Re: [Trisquel-users] The end of YouTube API v2

2015-05-12 Thread greatgnu

don't repo nuff' - compile!

also take a look at this handy solution for downloading the vids -


Re: [Trisquel-users] A new ConnochaetOS release

2015-05-12 Thread nicodemusso85
What are the system requirements?i have a Pentium III 500mhz and 64 Mb ram i  
wonder if is gonna work on this old machine

Re: [Trisquel-users] How can I make a master boot record without resorting to Windows ?

2015-05-12 Thread amenex


That pesky motherboard (same Intel D865GLC as I'm using in a couple other  
successful Trisquel 7 installations) just wouldn't cooperate, even after I  
raised it up away from the case with some nifty standoffs, so I set it aside  
and got another one from a different source and then swapped out the original  
Pentium 4 CPU, fan  cooling block into the replacement, which cured the  
problem. Short version: the torso transplant saved the head. Three different  
power supplies helped, too ... It's really a frankenputer now, fer sher: it's  
composed of all leftover  recycled parts, except for a bag of screws from  
the 'puter store and the Windowless HDD with which I started this thread.

Then I discovered that grub couldn't wake up the Trisquel 7 installation that  
I had made while the HDD was plugged into a USB port on my laptop. Changing  
the flag on the root partition of that Trisquel 7 installation didn't revive  
it, so I just burned a Trisquel 7 live DVD and let it have its way with that  
HDD, to which I hadn't yet added any data.

Result: a painless Trisquel 7 installation in spite of all the complications  
related before in this thread.

One piece of advice: Be sure to look up grub's password with sudo cat  
/etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD before moving that HDD and its installed OS onto the  
target desktop, 'cuz if you can't get the primary Trisquel 7 OS to boot up,  
you're not gonna get to the console to fix the situation. I had to take  
everything apart and re-marry that HDD with the laptop to retrieve grub's  

Final result: a desktop PC with a circa 2004 MB with Pentium 4, 4GB RAM and  
two 320GB HDD's. Great for everything except gaming. Trisquel 7 installs  
painlessly with the best graphics resolution that the monitor can manage and  
the correct aspect ratio, all by default ... no frustrating user adjustments  
needed at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can a Lenovo G50-80 Run trisquelgnulinux?

2015-05-12 Thread onpon4
It's worth noting that Lenovo is one of the many companies that try to  
restrict what kinds of wireless cards you can install in their computers with  
digital restriction mechanisms. That list also includes IBM, HP, Dell, and  
Toshiba. Computers from Gluglug are the best choice and computers from Think  
Penguin are the second-best choice, but if you're going to buy computers from  
mainstream companies, you should at least avoid these companies which  
intentionally attack their customers' freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The end of YouTube API v2

2015-05-12 Thread grandchaos9000
Finally, the SMPlayer YouTube Browser has been updated to the latest version  
15.5.10 with YouTube API v3, and also there is a repository.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The end of YouTube API v2

2015-05-12 Thread grandchaos9000

You almost forgot the automoc before compiling to work.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Partition table suggested for installing three GNU/Linux systems

2015-05-12 Thread lcerf
And it seems like 16 GB should last quite a while. I only wonder if I were to  
install games in /opt if 3.2 GB would get strained.

Just do not separate /opt from / (that you can enlarge if you wish) and you  
will get flexibility! You already plan to use the same type of filesystem.

There might be a performance hit if a partition is bigger than it needs

Not that I am aware of.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A new ConnochaetOS release

2015-05-12 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

Here's another project that's trying to free Slackware.

The two should co-operate and get the FSF seal of approval.