[Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread lovexdrew
I know it's still running because it's automatically connecting me to my home  
wifi network and popping up notifications when it's done. In htop I can see  
that it is running in the background. However it does not show up in the  
system tray and I cannot figure out how to get it to, so I can't interact  
with it or anything. Can anyone help me please?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread franparpe
There seems to be a problem with xfce's system tray, you can use another  
system tray; summon the terminal emulator and:

$ sudo aptitude install xfce4-indicator-plugin

Then, go to the panel, left click and select panel and add elements to the  
panel. After that, select the new indicator you have downloaded. You will see  
that the indicator is too complete, press right mouse button with the  
cursor over the new tray and select properties to be able to choose what  
applications you don't want to show up. After selecting what you want,  
restart the session.

Tell us if that worked.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weather Item in Panel in Trisquel 7

2015-05-17 Thread tesseract

Thanks kfarwell, I'll give that a try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread lovexdrew
That worked! In order to restart it to make the changes take effect I had to  
reboot because  I noticed the logout button on the indicator does not work.  
Shut down does, but not log out.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Update the Trisquel-Mini 7.0

2015-05-17 Thread Julius22

Hello lcom23,

I had the same problem after upgrading my installation from 6.0 to 7.0. It  
appeared to be a problem with the rights that did'nt allow to really upgrade  
(make the installation). I had to go, in the main menu, to (sorry if the  
titles of the elements are not goo as I Translate it from french)  
Preferences - Desktop session settings and to check the PolicyKit  
Authentication Agent line.

I hope that it helps.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread Sachin
Go to session and startup - Application startup and disable Indicator
Application, you wouldn't need to add the indicator plugin on your panel

and then logout and login

Re: [Trisquel-users] Microsoft was the biggest presence at a recent Linux conference in Washington. Your thoughts?

2015-05-17 Thread taiji_tao

Just a little update on systemd, since it played a role in this post...

Devuan (Debian fork) is expecting a systemd free version of Jessie to be  
released sometime this summer...

antiX (based on Debian), is currently working on a systemd free version of  
Jessie.  Uses nonfree, however, they provide instructions on how to  
remove/purge the programs and block them so the system is free/libre...

Manjaro (based on Arch) offers a version with openRC instead of systemd.

Slackware has no plans on adding systemd, Gentoo gives the user the option of  
using it or notFreeBSD no systemd..

gNewSense not systemd...for now...


Re: [Trisquel-users] Update the Trisquel-Mini 7.0

2015-05-17 Thread anthonypineiro
Did you see any indications of packages being held back? If so you can try a  
dist-upgrade. Let me know if this helps.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Here are the differences with the upgrades:

   upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages
   currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in
   /etc/apt/sources.list. Packages currently installed with new
   versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no
   circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages
   not already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of
   currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without
   changing the install status of another package will be left at
   their current version. An update must be performed first so that
   apt-get knows that new versions of packages are available.

   dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade,
   also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions
   of packages; apt-get has a smart conflict resolution system, and
   it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the
   expense of less important ones if necessary. So, dist-upgrade
   command may remove some packages. The /etc/apt/sources.list file
   contains a list of locations from which to retrieve desired package
   files. See also apt_preferences(5) for a mechanism for overriding
   the general settings for individual packages.

[Trisquel-users] Nice Trisquel style theme for icewm

2015-05-17 Thread taiji_tao
Found this on box-look, of course it is not the same, but it is one of the  
nicest themes I have seen for good ol icewm!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Update the Trisquel-Mini 7.0

2015-05-17 Thread lcom23

Hello Kromas. I went with the commands you indicated the system updated.
But when you open the Update Manager packages still appear enabled to update  
with total of 65 MB in size.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update the Trisquel-Mini 7.0

2015-05-17 Thread lcom23

Hello Jullius22.
In sessions settings do not have that option.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread lovexdrew

What? But a_slacker_here told me to install it and it fixed the problem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread lovexdrew
It certainly seemed to work, it's there now. However there are two things  
wrong. You are right that it is too complete, I cannot take away specific  
parts of it, either I can have the whole thing or remove the whole thing. I'd  
love to be able to get rid of the chat indicator since I've never once used  

And, as you can see in the screenshot, the color is all messed up.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weather Item in Panel in Trisquel 7

2015-05-17 Thread rakyi
There is also https://launchpad.net/my-weather-indicator, but I haven't  
tested it with Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] KGoldRunner Expansion Pack

2015-05-17 Thread legimet . calc

I'll be sure to try it. KGoldRunner is one of my favorite games!

[Trisquel-users] Re : Few problems in Trisquel 7

2015-05-17 Thread lcerf
I guess the Live system does not include localization files for Bulgarian  
(only the installer is localized) and the relevant files must be downloaded  
through Language support (or something similar) in the System settings  
window of the newly installed system.

You need not reinstall but that may be the quicker way if you have not spent  
much time configuring, installing new programs, etc. You could also discover  
GRUB's password (the user is named grub) from a live system: just read the  
file /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD on the root partition of the installed system.  
With this piece of information, you can then reboot (without the live system  
plugged) enter GRUB's configuration, edit the boot line to pass the single  
keyword among Linux's options, directly get a root terminal from which you  
can execute 'passwd user', where user is the login of the user you want the  
password modified. One more reboot and you can log in the system with that  
user (and his new password).

To manually partition your drive, choose the last option (maybe called  
Something else) when the graphical installer asks you if Trisquel should  
take the whole disk, etc. You can then erase existing partitions, create new  
ones (with the types of filesystem of your choice) and decide what directory  
(/, /home, etc.) will be on it. You obviously need a root partition (i.e.,  
mounted at /) to proceed. Nothing is mounted on a swap partition. 4 GB of  
swap probably is enough. The swap is not only used when the RAM is fulled but  
also when hibernating the system. In that latter case, the whole content of  
the RAM is dumped to the disk (I guess it is zipped first though) and that is  
why users who want to hibernate any non-swapping system want as much swap as  
they have RAM.

As for the chosen types of filesystems, Trisquel defaults to ext4 for the  
system (a very well tested type of filesystem) and XFS for /home. XFS is said  
to be particularly efficient to manage large files such as the user files (1  
MB is large). It has a significant drawback though: it cannot be shrunk. But  
since you plan to use 50 GB for the system, you should be safe: the system  
will not need to take space over /home. If you feel a little adventurous, you  
could try Btrfs, a modern and efficient type of filesystem with many  
features. It is still said experimental in the kernel but many users have  
been using it for years now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread franparpe

Again, tell us if everything went right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-17 Thread franparpe
Regarding the problem of the color, it all depends on the theme: the  
indicator have problems with some themes os changing the theme to another one  
should solve the problem (I cannot do more... sorry).

I think it should be better if I show you what to do by images: Again, right  
click on the tray, select properties and check the applications you want to  
be invisible. It is mandatory to exit the session for the configuration to  
take effect: