinced that they are not the same thing as proprietary  
software and that's the reason why i mention them here.
The Snes and Nes offers the greates game classics ever made. Personally, i  
think that modern games can't compete.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What happen to hardware?

2015-01-17 Thread golyn

Thank guys for the answers...

In your opinion, How long will it take to have complete free hardware  
(laptops, mobile phones, eReaders, etc) available to FSF users?

What do you think about that future? is it utopic?

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-17 Thread noordinaryspider
You may hate me for Minetest, but if it wasn't me, it would just be somebody  
else. That's what this generation does. We don't have a server set up yet and  
mostly keep Heather Jr. offline, but that could change and undoubtedly will  
at some point.