Re: [Trisquel-users] installing apps with app get?.

2015-06-15 Thread kaptcha
Hi thanks a lot for all your comments, Sure I ll try compiling a program from  
the source. Once again, thanks for your little help. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling

2015-06-15 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

Ah, right, Sorry.

Re: [Trisquel-users] an Open Source Hardware Certification

2015-06-15 Thread gromobir

Hello muhammed,

"Does Michal's definition of free hardware match yours, Mzee?"
It does but I don't see why OSHWA would have to come short of this  
definition. They could, for example, create several "levels" of freedom and  
the highest level of freedom would be achieved by just following Michal's  
definition. Thank you for that link, btw!

P.S: Unfortunately, Michal is very right when he states that there is no such  
thing as truly free hardware these days.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Accept credit or debit cards without using proprietary software?

2015-06-15 Thread jason
Sadly, it's a complicated mess especially when regulations are factored in.  
For one, it might be helpful if you forget about swiping cards (i.e.,  
manually enter information... perhaps on a computer running Trisquel.) There  
is a list of payment processors on with some notes and  

Patrick McDermott, aka pehjota on IRC, has developed a free replacement for  
the proprietary JavaScript needed by Stripe:

But this is only for the payment side. It does nothing for the proprietary  
software that YOU as the owner would need to run when logging into the site  
for reporting, etc.

Plus, issues of PCI DSS compliance come up. You should REALLY be talking to  
pehjota about this subject. He has done much research in the area of credit  
card processing in the free world.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling

2015-06-15 Thread onpon4
gnome-session-flashback isn't a package in Trisquel like it is in Ubuntu; the  
actual package is trisquel-session.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling

2015-06-15 Thread onpon4
Is MATE really available in Trisquel 7? I see the mate-desktop package, but  
the description of the package suggests it only provides some minor  
facilities, like an About window. Some things I don't see:

- Caja (MATE's file manager)
- Pluma (MATE's text editor)
- Atril (MATE's PDF viewer)
- Engrampa (MATE's archive manager)
- MATE Terminal
- Marco (MATE's window manager)
- Mozo (MATE's menu editor)

In fact, all I see in Trisquel 7's repo related to MATE seem to be things  
like icon themes and backgrounds, which I suppose could be used with another  
GTK+ DE like Xfce or GNOME Flashback, but are otherwise useless on their own.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling

2015-06-15 Thread blade . vp2020


Re: [Trisquel-users] What is wrong with current (pre-installed) version of libgtk-3-0 for 7.0 (belenos)?

2015-06-15 Thread pandyadeepp

Got it!

I had set only belenos main in `/etc/apt/sources.list` But I think the  
installed OS have main + security-updated packages.

Now I've added belenos-security updates as well as belenos-main in  

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb cdrom:[Trisquel 7.0 _belenos_ - Release i686 (20141102)]/ toutatis main

# Trisquel repositories for supported software and updates
deb belenos main
deb-src belenos main
deb belenos-security main
#deb-src belenos-security main

And apt installing working fine without unmet dependencies error (again note  
that this has nothing to do with belenos-update)


Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey
This is first I've heard of compiz not working well with orca; I'll ask.   
Does either metacity or marco do screen magnification?  Whatever we decide to  
do for Trisquel's window manager in version 8, we should make sure that  
accessibility feature works.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey
Perhaps there's been some improvement.  Last time I tried orca in LXDE, the  
panels, menus, desktop, and notification area were not accessible, and the  
file manager was only accessible in list mode.  I found, however, that  
mousepad (the default text editor) is accessible.  The Mozilla programs and  
libreoffice are accessible, independent of desktop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey
I don't think the init system effects Mate.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for help with Abrowser flash films

2015-06-15 Thread anatom
catfishes: Big thanks! Changing to android via UserAgentSwitcher works well!  
Thanks a lot!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for help with Abrowser flash films

2015-06-15 Thread anatom

Hello Mampir,
thank you for your help. However, I couldn't find such keywords in the source  
file. Maybe I'm just not enough expert to do so.

Thanks anyway for responding.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for help with Abrowser flash films

2015-06-15 Thread anatom
Thank you, davidnotcoulthard! By faking an Android browser, I can watch my  
films now. Thanks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for help with Abrowser flash films

2015-06-15 Thread anatom
Davidnotcoulthard, it doesn't explicitly ask for Adobe Flash. I just observe  
the usual behavior of my browser when playing flash. And I can play "Adobe  
Flash"-films on other websites. But it is working now, as I have described  
below. Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for help with Abrowser flash films

2015-06-15 Thread anatom
Thank you for this suggestion, pizzaiolo. As I have reported, I have tried  
some of these suggestions. Others were not applicable as these films are not  
on Youtube etc. And I am not enough of an web media expert to chose the right  
option from this page. I have tried to download the flash films, though, but  
I didn't manage. Thanks though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread danigaritarojas

> This is first I've heard of compiz not working well with orca

Me too. Do you know what kind of issues exists between Compiz and Orca?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for help with Abrowser flash films

2015-06-15 Thread onpon4

By the way, the UnPlug extension does this automatically.

I've made a video tutorial about something related to this, by the way; you  
might find it useful in the future:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best Project Management CMS Software and Also Git Collabarative Software? (Free Software of course)

2015-06-15 Thread deavmi
OMH! That is awesome. Thanks man. It can even run on a Pi. I am totally using  

Thanks so much.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best Project Management CMS Software and Also Git Collabarative Software? (Free Software of course)

2015-06-15 Thread deavmi

What license is it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best Project Management CMS Software and Also Git Collabarative Software? (Free Software of course)

2015-06-15 Thread jbar

Look at the web page footer ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Librebooted Macbook 2,1

2015-06-15 Thread eemeli . blasten
After reading some more of the current Libreboot documentation I don't think  
that the flash chip will decide your MAC address. That seems to be the case  
only for the laptops having the Intel GM45 chipset. However I'm not sure. See  

Anyway I'm waiting for someone to tell me if the address changed after  
flashing libreboot or not. Alternatively, if someone else has a librebooted  
macbook here then we could compare MAC-addresses by private message.

I'll modify the wiki after this issue has been cleared.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread franparpe
Yes, Ruben said that Orca couldn't read the name of the window so if someone  
cannot see well, he/she would not know in which window/container he/she will  
be in, and as you know, accessibility is one of the key points of Trisquel so  
he didn't pick compiz as default.

Regarding what Dave_hunt asked: I don't know about a magnifying effect on  
metacity, only the option to make the text larger. Sorry.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread servicios
I'm currently using Cinnamon on Trisquel via an added repository.  It's a bit  
heavy on the GPU, however I consider it better than the Trisquel Default  
Session, GNOME Flashback, which just doesn't work as I would expect it to.

I'm currently considering the possibility of using XFCE, which shouldn't be  
as heavy on the GPU.  In any case, I would suggest using anything but the  
default session.  Maybe I'll also give the GTK3 version of MATE a try.

However, I'm almost certainly going to continue using certain GNOME  
Applications such as the System Monitor, Terminal, File Manager, etc.  Those  
applications work very well, it's the GNOME Shell that's not very convenient,  
and then also GNOME Flashback is sort-of broken.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread tomlukeywood

i also reccomend trying cairo dock

you can get it from the trisquel repo's

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey

Oh, I forgot:

With LXDE and XFCE, user is unaware of what window would have focus, when she  
releases the 'alt+tab' (window switching) keys; Orca doesn't speak this.  In  
orca releases before 3.12, the same information was missing when Mate was the  
desktop. In the Mate case, it was a matter of sym-linking the orca scripts  
for metacity and marco.  Now, it' works pretty well.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread servicios
I don't really like to use docks, I prefer a Windows-style desktop  

[Trisquel-users] Amazon AWS

2015-06-15 Thread superbyelich
So, I just found out that Amazon is building a HUGE, like 900 Acre solar farm  
where I live, and it serves only to power their data center...  How  
ridiculous is that?

Is there anything I can do to put a wrench in this?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Librebooted Macbook 2,1

2015-06-15 Thread nicolasmaia

Still waiting for Macbook to come all the way from Australia (to Brazil!)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Amazon AWS

2015-06-15 Thread lcerf
Would you prefer a fossil-fuel power station? There are many things wrong  
with Amazon and I advise anyone to avoid their services/hardware. However  
generating energy from renewable energy is a good thing. Hopefully Amazon  
will, at some point, bankrupt and the generated energy energy will be better  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Amazon AWS

2015-06-15 Thread danigaritarojas
900 acres wasted just to power one data center? You have to be kidding! But  
if I take this as a mere experiment then it's not too bad, so let's see what  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apple is "open sourcing" Swift. Your thoughts?

2015-06-15 Thread J.B. Nicholson-Owens wrote:

Apple: Work for us for free!

Sadly this could very well be the case, and those who fall for the open 
source story (remember, so far nothing has been released under an 
OSI-approved license yet) will not be given a reason for Apple's choice.

I think Brad Kuhn has it in one -- -- 
reiterating some of his points:

- Apple has said nothing about patents in the publicity on this and will 
likely choose a license that does not protect the user's interest in 
gaining a patent grant. Patents, after all, represent another way to 
leverage control over others.[1]

- Apple hates strongly copylefted free software they don't hold the 
copyright on because they know what can happen when they infringe a 
copyright. They bought Easy Software (programmers of CUPS) because they 
didn't want to be a GPL licensee. They dropped the GPL'd Samba and went 
with their own SMB reimplementation. They pursue the non-copylefted Free 
Software LLVM even back when LLVM posed no technical reason to favor it 
over GCC so that Apple can lure developers into using their proprietary 
fork. Kuhn says "their goal is to end copyleft compilers" and I think 
time will show he's right.

- The people at the head of Apple now were the people heading up NeXT 
when NeXT violated the GPL distributing their infringing GCC derivative 
with non-free Objective-C support.

- Apple uses non-copyleft free software licenses as come-ons for 
trapping oneself by becoming dependent on non-freedom. I'm disappointed 
in how many developers I talk with tell me they think rather shallowly 
about these issues in that they don't see the trap until they're in it.


-- as Richard Stallman points out in

If you carry a cell phone, it tells Big Brother where you are. Now
Apple wants to hand out the information too.

Using the lever of "You have a choice, but unless you say yes, your
old activities will stop working" is something that Apple has done
before, with malicious "upgrades". Apple ostensibly doesn't force
people to accept the new nasty thing; it just punishes them if they

Re: [Trisquel-users] Amazon AWS

2015-06-15 Thread legimet . calc

This post reminded me of
But yeah, more solar/wind is a good thing, especially in a large GHG-emitter  
such as the US.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread davesamcdxv
It's actually the other way around for me: I, on Parabola, LOVE GNOME Shell,  
but I use PCManFM instead iof Nautilus, LXTerminal instead of GNOME Terminal  
(or sometimes GNOME Terminal 2 instead which is available in the AUR).

Well, I guess we can be thankful nautilus, the terminal, etc aren't as tied  
to the shell as they used to be!

I do use Epiphany and Totem, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling

2015-06-15 Thread davesamcdxv
Th method for Trisquel 6 is wrong (it should be exactly like for Belenos but  
with "trusty" replaced with "precise").

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread onpon4
They were tied into the shell before? That's news to me. If anything, many  
GNOME components were starting to show their age in GNOME 3.4, being so  
similar to their GNOME 2 counterparts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread servicios
I used to go back and forth between GNOME Shell, KDE, and XFCE back when I  
had Debian (this was before I discovered Trisquel), and then after installing  
Trisquel, I almost entirely used just GNOME Flashback until I found out how  
to install Cinnamon on Trisquel.  Just a few days ago, I came up with the  
idea of trying out XFCE, however I ended up installing MATE and customizing  

Even though the GNOME Shell was an interesting change, I've found that a  
Windows-style desktop works best.  (Speaking of Windows, I've gone 2 years  
without using Microsoft Windows on my computer, and I don't even miss those  
days of half-broken software that's prone to malware, application lock ups,  
and WAT problems with Microsoft making sure I've paid my taxes.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel without reinstalling

2015-06-15 Thread blade . vp2020

Magic Banana



Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread davesamcdxv
Not in 3, but if you want GNOME 2's shell but without GNOME Terminal and  
without Nautilus (or maybe only Nautilus?), good luck!