Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel as a server os

2015-06-10 Thread deavmi

Doesn't it render Perl automatically.

Although there are modules for apache2 thatvcan do that, I think there are, I  
am assuming so

[Trisquel-users] How to fix usb drive?

2015-06-10 Thread mokavey
I have problems with TS8GJF500  
( it becomes write protected in  
the process of writing to it on Windows 7. I'd used it for installation of  
Trisquel 7. I assume that I messed it up making it live usb many times. Then  
tried to fix it with fsck instead of fsck.fat, changing starting sector or  
sth. like that, hah.

So after little research I used dd zero bs=4M for complete data erasure. Then  
format it in FAT32 with gparted and again with disks (tried with disks at  
first to get an error; only gparted is not enough). Doing that procedure  
before using it on Windows 8 was enough to copy 1GB file without a problem.  
But back on Win 7 it's the old story. Today formatting it gave input/output  
error. Is it even fixable? If so could you give me the clear simple steps how  
to clean it entirely and format it properly. Obviously I'm doing it wrong  
now. Sorry for the messy info. I forgot all the things I've done to the drive  
and I get the feeling that new errors appear all the time.

P.S. I attach the details from today's attempt with gparted (leaving 50MB  
before and after the partition). And that is from disks (partition spanning  
the whole drive):

Error erasing device: Error writing 1048576 bytes to /dev/sdb1: Input/output  
error (udisks-error-quark, 0)

GParted 0.18.0 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize

Libparted 2.3
Format /dev/sdb1 as fat32  00:14:24( ERROR )

calibrate /dev/sdb1  00:00:00( SUCCESS )

path: /dev/sdb1
start: 102400
end: 15159295
size: 15056896 (7.18 GiB)
clear old file system signatures in /dev/sdb1  00:08:07( SUCCESS )

write 68.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 0  00:00:00( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 67108864  00:00:00( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 7709126656  00:00:00( SUCCESS )
flush operating system cache of /dev/sdb  00:08:07( SUCCESS )
set partition type on /dev/sdb1  00:00:01( SUCCESS )

new partition type: fat32
create new fat32 file system  00:06:16( ERROR )

mkfs.fat -F32 -v -I -n   /dev/sdb1

mkfs.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
/dev/sdb1 has 241 heads and 62 sectors per track,
hidden sectors 0x19000;
logical sector size is 512,
using 0xf8 media descriptor, with 15056896 sectors;
drive number 0x80;
filesystem has 2 32-bit FATs and 8 sectors per cluster.
FAT size is 14676 sectors, and provides 1878439 clusters.
There are 32 reserved sectors.
Volume ID is 27f745b4, volume label .
mkfs.fat: failed whilst writing FAT
libparted messages( INFO )

Input/output error during write on /dev/sdb

Re: [Trisquel-users] simple and powerful software for scrapbook

2015-06-10 Thread ianeuber
Try the Amoyshare Photo Collage Maker  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Vimeo run non-free Javascript??

2015-06-10 Thread greatgnu

same as ssdclickofdeath

[Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread superbyelich

Hello all,

 I decided to spank out gdm and replace it with WINGs Display Manager to  
give my experience a more classic look.  The only thing is, for some reason  
it doesn't seem to be loading automatically.  When I boot I get the trisquel  
splash screen, and then I see a login in a terminal screen, and then it just  
goes blank.

 The only way I've found I can get into my desktop is to 'alt+F1' to a  
new login screen and type in 'sudo service wdm start'.  This allows me to  
login and loads the GUI desktop.

 Any suggestions?  Log files I can look at?


Re: [Trisquel-users] user login:? I cannot Boot, but Install OK. Please Help

2015-06-10 Thread kaptcha
Thanks for your help. I performed a wrong step on Manual Installation and,  
well... not even Graphic environement was installed by mistake. I will make a  
tutorial about the manual installation menu in case it will be useful for the  
community in exchange for help.  Finally, Trisquel running OK. Some other  
questions to solve because I m completely new to GNU/Linux, but now my  
further questions are not so hard. I will ask about them on new comment  
because this issue is happily SOLVED. so THANKS A MILLION PEOPLE!. 

[Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread kaptcha
Hello Community; I m completely new to this OS and to linux  and I m taking a  
look at the add-remove aplications menu.  I got many questions about how  
installing programs and applications on my computer.

1. typing  sudo apt-get install package_name   on a terminal will be enough  
to get an app?. How does it works around here?, I mean this command works  
under this OS,  or there´s something different on Trisquel?.

2. I wanted to try a program I cannot see in the add-remove applications  
menu. I ve seen video editor Openshot, which seems cool to me but I fail to  
see other linux video editors like Cinelerra.  This means that maybe those  
programs I cannot see are not free software and will be rejected by the OS ?.  
 How could I check if a concrete program is following or not free software  
principles?. I understand that Trisquel will reject all kind of  linux  
software that does not follow free software principles . Am I right?. How  
does it works?., installation cancels?, not accepted program will not open  
up?. It just does not downloads from repositories?.

3. If I want to check if FFmpeg is installed or not on my machine, how could  
I do it from terminal?.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg  would be enough for installing this program in  
case is not?.

Thanks in advance to those who could answer something back!. Help very  
appreciated. Regards. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread onpon4

GDM? Trisquel 7 doesn't use that by default. It uses LightDM. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Vimeo run non-free Javascript??

2015-06-10 Thread tomlukeywood

i can watch videos on vimeo using onpon4's method here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread tomlukeywood

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm
it should come up with a option to chose your dm

at least it did when i installed gdm so i assume so

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread superbyelich
Yeah, I did a direct upgrade from Trisquel 6, so I think it kept gdm from  
that.  I could be wrong though.  All I know, is when I booted up after the  
upgrade I still was running gdm.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread tomlukeywood
1. typing sudo apt-get install package_name on a terminal will be enough to  
get an app?. How does it works around here?, I mean this command works under  
this OS, or there´s something different on Trisquel?.

so most gnu/linux distros such as trisquel have repo's
to make it easy to install programs
(you can install programs using other methods but this is the easiest)

so when you type for example apt-get install pacman
you are downloading the program pacman from the repo's
and then installing it

you can check were your downloading your programs from
by typing
nano /etc/apt/sources.list

there a bit more to it than that buts this is a simple explanation

also you can use graphical programs to do the same thing
like trisquels add/remove programs program

or synaptic package manager

i am not sure why this isnt in the repo's
maby noone knew about it..?

but its under the gpl
and i just compiled it sucsessfully
so i reccomend compiling it from source:

and if you need help doing so just ask

type ffmpeg -h

or use the synaptic package manager

I understand that Trisquel will reject all kind of linux software that does  
not follow free software principles . Am I right?

you can install non-free software on trisquel its
just that the hole point of using the distro is its fully free
so there a no non-free programs in the repo's

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread onpon4
The aptitude show command lists information about a package, including  
whether or not it's installed. For example, aptitude show icecat.

Note that FFmpeg is not in the repos. This is because it's been replaced with  
avconv, a fork of FFmpeg (its package is libav-tools).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple is open sourcing Swift. Your thoughts?

2015-06-10 Thread nicolasmaia

Apple: Work for us for free!

[Trisquel-users] Apple is open sourcing Swift. Your thoughts?

2015-06-10 Thread tegskywalker

As you may or may not know, Swift is a new programming language set to  
replace Objective-C in programming for the Mac and iOS platforms. It is  
supposed to be easier to program and according to Wikipedia, Swift took  
language ideas from Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, CLU, and  
far too many others to list

With Apple's recent WWDC, they announced that they would make Swift open  
source and available for Linux platforms in 2015. If it is the natural  
evolution of Objective-C and since Objective-C support on GNU/Linux is pretty  
terrible, maybe this will help some developers in coding without investing in  
locked down and overpriced Apple hardware and operating systems. Especially  
if they make all of the language open and don't make important feature only  
available to Apple platforms (like Cocoa/Objective-C), then this could be a  
good thing right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple is open sourcing Swift. Your thoughts?

2015-06-10 Thread marioxcc . MT
The articles don't mention what is going to be open source (a compiler, a  
debugger, an IDE, an implementation of the standard library, or what else?).  
As usual, those who talk about open source don't know what the term means and  
misapply it. Open source is a property that software may possess, but not  
programming languages (they have no source to speak of, implementations do).  
The question should be whether the software is going to be free as in  

Article writers in this type of journals are already too sloppy to know what  
open source is, let alone comprehend the importance of free software. These  
article writers don't want to see beyond their nose. When a new digital jail  
is released (traitors devices like computer phones, “iThings” or  
proprietary software) they are quick to appraise it for what it looks like,  
without realizing that it is just another way of putting the general public  
under corporate control. The use I see for any of these journals is to know  
what some of the latest artifices to deceive and exploit customers are.

Apple does occasionally releases software that can be useful in a fully free  
system like CUPS. However, at a glance, this gives me the impression that  
they are just looking to provide an open source bait for any developer stupid  
enough to take it, so that then he develops software that runs within the  
software framework of Apple; then Apple can subjugate the users of that  
software and possibly the stupid developer too.

[Trisquel-users] an Open Source Hardware Certification

2015-06-10 Thread svhaab

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread marioxcc . MT

I see that tomlukeywood has answered the orignal questions, in addition:

It is not “app get”, it's “apt-get”, as you wrote correctly in the  
message body. APT stands for “Advanced Packaging Tool”. “app” is  
ostensibly a shorthand for “application”, but in practice it is a  
marketing trash word (“buzzword”) roughly synonym with “computer  
program”; used especially by proprietary software developers. I guess it's  
also another way of making fun of the ignorant clients who happily surrender  
their computing rights and hand their personal information to them (the  

We have been using “computer program” for decades and it works perfectly,  
it means what it says. On the other hand, “app” is sloppy language,  
because the speaker doesn't ever bothers to write the full word, which is  
usually incorrect anyway. In informatics, an application is a generic way in  
which technology may be put to use, for instance, the world wide web, e-mail,  
optical character recognition, peer to peer file sharing, and so on are  
applications. Implementations thereof are not applications but computer  

According to Wikipedia, “app” is a shorthand for “application  
software”, which is such as vague concept so as to be nearly useless (There  
is no clearly boundary between “operating system” and “application  
software” because any one would be arbitrary).

Re: [Trisquel-users] an Open Source Hardware Certification

2015-06-10 Thread adel . afzal
RYF already does this right?  It may be good to have another certification  
program, but it depends on the criteria.  One of OSHWA's primary goal is to  
Move towards common expectations of what qualifies as open source hardware,  
including how non-open elements of putatively open source hardware is  

So, how will they deal with non-open components?  What does open mean?   
Only time will tell whether the OSHWA advocate for liberty.  It's possible  
that OSHWA will marginalize liberty issues (and RYF) with the media's  
assistance, like the OSI did to liberty issues (and the FSF) in the 1990s.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple is open sourcing Swift. Your thoughts?

2015-06-10 Thread trinux

GNUstep's position on Swift

Re: [Trisquel-users] an Open Source Hardware Certification

2015-06-10 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I think this is a very interesting development although it's unfortunate they  
use the open source lingo [1] and even point to OSI etc...

All this wonderful free software we have is useless unless we have machines  
to run it on.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread tomlukeywood
i was suggesting it as it may come up with a option to select your dm as the  
default when you start it up

as it did for me

heres what happens when you run dpkg-reconfigure kdm
for example:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread superbyelich
Yeah I have run that.  That's what lead me to removing gdm all together.  I  
now only have wdm on my laptop, but it still doesn't want to load unless I  
load it.  During startup, I can see that it does try to start, but it never  
goes through with it.

[Trisquel-users] orca Screen Reader on Sugar?

2015-06-10 Thread ka1cey
My friend has been tasked with making Sugar learning environment accessible,  
by means of the Orca screen reader, on a OLPC machine.  I tried running orca  
on Trisquel Sugar; There must be missing pieces; orca did not talk.  I'm not  
sure where to tell my friend to start but promised I'd ask for some ideas on  
here.  If you can help, please contact my friend, Brandon Werner, directly.  or me on gnusocial:



Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread franparpe
I suggest you use sudo aptitude install instead of apt-get because it  
have been proven to be better at handling flags and dependencies.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread greatgnu

GNU linux

aptitude search is a very useful command too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-10 Thread onpon4
Honestly, apt-cache search is more powerful. aptitude search only searches  
package names, apt-cache search searches everything in the package. (I do  
find aptitude search useful, but mostly because I tend to already know most  
of the package name.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] an Open Source Hardware Certification

2015-06-10 Thread jason

Yeah, seems like a duplicate to

Re: [Trisquel-users] an Open Source Hardware Certification

2015-06-10 Thread chris
I doubt anything is going to change for the better as a result of this  
effort. They're already showing a willingness to compromise on users freedom  
from the sounds of it. It's based on a foundation that misses the point  
(open source). We're already seeing companies like Intel, Atheros, and  
others taking steps backwards.

It's time to start designing hardware from scratch to whatever extent  
that's possible and figuring out how we can cut corners to bring down the  
manufacturing costs (not necessarily worse computers- just lower costs- as  
you can't manufacturing 200,000 of something for a user base of 5,000).

Once you've achieved that design then work needs to be done to promote the  
effort and raise funds for actual manufacturing. Even $250,000 is a lot of  
money particularly when you don't have numbers to build off. That is if you  
know you can sell 250 of a given computer then it's easy to formulate a plan  
to manufacture 250 computers. But when you've been selling x86 systems of  
three different classes and the most popular class only has 120 computers and  
contains a 1920x1080 screen, etc. then all of a sudden it's not so clear that  
the cheaper lower end system you're able to design would have enough demand  
to meet the 250 you'll need to manufacture. A wrong move here and there goes  
the business. It's one thing for a business to seed the development, but it's  
another to take that risk, if the effort fails.

So the first thing that would need to happen is that risk needs to be spread  
out. That could be done through a well-marketed campaign, but still, you need  
to hit that 250 number. Otherwise it will fail no matter what.

Unfortunately I have no idea for a solution on some issues. Like wifi. All  
next-gen wifi chipsets are dependent on proprietary software and a good chunk  
of the systems on the market now lock users into these chips so you can't  
swap them for ones that are free software friendly.

You can for the moment skip the wifi as its not designed into the SOC, but  
what happens when it is? Then it becomes even more difficult. In theory you  
could just not utilise it maybe. An internal USB port and an older wifi chip  
might work. However you can't get older wifi chips manufactured due to  
quantities required and significant increases in manufacturing costs. Do you  
want to pay $250 for a wifi chip? That's assuming you have demand at $250 a  
chip for at least 100,000 chips a year, maybe more.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Alternative Display Manager

2015-06-10 Thread superbyelich
I have a DM that I would like to use, which is WINGs DM or WDM, the problem  
isn't that.  I want to find out why it's not starting and why I have to start  
it manually.

Thanks though.